Cham Bumo Gyeong v. 2014 - ALL TEXT Chambumo Gyeong Preface 3 Contents Book 1: True Parents' Appearance and the Era of True Parents 19 Book 2: The Birth of True Parents 123 Book 3: The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC 211 Book 4: Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing 305 Book 5: Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes 397 Book 6: The World Tours and the Global Mission 575 Book 7: True Parents' Course of Suffering and Victory 709 Book 8: North - South Unification and World Peace 827 Book 9: Activities in the Media, Education and the Arts for the Culture of Heart 967 Book 10: Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America 1077 Book 11: Ecumenical Initiatives 1215 Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era 1321 Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk 1431 Chronology of the Life and Works of True Parents 1579 Chambumo Gyeong - Book 2. - The Birth of True Parents Chapter 1. True Father's Birth 127 Section 1. Background 127 Section 2. True Father's Lineage 134 Chapter 2. True Mother's Birth 141 Section 1. Background 141 Section 2. True Mother's Family 145 Section 3. Spirit-led Churches 150 Chapter 3. True Father's Childhood and Youth 158 Section 1. Love for Nature 158 Section 2. God's Call 168 Section 3. School Days 172 Section 4. Study in Japan 183 Chapter 4. True Mother's Childhood and Youth 191 Section 1. An Atmosphere of Faith 191 Section 2. Education and Encounter with Father 196 Section 3. Chosen by Heaven 203 Section 4. Trials and Victory 206 Book 2. - The Birth of True Parents Ever since the Fall of the first human ancestors Adam and Eve, God wanted to complete the providence of salvation. He wanted to complete it through Jesus, whom He sent as the Messiah; however, the people of Israel and the religion of Judaism failed to fulfill their responsibility to receive him. Hence, God again sent a Savior to humankind, this time among the Korean people. The True Parents have come with this mission. Because the True Parents came to take charge of God's providence of salvation, their births were events of great significance. Accordingly, many signs accompanied their births. For instance, there was an old tree standing in front of True Father's birthplace. Shortly before he was born a golden bird flew into that tree, sang beautifully, and then left. Also before the birth of True Mother, Hong Soon-ae, True Mother's mother, received a message in a dream, "If you have a son, he will become the king of the universe; if you have a daughter, she will become the queen of the universe." On April 17, 1935, at the age of 16 (by Korean counting), True Father was tearfully praying on a mountainside when Jesus called him to complete the mission of the Messiah. After that, he went through a preparation period: three years in his hometown, three years of study in Seoul, and three years of study in Japan. Most especially during the time in Seoul, when he lived alone at a rooming house, his life was one of strict self-discipline and self-cultivation as he pushed himself in his studies and to develop his faith. Also, while he studied in Japan, he expanded his experiences in various fields. In addition to his academic work, he immersed himself in activities to support the liberation of Korea from Japanese rule and devoted himself to discovering the truth of the Principle. True Mother spent much of her childhood at the home of her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, as well as with her mother, Hong Soon-ae. Both her mother and grandmother had dedicated themselves to a life of faith in order to welcome the Lord at his Second Advent. After coming to the South from the North, True Mother began studying at Hyochang Elementary School in Seoul. She moved to Daegu, Seoguipo on Jeju Island, and to Chuncheon in Gangwon Province, all the while continuing her schooling. True Mother met True Father in 1956, when she was 13, soon after her graduation from elementary school. Mother recalled what Father had told her about their first meeting, "Closing my eyes, I spoke to God in a whisper, God, thank you for sending such an extraordinary woman to this nation of Korea.'" For a long time, God made preparations to send the Returning Lord and Heaven's Bride. Then, through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, True Father and True Mother emerged as the True Parents of humankind. Chapter 1. True Father's Birth Section 1. Background General background The country where God sent True Father as the Returning Lord suffered from natural disasters that caused famine throughout the land during the years just prior to his birth. Internationally as well, the entire world was in the midst of great chaos, manifesting signs of the Last Days. The world was about to divide into two camps. The reason for such chaos, both within the country of Korea and internationally, was the course of God's providence to establish national and international foundations of indemnity for the birth of the Lord at his Second Advent. True Father was born in Korea one year after the March 1st Independence Movement, on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month (February 25) in 1920 at 2221 Sangsa village, in the Deokeon district of the Jeongju township, North Pyeongan Province. His father was Moon Gyeong-yu, to whom True Father later gave the title Chungbunim, meaning "Father of Loyalty." His mother was Kim Gyeong-gye, to whom True Father later gave the title Chung-monim, meaning "Mother of Loyalty." True Father was the second son among their six sons and seven daughters. 1. Originally, God intended that if Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have become the True Parents of humankind. As the True Parents, they would have understood God's heart and outlook, and fully accomplished God's hope and purpose. However, due to the Fall, God's plan was frustrated. In order to recover what was lost, the providence of re-creation was required. Adam was re-created and reestablished in the position of the True Father of humankind when God placed His hands on True Father's head and blessed him with the words, "You are Adam whom I made for the ideal of creation! You are My Son who can fathom My situation and My heart!" The Lord of the Second Advent is the person who came to earth with this responsibility. We can say that the purpose of the 6,000 years of human history was to establish that one person for whom God has sought -- the perfected ancestor of humankind. (010-143, 1960/09/18) 2. Jesus died having been unable to entirely complete the Will of God. He established on earth a relationship with God only at the adopted son level. Hence, God promised to send him to earth again. God led the providence based on Christianity for 2,000 years in order to pioneer the way for the Lord to return and establish the relationship of God's direct lineage. Therefore, Christians all over the world need to engraft themselves directly onto God's beloved true Son. With what qualification does the Lord come in the Last Days? He comes with the qualification to become the True Parent. Although he comes again as the Messiah, he cannot come as the Lord of Glory. This is because although Jesus came to earth, he was unable to rise to the position of the True Parent and thus was unable in his lifetime to establish the foundation to comfort God by serving and attending Him in glory representing all the peoples of the world. The Messiah at his Second Coming must inherit the Will that Jesus could not fulfill on earth and fulfill it. After completing this responsibility as a filial Son, he will be able to comfort God. On the foundation of having completed the work of Jesus, he can be chosen as God's champion to subjugate even satan. Once he has done that, he will have built the basis to bring glory to God. In this way, he will acquire the qualification to inaugurate the True Parents. This is a general overview of the providence of restoration that God has been leading to this day. (017-074, 1966/11/12) 3. The era of war and chaos that began with the First World War continues to this day. This course of history did not unfold simply by chance; it has been a course to pay indemnity for human history. Intellectuals everywhere in the world say that we are now living in a world of radical change. The general public thinks that these sudden changes are dangerous and could bring us to a world of despair. The number of people who think that we will arrive at a world of hope is exceedingly small. Some even assert that Western civilization, which has been leading the way in the modern world, is not only declining but has already entered a world of darkness. They assert that not only is Christianity, the spiritual anchor of Western civilization, in decline, but also that the families, societies and nations that are based upon Christianity are declining as never before. The young people of the world who are concerned about the future also cannot avoid agonizing over its bleak situation. Such is the darkness and hopelessness of the era in which we live. Yet God does exist, and He will not let them just keep running toward a final end full of despair. Rather, He confronts the issues that beset us and works to connect the world to a new dimension, a place of hope. (103-039, 1979/02/02) 4. The 60 or 70 years following the First World War have been an era of global turmoil. In this historical period, the world was destined to go through a course of great tribulations that were unavoidable. I was born during this time and have faced severe trials to this day. In God's providence at this juncture in human history, what is the purpose of this crucial period, an era full of suffering and turmoil? All throughout history, whenever we human beings were in the midst of great hardships, we had to make a choice: do we perish or do we revive? Indeed, in this period we are destined to make this same kind of historic decision. In this situation, our Heavenly Father will not leave humanity to go down a path to destruction. By whatever means or method, He will save us. This period is the important time when God endeavors to send to earth that special person who will be the standard-bearer of His providence. Therefore, despite all kinds of hardships God has been pushing and pulling history to arrive at this point. At the same time, it is certain that behind the scenes He has been laying the foundation for His new providence to advance and prosper. (035-194, 1970/10/14) 5. In the East, Japan emerged, inheriting the providential mission of the island culture from Britain. At the same time, Korea was linked providentially to the continental civilization that began with Rome, an empire based in the Mediterranean that was to have received Jesus as the Messiah. Because the Returning Lord was destined to come to the Adam nation of Korea, Korea had to endure a period of indemnity before I was born. That is why it came under Japanese rule for 40 years. The year I was born, 1920, was within this indemnity period. Because of that, my clan had to carry out the Will to finish all the historical conditions of providential history. As a result, the members of my clan had to go through a course of indemnity. (313-070, 1999/11/12) 6. The year 1920 when I was born was the year following the March 1st Movement for Korean independence. Before my birth, Korea suffered three years of famine. The March 1st Movement brought the nation into a time of turmoil, yet it was already suffering through a most difficult period brought on by natural calamities. Under Japanese colonial rule, Korea was being pulled in satan's direction; hence, the March 1st revolution broke out in order to move things in a new direction. The people who led that movement were people of faith, mainly Christians and adherents of the Cheondogyo faith. They presented a new direction that shifted from Japanese imperialism toward America with its Christian culture. In this way, Christianity spread widely and penetrated deeply into the culture of the Korean nation and people. This was possible because the Korean people, who chafed under the rule of imperial Japan, were inclining more toward the Christian cultural sphere, which was influenced by the United States. This is an amazing fact. Beginning from that historical uprising against Japan, Christianity in Korea developed rapidly. (142-054, 1986/03/01) 7. Many Koreans sacrificed their lives calling for independence from Japan by carrying out the Mansei Demonstrations that began on March 1, 1919. Why did such a tragedy take place at that point in time? It was because I was meant to be conceived and born during a period of patriotic fervor. I was born in the first lunar month of 1920, during the year after the March 1st Movement began. Why was this significant? The Returning Lord must be born in a nation that God can claim, even if He can claim it only conditionally. If the Returning Lord were to be born and come to a nation that had not established such a condition, it would be as if he were floating in the air, without solid ground on which to stand. That is why God led the March 1st Movement. So much blood was shed just for one person --me -- to come to earth. That is why the Korean people suffered so much in 1919, both from famine due to a poor harvest and from the loss of life through this heroic but tragic movement. It is based on such indemnity conditions that God's providence has been advancing. (244-326, 1993/03/01) 8. Korean patriot and martyr Yu Gwan-sun died for her country at the age of 17 (by Western counting) due to her involvement in the March 1st Movement. She was in the position of unfallen Eve; she was as Eve in Adam's nation. Japan in the position of satan decapitated her, and cut her body into 6 pieces. The number 6 represents satan. In devoting herself for the independence movement, Yu Gwan-sun demonstrated her absolute loyalty to her nation, even at the sacrifice of her life. In 1919, when the independence movement was spreading like wildfire, I was still in my mother's womb. The Returning Lord is not supposed to be born into a nation under satan's sovereignty; that is why this fight against Japan took place shortly before the time of my birth. Ten months passed from the time of the March 1st Movement to when I was born, in the first month of 1920. (229-033, 1992/04/09) True Father's hometown The Korean Peninsula is a providential land. Having the role of a bridge between the civilizations of East and West, it is where preparations were made for the birth of the Lord at the Second Advent. According to True Father, Jeongju, Father's birthplace where God's love came to earth, was the place that God had predestined to be the starting point of a new future for humankind. Also, the name "Sangsa-ri" the village of True Father's birth denotes a land whose people yearn for and revere God. Sansa-ri will become a holy ground for the people of the world. 9. Located in northeast Asia, the Korean Peninsula is geographically positioned to connect the civilization of the Asian continent to Japan, which embraced the modern civilization of the West. To connect with a continent, a civilization will often go through a peninsula rather than going directly to the continent. That is why peninsulas always foster cultural exchange. In this sense, the Korean Peninsula has the role of a bridge to bring Eastern and Western civilizations together and bear their fruit. Thus, it makes sense that God will lead His providence for the world centering on the Korean Peninsula. For this reason, Korean people must be equipped to embrace both civilizations and digest them. In the end, what enables a civilization to bear fruit is religion. (078-312, 1975/06/10) 10. To which nation will the Messiah come? From the viewpoint of the Principle of Restoration, he should not come to an independent nation. This is because originally Israel, and Judaism with its influence on the nation of Israel, should have welcomed the Messiah and become his foundation. When they were not able to do so, the foundation of the nation and of Judaism was lost, and as a result, the Jewish people would later lose their nation and be scattered throughout the world. From the standpoint of Jesus, the nation and the religion that should have supported him were gone; thus, Jesus had to start his ministry from a position where he had no relationship with either the nation or the Temple. Therefore, through the 2,000 years of history since Jesus' death, God worked to prepare a nation having circumstances similar to those of the nation of Israel and then connected that nation to the providence preparing for the day of the Lord at the Second Advent. Since the people of Israel began a history full of misery and separation, in order to deal with this problem, God was required to find a nation enduring the same suffering. From the perspective of history, the nation in that position was Korea. Indeed, the Korean people have many striking similarities to the Jewish people in terms of where they are situated in their region and in terms of their history. (067-244, 1973/07/01) 11. From the historical point of view, what nation has a people with a burning faith? Although the Korean people were not familiar with the Christian term "God," and although they did not receive prophecies from the biblical prophets, strangely enough throughout their 5,000 years of history the Korean people always deeply revered heaven even without knowing why. That such a small country in the Eastern Hemisphere survived era after era to this day, maintaining itself through 5,000 years of history is nothing short of a miracle. If you look at the history of Korea, it underwent numerous trials, including being invaded many times by neighboring countries. Nevertheless, the Korean people were able to overcome such obstacles because of something deep within their national spirit. With that spirit, they always looked forward to a hopeful tomorrow. Because they possessed this spirit, because this national spirit could take hold and become the prevailing spirit on the Korean Peninsula of the Far East, they were able to come out on top through all their battles. Isn't it fitting that the Messiah come to a people who have endured, always advancing with this kind of spirit? On the emotional level, no people in this region are more passionate than the Korean people. Korea has also been called the eastern land of propriety. Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity each claim to be the religion of faith and righteousness, but now they have reached their limit. However, just as the Korean people have upheld their spirit of hope for their nation, they are the kind of people who can be fired up with the truth for the sake of the world. When this happens, their inherent passion for truth will burst out from deep within their hearts. (007-166, 1959/08/30) 12. Korea has made many sacrifices during its 5,000-year history. Koreans have had a great influence on China. Dwelling to the east of China, the Korean people took no pleasure in invading other nations. They were a peace-loving people. That is why some Chinese people left their mainland nation and moved to the Korean Peninsula. Even Confucius praised these people. He said that a holy people resided there and expressed his desire to go and visit them. If you study Korean history, you will see that the Korean people did not invade other countries. Although they were invaded numerous times, they never invaded another country. However, when they were attacked unjustly, they were like fire; no one could defeat them. They are a people literally burning with righteousness. If a Korean should happen to die while traveling in regions such as Manchuria or Siberia, nothing would be found on his body except a tobacco pipe and a flint. People from other countries carried swords or other kinds of weapons, but Koreans did not possess anything like that. That is why if a Korean traveling in Russia or China knocked on the door at night, most Russians and Chinese would welcome him in. Korea is indeed a country worthy of being the place where I could appear. (179-030, 1988/06/15) 13. My hometown is Jeongju, in North Pyeongan Province, North Korea. I have many stories to share about that place, and many anecdotes from my childhood. In the future, the people of the world will regard my hometown in the same way Muslims regard Mecca and Christians regard Jerusalem. Therefore, I urge you to visit my hometown in your lifetime. If you do not, when you go to the spirit world, people there will accuse you, pointing their fingers at you and saying, "What in the world did you do while you were on earth?" (034-067, 1970/08/29) 14. You should be able to say, "I attended the True Parents from the beginning to the end." Otherwise, how can you become citizens of God's kingdom and build up the royal family in the heavenly kingdom? That is why you must return to where the True Parents were born. Originally, the Garden of Eden should be your home; Eden is where the True Parents were born. Due to the Fall, humankind lost the land of that original home. However, now that the True Parents have become the owners of the Garden of Eden, the place where the True Parents were born has become humanity's hometown. Hence, the place where the True Parents were born is also your hometown. (166-255, 1987/06/07) Birth omens and name Auspicious signs appeared around the time of True Fathers birth. In 1919, before the March 1st Movement began, a golden bird flew to a tree in front of True Father's house and sang. After a dream in which he saw a pair of dragons ascend to heaven, his great-grandfather Moon Jeongheul named True Father Yong Myung; yong meaning dragon and myung meaning light. However, immediately after Korea's liberation from Japan in 1945, as True Father embarked upon the course of his public ministry for the providence, heaven gave him a new name, so he changed his name to Sun Myung, in accordance with the purpose of his providential mission. 15. When my mother was pregnant with me and her delivery date was nearing, she journeyed to her hometown of Daesandong. Right beside my mother's hometown is a large mountain. From all directions, nothing obstructs the view of this mountain, which is called Mt. Jeseok. It is a mystical mountain. While my mother was waiting for the day of my delivery, she had a dream: The weather had become terribly fierce. A heavy storm blew in and dark clouds covered her village. Then from out of the clouds came a streak of light. From the top of Mt. Jeseok a golden dragon appeared. It encircled the waist of the mountain, and then flew upward. My mother in her vision followed the dragon as far as the mountaintop, then sat up there and enjoyed the sight of it as it flew about. Suddenly the mountaintop turned into an ocean. In that ocean two golden dragons appeared, twisting and gliding and splashing their tails in the water. Then with the words, "Farewell, my beloved world," they ascended into the sky. My mother kept these things close to her heart. When I was eight, she told me the story and said, "No matter how hard I think about it, I can only conclude that it is about the mission that you must undertake." Once you come to know the Will, you can understand the promises of God that are revealed in such symbolic dreams. My mother received many revelations. Whenever something special was to occur or a difficulty might arise, she knew it in advance and made conditions of devotion to prepare for it. This is how I know that by bringing heaven and earth together we can solve any problem. (401-218, 2003/01/07) 16. I can never forget something that my mother told me one day. She said that my great-grandfather, my grandfather, and even one of my sisters-in-law had the same kind of dream about dragons. I cannot forget the words that my mother uttered, "Whatever way I think about them, I know that all those dreams are about you, the substance of the dragon." In one of her own visions, two golden dragons descended from the top of Mt. Jeseok and stood in front of her house. Each held a magic pearl as it ascended into the sky. She said that she actually saw them with her own eyes. Although the rain was pouring down that day, when she looked at the mountain she could see all of that happening. (412-064, 2003/07/15) 17. The Chinese character sun in my name is the combination of two characters, symbols of a fish and a sheep. They can also mean the ocean and the land, or the water and the earth. The character sun also means bright and cheerful. When the morning sun shines radiantly after a night of rainfall, we say in Korean, sunmyung-hada, which means "it is bright and clear." The character myung is a combination of the sun and the moon. Thus, placing the two characters sun and moon together signifies that clarity and brightness will pervade both heaven and earth. Heaven represents man and earth represents woman, so when they become as one, all will be bright, clear and cheerful. The character moon which is my family name, refers to truth. I am doing the work that my entire name stands for. That is why throughout my life, whenever I look at my name I think to myself, "I must act and live accordingly. I really must." (246-284, 1993/04/20) Section 2. True Father's Lineage Ancestral traditions The founding ancestor of the Nampyeong Moon clan, Moon Da-seong was given the title Duke Museong. He was born in February of 472 CE at a place whose present-day address is in Punglim village, in the Nampyeong township of the city of Naju, in South Jeolla Province. It is said that he was placed in a rock cradle on top of a huge rock in the Jangjayeon neighborhood. In that rock cradle the Chinese character moon was inscribed in red. We read in the genealogy of the Nampyeong Moon clan that King Jabi of the Silla dynasty was told in a dream, "A special child has been born in this nation; go and find this child." His people searched for the child and found him crying on that rock. This, according to the records, is the origin of the family name Moon. Moon Da-seong rose to become a high government official and also was given the responsibility to pick young men of good and strong appearance and made them leaders of the Hwarang (elite youth corps). He taught them to practice filial piety, loyalty and righteousness. True Father said, "Members of the Nampyeong Moon clan uphold a tradition of being conscientious, loyal, uncompromising with unrighteousness, and fiercely stubborn." 1. The people of the world must be wondering about the connections in my bloodline. My bloodline is connected with the foundation of sacrifices made by all the ancestors of Korea over many generations. To be a sacrifice is to offer yourself for others. A living seed grows well if planted in rotting soil. Historically, if a nation has suffered great hardships and pain, its people will welcome living seeds and grow them well. A region that endures such hardships can produce a great saint. That is where a righteous person, a righteous leader, a righteous nation, and the teaching of righteousness are bound to emerge. (334-232, 2000/09/30) 2. I am from the Nampyeong Moon clan. Nampyeong literally means a flat land in the south. According to Oriental concept, south represents the ideal. Hence, Nampyeong means a natural, open land, a flat land where all is in balance, a southern country waiting for the people to gather. The character moon means a piece of writing. When you write the character moon you place a dot on top of the character wu which means "again." Then you end up with this character, moon, which looks like an offering table for the ancestors with food placed on top. This signifies that the Moons must take on the responsibility of the chief priest. They must become masters of religious rites, jeju. By repeatedly making offerings to God, they must become the masters of religious rites to dissolve God's deep sorrow. That is what I think my name means, and that is how I live. (283-157, 1997/04/12) 3. If you have among your ancestors a national patriot, a saint, or a divine son or daughter who rendered distinguished service, you must attend that person as the ancestor of your ancestors. During the Goryeo Dynasty, one ancestor in my bloodline was Moon Geuk-gyeom. He died while traveling back and forth trying to bring reconciliation between military officers and civil officials. The tradition he established served as a bridge which enabled the Goryeo dynasty to last for 500 years. Also, I am the 23rd-generation descendant of Moon Ik-jeom, who risked his life to smuggle cotton seeds into Korea from China for the poor to make clothing. (606-234, 2009/01/13) 4. My family began residing in Jeongju when my great-grandfather moved there. We had a family motto, "Let us cherish the entire land of Korea and look forward to having visitors from all parts of the land. Whenever they find their way to our home, let us attend them with all our heart. If a guest happens to stop by our home, we will attend him with our utmost sincerity. Then blessings from all parts of Korea will come to our clan." That is why I am telling you: do not be inconsiderate to anyone who visits you. You do not know what lineage each visitor or guest is from. If you offer visitors your most sincere hospitality before sending them on their way, you will bring blessings to your descendants. Since those blessings come from the entire land of Korea, the blessings that come on the foundation set by your sincerity can be conveyed back to the land of Korea. Then, when you expand this foundation to the world beyond Korea, you will be showered with blessings that you can share with the world. This is how you should think. (127-085, 1983/05/05) 5. One thing I am thankful to my mother and father for is that, based on our family motto, they taught me to never send anyone who came to our home away without feeding them first. They taught me never to give anyone a cold reception, not even a beggar. That is what my grandfather had practiced as our family tradition. Even if we were in the middle of our meal, if a beggar came to our house asking for food, my grandmother or my mother would immediately leave the room to serve him food. Especially in the winter, if she did not prepare it fast enough my grandfather would take his own meal on his portable table and set it in front of the beggar. Thinking of the beggar hungry in the cold, he just could not continue eating. He would give the beggar his own food, and he did not mind if he had none for himself. Based on this family tradition, I have been doing the same for the people of the world. People from all over Korea, from the Honam region to the Yongnam region, traveled to China through the North. On their way they would look for the main state road, which ran close to our house. If those travelers happened to come to our neighborhood and wanted somewhere to stay overnight, our neighbors would tell them, "If you go over there, you will find the Moon's residence. You can sleep there." That is why in all four seasons of the year the guest room at my house was never empty. My mother had to cook for them, and I know it caused her to suffer greatly her whole life. I tell you, a household that has fed the people of the eight provinces of Korea will never go to ruin. Such a home would see the birth of a descendant who would be welcomed throughout the provinces of Korea. (147-306, 1986/10/01) 6. There were always many people visiting my house. One night when I was about eight years old, I awoke from sleep to find a group of strangers in the guest room and my family giving them a feast. I asked what the gathering was for, and I was told in a whisper, "Independence fighters have come." Back then I often heard stories about those people -- that they slept in tents, walked on rooftops, and could leap over a wall with just one hand. My mother served them a midnight meal of noodle soup. She caught a chicken and made noodle soup with it; it would feed more people and it was faster than cooking rice. My family motto was to feed hungry visitors, even if it meant that there was no food left for my family and we would go hungry. Such was the education I received. (300-134, 1999/03/02) 7. Our family motto urged us to uphold the historical tradition of patriots and loyal subjects. One unusual thing about the members of my family was that when anyone smoked or drank alcohol they would break out in hives or a rash. For this reason they could not drink or smoke cigarettes. Another exemplary thing about my family tradition was that no one had concubines. My grandfather practiced the highest possible life of faith based on Confucian teachings. My great-uncle was a Christian minister and could understand all the books of prophecies. My mother and others in my family had a gift that they could know the future if they prayed about it. (588-064, 2008/04/12) True Father's family The Nampyeong Moon clan, which originated from Jeolla Province, began putting down roots in the regions of Pyeongan Province and Hamgyeong Province from the time of Moon Jung-sil who was known by the title Duke Uian. He was the third of the five sons of Duke Chungseon (Moon Ikjeom). Moon Dal, Duke Uian's fifth-generation descendant, was the first to settle in what is now the city of Jeongju. True Father's great-great-grandfather Moon Seong-hak was the 19thgeneration descendant of Duke Uian; he had three sons: Jeong-ho, Jeong-gi, and Jeong-heul. The youngest, Moon Jeong-heul, was True Fathers great-grandfather. He was the first to reside in the village of Sangsa-ri. Moon Jeong-heul had three sons: Chi-guk, Shin-guk and Yun-guk. The eldest, Moon Chi-guk, was True Fathers grandfather. He said about Father, "He will become a great man in the future; support him in whatever he wants to do." Moon Chi-guk had three sons: Gyeong-yu (who lived from the 11th day of the 7th lunar month of 1893 to the 11th day of the 10th lunar month of 1954), Gyeong-bok and Gyeong-gu, and also two daughters. Gyeong-yu, who was posthumously given the title Chungbunim, was True Father's father. He married True Father's mother, Kim Gyeong-gye (who lived from the 15th day of the 10th lunar month of 1888 to the 7th day of the 1st lunar month of 1968), who was posthumously given the title Chungmonim. She came from the Yeonan Kim clan, and her birth name was Kim Ju-gwan. Chungmonim was from a prominent family in Jeongju. She was born as the first daughter of her father Kim Baek-hong. Her mother, who was from the Indong Jang clan, bore him five children, three sons and two daughters. Her father supported independence activities and contributed to building the Osan School in Jeongju, which produced many patriots for the independence struggle. Her family, surnamed Kim, was from a Kim clan that produced many prominent people during the Joseon dynasty who passed the national examinations to become government officials. Her family brought her up well, with purity and dignity. She was tall, and her personality was active and passionate. She lived such a sacrificial life for True Father, thus laying the foundation of perfect mother - son cooperation for his path as the Lord at the Second Advent. 8. My family was blessed by God during my great-grandfather's time but they paid indemnity during my grandfather's time. It is an absolute principle that after receiving blessings indemnity follows. Consider the history of Israel: after having received a blessing, indemnity followed without fail. If you receive ten blessings, then you must pay indemnity equal to that amount. For this reason, my family went through considerable turmoil before God called me. The family fortune was gone, and family members lost their lives. Not only that, people who were close to me also faced many troubles. Thus it was that once my family was given a special blessing from God, God left our family in the hands of satan until we hit the lowest point. During that time satan attacked my family and we had to suffer a course of indemnity through three generations. (029-208, 1970/02) 9. Many years ago, in order to try to eliminate me, satan assailed the members of my family with all kinds of incomprehensible spiritual phenomena. I was born in an environment full of such problems, and I had to deal with each of them myself. Of course I had my parents and also many relatives who were willing to help me. Among them was my grandfather's younger brother, who was a well-known minister. He was an expert in the Chinese classics and the history of China. He had graduated from Pyongyang Theological Seminary, and he spoke English well. He was knowledgeable about Western culture and became a pioneer in the independence movement. Even though I had such family support, I solved all the problems on my own. Even if I had consulted them, none of them could have understood what I had to do. None of them, not even my parents, knew about the path I would take in the future. Yet due to the spiritual phenomena behind the scenes, all kinds of problems arose throughout my clan, from my parents to my relatives. Indeed, many incidents occurred. satan knew very well who I was and what I was, and he caused many evils to befall my family. (227-115, 1992/02/11) 10. I was born in a family that made a great contribution to the March Is' Movement and the struggle for independence. The member of my family who led this was my great-uncle Moon Yun-guk. When I was growing up he used to tell me, "You, great-nephew, must become greater than me." My great-uncle loved me dearly. He was behind the establishment of the Osan School. (300-134, 1999/03/02) 11. My father was the kind of person who did not need law. When my father borrowed money for some reason, he felt deeply compelled to pay the money back, including interest, no later than the due date. He kept his word no matter what happened. He was exemplary in keeping promises. (045-136, 1971/06/24) 12. My mother gave birth to 13 children. I have three older sisters, and I am the second son. Five of the children died, while six daughters and two sons survived. It was devastating to my mother that as she was raising her sons and daughters, one after another departed from this world. Whenever a younger brother or sister died, my father took responsibility for their burials. He made a simple plank coffin, carried it on his shoulder to the burial site, and buried the child himself. Even my older brother was too young to help him. While my mother was in tears due to having to send her child to the spirit world, my father, having buried the coffin alone, returned home. But he did not wash the burial ground dirt off his hands. Only after three days had passed did he wash his hands and start eating. My father must have thought, "How can I wash my hands and eat right after burying my child?" When I observed this, I knew he was an honorable man who naturally went beyond the requirements of the law. His seriousness about the dying wishes of his ancestors surpassed his regard for human laws. (601-187, 2008/11/07) 13. My mother was a virtuous person. She had a very strong personality, like a man, yet she was a good daughter-in-law. Whenever her father-in-law said he would be going somewhere early in the morning, she prepared his breakfast and served it to him no matter how early it was. She lived her whole life that way without ever complaining. I took after my mother in many ways. (300-135, 1999/03/02) 14. I resemble my mother in many ways. I have my mother's revolutionary disposition. My father, on the other hand, was more like a scholar. Once he heard something he never forgot it, like today's computers. He had a photographic memory. I inherited my creativity from my mother. My maternal grandfather was also this way; he was innovative. In his village, he was involved in ocean-related work, and he was quite creative about it. So when I was six, seven and eight years old I used to visit him at his home and follow him around catching fish. You have no idea how excited I was, and how anxiously I waited for an opportunity to go and see him. (470-126, 2004/09/24) 15. My mother bore many children, 13 in all. I still remember what my mother said, "Although there are all kinds of fun things to do in this world, nothing brought me more joy than nursing the babies I gave birth to and raising them. Now that I am too old to give birth, I find that nothing I do is nearly as much fun as that." I looked at my mother's face, haggard from hard work. Her face showed that in her life she had been through every possible difficulty, but to me she looked beautiful as she worked hard to raise her beloved children. Her true love was accompanied by difficulties and sacrifices, but she forgot about her sacrifices for the ones she loved. Indeed, sacrifice turns into the compost that fertilizes the soil, enabling it to yield life, flesh and bones, which is joy and happiness. It becomes love. (044-200, 1971/05/07) 16. My older brother absolutely supported me, his younger brother, even though he was older than me. In this way he naturally established a foundation to totally indemnify Cain's position. My older brother's life of faith was deep to the core. He knew when the Korean War would end and the day that Korea's independence from Japan would come. His level of faith was such that he could resolve all difficulties with guidance from the spirit world. He recognized that our relationship was not like the many other older - younger brother relationships throughout history. I was not an ordinary brother, but a person of historic significance. Therefore, he had absolute faith in me and would do whatever I asked. Once when I was in Pyongyang, something providentially significant happened and I gave him some directions to carry out. I asked him to do things that would be incomprehensible to the common sense of any ordinary person. However, because it was for me, his younger brother, he helped me by doing this and that. It did not matter if the tasks were difficult; my older brother always supported me in every possible way, without any hesitation. (029-209, 1970/02) 17. My older brother could communicate with the spirit world, so he knew I was not an ordinary younger brother. He always thought, "All families have siblings, and within a clan there are vertical and horizontal relationships. However, among brothers, my younger brother is the best one in all of history." The spirit world taught him that. Therefore, my older brother did everything I asked him to do. If I asked him to sell the house, he would sell it; if I asked him to sell a cow, he would sell it. When I had no money for my tuition, he was ready to sell even his own land to help me pay it. He never once opposed me. That is how he restored the Cain - Abel relationship. (309-281, 1999/06/06) Chapter 2. True Mother's Birth Section 1. Background Spiritual preparations For God to send the Returning Lord, His begotten Son, to earth, He conducted a special providence. He did likewise to send Heavens Bride to be His begotten Daughter and the embodiment of the Holy Spirit. Heaven prepared many Spirit-led churches in order to send True Mother as the new Eve. Around the time of True Mothers birth, many spiritual churches emerged on the Korean Peninsula. With her family centrally involved in them, their purpose was to prepare for True Mother. True Mother was born on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month (February 10) in 1943, at her maternal grandparents' home at number 26, Shineui village in the township of Anju, South Pyeongan Province. She was the only daughter of her father, Han Seung-oon, and her mother, Hong Soon-ae, who later received the title Daemonim. 1. When we look at the central figures of providential history, we can well understand how important the mother's role is. Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others blossomed and made a new history based on the role of their wife or mother. However, internally their personal histories were filled with bitter sorrow, misery and suffering. Where I stand today, I can see that nothing that happened leading up to my birth was a coincidence. Rev. Lee Ho-bin, who was well known before the liberation of Korea, received a revelation that led him to arrange my parents' marriage. (True Mother, 1988/02/24) 2. Infants typically cry, "Wahhh!" as soon as they are born, but I was told that I sang "La la la!" instead. So, Jo Won-mo, my maternal grandmother, said, "It seems she will be a singer when she grows up." After eating the first seaweed soup after my delivery, my mother (Daemonim) fell asleep holding me in her arms; then she had a dream. In that dream, a darkish satan with horns on his head appeared to her. He said, "Because of the birth of this child, I will have to die," and then he tried to kill me. My mother yelled out, "Get away, satan! She is such a precious daughter to me; how dare you try to kill her!" My mother screamed so loud that my grandmother said, "You must be exhausted after giving birth." My mother replied, "No, it's not that. I screamed because satan was trying to kill the baby." My grandmother said, "That is so strange." But my mother thought to herself, "Since satan tried to kill her as soon as she was born, I have to raise this child with my utmost sincere devotion. I am going to raise her pure, beautiful and untouched by sin, and then offer her to the Lord." (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 3. My mother, Daemonim, told me that she had a mysterious dream right after she gave birth to me. At the time Korea was under the rule of Japan, and the war in the Pacific was at its peak. People dispatched by the Japanese governor-general's office in Korea raided every house and took all the grain and metal objects they could find, to supply food for the soldiers and make arms for the war. In her dream, all those things they had seized from Korea were piled up high in the land of Japan. Then all of a sudden everything that had been confiscated returned to Korea in a ship crossing the Korea Strait, and it was all piled up high, sack upon sack, in the front yard of our house. At this point, Daemonim woke up. As I think of it now, that dream symbolically showed the path that the mother must follow, reconciling and uniting Cain and Abel to move toward our Heavenly Parent. (True Mother, 2012/12/25) 4. In Korea there were many special Spirit-led churches. These were different from conventional Christian churches whose members were comfortable with formal worship and with the blind and simple faith that, just by believing in Jesus and the Bible, they would be able to go to the kingdom of heaven. These churches received numerous revelations from God that they should make preparations to welcome the Lord at his Second Advent and find the Lord's Bride. Such was the landscape of faith in Korea following the Second World War. I was born into a family that was spiritually prepared, whose preparation included participation in those Spirit-led churches. Today as I reflect upon the circumstances of that time, I am drenched in sorrow. It is because I recall memories of the indescribable suffering endured by the churches to which my mother (Daemonim) belonged. The members of those churches lived entirely according to the divine revelations they received. These revelations directed them to walk an indemnity course in order to prepare an easier path for the Lord. It was an unbelievable course filled with difficulties and hardships. Some of those members died in prison. Having been called by God to prepare for the Messiah, they overcame their difficulties by carrying with them only the hope that someday they would be able to meet him. So, with devotion and attendance, they made extensive preparations to welcome the Returning Lord. Among the things they did was to prepare everything for him, from spoons for him to eat with to clothes for him to wear. The revelations they received were so detailed that they knew even the size of his clothes. Yet while they endured indescribable suffering to carry out these directions, unfortunately they died, one by one, unable to meet the Lord. However, their mission was passed down through three generations, and I was born at the culmination of their revelations. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) Heaven's Bride prophecy True Mother's birth was significant because it was the fruit of God's providential history. Her birth transcended the birth of an individual; it was the fruit of 2,000 years of Christian history, and it was linked to the Spirit-led churches that arose in Korea to welcome the Lord at his Second Advent. These churches produced this fruit through three generations: her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo; her mother, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim); and finally True Mother herself. Specifically, shortly after the birth of True Mother, Rev. Kim Seong-do of the Holy Lord Church died in prison from the torture she received there. Thereupon the mission was passed down to the Inside the Womb Church led by Rev. Heo Ho-bin. As Rev. Heo was also imprisoned, her mother, taking her place, testified to True Mother, who was six years old at the time. She blessed her, saying, "You will be Heaven's Bride." Even before the birth of True Mother there were prophecies about her, such as, "She will become the queen of the universe." Through this process, the foundation of these churches' conditions of devotion to receive the Lord at his Second Advent was passed down to True Mother. 5. My father, Han Seung-oon, was born in Anju; he worked as a teacher all his life. Although he was a strong and robust man with a large frame, he had an eye for detail and he was always serving others. Most notably, he was a devout Christian; he also worked as a leader at the New Jesus Church led by Rev. Yi Yong-do. As a believer and educator, his life was always busy. When my mother (Daemonim) moved to Anju with my grandmother, they attended the New Jesus Church in Anju to continue their life of faith. That is where my mother and father met and came to know each other, and eventually ended up marrying. One day during the time they were living a devout Christian life, my mother received a revelation, "Daughter of Hong Yu-il, rejoice! If you give birth to a son, he will be the king of the universe, and if a daughter, she will be the queen of the universe." After she received this message, my parents married. My father was 26 years old, and my mother was 21 years old. After that, my mother made continuous and strenuous efforts to find the Returning Lord. Later, she joined the Holy Lord Church in Cheolsan, which required her to travel back and forth between Anju and Cheolsan. I was conceived nine years after my parents' marriage, as the fruit of their sincere devotion and devout life of faith. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 6. When I was born, God gave revelations about his plan that the Lord at his Second Advent would be born on earth. These revelations were given to a woman named Rev. Heo Ho-bin. When I was six, Rev. Heo's mother met me and prophesied, "You will surely be Heaven's Bride." She had received that revelation about me though I was still just a young girl. In those days in North Korea there were quite a few Spirit-led churches that had been prepared and called by God. In fact, the Christian faith was so strong in Pyongyang that the city was called "the Jerusalem of the East." (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 7. In North Korea, as the power of the communist authorities grew stronger, the persecution of religion became severe. In August 1946, Rev. Heo Ho-bin was taken to the Daedong Detention Center in Pyongyang. While in jail she received a revelation that she would meet the Returning Lord. Around the same time True Father was arrested while evangelizing in Pyongyang and was taken to the same jail. While in the jail, True Father managed to send a note to Rev. Heo through her chief disciple. However, the note was discovered by a prison guard and True Father was tortured so severely that his teeth were broken. It was during that time, before I came down to South Korea, that Rev. Heo's mother called me to go see her after receiving a revelation about me. I was then six years old. Rev. Heo's church was fulfilling the mission of the Bride of the Lord at the Second Advent, and Rev. Heo's mother gave me a benediction that I would take the position of that Bride. She said in her prayer that I was supposed to fulfill a great mission. I still vividly recall it: an elderly lady in a white Korean dress said that she had received a revelation about me from heaven and she called me to come into her room alone in order to give me that blessing. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 8. Rev. Kim Seong-do's church was on the west coast of North Korea. After she died, Rev. Heo Ho-bin became its leader. True Mother's mother (Daemonim) was a devout member of that church. She first brought Mother to that church when she was four years old, and Rev. Heo's mother gave her blessing to Mother when she was six. That blessing symbolized the bequeathal to Mother, the succession of the mission to attend the Returning Lord. When I first met Mother, I already knew about this succession. Everything that God had prepared was realized in 1960; that is how True Parents were able to emerge today. Based on this, it became possible to bestow the marriage Blessing on the church members so as to make them God's children. (052-186, 1971/12/29) True Mother's name Shortly after True Mother was born, her father, Han Seung-oon, named her Hak Ja, choosing hak according to a dream in which he saw two cranes. Hak means "crane" and ja means "son," and is often used to mean "child" in women's names. True Father gave a different interpretation, "She will come forth as the partner of God, by becoming the greatest scholar (another meaning for "hakja") of God's bitter sorrow." He said, further, "The last character of her name, ja symbolizes that she is destined to be bonded with God's prince." 9. I was told that at the time when I was born, my father had a dream-like vision in which he saw beautiful, bright sunshine beaming down on a thick forest of pine trees. In that forest, two cranes were dancing in harmony. So he named me Hak Ja. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 10. True Mother's name is Hak Ja. These characters mean "crane" and "son." Cranes fly over the Himalayas and then land on the plains where they hatch their eggs. This symbolizes the mission that Eve is to fulfill. The character ja, meaning "son," symbolizes that she is the woman who yearns for the Son of God. True Mother's mission is to climb over the Himalayas and give birth to sons and daughters in the world of peace. Cranes do not eat just anything; they eat only clean things. They eat things that are nutritious but light. Once a crane starts to fly, it hardly changes direction as it flies high in the sky. For this reason, people in the East love cranes. (246-285, 1993/04/20) Section 2. True Mother's Family God's preparation True Mother's father, Han Seung-oon, was born January 20, 1909, and died on March 18, 1978. His father was Han Byeong-geon, his mother was Choi Gi-byeong, and he was the first son among five siblings. In May 1946, while working as a schoolteacher, he fled to the South. After that he worked as a teacher in elementary schools in Seoul and in Gyeonggi Province until February 1974. He dedicated 41 years of his life to being a teacher, in both North and South Korea. Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim) was born on the 22nd day of the 2nd lunar month in 1914, into a devout Christian family. Her father was Hong Yu-il. Her mother, Jo Won-mo (who lived from the 7th day of the 11th lunar month of 1889 to the 3rd day of the 9th lunar month of 1962), bore him one son and one daughter. Daemonim was their first child. Jo Won-mo, True Mother's maternal grandmother, was a diligent and active woman like contemporary women. It is known that one of her ancestors, Jo Han-jun, built a significant stone bridge across the Dallae River at Jeongju in North Pyeongan Province, investing his entire fortune to build it. 1. I was born at dawn on the 6th day of the lst lunar month in 1943, at Anju, South Pyeongan Province. It was not a remote village, yet there was a hill, and also a stream, right behind my house. The surrounding village had a very warm and cozy feeling, like a hen embracing her chicks. In the backyard was a cornfield that my family harvested for food. I remember how big those corncobs were. In the area between True Father's hometown of Jeongju and my hometown of Anju there is a river. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 2. My hometown, Anju, is in a strategic military and political location. It is one of the two important cities that Pyeong-an Province was named for. The character pyeong is the first character of the city of Pyongyang, and the character an is the first character of Anju. Anju is located in a natural environment of expansive plains that are good for agriculture. Historians say that the town existed in the time before the era called Gojoseon ("Ancient Joseon," 7th - 1st centuries BCE). The Cheongcheon River that flows through this area separates North Pyeongan Province from South Pyeongan Province. Anju is about 60 kilometers from True Father's hometown of Jeongju and 75 kilometers from the city of Pyongyang. During the time Daemonim was offering conditions of devotion every day and searching for new words of truth, she would travel to the Holy Lord Church in Cheolsan, which was about 120 kilometers away. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 3. True Mother's maternal grandmother Jo Won-mo was a direct descendant of Jo Han-jun. The character jo of her family name means nation. It signifies that Daemonim's mother was in the position of a mother of the nation. That is the way the generations of her family tradition connected through history. Here is a true story: After no one had repaired or maintained the Dallae Bridge in Jeongju for many decades, it started to deteriorate. Eventually it reached the point that people could not cross the bridge, and the road was blocked. Remnants of the broken bridge created an obstruction that caused the river to overflow its banks, and it was buried under the sand and mud of the river. There was also a prophecy: If a rock carved like a totem pole that stood beside the bridge became buried, then the nation of Korea would fall, but if that rock was clearly exposed to the people, then a new heaven and earth would unfold in Korea. (455-261, 2004/06/26) 4. In order for Chinese envoys to travel to the seat of Korea's government, they had to cross the Dallae River at Jeongju. However there was no bridge for them to cross, and at that time the government did not have money to build one. So the government posted a bulletin, seeking someone to build a bridge there. That is when Jo Han-jun, my maternal grandmother's ancestor, built the bridge with his personal wealth. He made it a large stone bridge under which boats could pass. When Jo Han-jun finished building the bridge, he had but three coins remaining to his name. He used those three coins to buy straw sandals to wear to the dedication ceremony the following day. Afterward he went to sleep, and that night he had a dream. An old man clothed in white appeared and said, "Han-jun, you offered distinguished service to your nation, and as a reward I wanted to send the son of heaven to your family. However, when you used those three coins for yourself, you did not completely fulfill heavens condition, so I will send you the princess of heaven instead." He woke up from that dream and ran to the Dallae River. There on a hill above the river he found that a stone statue of the Maitreya Buddha had appeared. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 5. According to legend, when the people saw the stone Maitreya standing on the hill, they thought it had sprung up from underneath the ground. They built an open shrine for the statue so that it would not be exposed to the elements. Then the Maitreya statue began to grow. It grew bigger and bigger until it pierced the roof of the shrine, and the shrine had to be rebuilt. Then, strangely enough, the statues belly began to bulge, and when it did, so did the bellies of all the daughters in the Jo clan. This caused a big misunderstanding among the villagers, who thought that the unmarried girls had become pregnant out of wedlock. Then, the Jo family cut off the stone statue's stomach to flatten it, but after that it began to bleed from its stomach. The mystical bleeding statue frightened them, so the Jo family quickly covered it with plaster to block the bleeding. Another local legend is that whenever someone passed by that statue on a horse, if the rider did not dismount and pay respect to the statue, the horse's shoes would stick to the ground and it could not move forward. Through such miracles as these, heaven raised the faithful Jo clan and sent my maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo. God began preparing the spiritual environment starting with my ancestor Jo Han-jun and then connected that foundation to me. (True Mother, 2012/12/25) 6. True Mothers maternal grandmothers' family name is Jo. Her family lived in a wealthy village, a community of tile-roofed houses where many government officials lived. True Mother's maternal grandmother, the third generation of her ancestral line, was a direct descendant of Jo Han-jun. Coming out of such a meritorious family tradition, both her maternal grandmother and Daemonim greatly loved True Mother and devoted special attention to raising her. Since Daemonim was often traveling all over the nation looking for the Lord, it was Grandmother Jo who actually raised True Mother. This family wanted more than anyone else to know all the secrets about the spirit world. (573-262, 2007/08/24) 7. Hong Yu-il, my maternal grandfather, was tall and handsome. When I first met True Father, he felt familiar to me because he looked so much like my grandfather. In those days my grandfather was so open to modern trends that he even bought high-heeled shoes for his daughter-in-law. Jo Won-mo, my maternal grandmother, was petite and pretty. She was diligent and active. Although she was not well educated, she was very much a modern lady. She even operated her own business selling and repairing sewing machines. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) Cultural preparation True Mothers ancestral home is located in South Korea, in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province. According to Father's explanation, Chungcheong means "a pure heart and a clear mind" and Cheongju means "a village that is clear and pure." When river or ocean water is clear, we can see fish and other things deep in the water. Likewise, Cheongju signifies a village of people whose hearts are pure and minds are clear, who seek to become the people of the Way. True Mother's family name Han, comes from the Cheongju Han clan, and it represents Korea, the Han nation, Hanguk. In addition, it represents the universe, since Han also signifies hana, meaning the first, or number one. That is why God prepared Heaven's Bride with the name Han from the Cheongju Han clan. 8. Korea has 4,300 years of history. This history includes the era of Gojoseon. The Korean people were called the Dongyi people, a people in the East who studied astronomy and interpreted the stars to ascertain heavenly fortune. In every era of its history Korea has upheld a national religion. In the eras of Silla and Goryeo, it was Buddhism, and in the era of Joseon, it was Confucianism. When we trace back to the earliest history of Korea, we find a record that the Han clan preceded even the Gojoseon era. There we can find the origin of the Korean people, from a time even earlier than the Gojoseon era. (615-173, 2009/08/22) 9. Korean historians state that before the Gojoseon era there was a nation governed by Emperor Hwanung. It was he who begat Dangun, the first ancestor of Korea. The word hwan is an old pronunciation of the word that in subsequent Korean history came to be written hart. That is why people often refer to Hwan-ung by the name Han-ung. Of course, some people disparage this part of Korean history as mere mythology. However, hidden in the myth of Dan-gun is God's Will to choose the Han people as the people of heaven's lineage. Artifacts and related data associated with that era are being discovered, and they are proving that the mythology has a basis in fact. Not many people know the origin of the word Han in the phrase "the Han people" or in the official name of Korea, Daehan Minguk. But in fact, the origin of this word can be found in the name "Han Clan Joseon." Thousands of years ago a vast territory that stretched from the northeastern part of China to the Korean Peninsula was ruled by members of the Han lineage; thus that nation was called Han Clan Joseon. The reason that we Korean people are often called the Han people and that our nation's name is Daehan Minguk originates from the Han Clan Joseon nation of long ago. Ultimately, what this means is that our nation was established by the ancient ancestors of the Han people. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 10. When we search for the root of the phrase "the Han people," we find that it originates from han. This word denotes the unique name that our people were called from ancient times. It means the first people and a great people. It also refers to the people of heaven's lineage who will fulfill God's Will and make the world one. Therefore, the Han clan is known to be a royal and prestigious lineage with a long and enduring history. That is why it was from this lineage that God sought a woman to be the True Mother. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 11. Han also is the word for the One, God, and the oneness of all things in the universe. In addition, it means vast, which implies embracing everything in the universe, fully and abundantly. It also means divine, number one in the world, and the origin or beginning of all things. Thus, we Han people are the people who will carry out the role of fulfilling God's Will on earth by spearheading human history and guiding humankind to truth. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 12. We Korean people are known as the Baedal people, the white-clothed people. Baedal means "the bright country," and "the country that reveres heaven." Dan-gun is also called the King of Baedal, an ancient kingdom of the Korean people thousands of years ago. From the Bible, we read that God chose Noah and Abraham, and worked with them as central figures to prepare the Israelites as the chosen people to whom He would eventually send Jesus. Likewise, heaven chose the Han people as the people of heaven's lineage and raised them as His people with the Hongik Ingan teaching -- the principle to widely benefit humankind -- that was given by Dangun. Thus God prepared them to lead the providence when He sends the Returning Lord to them. Therefore, we must bear in mind that the Han people have been chosen by God to stand in front and lead the way to establish the kingdom of peace in the Era After the Coming of Heaven. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 13. The Korean alphabet was revealed during the reign of King Sejong, who promulgated it as Hunmin Jeongeum, meaning "the teaching of correct sounds for the people." The name can be interpreted to mean that those who teach and learn what is right will continue on, even if their country falls into ruin. I came to learn that the Dongyi people (another name for the Korean people) have such a history and character. It is generally believed that Korean history spans approximately 4,000 years, beginning with the Gojoseon era. However, the Han people already existed 3,000 years prior to the Gojoseon era, and their place of origin on the Korean Peninsula was Cheongju. I am now working to systematically organize all the material that I have compiled and publish a book about the ancient history of Korea, one that does not treat Korea in isolation but demonstrates its links with the history of other Far Eastern nations. (613-043, 2009/06/03) Section 3. Spirit-led Churches The providence of Spirit-led churches Beginning around 1900, while God was initiating the providence to send the returning Messiah to the land of Korea, Spirit-led churches began to emerge. These were led by devout Christians who had advance knowledge about the providence of God. The work of these churches began with the New Jesus Church led by Rev. Yi Yong-do, was passed to the Holy Lord Church of Rev. Kim Seong-do, and culminated with the Inside the Womb Church of Rev. Heo Ho-bin. As these churches searched for the Returning Lord, they also created the foundation for God's providence to welcome Heavens Bride. 1. In the land of Korea, God has been conducting spiritual work focusing on Christianity. Focusing on certain spiritual Christian churches God prepared a foundation in the 1930s and 1940s before Korea's liberation from Japan. Those Christian churches had to understand God's internal circumstances and attend His internal Will, to prepare to receive the Returning Lord. God led this work through numerous families and pioneers. In Cheolsan, Pyongyang and Wonsan they did everything they could to prepare a good environment for the time of the Lord's return. Since Christianity was called to fulfill the Will to receive the Lord, God had these faithful believers prepare a spiritual environment to receive him. (028-058, 1970/01/03) 2. Among people doing this spiritual work was Rev. Kim Seong-do, who lived in Cheolsan. Another spiritual leader at that time was Rev. Baek Nam-ju from Hamheung, who was granted authorization by the Japanese governor-general's office in Korea to lead the Holy Lord Church. This was possible only because of guidance from the spirit world. The spirit world gave a message to Rev. Baek to walk barefoot from Hamheung to Cheolsan and meet Rev. Kim. Although the distance was some 240 to 280 kilometers, he walked barefoot and met Rev. Kim. In this way, east and west united. God prepared this foundation of unity so that the Returning Lord would not be persecuted when he arrived. That is how the Holy Lord (Seongju) Church was formed. Its name takes seong, meaning "holy," from Kim Seong-do, and ju, meaning "the Lord," from Baek Nam-ju. However, a problem arose: Kim Seong-do viewed her position as higher than that of Baek Nam-ju and others. Kim Seong-do said, "Since I am the one whom heaven taught about Eve's mission, I am the one who must attend the Lord when He comes." (223-211, 1991/11/10) 3. When Rev. Kim Seong-do and her family failed to fulfill their responsibility for her mission, it was transferred to a woman who faithfully attended her, Rev. Heo Ho-bin. Rev. Heo's whole life was focused on the Returning Lord. Heaven taught her how sin could be removed, how to live a daily life of attendance to the Lord, and how children should be raised after the Lord's coming. Rev. Heo set up all the necessary traditions for living in attendance to the Returning Lord. Rev. Heo had to make these preparations before Korea's liberation from Japan in 1945. The Principle of Restoration is such that she needed to do this work during the seven years prior to the liberation. Then, God's plan for the Returning Lord could have been fulfilled at the time of the liberation. The Messiah could have inherited the foundation she had built and initiated a new history. Rev. Heo stood one level lower than the Returning Lord. She did not stand in the same position as the Lord; rather she stood in the position of symbolically giving birth to him. Through her, the Lord could be born symbolically, this is according to the Principle of Restoration. Thus her mission symbolized that of Mary. (008-223, 1960/01/06) 4. Two thousand years ago in Israel, God made many preparations before the birth of Jesus. He prepared the people of Israel ahead of time to welcome Jesus. He prepared so that Jesus could have his heavenly family, unite the nation and then bring salvation to the world. However, the central figures of the providence at that time cared more about their daily lives than about God's circumstances or His profound Will. As a result of their not recognizing and attending Jesus properly, Jesus was sent to the cross. During the 2,000 years since Jesus' resurrection, God has been working through Christian culture to awaken and prepare people as brides to attend the Returning Lord. He called Korea to be His chosen nation. Although Korea has but a short history of Christianity, God led the people of Korea to establish churches to make internal preparations to welcome the Returning Lord both before and after the country's liberation. God directly guided Rev. Heo Ho-bin and her husband, who established the Inside the Womb Church, to make internal preparations to attend the Returning Lord. This included making clothes that would fit him for every year of his life from birth to age 33. This was to alleviate the bitter sorrow of Jesus, whose life of 33 years was so miserable. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) Nurturing True Mother True Father said, "The Holy Lord Church led by Rev. Kim Seong-do and the Inside the Womb Church led by Rev. Heo Ho-bin were connected to True Mother through Daemonim." Throughout her life, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim) made many conditions of devotion to meet the Returning Lord. Also, when she joined the Holy Lord Church and the Inside the Womb Church, she dedicated herself to these churches. During that time, Rev. Heo's mother gave a blessing to True Mother, "You will be Heaven's Bride." This signified that the entire foundation of the conditions of devotion made by all these Spirit-led churches was bequeathed to True Mother through Daemonim. 5. As no tree is without roots, we need to understand the people in the past who constituted the roots of True Father and True Mother before they were inaugurated as the True Parents. It is significant that they created and maintained a good environment, good family and good lineage until the end of their lives. My mother, Daemonim, was born on the 22nd day of the 2nd lunar month in 1914, at Jeongju, North Pyeongan Province. She devoted her life completely to finding the Returning Lord and then lived her whole life in attendance to him. Christians up to that time lived with the hope of welcoming the Lord, but my mother's path was different. In order to meet the Lord she actively searched for him, rather than just hoping and waiting for him to come. (True Mother, 1989/12/02) 6. Thousands of years before Jesus came, God made many preparations for Israel to receive him that remain unknown to this day. In Korea as well, prior to the liberation He prepared many groups to receive the Lord at his return. Those groups carried out internal work for the providential history of restoration. My maternal grandmother and my mother searched everywhere for those groups. They lived their lives only for the Will, preparing for the day when they could meet the Lord. In the end, their sincere and devout life of faith led me to where I am today. Living a virtuous and pure life, they separated themselves from anything impure or evil. I learned this way of life primarily from my mother, but my maternal grandmother also greatly influenced me. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 7. Grandmother Jo Won-mo was born in a Christian family. She had deep faith and love for her country, and was passionate about everything she did. With the explosive beginning of the March 1st Movement in 1919, she participated while carrying my mother, who was then five, on her back. I remember one time seeing a picture of her at a rally. Grandmother Jo was truly a remarkable woman, with a fervent life of faith that influenced my mother. They attended a Presbyterian Church until my mother was 19 years old. Later, they attended the Holy Lord Church founded by Rev. Kim Seong-do, even making the long journey to Cheolsan to attend a church there because it was very active. My grandmother and my mother joined that church and continued their life of faith. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 8. In 1944, one year after I was born, my mother and grandmother Jo Won-mo joined the Inside the Womb Church, where preparations were being made to attend the Returning Lord. Rev. Heo Ho-bin told the members, "Each and every woman in the church should make at least one set of clothes for the Lord. Otherwise, when he comes you will be ashamed." One afternoon, around 1:00 p.m., Rev. Heo asked my mother to make a set of clothes for the Lord and complete them before nightfall. It might be possible to make clothes for an ordinary person within several hours, but making clothes for the Lord required extra special care. Still, my mother obeyed and did her best. With trembling hands, she made the clothes with a heart of gratitude. My mother wanted to be like Rev. Heo, who was living a spiritual life of attendance to the Returning Lord day and night. One day she thought to herself, "If only I could meet the Lord once, even in a dream, I could die and have no regrets." That night she had a dream. In her dream, she was wearing a white Korean dress. She was in a clean three-room house with a thatched roof. Having prepared breakfast, she was coming out of the kitchen, drying her hands on her apron, when Grandmother Jo said, "Not just anyone is allowed to come into this room." Still, she opened the door, and without saying anything, quietly entered the room and sat down. There she saw a man, physically well built and wearing a headband, sitting at the table facing the east and studying. All of a sudden he turned around and looked at her, and said, "I have been studying hard in order to find you." My mother later said that his remark touched her deeply and she was overwhelmed with gratitude, but at the same time she felt inadequate and could only shed tears, unable to utter even one word. She wept while holding his hand. Then she woke up. After waking up, she thought, "What an unusual dream! He must be the Returning Lord." That is how my mother had her first encounter with True Father, in a dream. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 9. One day, Rev. Heo Ho-bin told my mother about a revelation that she had received. "I was told that you should go to Anju and buy new shoes for the Returning Lord and his Bride, and also a traditional Korean hat for him." My mother departed as soon as she heard this. She went to a well-known craftsman who made those items and asked him sincerely, "Please make them with your utmost devotion. I will pay you as much money as you want. Just make them to the best of your ability." She gave him the sizes for the items and left. One week later, my mother went to pick up the items. She was pleased with the shoes but not with the hat. As soon as the craftsman handed her the hat, she felt her arms starting to get numb and saw the sky turning yellow. Her entire body was paralyzed, she could not move at all, and her feet were stuck to the floor. When she said to the craftsman, "You must make it again," little by little her body returned to its normal state. My mother was very upset, and she scolded him for not making it properly. He was shaken, and he promised to try his best to make it right. A week later, she went back to that craftsman. This time she was well pleased with the hat. She was relieved by this and, after paying for the shoes and hat, brought them back to the church in Pyongyang. Later when she shared her experience about the incident, Rev. Heo laughed with joy. After about a month, my mother had another dream. She used to have very vivid dreams. In this dream the same man whom she had seen in her dream the previous month appeared again and said, "I need to go to the North and study more. So prepare your favorite sleeping pad and blanket; also a suit of clothes. Put them in my backpack for me to carry with me." She answered that she would do so, and returned home. Still in the dream, she entered her house, and amazingly, a clean blanket and sleeping pad were already prepared and waiting for her. There was even a suit of clothes; it was light-colored and the fabric was of excellent quality. Thinking, "How incredible! How can I ever express my gratitude enough?" she packed them in a backpack with wholehearted devotion and offered it to the man. As he put it on his back, he said to her, "I will be back in three years. During that time, do not change your heart. Just wait for me!" He whistled a tune as he departed on his solitary journey. As she watched his back receding into the distance, my mother cried and cried. He looked so lonely as he departed to study in the North. She thought to herself, "Of course, my heart will not change. Although I am just an ordinary woman, this distinguished man sincerely requested that I not change my heart for three years." She was so overwhelmed by his loving heart toward her that she could not stop crying. Then she woke up. In this way my mother, Daemonim, met the Returning Lord ahead of time, in her dreams. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 10. In August 1946, one of the Inside the Womb Church members defected to the communist authorities. Rev. Heo Ho-bin and other Inside the Womb Church leaders were arrested by the police and imprisoned at the Daedong Detention Center. During the interrogation, whenever they asked Rev. Heo, "When will the baby Jesus be born?" she kept on saying, "In a few days." That was what the messages from heaven had told her to say. She had told the members of her church that the Lord of the Second Advent would be released from the prison, so every day about 20 to 30 members of her church clad in white clothes waited for the Lord outside the jail. In the meantime, internal security officers confiscated all the clothes that had been made for the Returning Lord over many years. Hence, heaven gave a message to the church members that they had to make them all again. It took them an entire year to make the clothes, yet even by then, Rev. Heo had not yet been released. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 11. Sometime in June of 1946, Father left Seoul and went to Pyongyang in the North. He evangelized there and found a lecture room in Gyeongchang-ri where he could meet his followers. Around that time the communist authorities began to persecute religious groups. Rev. Heo Ho-bin and her main church leaders were incarcerated at the Daedong Detention Center, charged with operating a pseudo-religion. Father was incarcerated at the same facility. He was charged with two counts: leading a pseudo-religion, similar to the charge against Rev. Heo, and being a spy for South Korean President Syngman Rhee. The Inside the Womb Church was prepared in the position of the providential Bride, but it failed to come to True Father, who was in the position of the Bridegroom. From inside the prison Father twice sent messengers to Rev. Heo to let her know who he was, but she rejected those messages. Yet even in the prison God continued to work to bring her to Father. Father was imprisoned for 100 days, beginning on August 11. During that time he attempted to contact Rev. Heo Ho-bin several times, but she never recognized who Father was, even to the very end of her life. She rejected God's providential efforts to approach her and His loving heart to spare her life and ended up going the way of faithlessness and death. On November 21, Father was thrown out of the prison, on the verge of death due to the severe torture he had undergone in the prison, and he survived thanks to God's grace. The other leaders of the Inside the Womb Church were also tortured at that time. All of them were later executed, sometime after the Korean War began. This is a living lesson given to us from history: how severe and tragic the fate that befalls those who are called to a providential mission should they fail to fulfill the responsibility for which heaven has blessed them and showered them with grace. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 12. My mother, Daemonim, and my maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, lived their entire lives with faith in order to receive the Returning Lord. They never compromised; they never settled into a comfortable family life. Instead, they totally immersed themselves in serving God with their utmost devotion. Since my mother walked a path of trials and tribulations in order to receive the Returning Lord, I naturally participated in doing so along with her. My grandmother, mother and I would sacrifice anything for the way of the Will. That is why God was continually with our family. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 13. As we see from the life of my mother, Hong Soon-ae, we should live a life of which we can be proud. Out of the four persons who are parents of the True Parents, my mother is the only one who attended True Father until the end. For this reason True Father bestowed on her the title Daemonim. Before she received this title, she offered endless prayers, shedding tears of anguish. Her sincere devotion was a devotion that heaven alone could understand. Before she met True Father, she prayed that God would guide her to meet the Returning Lord. After she met True Father, she prayed even more deeply for the entire True Family, because she was well aware how hard satan was trying to invade the True Family spiritually. She fought with satan to protect the True Family; in fact, she kept on praying for them even during the ten years when she was suffering from failing health. (True Mother, 1989/12/02) 14. From now on none of you should accumulate wealth for yourself. It is good to be frugal, but I suggest that you be frugal so that you can make a greater offering for the Will. You should be able to invest all your savings for your clan, for your nation, and for the reunification of Korea. Do not think only of your own family. The only thing you need is a heart burning with love for God. Like Daemonim, you should live 24 hours a day thinking only of how you will fulfill the Will of God and True Parents. She had nothing else in her heart but that; she did not think of anything else. Because of this she deserves our utmost respect. That is why I bestowed on her the title Daemo, "Great Mother." (208-346, 1990/11/21) 15. After True Parents' Holy Wedding, Daemonim and True Mother had to work hard to deal with criticism from all kinds of women, ranging from the wife of the laborer to a lady from the line of the royal family. Mother could not endure this all by herself; three generations -- grandmother Jo Won-mo, Daemonim and True Mother -- had to face it together. Knowing Daemonim had fulfilled her responsibility in this, I gave her the title Daemo, which means "Great Mother." The way of love that all women have to walk has high walls to overcome. Unless True Mother could take those walls down, women would come to blame her. Daemonim appealed to God, crying out that she could take all True Mother's burdens on her behalf, and she actually did so. She also ardently prayed that she could dissolve all the worries, bitterness and sorrows of the True Family. Now, having passed through the painful path of sacrifices, we have come to the era when we can go over the national level and even the world level and proceed toward the world of unity and liberation. Hong Soon-ae truly accomplished all her responsibilities; hence, she deserves to be attended by all. That is why I named her Daemonim. As an example to your families and descendants, all of you should inherit Daemonim's heart of singleminded loyalty and establish a proper tradition of attending God. This grandmother lived only to attend God. In attending God in your families you should fulfill the way of a loyal heart with single-mindedness even greater than hers. On November 4, 1989, in honor of Daemonim, I created a calligraphic tribute, Chungshim Bong-shin which means "with a loyal heart she dedicated herself" to God and True Parents. Anyone, like her, who goes to the spirit world after a life of sacrifice lived with single-minded devotion will open the gate to receive blessings from God free from any accusation. (195-152, 1989/11/07) 16. Daemonim's entire life of faith and devotion had only one objective. We must especially remember that from the beginning she was part of the new providential work that included proclaiming that the Returning Lord would be born on earth as a human being. She participated in the new churches that God created for that purpose. Rev. Kim Seong-do, founder of the Holy Lord Church, was the first generation; another line was represented by Rev. Heo Ho-bin of the Inside the Womb Church. Their work laid the foundation that was bequeathed to True Mother. They formed the mainstream history from which Daemonim inherited the tradition of faith; but she was the first of these forerunners to actually attend the Returning Lord. By giving birth to True Mother, she completed the work of these women who had labored through three generations to carry out the role of Eve. She made preparations discreetly, knowing that the Will would bear fruit in True Mothers generation. Words cannot describe all the hardships she endured. The many ordeals she had to bear throughout her life are beyond description. No one, not her siblings, her relatives or her friends, was ever able to understand her. As she walked her lonely path of faith, she even subsisted on raw pine needles. Yet her belief never changed and her faith never wavered as she established the foundation for True Mother to meet me. (265-009, 1994/11/07) Chapter 3. True Father's Childhood and Youth Section 1. Love for Nature Lessons from nature True Father spent about 18 years of his life within about ten kilometers of his birthplace. That area was the stage of his activities until he graduated from primary school. This was an important time in his life, when he learned about nature and had many realizations from observing and experiencing it. As he studied nature, he showed unusual interest, inquisitiveness and passion for learning. Numerous experiences with the world of nature and his agricultural surroundings nurtured his emotional sensitivity and depth. As he observed the love of birds and insects for their young, he verified the principles of human love. All things in nature became his friends, and they also became his textbooks of heart and love. 1. As we grow up, our hometown provides us with abundant opportunities for learning and emotional growth. Just by looking at the mountains, we realize that they are enveloped by a huge net of heart -- it is unforgettable. It is the same for a creek with the variety of fish and insects that live there. We can grow when we utilize all of the creation as our basic textbooks, from which we can learn and gain knowledge that we never forget. We can learn from all the animals and plants in the mountains and indeed every single thing in the natural world. What we find in our hometown provides us with abundant materials to help us learn and grow internally in heart and feeling. That is why we miss the mountains, fields and rivers of our hometown. (187-294, 1989/02/12) 2. When I was a child, I went everywhere in my village, the neighboring villages, the mountains and over the mountains, with the thought to go and see everything throughout the land. That is how I was in my childhood. I went to a reservoir and caught the different kinds of fish that lived there. I caught all kinds of birds. I caught all kinds of insects. There was nothing there that I did not catch. That is how I became knowledgeable about the things around me. I knew where the crabs lived, where the different species of fish lived, what animals lived where, and so on. Having discovered and investigated all their dens and nests, I knew very well what creatures lived in each place. That is why I knew the best fishing spots. (271-259, 1995/08/28) 3. I did not spend much time in the fields. Every day I roamed throughout the mountains. In the mountains there are all kinds of flowers, all kinds of birds and all kinds of wild animals. Everything is there; it is like a natural museum. Human beings have learned how to make many things by imitating nature. We have to love nature. On the night of a full moon, I never wanted to stay home and sleep. There is something mystical about the night of a full moon. On such nights I would go into the pine forest deep in the mountains and sleep where the wolves and tigers lived. I would lie down on a bed of pine needles underneath a huge pine tree, where weeds do not grow and where you do not get wet even when it rains. You cannot imagine what a marvelous feeling it was to sleep there. When you go to such a place and see the bright moon, even the blowing breeze will sound mystical to you. And when a tall tree shakes in the wind, it will reflect all kinds of colors, and you will be entranced by them. Mysteriously, the trees jostling with each other will sound like people talking together. The Principle can be found in the natural environment rather than in other places. (562-165, 2007/05/06) 4. I truly love nature. I used to go to the mountains and just enjoy nature while sitting on the grass. Sometimes I would fall asleep leaning against a large tree with nature all around. I picked wild vegetables and ate them. These were unforgettable experiences. I believe that nature provided me with the fundamental materials that facilitated my emotional growth. When I observed the trees in the mountains and by the streams, although they were all trees, no two looked the same. That made a deep impression on me. Nature is a museum containing all kinds of materials that each of us can find memorable. (187-295, 1989/02/12) 5. I knew all the migrating birds that came to my village. Once I saw a flock of migrating birds that I had never seen before. They were so colorful and beautiful. I wondered where these birds would hatch their eggs, since they had migrated away and returned after having their young. I also wondered why they came to my neighborhood. I thought it had to be one of two reasons, either for water or to nest. Birds drink water, but they want good water. So I looked for a good source of water and found a spring. I thought to myself that they would come there for water. So I went to that spring every day and waited for the birds to come. I waited for about two weeks. Then, indeed, they came! Birds are truly fascinating creatures. (180-245, 1988/08/22) 6. There was a brook in my hometown. I caught many kinds of freshwater fish that were living there, including mudfish and eels. I thought, if I had a large pond at my house I would bring them home and put them in it. These days it is relatively easy for people to have a pond at home and to raise fish. How wonderful it would have been if I could have done that! We simply could not do it back then. But, still young and not knowing any better, I simply dug a water hole and put some small fish in it. I thought that fish could live in any kind of water. But, after keeping them there overnight, the next morning I discovered they had all died. Without knowing that they needed certain conditions in order to live, I sadly said, "I invested all of my sincerity so you could live; why did you die?" Looking at those dead fish, I said, "Oh, your mom will cry over your death. I will cry for you too." There, alone, I cried for the fish. From this, you can tell that I am a caring person. (187-294, 1989/02/12) 7. I was a champion at catching eels. The sea was about eight kilometers from my home, and I could travel there and back faster than most people. When I was young, my nickname was Tiny Eyes. Rumors spread, "Tiny Eyes catches dozens of eels every day and steams them; then he even feeds them to the pigs and cows." Villagers who heard the rumors came to my house and talked about eels. Then, after telling my mother to prepare to cook eels, I would run out to catch them. By mealtime I was back with the eels I had caught, and my mother would serve them to the visitors either stewed or steamed, whichever way they preferred. They could eat as much as they desired, enjoying eel to their hearts' content. (615-148, 2009/08/22) 8. All of the creation exists for the sake of human beings. Therefore, once we possess the qualifications to be its owner, with the ability to truly love even the tiniest living things, we will not feel ashamed but stand with dignity to receive the love of God. That is why puppies want to receive love from us; sparrows and even spiders want the same. All creatures want to receive love from human beings. In the old days, I was a champion at catching birds. There was no kind of bird in my neighborhood that I did not catch. When migratory birds came into my area, I even caught them; I would not go to sleep until I had caught them. This is how I was when I was a little boy. When I grew older, I dug a birdbath for the birds and left food for them. After I had invested my loving heart in digging the birdbath, they came and drank. I brought food for them and sprinkled it on the ground; then they would not fly away when they saw me coming. When birds come to understand that you will not harm them, they will surely like you. That is because human beings are their lords. (173-027, 1988/02/01) 9. When spring comes every animal goes about searching for its mate. Birds do that, and so do insects. When the season turns to summer, try listening to the sounds of insects. There are exactly two kinds. One is the sound of crying from hunger. The other is the sound of singing, looking for a mate. The signals are simple. One is signaling to its friends, "I am hungry; let's go together and eat." The other signals, "Come with me; I am a good mate for you." These are the two kinds of signals they make. Living in the countryside, there were many insects for me to catch. Also, I caught many different kinds of animals: lynx, raccoon and rabbits. It was fun and very exciting. I thought that they were living alone, but in fact each had its own mate. All were in pairs. It is the same with the insect world and the world of birds. (140-296, 1986/02/14) 10. I love the Korean white pine tree because it bears fruit -- pine nuts -- that we can eat. However, these pine nuts cannot be shelled easily. You must use a stone to smash the shell. Even if you know what to do, your aim must be precise; otherwise, the shell will not open. That is why I say that not just anyone can shell them. Another thing about the white pine: when you plant it, it only germinates when the ground is frozen. Hence, its planting time is opposite that of other plants. Because it must freeze, you should not plant it in spring, but in the autumn. Nothing can change the nature of a Korean white pine. It is not influenced by the conditions of its environment; on the contrary, it carries an attribute that causes it to burst out even if it finds itself in the most severe environment. Then with the arrival of spring, its seeds will sprout and grow into Korean white pine trees. That is the nature of a Korean white pine. The tree has five needles in each cluster: one representing the center and the others representing the east, west, north and south. That is why I love the Korean white pine tree. Also, this tree grows very well. It grows straight up. It sends its root straight down, and its trunk grows straight up. (178-119, 1988/06/01) Training in self-sufficiency In his childhood, True Father experienced all the tasks of farming, including plowing rice paddies, plowing fields, planting rice and weeding rice. He learned through experience the secrets for successfully growing rice, beans, corn, sweet potatoes and other crops. He did not mind spreading manure and raking leaves. He eagerly took part in every kind of work and learned to do the best job he could in whatever he was doing. He also learned how to mend his clothes and knit his own socks, hats and gloves. In this way, he trained himself to live alone, without needing to depend on others. 11. As soon as I came back from school, I would take off my school shirt and jump into farm work. I was always on the job ahead of my siblings, even my older brother and older sisters. I thought, "Unless I earn the title of champion farmer, I cannot become the leader of the farmers' world." So I taught myself how to become the best farmer. I became an expert on where to plant regular beans and where to plant red beans. I learned how to tell what crop would be best for the soil by looking at the ground. Without hesitation I would say, "Sweet potatoes should flourish here. Why did you plant something else?" Others responded, "How do you know that?" I learned it all through experience. Hence, when I go to a rural community, I am a farmer's farmer. It is the same when I go to a fishing village. I invented an unsinkable boat, and I developed a unique and effective system for catching tuna. (220-333, 1991/10/20) 12. I knitted my own socks and made my own clothes. When the weather got cold, I made a hat and wore it. I am the one who taught knitting to my older sisters. In order to fulfill your mission for the Will, you must train yourself to be self-sufficient. When I needed underwear, I got a roll of cloth, cut it to a pattern and made some. When I put them on, they fit perfectly. I even made Korean socks for my mother. She said, "I thought you were making them for fun, but they fit me so well!" You should be able to do all these kinds of things based on your own study. You should know how to make your own clothes, socks and hats. If you can do that, even if you live alone you will be able to accomplish your responsibility for the Will. (222-271, 1991/11/03) 13. These days, there is one kind of food that I miss. I have tried all the famous dishes in the world. Is there a food anywhere that I have not tasted? Yet, I still miss this one food. In the olden days in the countryside, farmers had to pass through a period called the "May potato challenge." Having used up all our grains through the winter, in the month of May we had only potatoes to eat. Then finally the spring barley harvest arrived, after which we had barley to cook and eat. The barley that I am talking about is not the pearl barley that you buy at the store, but uncracked barley. The grains have to be soaked in water for some time before cooking them. When we put them in our bowls, if we pressed them down firmly with a spoon, individual grains would break loose and fly out of the bowl. I remember eating it mixed with Korean hot pepper paste. This is the dish that I miss even now. It is not tasty if you mix it with anything else; it must be hot pepper paste. Whenever I put a spoonful of that reddish barley into my mouth, the grains would constantly come out through my teeth. I closed my lips tightly in order to eat it. I had to take time because it was so difficult to chew. I miss those olden days. (212-180, 1991/01/06) 14. Living in the country, you can have a lot of fun and many wonderful experiences. That is where I learned everything I needed and collected all the necessary information to prepare myself to build the monumental house of God's Will for the future. The many experiences I had doing things in nature were how I taught myself to be an expert in whatever I did. When I go to a rural area I can become a farmer, and when I go to the sea I can become a fisherman. When I went out net fishing, I left home early in the morning and totally invested myself with the conviction that I would set a new record. I went out with the cry of the rooster at the crack of dawn and did not return home from my labors until the stars came out. All my life, my personal motto has always been to do my very best to set a new world record. That is why wherever I go, whatever I do, I think that I will never be defeated by anyone. And actually, I am never defeated. I also keep this standard when it comes to making conditions of devotion. (050-303, 1971/11/08) Training of heart In his childhood, True Father shed many tears. He was an extremely deep-hearted and compassionate boy. When he was raising birds or fish at home, if one of them died he was drawn by compassion to shed tears for it, thinking of its mother who would grieve for her young. He defended his friends when they were bullied by stronger boys. Whenever he heard that someone was going hungry or starving, he would take rice from the rice jar at home and bring it to him or her, without letting his parents know. When he happened upon a mother who had just given birth but had no food to eat, he brought her rice and the seaweed to make the soup that Korean women eat after having a baby. When his friends' parents could not afford to buy them the new clothes that were customarily prepared for children on traditional holidays, he gave them his own new clothes. These are some of the ways he expressed his deep heart for whoever was suffering hardship. 15. I became mature enough to feel compassion for others shortly after I turned seven, the age when I started going to the village school. I used to figure out when the pregnant women in the village were about to give birth by looking at the size of their bellies. One day I found out that one of the women who was pregnant had no rice at home. So, one month before she had the baby I gave her rice and seaweed for the seaweed soup all mothers have after delivery. This is why the poor people of my village confided in me all of their secrets. I felt responsible to care for people who were having difficulties, whatever their situation. Every year in the autumn I would pick chestnuts for them. I would save some of the stock of corn at my house and bring it to their homes. It is the only way I could feel at peace. It is from this kind of background that I have a foundation even to think of feeding all the people of the world. (431-107, 2004/01/12) 16. When I was young, my family was quite well off. When my friends who were poor came to school with cooked millet or barley in their lunch boxes, I traded my lunch box with them. I could not just eat my own well-prepared food with rice while watching them eat such meager food. If my friend's mother or father was sick but had no money to see a doctor, I would go to my mother and father and tearfully ask them for money, explaining my friend's situation. When I was about 11 years old, I told my father that I was going to sell rice to help someone out. But even before he approved, I helped myself to as much rice as I could and scooped it into a bag. I was in such a hurry that I did not even tie the mouth of the bag. Then I carried it over my shoulder and walked some eight kilometers to the market to sell it. I should have tied up the bag with a string. But since I did not, I had to hold on tight to keep the rice from spilling. I walked as fast as I could, fearing that my father would come after me. You have no idea how much my heart pounded and how hard I gasped for air. I cannot forget it to this day; I do not think I will forget it for the rest of my life. All those experiences enabled me to stand in the position to take the path for the Will. (058-082, 1972/06/06) 17. My nature is such that whenever I saw a shivering beggar passing by my house during the winter, I could not eat or sleep. So I would ask my mother and father to bring the beggar in to our main room and feed him well before sending him off. Don't you think that this is a basis to be loved by heaven? Whenever I heard through the grapevine that someone in my neighborhood was starving, I could not fall asleep at night wondering how I could help him. I would scoop rice out of my family's rice jar and give it to the hungry person without letting my parents know. (056-035, 1972/05/10) 18. I like rice cakes; so I used to ask my mother, "Please make some rice cakes." But she was always too busy farming, weaving or making clothes in preparation for the marriage of her children. My mother indeed had no time to rest. But I kept asking her to make me rice cakes, and finally she would make some simple ones, such as red bean rice cakes or steamed rice cakes. She made them in a large earthenware steamer. But they would not last even three days because I would share them. That is how I was. Whenever I had some concern for my village, I could not fall asleep. I realize that heaven has been guiding me since childhood to have such a caring heart. That is why whenever I saw someone in my village who was poor, I wanted to help that person in any way I could. When there was a problem in the village, I did everything possible to resolve it. I believed that this was my job, not someone else's. Without having this core nature within me, I could not be who I am today. It had to be my inborn nature. There is a Korean maxim, "The water at the surface must be clear for the water at the bottom to be clear." The "top water" is the leader who sets the example. Human beings are spiritual. So, when we have the quality of pure water, others will want to come and live together with us. They will lean on us for support. (056-035, 1972/05/10) 19. When I was young we had a bee farm with hundreds of hives full of bees. When you do bee farming, you have to set up honeycomb frames; then the bees make their homes there and when they make their honey they save it there. Honeycomb frames were expensive. Normally the frames with their empty honeycombs were stacked and stored on a cabinet, but I found them and mashed the waxen honeycombs together to make candles. Many people in the country had no light at night because they could not afford to buy kerosene. So I gave them the candles that I made, thinking that since I could not give them kerosene, at least I should give them candles. I had to do it because otherwise I felt so uneasy; I could not bear doing nothing for them. That is why I mashed all the honeycombs together to make candles and distributed them to each house. At that time I was just a child, so I had no idea how expensive they were! After finding out what I did, my father scolded me severely. Yet I never admitted that I had done anything wrong; how can it be wrong to help those in need? So after scolding me for some time, my father just gave up and stopped. (163-159, 1987/05/01) 20. A disabled couple lived in my village. The husband was blind, and his wife was crippled. Even so, this couple was regarded in the village as an exemplary couple. Though the wife limped while leaning on her cane, she always guided her husband everywhere he needed to go. Her mouth was crooked and she had all sorts of physical problems, but her husband loved her very much, more than he would love a beauty queen. They had no place to live, so when the winter came they would stay in my family's mill. They had only a straw mat, so I would bring them my pad and my quilt. For that reason, they liked me very much. One day I heard they had passed away. I was so sad; I remember crying over their deaths. (420-211, 2003/10/11) 21. Like you, I too had a lively youth overflowing with hope. But even before I knew the Will, I wanted to become a friend to those in pain and suffering. I was greatly interested in people who were not doing well. I did not try to become close to the children of well-to-do and influential families. Most people did that, but I did the opposite. If I knew there was a poor person in the village who had nothing to eat, I could not sleep. I had to do everything I could to solve the situation. In this way, I wanted to follow a path to become friends, even close friends, with everyone. (117-018, 1982/01/30) Gifts of the Spirit From childhood, True Fathers personality was such that whenever he took a path, he would follow it to the end. His tenacious spirit helped him to succeed in whatever he did. Once he decided that something was the right thing to do, he acted on it immediately. Thus, during his childhood he cultivated the abilities and character traits he would need to fulfill God's providence of salvation as the True Parent. Furthermore, even as a child he surprised people around him with his predictions regarding people's illnesses or problems that would occur in the future. This was one special ability he had. 22. My mother, my father and everyone in the village counted on me. I was known as the fearfully sharp and smart one in the Moon clan. I could do anything. Wrestling, boxing or any other sport -- I excelled at them all. I was always one of the top three students in my class in school. As soon as I determined to become the number one student and not just one of the top three, I achieved it. Why? I would study twice, even three times harder than the number one student. That is the kind of person I am. That is why, when I probed into the fundamental issues of life and religion, I could root out what had been unknown and reveal it to the world. My personality is such that once I set my mind to do something, I forget to eat or sleep until I finish it. That is the most necessary quality for the work of restoration through indemnity. (319-112, 2000/03/17) 23. As a child, once I started crying for some reason, I did not stop even after an hour; I cried about it all day long. Hence, I was given the nickname "All-day Crier." Not only that, when I cried I did not cry quietly; I cried at the top of my lungs so that the whole village heard me crying. I wanted every elder in the village to come and see what was going on. I cried so hard that I would wake people from their sleep. I cried and cried as if something terrible had gone wrong. In the end, my throat would swell up and I could not make any more sounds. Also, when I cried I did not just sit still. I jumped up and down and bumped into things, so that I would cut myself here and there and be covered with blood. This should be enough for you to understand my personality. Reflecting on this, God is truly wise. He made me such that once I start something, I never let go of it. (050-297, 1971/11/08) 24. I was a strong and healthy youth with an active and passionate personality. The scope of my activities was three times greater than that of ordinary people. When it snowed I did not sleep, but instead I went out at night hunting for weasels. Following their tracks in the snow I would walk and walk, even forgetting that I was getting hungry. I gave my mother such a hard time. Definitely I was an unusual boy with indomitable tenacity. When I was in my teens I already had my father and mother on a string. With one wrong move my father and mother would find themselves trapped; then they had no choice but to surrender to me. I am doing what I am doing today only because I was capable of such things from an early age. My parents sometimes scolded me, but I would never give in, no matter what. All they asked of me was to admit that I did wrong, but I refused. Since I truly believed I had done nothing wrong, why would I admit to it? (136-132, 1985/12/22) 25. No one in the world can match the tenacity of my character. In my childhood I fought a boy who was stronger than me, and he beat me. From that moment on for three to four months, I could not sleep in peace until I finally bested him. That is how tenacious I am. People could say I am a person who is to be greatly feared, because I absolutely despise losing. I never let anything defeat me. When I do something, I strive for victory; the thought of defeat never crosses my mind. I already know that win or lose, once I start something I will keep striving until I achieve victory; otherwise I will die. That is the kind of personality I have. (056-284, 1972/05/18) 26. I have a very quick-tempered personality. I cannot ignore even a single swear word directed at me. If someone hits me even once I cannot stand idle. I also detest losing to anyone. I have all these extreme aspects in my character. However, because of such traits I excel at many things. I determine to win at any sport I play. My brain is not bad, either. Imagine then, how I, with this kind of personality, had to endure and swallow things that were simply unbearable. Many times, even hundreds of times, I had to accept situations that could not have been more humiliating. But I overcame them all. It is because God took a similar path. God must also have this same kind of fiery character; and, beyond that, He is capable of wiping out the whole world. But this world still remains because God holds back His anger and endures all manner of difficulties. (065-328, 1973/03/04) 27. When I was young, I never lost a wrestling match against anyone else in my age group. However, I once lost a wrestling match to a boy in my village three years older than me. So I looked for a way to beat him. Spring arrived. Anyone who has lived in a rural area knows that in springtime when acacia trees have absorbed plenty of moisture, their bark can be peeled off like white pine bark. So I went to an acacia tree and bent its trunk back and forth until its bark started peeling, and stripped it off all the way down. Its bark is tough. Then, I continually wrestled with that bare acacia tree-trunk. I wrestled it while telling myself, "I'll never rest until I beat you!" Six months after he beat me, I finally beat that boy; I sat on top of him on the ground. I focused on nothing else, forgetting to eat or sleep, until I could achieve that. (139-052, 1986/01/26) 28. Ever since I was eight years old, I was able to match people by looking at their pictures. I matched many couples from all over the village, including my own older sister and some of my more distant relatives. Also, I could see the future. When I said, "It is going to rain," it would rain without fail. When I said that a certain person in this town would die within a week, it in fact would happen. There were many instances like that. So people came to me with a picture of a person whom they were considering for marriage. They would ask me, "Look at this picture. Do you think this person is a good match or a bad one?" I would answer at one glance. If I said "Bad" but, nevertheless, they went ahead with it, it turned out to be bad. If I said "Good," it actually turned out to be a good marriage. I was that accurate, even though I did not look at the picture for very long. This is the kind of record I have. (113-236, 1981/05/08) 29. In my village I was known as the tiny-eyed boy from that Osan house. Everyone knew me by that nickname because my eyes were so small. I was told that after my mother gave birth to me, she examined my face for a long time, thinking I might be missing my eyes. Only when I blinked did she finally feel relieved. I needed such eyes. It is because I was born with eyes that can see objects in the far distance that I came to a complete understanding of not only this world, but even the heart and situation of God. The whole world will follow after me once they discover the true value of this. If they lined up across the world, the line of people who would want to come and see me would extend across the Korea Strait, all the way to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. (204-089, 1990/07/01) 30. I also had an eye for cows. I was able to tell at a glance whether or not a cow was worth buying. Whenever I said, "That cow is not a good cow to buy," my father did not buy it. Good cows have a handsome neckline, forelegs and hind legs and a good waistline. A good cow must meet these four conditions. In my boyhood, when I went to the cattle market with my father, I inspected the cows for him. When I told my father things about cows that he was not so knowledgeable about, he asked me, "How do you know all that?" In fact, I was born with this knowledge. That is why today I am able to do things that no one else in this world is capable of doing. (120-138, 1982/10/05) 31. I have always been a good judge of character. When I looked at someone on the street and got the feeling, "He must be such-and-such a person," I would follow him around to see if my intuition was correct. I would ask him, "You did so and so, right?" It was not something that the spirit world taught me; I just felt it in my heart. So I confronted him, "You did so and so, right?" He would be surprised and say, "How did you know?" My reading of that person was accurate. Even sitting in my room, I could immediately tell who was in the next room, whether that person was doing something good or bad, and whether he was living as a good person or a bad person. (040-298, 1971/02/07) Section 2. God's Call Family indemnity Before True Father was called by God, his family and relatives had to pay severe indemnity. Until he reached the age of 16, his family was assaulted by all kinds of trials and tribulations. For the sake of the providence sacrifices were their inevitable lot. They made the final sacrificial condition to clear away satan's accusation in order to secure the complete foundational point for the victory on heaven's side. For three generations there were children who died away from home, their whereabouts unknown. Notably, out of True Fathers 12 siblings, the five brothers and sisters for whom he cared the most died at very young ages. In this way heaven completely severed him from relationships that he could depend on, and from the people he most loved. This was so he would no longer be attached to worldly things. After his call as well, True Father had to live every day of his life without any relationships with people in whom he could find shelter, or to whom he would pay special attention. This is how he lived, wherever he was in the world. 1. The Unification Church is walking the path for the Will. In order to inherit this Will, all members must go through a course of indemnification. I began this course when I was 16 years old. By that time, five of my parents' 13 children had died and only eight remained alive. Not only did people die, but also much livestock -- dogs, cows and horses. Evil spirits stirred themselves. You may not be familiar with such things. Truly, many strange phenomena occurred that were difficult to understand. They were undoubtedly the cunning schemes of the devil to destroy my family. However I am telling you they really happened. Before I rise up triumphantly representing all nations of the world, I need to set up a condition that satan cannot accuse. In the course of my battle against satan, he attacked my family. That was the price we had to pay. Likewise, I also need to present a condition upon which I can stand proudly before history, by claiming the right of victory over satan as the representative of all peoples and nations of the world. The same condition applies to Unification Church members; the same condition is required to found a unified nation. (214-215, 1991/02/02) 2. Spiritual phenomena do not happen only in the invisible world. They manifest in various forms and ways in the visible world as well. satan plotted and mobilized every means to bring my family to ruin. One thing he did was drive my older brother and older sister insane, and this caused much havoc. When I was young I witnessed such spiritual phenomena and problems that arose from the spirit world acting behind the scenes. One day I saw that my older brother, whom I thought had gone mad, was talking. He seemed to be murmuring to himself, but when I listened to him carefully, I recognized that the substance of his words was formidable. Also, the way he spoke changed depending on the situation. Apparently, a number of spirits would come and talk with him all day long. I could see immediately that this was happening. (227-116, 1992/02/11) 3. All of my friends who were closest and dearest to me, the ones who most deserved heaven's blessing, were taken away. Anyone whom I could trust and count on was completely cut off from my life. Some of them were from North Pyeongan Province and some were from Hwanghae Province. They were my best friends, but they were all taken away. Then my younger sister, the closest in age to me and whom I adored the most, was taken away. My parents had many daughters, while my aunt's family did not have any. At the sincere request of my aunt, my sister was sent to my aunt's home and lived there. So I always prayed a lot for her. She absolutely obeyed me, her immediate older brother. I thought I would do anything to make her happy, but even that desire was cruelly crushed. Not only my little sister but also my beloved little brother were taken away. We can learn from this that there is no mercy in the course of indemnity. Still, I had to go through this course. (029-210, 1970/02) 4. My closest friends were all taken by the spirit world. Come to think of it now, the reason the spirit world took all of them away was to prevent me from sharing my situation with them and developing personal relationships with them. Had I done so, it would have hindered my carrying out the Will of God. Thus, God took away all the people whom I cared about in the world. Knowing this very well, I could not take any other path. I am not doing what I am doing because I am a fool. Wouldn't I have thought about this over and over? (022-124, 1969/02/02) God's call through Jesus Around the time True Father joined the Presbyterian Church, and while he was receiving a modern education, his thinking grew wider and deeper. He began asking serious questions about the present and future realities. Even as he faced many incomprehensible calamities in his own family and clan, he witnessed the innumerable tragedies of his people under Japanese rule, and personally experienced Korea's pain and sorrow as a weak nation. At the same time, Father struggled to find the solution to the fundamental questions of human life. Father turned 16 (by Korean counting) shortly after he transferred to Jeongju Primary School. Then, during Easter week, on April 17, 1935, while he was tearfully praying in the mountains at dawn, he met Jesus, who shared with him many profound and amazing truths. The two of them had more discussions over the following days. After True Father accepted his call from God, he continued studying in his hometown, in Seoul, and abroad in Tokyo. During that time he went through a period of preparation to deepen his faith and cultivate his sense of mission for his future role as a providential figure. 5. My encounter with Jesus in the year I turned 16 was a profound spiritual experience. It was the first of many revelations. After that special encounter, I have continued conversing with the living God and with Jesus even until today. I also had conversations with the saints and sages in the spirit world. I cannot describe in words all the things we shared. God chose me in accordance with His providential timetable. (087-285, 1976) 6. I was 16 years old when I had my first experience of actually knowing God. Before then I was merely in the position of a humble seeker of truth. Ever since I entered boyhood I had been contemplating the fundamental questions of human life: Who am I? Where did I come from? What is the purpose of life? Will our life continue after we die? Does God really exist? Is God omnipotent or is He powerless? If God is truly omnipotent, why does He not solve the problems of humanity? Why is there so much suffering on this earth? For nine years following that first experience, I lived together with the omnipotent God and with Jesus. I visited the spirit world on numerous occasions. Little by little, God revealed amazing truths to me. It felt as if the morning sun was rising after a long night of darkness. In that truth I could see the dawning light of a new, glorious culture. These special revelations, based on the New Testament, are higher than any previous religious teachings. I felt that they had the power and ability to embrace all religions and unite them. The revelations that I received are the core of what is now called the Principle. God has commanded me to spread this Principle to the ends of the earth. (102-288, 1979/01) 7. I cannot describe the seriousness of the position in which I stood when I was 16 years old. It was the most difficult time for God, for Jesus, and for the churches that God had specially prepared for the Second Coming. Korea was under the rule of Japan, and those churches were driven into a corner with nowhere to run. At that moment God, heaven and earth, the five founders of the world's great religions and the religious sphere all joined together around one point: the position of the Lord at the Second Advent. They called me to take responsibility for that position, and I accepted the call. Once I accepted that position, my own family and my country of Korea were also placed in a serious position. Hence I could not sleep at night. I tried to eat, but I could not swallow. I could see everything clearly. Heaven and earth were about to collapse, and the responsibility to save them was on my shoulders. Imagine how serious I had to be! (554-257, 2007/02/04) 8. The new revelations that I received explained God's Will very clearly. That Will is aimed at bringing salvation to this world. The Unification Church is not just another denomination. The Unification Church is leading the movement for the salvation of the world. Those who join this movement study God's Word, by which they clearly understand the concept of a God-centered individual, a God-centered family, a God-centered nation and a God-centered world. (087-285, 1976) 9. Adam and Eve fell when they were 16 years old. God was only able to raise them until the age of 16, relating with them by a bond based on their inner heart and original nature. In my case, God chose me at the age of 16 years and specially raised me so that I would be able to begin uniting the spiritual world and the physical world that had been separated as a result of the Fall. Ever since the age of 16, I have grown up connecting to God's original heart. That is why satan and his world must follow me. satan, who has been ruling human beings from the positions of older son, father and grandfather, also governs from the position of the nation, which rules over the realm of religion. Such is satan's sovereignty. In human history to this day there has never been a time when this order could be reversed. Nations always have been in the front, leading religions. In other words, nations have been dragging religions around. However, I am now reversing this order. I have been engrafted to the work of God ever since I was 16 years old, when I began to discover the secrets of heaven, of satan and of human history. (493-229, 2005/04/25) 10. Time after time I came up against dark obstacles. Whenever that happened, I remembered God's voice when He told me, "I am alive." You would not know that His voice remains in the marrow of my bones to this day. I have not forgotten God's sorrowful situation, which He shared with me when He called me. I cannot forget God's plea to me, "You need to focus only on your relationship with Me; you must not forsake Me." Sometimes I feel sorry for my own situation, but then I remember that God's situation is more sorrowful than mine. So, although you should feel indignation over history, you must experience even more the aching heart of our Father, who has been enduring unbearable sorrow. Don't you think you need to do that? You must, and then you can actually become His filial sons and daughters. Afterward you should stand up and boldly proclaim, "Father, because I understood Your heart, I have become a better son or daughter than any filial son or daughter in the world." I have fought for this, and I will continue doing so. I urge you to do the same. Then, from now on, it will not matter if this or that religious body opposes the Unification Church and makes false accusations against me. No matter how much they try to suppress me and the church with all their power and authority, they will not be able to destroy the foundation we have established. (028-296, 1970/02/11) Section 3. School Days Primary schools From the age of seven to 13 True Father studied at the village school. There he learned Chinese characters and read the Confucian Classics. His memory was excellent, and his calligraphy was so superb that his teacher used the characters he wrote as models for other students to copy. At that time, his dream was to acquire at least three doctoral degrees, and for this he knew he needed a broader education. So he enrolled at the Won-bong Preparatory School to prepare for the entrance examination for a primary school with a modern curriculum. In 1934 he entered the third grade at Osan Primary School. In April 1935 he transferred to the 4th grade at Jeongju Public Primary School, mainly in order to study Japanese. On March 25, 1938, at the graduation ceremony for the school's 29th class, he volunteered to speak at the podium. Although the ceremony was nearing its end, he gave a long speech to express his views in front of all the people who were gathered there. One by one he pointed out the wrongs of Japanese colonial educational policy and its hypocrisy. He also pointed out the problems of each individual teacher. Because of this incident, the Japanese police added his name to their list as a person to be watched. 1. I am also talented in drawing; I am good at it. In the village school that taught Chinese characters, classics and calligraphy, there were people of many age groups -- from nine and ten-year-olds to grownups in their twenties and thirties. To improve our skill at writing we practiced writing Chinese characters every day. The teacher used the characters I wrote as models for other students to follow and copy. This was before I was even 12. The other students would practice by copying my characters over and over, hundreds of times. When they had done it so many times that it became a habit, I could tell that they had reached a new level. I could see by glancing at the character which direction to move my calligraphy brush -- where to place the top of the first stroke and where to end the last stroke. It did not matter how lengthy the phrase; I could write it with ease. My skill was at a different level than that of others. After studying at the village school, I joined a small private school that specialized in teaching art. There for the first time in my life I learned how to draw and paint pictures. The adults drew pictures on a special drawing paper. As I stood in front of that paper, I contemplated what flowers I was going to draw. Looking at the size of the paper, I calculated their sizes and locations in my mind. With this plan in mind I made a rough sketch of the flowers, the images forming from the simple lines I drew. Next I completed the coloring, and there it was, my first picture. They hung that picture on the wall at the school. (349-056, 2001/07/14) 2. The village school where I went when I was young required us to finish one page a day from the book that we were studying. But it did not take me even 30 minutes to do it. Once I focused, I memorized its entire content within 30 minutes. Then I would recite it from memory in front of my teacher. So having finished the day's lesson, I would go up to the mountain while the teacher was taking his afternoon nap. Since teaching was so difficult at his age, he often took afternoon naps. On the mountain I would study where the frogs were, where the bird nests were, where the coyotes were, where the mushrooms were growing, and so on. I would explore everywhere. No wonder my mother was never able to find me. (204-249, 1990/07/11) 3. After I reached the age of ten, I was sent to a school called a geulbang, meaning "a room for learning Chinese characters," that was in my village. This was because any member of the Moon clan who studied in a distant location ended up dying far from home. Even from a providential perspective we understand that for the sake of God's Will, second sons face great difficulties in their lives. Thus it was that a notion circulated in the Moon clan that any second son who is sent to school away from home will die away from home. That is why I was not allowed to travel and go to a public school but instead had to attend a local village school. My whole life has been about pioneering and transformation, and this is where it began. While I was attending the village school, God called me and I came to know His Will. As I began to think about the path I was destined to walk, I realized that I should not be cooped up inside a village school. I clearly understood that I was living in an age when a new scientific civilization was expanding. Airplanes were flying in the sky, trains were traveling overland, and I was supposed to prepare myself to lead humanity into a new future. I thought to myself, "I cannot just stay here in a village school." That was the point where a transformation began in my life. So I went to a preparatory school and then entered primary school. Back then, that school was called the Osan Primary School. I took the transfer test and entered the third grade. I studied there for one year. During that time, I concentrated on studying hard. (211-133, 1990/12/30) 4. The Osan Primary School did not allow students to speak Japanese. As you may have heard, it was the school founded by Lee Seung-hoon, a prominent figure in Korean society who fought hard against the Japanese and whom they regarded as their enemy. He was also one of the 33 people who led the Mansei Demonstrations for Korean independence. Due to that background, the tradition of the Osan School was that students were not allowed to speak Japanese. However, I believed that we must know our enemies. I thought that we cannot devise a proper strategy to defeat our enemies if we do not know about them in detail. That is why I took another test and transferred to the Jeongju Primary School as a 4th grader. By the time I graduated, I had learned to speak fluent Japanese. All along the way I was deeply contemplating the difficult issues in my life of faith and other fundamental questions about life. (211-133, 1990/12/30) 5. After I transferred to the Jeongju Primary School, I learned Japanese. It feels as if it were yesterday that I studied katakana and hiragana, the Japanese syllabaries. I memorized all of them in just one night. I had to, because in that school the 3rd-, 4th- and 5th-graders all conversed in Japanese. Even though I was a lot taller than most of the students, having entered the school at an older age, I was unable to speak even a single word of Japanese. I felt ashamed, as if I were just a spectator in their midst, watching them having fun, dancing and singing, but not knowing what to do to be part of their group. You cannot understand how embarrassed and uncomfortable I was unless you have experienced it yourself. So in 15 days I memorized all the books that the students in first, second, third and fourth grades were studying. Then my ears were opened, and I could at least comprehend what they were talking about. (171-258, 1988/01/02) 6. I was born with a pretty good brain. I am sure that I could have become a renowned scholar in any field I chose to pursue. But I began to question seriously: What good is it to study hard and become a worldrenowned scholar? If I become a famous scholar, my life will inevitably take a predictable course: I will study and teach my students in front of a blackboard, breathing in chalk dust and holding a stub of chalk in my hand until my bones creak from old age and I eventually die. Living that sort of life, will I resolve the ultimate problems of the world? Absolutely not. I asked myself, "What is the most difficult path a human being can choose?" I wanted to walk the most difficult path possible, or the one that everyone thinks is the hardest. I thought of accomplishing something that no one in history -- past, present or future -- has been able to accomplish. (090-044, 1976/12) 7. When I studied, I studied like lightning. In no time I finished materials that would take years for an ordinary person. My hometown is a small farming village located eight kilometers northeast of Jeongju. It seems like just yesterday that I was studying there, at night under a kerosene lamp. When I stayed up at night studying until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., my mother and father would tell me, "Go to bed, or you will lose your strength!" This happened all the time at home. I made friends with the insects that came out at night. Especially in summer I made many such friends as I sat still and studied until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. Nighttime in the countryside is very tranquil. The sounds of the insects on such moonlit nights are simply mesmerizing. (100-160, 1978/10/09) Study in Seoul After graduating from Jeongju Public Primary School, True Father went to Seoul. From April 12, 1938 to March 8, 1941 he attended the Gyeongseong School of Commerce and Industry, located in Heukseok-dong. He made sure he was always the first to arrive at school in the morning, and he often took responsibility to clean his classroom by himself. Because he was so exemplary, his classmates could not treat him lightly but afforded him respect. He protected the weak and did not hesitate to confront arrogant and strong bullies in order to teach them right from wrong. Although he had an active personality, Father rarely spoke, being serious and sincere. In order to find the way to heaven and cultivate his character, he was silent much of the time. His report card records that he was "cheerful, active, sincere and serious, strong, healthy-minded, volunteers to do things, and hard-working." It further states, "He is physically fit and strong, has a good attendance record, and likes soccer." 8. Those who are humble are elevated. In school, there are students who just use their fists to bully others without knowing where they stand or what their situations are. However, there are also humble students who, even though they are superior in every way, are not arrogant. When you look at such people you feel small, without knowing why. They have an air of authority and dignity, and although you feel you want to approach them, you sense a certain awe for no reason. You may have known people like that among your friends. I hardly spoke during my student years. I never engaged in idle conversations with other students. There were days I did not utter even one word. This is why my classmates treated me with respect. To them, I was more difficult to approach than the teachers. I do not mean I threatened them or used violence of any kind. Yet they did not relate to me casually. Also, whenever they had personal problems they came to me and discussed them with me. (037-130, 1970/12/23) 9. My school friends regarded me with a certain awe. Whenever my classmates got together they would do all sorts of things to have fun among themselves, but they could not do it with me. I never engaged in their idle games, yet many times I discreetly helped classmates who were in difficult situations. I was athletic. I was good at wrestling and soccer. I was also good at pull-ups. My body was big but I was very agile. When I moved to Heukseok-dong, within a week I met all the neighborhood gang leaders and found out who was the boss. But my thinking was that I should be the one to teach them what it means to be a real boss. (2010/01/28) 10. When I was going to middle school, I used to clean the school by myself. I wanted to be number one in loving my school; and with the heart to represent all the students I cleaned the school. When I first began cleaning my friends helped me, but I did not like their help; I wanted to do it alone. I wanted to make the school really clean, so I often ended up cleaning again the places my friends had already cleaned. After this happened a few times, my friends entrusted me with the entire task. So I naturally ended up doing it alone. (133-182, 1984/07/10) 11. Once I start doing something, I never just let it go. I was like that even when I was young. I never believed anything until I verified it myself, whether in the village or at the school. When a teacher taught me a mathematical formula, I pressured him by asking, "Why is the formula like this?" I investigated it, examined it and dug into it again and again. Doing something only approximately is not my way. Doing things by half measures never works. (162-277, 1987/04/17) 12. During my student days I had a way of knowing ahead of time the questions that would be asked on the examination. When the teacher lectured, I paid attention to how serious he or she was in making the points. I identified the teacher's favorite student by the way he or she looked the student straight in the eye as he sat in the corner of the classroom. I paid attention to which student the teacher was looking at, and then marked the topics with codes, "A, B, C," etc., according to how much the teacher emphasized the topic and how intently he looked at the good student while speaking of it. As long as I studied the contents that I had marked with the codes, I never failed the examination. I would correctly anticipate about 30 to 40 percent of the questions on the test, and I would study for them more than the other materials. I could do that because I was very attentive to the teachers in my classes. (2009/11/17) Lifestyle and prayer During the almost three years that he attended school in Seoul, True Father engaged in rigorous self-discipline. He lived independently and also at a boarding house where meals were provided. To cultivate his life of faith he engaged in near constant penance and various other activities, all the while keeping up his studies at school. In the beginning and for some time he commuted to his school from Noryangjin, in the Dongjak district. Mostly he lived in Heukseok-dong, first living independently and then for a time at a boarding house. His family sent him sufficient money for his tuition and living expenses, but he slept in a cold, unheated room. In the bitter cold of winter he cooked his food with icy cold water that he drew from a well. It was so cold that sometimes the chain on the bucket in the well stuck to his hands. He voluntarily lived this way because he wanted to personally experience the situation of those who live in hardship. From that time on, Father fasted during lunch every day. Morning and evening his food was always the same, a meal consisting of one bowl of rice and a side dish. He willingly went hungry because that way he could feel closer to God's heart. Also, he prayed more than 12 hours a day. His long and fervent prayers gave him calluses on his knees and elbows. Most notably he had serious, desperate showdown prayers in the pine forest near his school, at a rock on the side of Mt. Seodal behind a church, or at the foot of that mountain on the Dongjak district side. Through these prayers, he experienced God's heart and made oneness with Him in heart. 13. When I was living alone and studying at school in Seoul, one winter was particularly cold. The average temperature was around minus 17 to minus 21 degrees Celsius (about 0 to minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit). The weather was that cold. During December and January of that cold winter, I lived in a cold room and I cooked for myself with icy cold water. I had an experience that I cannot forget: I used to draw really pure and tasty water from a well on a mountain ridge. That well was more than ten feet deep; it had a bucket attached to a chain, not to a rope that could be easily cut. It was so cold that when I grasped the chain my hands stuck to it, and I had to blow my hands to warm them enough to get them free. That feels like yesterday. Those were my circumstances when I began living independently from my family. (139-050, 1986/01/26) 14. I wanted to do everything necessary to live by myself without having to depend on women. Since I had made the fulfillment of the Will my lifetime quest, I was determined to do it even if I had to live as a single man. Therefore, I learned how to take care of myself. That is why I can do everything myself. I can handle whatever I need for my life without being indebted to others. That is why I can cook rice well on a wood or charcoal fire. When it comes to cooking, I can quickly tell if people are amateurs by observing their cutting skills. I can also tell if they are good at cooking by observing the way they prepare side dishes. That is because during the more than seven years that I lived a single life, I prepared my own food and everything else I needed. I do not need to eat many side dishes. Whenever I visit local churches, they make elaborate preparations and serve many side dishes on the table. However, I do not like that. To me, a single side dish is enough if it is something I like. By nature, I am the kind of person who likes to finish whatever I start. It is the same when it comes to food. Although there may be many dishes on the table, usually I pick one that suits my taste and finish it completely, although I also taste the others. (050-296, 1971/11/08) 15. In the future, anyone who wants to know the history of the Unification Church will have to visit Heukseok-dong, this place where I lived as a young man. One day Heukseok-dong, which means Blackstone neighborhood, will be transformed into Baekseok-dong, Whitestone neighborhood. This pitch-dark valley where I lived long ago must become the base of a tradition that shines like sunlight to all the people of the world. Nodeul Riverside Park used to be there too, but I cannot find any traces of it now. Although today I cannot meet the people whom I knew when I lived in Heukseok-dong, they must have produced many descendants who still live there. I would be so overwhelmed to meet those people, whose parents or grandparents knew me in those days! I imagine what it would be like if that happened; we could resurrect the history of that time. We would talk about that history and recall those past relationships, and they would blossom anew in this era. (187-255, 1989/02/11) 16. When I was living in Heukseok-dong I had an experience that I still cannot forget. On the road to Sangdo-dong there was a Japanese-style house with flowers growing next to a forest of pine trees. Behind that house was a rice field, and beyond that there was a village. In that village was a home that I used to visit when I was doing pioneer evangelizing. One day I saw a sick stranger lying on that road. I had never met him before. It must have been around the end of March, since the new semester had just started, and I was carrying with me the money for my school tuition and other expenses. This pitiful man had no son, but he said he had a daughter living in Cheonan. So I gave him all my money so that he could travel to her place and get medical treatment. He must have had good ancestors, because the moment I saw him I could not just continue on my way and turn my back on him. That is why I gave him all the money in my wallet, including the money for my textbooks and the rent money for my boarding house. Moreover, I carried him on my back for about three kilometers. I still vividly remember this; it is as if it happened the day before yesterday. When heaven leads you to meet someone, you should love that person more than heaven expects you to. Then you will never suffer damage. For example, if heaven asks you to give 10 but instead you give 100 instead, 90 will be considered your offering for the public purpose before heaven. On the other hand, you should never give 5 when heaven hopes you will give 10. When heaven hopes you will give 10, you should give more than 10. If you give less than heaven hoped you would, God's grace will be blocked from reaching your path. This is a law. It is a formula of the Principle. (056-039, 1972/05/10) 17. In those days I was hungry every day. It was not from lack of money. Early in April my parents would send me money for my tuition, but by May it was gone. I would give it all to people who were poor and destitute. I have many stories about this. How, then, did I cover my tuition? I delivered newspapers, sold things and did various odd jobs. I needed to take the path of indemnity. When I first moved to Seoul from my hometown in Pyeongan Province, I was not used to the language and customs there. I missed my hometown very much, particularly during my first school vacation. You cannot imagine how much my mother loved me. But after I came to know God's Will, I had to separate from her. I also had to distance myself from my sisters who loved me dearly. I had to take the opposite way from what my mother and father expected me to do, from their point of view. That is why on the first day of the vacation, when my neighborhood and school were hustling and bustling with students preparing to return to their hometowns, I closed the door and locked myself in my room. I spent the first day of my vacation thinking, "I have many things to do before my friends come back." (187-250, 1989/02/11) 18. All people desire to have mastery over the universe, but they cannot even master themselves. That is why I declare, "Before you desire to rule over the universe, you must first rule over yourself." Self-control begins with the desire for food. You can master the desire to eat by fasting. A one-week fast should be no problem. You must go through training that would bring an ordinary person to the brink of death. You must overcome hunger. When I was living independently as a student, Korea was under Japanese occupation, and rice was scarce. My friends fought over who would take the largest portion of rice from the pot, but not I. The person who puts down his spoon first is the master of those who put it down later. That is a rule and a principle. My life is renewed every day. Tomorrow must be better than today. I believe heaven wants something new from me, and that is what I put into practice. Because I did this, I could reach the worldwide level, something no one has ever been able to do. (249-204, 1993/10/10) 19. During the years I was growing up in Seoul, I did not eat lunch. I thought, "As long as we don't have an independent nation, how can I be worthy to eat three meals a day?" I missed meals many times in my life, but I missed my people more than food. This is the path I chose. I continually resolved, "I will love my people and my country more than food." So after I left my hometown and moved to Seoul I did not eat lunch. Such was the life I led. It was not because I could not afford to buy lunch. It was because whenever I had money I gave it to the poor. (049-074, 1971/10/03) 20. I do not sleep more than four hours a day. I trained myself until it became my habit. When I am busy, I can go with only one hour of sleep daily. I think I am the person who has slept the fewest hours of anyone in history. I lived my whole life that way. Also, there is no one who has been hungrier than me. I had food to eat, but I could hear the cries of hungry people wishing to be fed. That is why I could not eat three meals a day. Until I became 30 years old I practiced a discipline of having only two meals a day, skipping lunch. I spent my youth eating less than two bowls a day, even though I was healthy and big enough to digest five bowls a day. I trained myself to love people more than I loved food, and I strove to make my life a tower of loving God and loving my nation. (197-163, 1990/01/13) 21. Wherever I was, I always prayed in tears. People who happened to see me in tears felt sympathy for me without knowing why. Wherever I went, many people treated me as well as you do. For example, my landlady would bring me some of the food she had prepared for her husband or for a holiday celebration, food she had prepared all through the night without sleeping. She could not go into her room otherwise. She told me that whenever she went into her room without first bringing me food, suddenly everything turned to darkness and she could not see anything. She did not know why that happened. When women prepared food with sincerity, God wanted them to give it to me and moved their hearts to do so. Many such spiritual events took place. That is why I can never forget God's love for me, not even for one moment. I can never forget God's love, even if my body is crushed to pieces and my bones are turned into powder thousands upon thousands of times. Throughout my life God was with me wherever I was, and He toiled so hard for me. (022-122, 1969/02/02) 22. When you pray, you need to pray to the extent that your back becomes bent and the skin of your knees becomes callused. My knees are still callused from my prayers in the olden days. You should pray on a wooden floor. And you should shed tears when you pray. I experienced several occasions when I prayed so tearfully and for such a long time that the floor became soaked with tears and still had not dried out by the next prayer time. I am not a man who will just drift away. (025-334, 1969/10/12) 23. The path of restoration is never easy. Do you think I could ever feel at ease if I ate and slept as you do? The Principle itself is so serious. My knees are callused from countless prayers. I do not know how many tears I shed. I knew people were dying every day with the fundamental problems of their lives unresolved. Therefore, my eyes were always swollen and red with tears as I tried to find solutions for them. Sometimes I shed so many tears in prayer that when I opened my eyes I could not see the sunlight. Yet this was how I had to seek for the path. (143-331, 1986/03/21) 24. You should pray every day. Even your prayer life should be a tithe. That means you should pray two hours and 24 minutes every day -- one tenth of each day. When my prayer life was at its peak, I prayed 17 to 18 hours per day. I usually prayed for 12 hours straight, bending down on my hands and knees. I never ate lunch. In my prayers I wept bitterly. Without such prayers, I could not live. Every direction was blocked, and there was no hole through which to escape. Only when I prayed could I see a pinhole of light. Passing through these ordeals I discovered the Principle. Did you ever weep while holding the Divine Principle book? Have you ever been that serious? Your lifetime is precious. Once your life is gone, it will never return. Usually people marry and give birth to children; then they end up finishing their life while struggling with all kinds of burdens. It is a serious problem. If this pattern continues, we can never bring about the world of goodness. (199-190, 1990/02/16) The Myeongsudae church During the time True Father was living in Heukseok-dong, Seoul, he stood against the selfrighteous churches that were administered under the system of Japanese rule. He opposed their way of doctrine-based faith. Instead he connected to the Pentecostal church that was leading the movement of the Holy Spirit in Korea. After attending that church in Seobinggo, he played a pivotal role in founding the Myeongsudae New Jesus Church in Heukseok-dong in the autumn of 1939. Rev. Lee Ho-bin and Rev. Pak Jae-bong from the Pyongyang New Jesus Church frequently visited the New Jesus Church in Heukseok-dong and held revivals and Bible study classes. Whenever they visited, True Father attended them and deepened his relationship with them. True Father taught the students at the Sunday school, giving them his special love. Further, whenever he went to Pyongyang during summer vacation, he spoke to the Sunday school students at the Pyongyang New Jesus Church. 25. While attending school, I taught the students who went to the Myeongsudae Church in Heukseokdong; I also did the same at the Seobinggo Church. At that time it was very cold, and at night as we crossed the frozen Han River we could hear the plates of ice cracking. It was a frightening sound to hear when I was on the river all alone. Nevertheless, I would cross the Han River in order to teach the Sunday School students of Seobinggo Church. I taught them about the Bible with much animation, so that it would be interesting. I even shed tears. I thought that the students might not like to see me crying, and that they might ask me to stop teaching them. Yet they did not want me to stop; instead, they followed me around and begged me to teach them more. (187-307, 1989/02/12) 26. When I was a student, three of my friends and I started the Myeongsudae New Jesus Church in Heukseok-dong. I invested every penny of my tuition. There is still a trace of that church even now. I remember my evangelizing activities to bring many people to that church, before a new church opened in Seobinggo. At the peak of winter the Han River was frozen over, and the cracking sound of its ice was loud and terrifying. I have many memories about what I did during that period of Korean history, so filled with bitter sorrows. (543-331, 2006/11/07) 27. I am someone who has offered bows even to very small children. I have attended three-year-old children with utmost sincerity, as if they were princes and princesses of heaven. I speak to you now only after having made internally and externally a victorious foundation that will be attested to throughout history. Part of that foundation was to win the hearts of children. I had to win the hearts of people from three generations, representing the past, present and future. I had to establish that tradition. I taught the Sunday school students who came to the Myeongsudae New Jesus Church, loving them sincerely and regarding them as the hope of my life. Some of them wanted to skip school and follow me around; this is because my mission was to pioneer the work of loving Cain. (060-200, 1972/08/17) 28. The key leaders at the New Jesus Church in Pyongyang were Rev. Lee Ho-bin, Rev. Pak Jae-bong, and Rev. Han Jun-myeong. That church had a large membership, including several thousand students. It was a beautiful building and was well known. Whenever I came up to Pyongyang and visited that church, I was always welcome to take charge of teaching the students there. I was recognized as a good Sunday School teacher. I knew all the pastors and was popular among the students, so everyone wanted to invite me to their home. (441-271, 2004/03/06) 29. I am well aware of the secrets of Rev. Lee Ho-bin, Rev. Han Jun-myeong and Rev. Pak Jae-bong of the New Jesus Church in Pyongyang. When I admonished them about their calling and their responsibility for God's Will, they could not answer me. I advised them not to do certain things that they were involved with. Hence, they feared me more than anyone. I knew all the hidden truths of the Old and New Testaments even as a high school student. In my visits to the church I became such a famous student leader that its thousands of Sunday school students asked me to give sermons. They were mesmerized by my words. When I left, they made such a crowd at the railroad station that the pastors arrived and formed a line in order to protect me. Therefore, the three pastors always listened to my advice. (463-059, 2004/07/31) Section 4. Study in Japan First days in Japan To broaden and deepen himself in preparation for his mission, True Father went to study in Japan. On March 31, 1941, he departed from Seoul Station and took the Hikari line train to Busan. On April 1, he sailed to Japan on the Shokei Maru, a liner operating between the port of Busan and Shimonoseki. At the beginning of April, Father enrolled in the Waseda Technical High School, which was attached to Waseda University, and began his studies in electrical engineering. 1. From childhood I held the thought, "If my country (Korea) were stronger than Japan, its fate would have been different." This was its problem. I felt deeply that my country's weakness, especially the weakness of its external foundation, was the reason it could not avoid a miserable fate. Studying the countries of the world, I learned that the most powerful country in the world at the time was the United States. As a child I already knew that. I further thought, "The United States is a much larger and more powerful country than Japan, but it's just the same there. Doesn't it also try to take advantage of weak nations for its own benefit? Is there any righteous country anywhere which, as the representative nation of the world, protects and lifts up weak countries? If there were such a country, what would it look like?" As a child, I thought that what had been historically impossible for human beings would be possible for the Creator. I thought that if He truly existed, He could do it. Therefore I resolved, "If the Creator, the Absolute Being, exists, I will partner with Him to do the work of saving my country and liberating its oppressed people." But first I needed an answer regarding the existence of God. For this I searched within religions. I thought that if God really exists, then I must find a way to meet Him. As I was passing through my teens and approaching my twenties, I agonized over many issues on my journey of faith. I thought, "I have to go to Japan and then to the United States. I need to experience sorrow and persecution there as a representative of a people whose power is smaller and weaker." (199-213, 1990/02/17) 2. As I began my journey to Japan and was crossing the Han River Bridge, I shed many tears. I felt as if I were leaving the Korean people behind, like orphans. It seems it was only the day before yesterday when those tears poured down my face. On the train to Busan I wept bitterly all the way while covering my head with my coat. A Japanese woman saw me crying and said, "Young man, did your father or mother die? Everyone goes through that kind of sorrow." She tried to comfort me, but my sorrow was something that sprang from a heart completely filled with love for my country. I tell you, people who cannot love their country cannot truly love heaven. (039-062, 1971/01/09) 3. On my way to Japan I traveled from Seoul to Busan on the Hikari line train. While riding that train I asked myself, "What is it that I should learn in Japan?" Then I resolved, "I will liberate my country, and I will pave the way for the next generation to have hope and to prosper in an independent nation." I still remember shedding tears as I held on to a handrail while crossing the Han River. At that moment I resolved, "By the time I return, I will no longer be shedding tears." (199-185, 1990/02/16) 4. In Busan I boarded a ship bound for Japan. I still remember vividly how I continuously shed tears on the way. As Korea was under Japanese rule, I thought, "Who will liberate this poor nation from its shackles?" I gazed at the stars throughout the night and longed for the day of my country's and my people's liberation. I tearfully prayed to God, "Now I am departing my country. Oh God! Please protect my country until I return." That time is still fresh in my memory, as if it happened yesterday. (039-062, 1971/01/09) 5. I attended evening classes at the technical school at Waseda University so that during the daytime I could work as a laborer to help other Korean students pay their tuition. You do not know all the difficulties I went through in Japan. Japanese people who are now alive must appeal with tears for their nation to be forgiven. Otherwise Japan cannot stand. Japanese people need to apologize for the shameful way they treated Korea and the other nations of Asia. (590-145, 2008/05/20) 6. I had many Japanese friends when I was living in Japan. I treated them with utmost respect. Whenever they were in difficult situations, they came to see me to discuss their problems. Sometimes they asked out of concern, "How is Korea doing?" I did not want to be outdone by any of my Japanese friends. So when they spoke one word, I spoke two words. I generally speak very fast, but when I spoke with Japanese people I spoke even faster. I studied how to speak fast and trained myself to do so. I resolved I would someday lead Japanese youth and mobilize them for the sake of the world. So I practiced to gain the ability to discuss issues better than Japanese people could, by gaining deeper and broader knowledge in all fields. (205-069, 1990/07/07) 7. In my childhood I used to speak slowly. However, after coming to Japan, as I was learning to speak better Japanese every day, I competed with Japanese people to see who could say more in one minute. If I was ever defeated I could not fall asleep, so I trained myself to speak even more rapidly. If in 30 minutes I could say 1,000 words speaking normally, by speaking faster I could say more than 2,000 words. When learning a language it is important to train yourself through practice. (055-056, 1972/04/23) Mind-body discipline During the time he studied in Japan, True Father immersed himself in the task of researching and systematizing the Principle. He repeatedly pored over the Bible and compared it with the Principle that he had newly discovered, in order to verify it with the Scripture. Bibles in Korean, Japanese and English were always on his desk at the boarding house. The Korean and Japanese Bibles, especially, were so full of underlining in different colors that people could barely read the words on the pages. The process of finding and systematizing the vast and fundamental truth was a lonely path; there was no one to guide him through it. Besides his academic studies, True Father pushed himself hard to have many different life experiences, among the working class, the middle class and the upper class. In order to prepare himself for his revolutionary mission, he tried to break through every limitation and accumulate abilities to deal with any circumstance that might arise on his way to the final destination. When he received money from home for his school and living expenses, he used it to help those in need; then he went out to do the work of a laborer. Among many other things, he carried an A-frame on his back and pulled a delivery cart. Shedding blood and sweat, he became a friend and brother to his fellow laborers, sharing their pain and their joy. Through training himself in this way, he personally experienced the teaching, "The one who would become a glorious king must be victorious over all kinds of pain." 8. I did not reveal my thoughts about my mission to others. Even my friends did not know. I studied the Bible and read books on religion and philosophy, which ordinary people usually did not do. One of my friends majored in politics and economics at Waseda University. He was studying communism, and this led to a fierce debate between us. I once delivered a loud, impassioned speech on the side of the road. I did this where many people had gathered to view the cherry blossoms. I spoke strongly on the issues of the time, and urged the youth to act this way and that for the sake of the future. The predictions I made then are now coming true. Some of my friends happened to join the crowd; they were quite astonished when they saw it was I who was giving the speech. (015-182, 1965/10/08) 9. After receiving a recommendation from my school in Seoul, I entered Waseda Technical High School. But I studied books about religion more than school-related subjects. I studied the Bible carefully to uncover its hidden truths. There was one particular Bible page I could not understand even after struggling for five years. That one page contained the root problem of human history. I had to completely and clearly solve the most difficult and complex issues in the Bible. This is how the Principle came to emerge into the world. Since, together with heaven, I unraveled the truth, heaven cannot ignore this. Heaven knows all about it. (571-190, 2007/08/10) 10. Before I turned 20 years of age, I went through a course of bloody tears. I knew I could not enter God's realm of heart unless I had the heart to be friends with beggars and love them as if they were my own older brother or my own mother. So I lived with the heart to love everyone. I trained myself the same way in Japan, but this time with a heart to go beyond the nation. I helped my friends pay their tuition by making money as a laborer at a construction site. You too should walk such a path. Why did I do it? I volunteered to travel the most difficult path because I knew God's path has been even more difficult. (137-286, 1986/01/03) 11. On days when it snowed or when typhoon winds raged, I went to work at a construction site rather than going to school. It felt good to challenge such harsh weather. Rain from the typhoon would wash the dirt and soot from my hands. Amid the storm I worked hard and sweated copiously. I felt so refreshed from it. When I saw a person behaving badly, I scolded him. Sometimes I had to deal with people who were bigger than me, but I defeated them. When a foreman exploited the laborers by taking 30 percent of their wages, I strongly protested. Most people feared the man, but I was not submissive; I admonished him to stop. In the end he surrendered to me. (015-181, 1965/10/08) 12. When I was in Tokyo I worked pulling a cart as a deliveryman, making deliveries in 27 different districts. I decided to do the job not because I needed the money but because I wanted the training. If you find yourself working in a transportation company, you should become more knowledgeable about the work than the company veterans. If not, how can you persuade them to take you seriously? During the summer I transported telephone poles on a cart. Once there was an incident: As I came to an intersection, a pole shifted to one side, causing my cart to spin around. Sensing danger, all the passersby, men and women, scattered. I can still picture it in my mind. I have another unforgettable memory, about when I lived in a slum. I covered myself with a ragged blanket, and my clothes became infested with lice. I am God's Son, but I volunteered to become a frontline soldier, a guerrilla of sorts, in order to conquer satan's world. (199-174, 1990/02/16) 13. The times in Japan when I worked at a construction site and pulled a cart in Ginza remain vivid memories. I did not do that work just to make a living. I did it to set the example of how young people should go through difficulties. I had friends who had stopped going to school. I wanted to help them graduate, so I withdrew from school for several months and took on the role of their parents. I had no time to sleep at night. I woke up as early as two in the morning and went out to work to make money for their tuition. Why did I do that? It was not because I was not as smart as them. It was to serve them. For this I did all kinds of work, including working for a company, selling my calligraphy and working as a foreman. (026-069, 1969/10/18) 14. I am very knowledgeable about the world. When I was young I traveled to every corner of Korea. I visited many places in Japan when I was studying there. I also did all sorts of work. I was an errand-boy for a large company. No matter how I was mistreated, I did not complain. People regarded me as nothing but a student from abroad, but they did not know what was in my mind. I did not even mind living in a slum. After all, we must train ourselves to have real ability to deal with any situation and bring good results in whatever we do. (189-299, 1989/06/17) The path of true love During his time of study in Japan, True Father practiced his own motto, "Before you desire dominion over the universe, first have dominion over yourself." He trained himself repeatedly in order to control his five senses. Among other things, he trained himself not to be ticklish and to look away from temptation. In order to live for heaven's heart rather than follow a selfish human heart, he constantly reminded himself, "I must love the Japanese people more than I love my own people." He trained himself to sincerely love the people of what was then an enemy nation as if they were his own parents or his own older brother. 15. When I was young and preparing for my mission, I would not even go near a movie theater. Until I could achieve total self-control, I did not walk in front of a bar. Unless we gain total control over ourselves, we are bound to fail in whatever we do. What is the most difficult obstacle to achieving selfcontrol? It is sleep. Hunger is next. After that is sexual desire. These are the three enemies. Therefore, as a course of training I purposely did not sleep, I did not eat, and I lived a life of purity. Until we have dominion over ourselves, we cannot have dominion over the universe. Only after we govern ourselves can we govern the universe. We are not entitled to call on God for help or hope to enter the realm of God's dominion unless we first achieve mastery over ourselves. This is the view of the Principle. Adam fell because he did not have self-control. (131-322, 1984/05/19) 16. When I was in wartime Japan, I walked around the back alleys in the red light district of Shinjuku, Tokyo. I observed people and listened to them wherever I went in order to gain something helpful for my mission. If we are ready to deal with even the most evil places, we can digest anything. This is my philosophy. I am not the kind of person who goes around looking for an easy or comfortable environment. The idea that in order to cultivate the mind you must go to the deep mountains or to a quiet and magnificent place makes no sense to me. Studying only in tranquil places does not work for me. I could study well even in noisy factories where high-powered engines and motors were running. I trained myself in many different ways. Once, when a group of strong men were harassing a weaker man, I fought and defeated them singlehandedly. I did not do it for recognition. It was a matter of my philosophy, of what is necessary in life. (015-131, 1965/10/03) 17. My hope is greater than yours; it is as high as a great mountain. However, because I knew that the time was coming when I would have to push many people to travel the road of a servant, I first pushed myself to take the position of a servant. Had I not lived the life of a servant myself, I would not be qualified to call others to do it. If I wanted others to live the life of a servant, I needed to live the life of a servant first. I had to become a servant for the sake of my country of Korea. This is why I once became a servant of three-year-old children and served them faithfully morning and evening. I attended those children as if each were God. Also, when I was studying in Japan, I lived in a slum swarming with lice. I carried loads of coal and loads of salt. I welcomed all kinds of experiences that others would shrink from. This is my personal story, and some bitter sorrow remains. You should alleviate my bitter sorrow. What then should be your starting point? What is it that you need to grab onto as the basis of your own emotional resolve? It should be to represent me. When you go to those places, you should go on my behalf. Although you may receive persecution, when you shed tears for the people there, you will feel my blood throbbing in your veins. (025-212, 1969/10/04) 18. I studied the subject of what people will not do. For instance, people do not want to skip meals. So I pondered, "Can I endure not eating?" And I said to myself, "Yes, I can." So I started training myself not to eat. I was then so hungry that if anyone served me a meal I could have quickly devoured three or four bowls of rice. One day I thought to myself, "Let me see how much I can eat." As it was the middle of a war, we received ration coupons. Taking all my ration coupons, I took my friends to a restaurant and said, "Let's eat as much as we can and see what our limit is." We wolfed down more and more. I ate seven servings of rice covered with fried eggs and chicken. After seven servings I was so full I could not even turn my neck around. It was more painful than being hungry. I gave myself that experience. However, you would be seriously mistaken if you think I did it all the time. In fact, I was always hungry. Why do you think I made myself go hungry? If I only cared about keeping my stomach full, how could I keep people with me and keep God with me? So although I was hungry and wanted to eat, I resolved that I must love my people and God more than food. This was truth to me; it was my creed. (015-183, 1965/10/08) 19. When I was a student in Tokyo, on rainy days while still wearing my student uniform I would purposely mix with laborers who smelled from their dirty, wet clothes. I went to the places that smelled the worst. Standing next to them, I thought, "What if these people were my older brother or my father? If they were enduring these miserable conditions for me, what must I do for them?" When I rode the trolley to school, I would look around at the students all well dressed in their uniforms and compare them to those laborers. And I would think, "You are in the springtime of your life, all smiles and laughter, but in time this will all disappear. However, my way of thinking leads to a life that will shine and rise up like the sun to a hopeful future. My future is more or less assured, but your future is less certain." You must understand that upholding and living up to the name of True Parents throughout my entire life has been extremely difficult. I had to cultivate such qualities in myself that people of every status, high or low, could relate to me as their subject partner. (117-019, 1982/01/30) 20. During my time of studying in Japan, I would occasionally visit my home in Jeongju. I generally did not send telegrams to my parents to tell them when I was coming. My home was about eight kilometers from the train station, and I wanted to walk home. I enjoyed walking on cold, windy, snowy or rainy days. As I prayed while walking down the road, I realized even more what a magnificent world we live in, and I could not help but be amazed at the Maker who created it. I have unforgettable memories of nights when I walked home after sunset, or nights when white snow was falling. Carrying small gifts for my parents in both hands, I delighted in imagining the expressions they would have on their faces. Whenever I think of it, I become nostalgic. I realize how blessed I was at that time in my life. (018-243, 1967/06/11) Graduation and return to Korea Due to a change of circumstances in Japan caused by the war, True Fathers study in Japan was cut short by one semester. Hence he graduated earlier than expected, on September 30, 1943, in the 25th graduating class of Waseda Technical School. After graduation True Father purchased a ticket for an October 4 departure on the ship from Shimonoseki to Busan and sent his family a telegram giving the date and time of his arrival in Busan. On the departure day, as he entered the train station in Tokyo with his friends who were sending him off, he suddenly felt uneasy. He did not know why, but it was as if his feet were weighed down and he could hardly drag himself onto the train. So he decided to postpone his journey home. The ship that departed that day, the one for which True Father had purchased a ticket, was called the Gonnon Maru. On October 5 at 1:15 a.m., about ten nautical miles northeast of Oki-noshima, the ship was sunk by an American torpedo. True Fathers family was in total shock when they heard the news of the sinking. They had not heard that Father had changed his departure date. As True Father was journeying back home in the middle of October, he made a solemn resolution: This time I am coming home without having been able to dissolve the bitter sorrow of my people. Yet in the near future the time will come when I will be able to teach Japanese youth and guide them to do God's Will. Then we will meet again. 21. When I graduated from my school in Japan, it was the middle of the Second World War. For military reasons they graduated my class in September, six months earlier than normal. I sent a telegram to my hometown informing my family of my arrival time on the ship from Shimonoseki to Busan. But in the midst of the war that ship was sunk. Back in my hometown, my family checked the passenger list of that ill-fated ship, but they could not find my name. Everyone thought I had died, which caused a great commotion throughout my village. (015-147, 1965/10/03) 22. The sinking of the Gonnon Maru was in 1943. I was scheduled to board that ship in order to return to Korea from Japan. My graduation had been advanced by six months, and I bought a ticket from Tokyo to Seoul that included passage on the ship, which was to depart from Shimonoseki. But as soon as I entered the Tokyo train station to catch the train to Shimonoseki, I felt uneasy. So although I had already purchased the ticket, I did not take that train. Shortly after purchasing my train ticket, I sent a telegram to my family giving them the scheduled date and time of my arrival. Based on that schedule, my family in my hometown expected that I would come home on a certain day and time. However, after I had my premonition I left the Tokyo station and instead went with my friends who had come to send me off. I believe we went to a place called Atami. Consequently, I did not board the ship that ended up sinking. In the meantime, since I did not come home, my family in my hometown, to whom I had sent the telegram, thought I had died. My mother went nearly insane. She dropped everything and hurriedly traveled to Busan to find me. It is 230 kilometers from Jeongju to Seoul; the journey took ten hours by train. Then she took another train from Seoul to Busan. You can hardly imagine her mental and emotional state during that journey. She did not even put on a dress; she ran out of the house only in her house clothes, which are like pajamas. Her shoes came off as she ran to the train station nearest Jeongju, but she did not notice; she did not even feel that an acacia tree thorn had embedded itself in the sole of her foot. A callous hardened over it, and I heard that she did not pull it out until after I returned home. I then realized, "Ah, this is the greatness of a parents love!" (125-310, 1983/03/29) Chapter 4. True Mother's Childhood and Youth Section 1. An Atmosphere of Faith Devotion, faith and blessings True Mother spent most of her childhood at the house of her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, because her mother, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim), was leading a life of faith devoted to receiving the Lord at the Second Advent. Both her mother and her grandmother raised her to inherit the core of this life of faith. Daemonim strove to raise Mother well. While they were living in the North, Daemonim often had dreams in which she saw satan trying to harm her daughter. These dreams continued until Mother was six years old. In another dream, Rev. Kim Seong-do appeared to her and told her to raise True Mother well because she was not her own child but God's. Hence, Daemonim devoted herself to raising her as well as she could in the position of her daughter's nanny. Since Daemonim walked such a path of trials, True Mother also had to walk that path alongside her until she could stand as Heaven's Bride. 1. About one month after my birth, my mother had a dream. Rev. Kim Seong-do of the New Jesus Church appeared to her in white clothes on a white cloud, and said, "Soon-ae, you must have worried a lot about your baby. But don't you worry. She is the daughter of the Lord, and you are like her nursemaid. Make sure to nurse her and raise her well." My mother engraved those words deep in her heart. When I was growing up, I was very different from other children. I could speak and walk before I was a year old. When I spoke, my pronunciation was very clear. This is why my grandmother said, "This child is different." I had a good mind, and I was never the slightest bit untidy. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 2. Throughout their lives my grandmother and my mother lived their lives of faith preparing to receive the Returning Lord. They did not compromise with the world. They were totally dedicated to heaven 24 hours a day. They offered their utmost devotion to make preparations to receive the Lord. Their life of faith was not like the ordinary faith of those who stay comfortably in their homes. Since my mother's investment in her life of faith caused her to be rarely at home, I lived mostly with my grandmother. So I naturally inherited my faith from my grandmother. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 3. My grandmother knew God's Will for me, so she cared for me with sincerity. She raised me in purity, untainted by the world, so that I might become the precious daughter whom heaven could use. My grandmother repeatedly told me, "Your father is Heavenly Father." Thus, when we talked about my father I always thought about Heavenly Father rather than my physical father. Whenever I thought of God I always had a warm feeling. Anyone who looked at my family from an external perspective would have found it incomprehensible. Yet, growing up in it, I never felt anything lacking; nor did I have anything to complain about. I lived with a feeling that something or someone was embracing me, and I felt free in my heart. I never asked my mother or my grandmother anything about my physical father, such as why my mother and father lived the way they did. Throughout my life I never had any hard feelings or complaints whatsoever about my physical parents. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 4. Until I was six, I lived at Anju, South Pyeongan Province. During those years satan would appear in my mother's dreams trying to kill me. For six long years, she had to fight satan. However, my mother did not yet understand the deep meaning of this. She only wondered, "Why is satan continually trying to kill my baby?" (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 5. My mother first followed the New Jesus Church, then the Holy Lord Church and finally the Inside the Womb Church. In that church she fervently prayed with longing for the Lord to return. When I was about four years old, I began to make conditions of devotion with her, by offering bows at her side. At the church everyone observed the official times for offering bows, which were twice a day, in the morning and the evening. Some people also offered bowing conditions at other times, such as in the middle of meditation. This lifestyle did not change until I was six years old, when we moved down to the South. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 6. I believe that my childhood was a period for me to keep separate from the evils of the world, so I could become the Bride of the Lord. My original personality was not extroverted; I was inclined to enjoy my inner world, away from the secular world. True Father once said that my grandmother and my mother dedicated everything to bequeath the way of heaven's heart to me. They did not mind even if their flesh was torn or their bones were broken; they kept on walking the path of absolute obedience with unchanging, loyal hearts. Father also said that in order that I would not be in contact with circumstances full of worldly temptations, God led me to a life that was separated from the world. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) The Korean War In 1948, when True Mothers maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, her mother, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim), and True Mother herself were attending the Inside the Womb Church in the North, that church came under religious persecution by the communist authorities. There was an incident in which Jo Won-mo and Daemonim were detained for 11 days. As the persecution became more severe, Grandmother Jo suggested that they go to the South. Around that time, heaven gave Daemonim a revelation that they should move to the South. The South was foreign to the three of them, but since they heard that the first son of Rev. Kim Seongdo of the Holy Lord Church in Cheolsan had already gone to the South, they decided to join him there. Also, Daemonim wanted to see her younger brother, Hong Soon-jeong. He had returned to Korea in the middle of his studies in Japan due to the war situation, joined the South Korean army, studied pharmacy at the Korean Military Academy and, at that time, held the rank of first lieutenant. So they departed in the middle of the night and traveled to South Korea at the risk of their lives. After surmounting many difficulties, they safely arrived in the South. 7. When I lived at Anju, my mother was rarely home, because she was investing herself in an ardent life of faith. Given that situation, I grew up under the care of my mother's family. My father was also a devout Christian. In 1946, he was the first of my family to move down to South Korea to evade threats from the communist authorities. I vaguely remember that my father visited my mother and me at our home and asked us to leave with him. (True Mother, 2004/11/23) 8. It was very hard to live a life of faith under the communist government. So my grandmother, my mother and I journeyed to the South. We were to join Hong Soon-jeong, my maternal uncle who was living there. As we journeyed south, we three women of three generations continued our bowing condition for the Returning Lord. My maternal grandfather, Hong Yu-il, wanted to stay in Pyongyang to protect that city, because he had received a revelation that Pyongyang was the Palace of Eden. We never saw him again. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 9. The journey to South Korea was not easy. We had to walk on the uneven ground of the plowed and furrowed rice paddies, and the mud stuck to our feet. We shivered in the cold weather as we continued walking toward the South. When at last we arrived at the 38th parallel, we were captured by soldiers of the North Korean People's Army, which was tightly guarding the area. They locked us up in an empty barn along with others whom they had arrested. The soldiers were rough with the men but treated the women and children better. The grown-ups told me to give food to the soldiers who had to guard us despite the cold weather. I was nervous with fear, but keeping myself poised I brought food to the soldiers with a smile. After I did that a few times, the soldiers' hearts softened. One night they released us and told us to return home. The power of love brought us from the brink of death to life. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 10. My grandmother was with me all the time. Whenever we walked on the street, people treated me affectionately, saying I was very cute. So at a time when people were not free to travel as they desired, I could freely go about and do errands for others. For this I was greatly appreciated and loved. It was the same when we were journeying to the South. Because I, a little girl, was accompanying the women, the North Korean soldiers who captured us were more lenient with us. They even released us on the way, and hence we could safely continue our journey and cross the 38th parallel. It was when we had just crossed the 38th parallel that we ran into difficulties. The noise we made as we walked attracted the attention of South Korean soldiers. They were pointing their guns toward us, but at that moment I started singing a song. At the sound of my singing they put down their guns. Then they greeted us warmly, saying, "You must have had a hard time traveling with such a beautiful daughter," and let us go southward. (True Mother, 2004/11/23) 11. While my mother was attending the Inside the Womb Church, her brother, my uncle Hong Soonjeong, returned home from studying abroad in Japan. He then went to South Korea and joined the army there. My uncle was a dignified and charming person. In those days many intelligent people agreed with the ideology of communism, and he too thought that communism was good. But he was disappointed with the communist system, as its reality was so different from its teaching. This is why he went to South Korea and joined the military instead of returning to North Korea where his parents were. He realized that the reality of communism contradicted its theory. My grandmother very much missed her son while he was serving in the military. One of the reasons my grandmother, my mother and I came to the South was to see him. We went to Seoul and settled there. When we first arrived in Seoul we lived at Hyochang-dong, and that is where I entered elementary school. I was popular wherever I went and grew up receiving much love from the many people around me. This is why I later thought, "If I had not married young, I could have been lost to the secular world. Maybe this is the reason God brought me to the Holy Wedding early in life and embraced me in His arms." (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 12. Heaven led and protected us even in Seoul when we were searching for my uncle. We suffered tremendously to cross the 38th parallel and come to the South, but we had no idea how to find my uncle once we arrived in Seoul. My grandmother and mother asked around for him without really knowing how to locate him. It was not an easy task. But miraculously, we met a friend of his. It was indeed due to heaven's help and guidance. At that time my uncle was living in an army tent near Seoul, and he was very happy to see us when we visited him. He said he was glad we came, because he had been worrying about his family back home. My uncle quickly found a house where the three of us could live. Later I discovered that our house was very close to our church headquarters in Cheongpa-dong. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 13. I was eight years old (by Korean reckoning) when the Korean War broke out. We were living in Seoul so we had to flee from there, and my uncle helped us tremendously. As a medical officer in the army, he knew in advance that the Han River Bridge was going to be blown up. He had a pass to cross the bridge, and he drove my grandmother and me across it in a military vehicle so we could flee further south. Daemonim did not come with us; she thought only about meeting the Lord, for whom she continued offering her sincere devotion. As soon as we crossed the bridge, my uncle told us to get out of the vehicle and take cover. We did as he said. At that moment the bridge was blown up, and many soldiers who were also crossing the bridge fell into the river and lost their lives. Although we were safe because of my uncle's help, even now whenever I cross the Han River Bridge I feel great pain from the memory of that incident. Indeed, most Koreans in my age group suffered hardships from the war; however, I was always protected by God's grace. I remember the time once when I caught a cold while we were fleeing south and my mother put a piece of taffy in my mouth to keep me from coughing. I also remember when she placed a mixture of rice and cactus on my wounds to heal them. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 14. After the Han River Bridge blew up at 3:00 in the morning on June 28, 1950, my family continued fleeing south to escape the advancing North Korean troops. We stayed in a refugee camp for military families in Jeolla Province. We returned to Seoul after it was retaken on September 28 and lodged in a vacant house where a Japanese family had lived. Then China entered the war and Seoul fell again, this time into the hands of the Chinese army. Hence, on January 4, 1951, as the South Korean army retreated from Seoul, we again had to leave our home and flee. We were able to board a special train for military families that left Seoul ahead of the civilian populace; we went down to Daegu. The Korean army moved its headquarters to Daegu as well, and we lived near my maternal uncle's home. I always realized how God was with us, even in the midst of our chaotic journey as refugees. As God had protected us when we left the North to journey to the South, He was also with us when we fled from the battles of the Korean War. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) Section 2. Education and Encounter with Father Heaven's guidance After coming to the South, True Mother attended Hyochang Elementary School in Seoul. After she left Seoul she continued her schooling, even though she moved several times -- to Daegu, to Seoguipo on Jeju Island, and to Chun-cheon in Gangwon Province. Her report card from Bongeui Elementary School in Chuncheon records that she was "very pure, kind and polite, shows a noble attitude, the most feminine among the students in the class." When she graduated from that school, she was given an award as an honor student. True Mother then attended Seong-jeong Girls Middle School from April 1956 to March 1959. This school was purchased by True Parents in April 1987, at which time it changed its name to Seonjeong Middle School. In March 1959, True Mother entered Saint Joseph's Nursing School in Seoul, which today is the Catholic University Nursing School. 1. After coming to the South, we rented a room in Hyochang-dong in Seoul, and I entered Hyochang Elementary School. I continued in school when we moved to Daegu and then to Jeju Island. My mother moved us to Jeju Island in 1954 with the intention of raising me in a pure environment. There I attended Shinhyo Elementary School in Seoguipo, which is Hyodon Elementary School today. I transferred into the 5th grade. Then we received a letter from my maternal uncle. He had been transferred to Chuncheon and was posted as chief of the supply depot there. He asked us to move to Chuncheon, and we did. We rented a room in Yaksa-dong near my uncle's house in Hyoja-dong, and I transferred to Bongeui Elementary School in Chuncheon. I soon became a 6th grader, and I graduated the following year, on March 2, 1956, in the schools 11th class. Afterward, with the help of my uncle, on April 10, 1956 I entered Seongjeong Girls Middle School, located in Sajik-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. I graduated as a member of the school's third class, on March 25, 1959. During that time I lived with my uncle's family at Donam-dong and Shindang-dong and commuted to school in Sajik-dong. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 2. In middle school, I was the head of the Student Activities Council. I remember the time when I had to stand on stage and explain the council's decisions to all the students of the school. I later heard that after my speech, my Korean teacher and other teachers remarked, "Wow! Hak Ja, you were great!" People around me always had the impression that I was a quiet and well-mannered student, someone whom it was difficult to be close to. I guess they were surprised that a person such as me could give a public speech, although it was only a simple presentation. This was my first experience speaking in front of many people. (True Mother, 1991/11/10) 3. Recently, one of my old friends visited me. She and I once lived in the same town and attended the same middle school. Her father loved me very much. Another of my friends was my senior by one year. She cared deeply for me and used to say, "You are dignified and pretty." She later moved to Canada and often sent me letters. When she had opportunities to visit Korea, we would meet each other. One day I visited my old school and found that the teacher of my Korean class was still there. I can still recall his face. Also, I remember that my mathematics teacher cared for me very much. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 4. When I started high school, it was not very long after the Korean War had ended. I remembered how all the streets had been filled with people injured because of the war. Children orphaned by the war, and even children with parents, suffered greatly from hunger and disease. People were unable to get any treatment when they fell sick. I felt so sorry for them. I wanted to heal their pain; that is why I decided to attend nursing school. I wanted to find a way to help them. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 5. My teachers loved and protected me at every school I attended. I am not sure whether it was because I gave them the impression I was reliable and modest, but for some reason my teachers cared for me. Some teachers said, "You are not like most children these days. Go out and get involved." It was not that I had a lot of worries on my mind. I just liked to sit and stay quiet. Even during adolescence, when I was growing into womanhood, I never worried about my life because my grandmother and mother, who were always attending heaven, taught me to live in faith. Under my mother's strict education, I spent my time immersed in reading books of various kinds. For a time I thought that I wanted to lead a country life with a couple of my close friends and plant fruit trees. My friends said, "Although you are very prim and proper, you will actually be the first of us to marry." I have not thought much about my student days since the Holy Wedding, so I cannot remember much about that time. Besides, I really have not had time to think back. Recently some old friends visited me, and that brought back some of these old memories. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 6. I was known as a student who liked reading and music in a comfortable and quiet atmosphere. Also, people had the impression that I was quite intellectual. I was not extremely emotional or excitable. Come to think of it, I might have given a first impression of being a little cold. In the dormitory I lived like a nun. My life was sheltered from the secular environment, like a flower blooming in a greenhouse. Only later did I realize that my life was that way to separate me from the fallen world. It was heaven's preparation, so that one day I could meet the Lord at the Second Advent and become his Bride. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 7. Until 1960, I lived mostly in seclusion, as if I were buried inside my clothes. God led me to lead a simple life that did not require me to compromise with the secular world. God set up circumstances that thoroughly protected me, as if He did not want me even to breathe the air of satan's world. In such surroundings, I eliminated my own thoughts and just led my life by letting God alone guide me. I used to write a diary. Amazingly enough, although I did not write with much thought, it was something like "Urie sowon-eun tongil,” meaning, "Our cherished hope is for North and South Korea to be reunited." Later, when I heard Fathers words on the subject, I recalled what I had written in my diary and found it very meaningful. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 8. Mother is so natural on stage. The first time she sang a song in front of an audience was in her second year of high school. She was famous for her singing. Regardless of the audience, she stood tall onstage like a champion. (227-022, 1992/02/10) 9. To me, Mother is flawless. I see nothing but goodness in her. This did not happen just overnight. Whenever she meets people, if they are men, she compares each one with me and thinks, "This man has a quality just like True Father." By thinking that way, she can be openhearted toward them. It is so beautiful. Look at her eyes and hands. They show how observant and sensitive she is. When she hears me speak a sentence, she analyzes its structure -- what the subject is, what the object is, what the clauses are, and so forth. What I am saying is that she is smart and analyzes things well. In her teens, her friends said she was an impressive and unforgettable girl, and I think it is because of her powers of observation. When she went places, she was prudent about the route she chose. She would travel only on the route that she felt comfortable with. (435-020, 2004/01/31) Encounter with Father Rev. Kim Seong-do, the founder of the Holy Lord Church, gave these last words to her first son, Jeong Seok-cheon, "If I cannot fulfill the mission that God gave me, it will be fulfilled through someone else. That representative of God will also be misunderstood, like me. The church he leads will be misunderstood and persecuted as a church of fornication, and he will suffer imprisonment. If you find such a church, know that it is a true church, and go to that church." Mr. Jeong went down to the South with his older sister Jeong Seok-on. They carried with them the belief that the Will of God that was not fulfilled in their mothers' generation would definitely be accomplished in the next generation or a future generation. They continued worship services in their own home and looked around for where that was being realized. One day, they read a newspaper article about an incident at Ehwa University in which many students were expelled from the school. That is how Jeong Seok-on and her daughter came to visit the Unification Church, thinking it might be the church their mother, Rev. Kim Seong-do, had spoken of. At that time it was located in Jangchung-dong in Seoul. On October 4, 1955, True Father was released from Seodaemun Prison with the verdict that he was innocent of all charges. After True Father heard what Rev. Kim had told Jeong Seok-cheon, Father visited Mr. Jeong's home on Dongseong Street in Daegu. Jeong Seok-cheon then wrote a letter to Hong Soon-ae about his encounter with True Father and encouraged her to meet him. That is how True Mother and her mother Hong Soon-ae came to meet True Father. 10. After True Father was released from Seodaemun Prison he traveled to Daegu, where he held revival meetings to inspire the members. Around that time my mother, who was then living in Chuncheon, received a letter from Jeong Seok-cheon. His letter said, "I found a church that is just like the Holy Lord Church. The founder of that church is speaking here in Daegu. Come as soon as you can and listen to him." However, my mother's circumstances were such that we could not immediately go to Daegu. A month later, in December, she went there and visited Jeong Seok-cheon. He told her, "I finally found the one we have been looking for, the Lord at the Second Advent. He came to Daegu, and I heard him speak." He told her that Father had returned to Seoul. He also said that Fathers teaching was the same as the teaching of the Inside the Womb Church. My mother was happy with the thought that when she went to Seoul she would finally meet the person whom she had yearned to see for so long. Yet for some reason she also felt unworthy to see him. That is why she invested her efforts to prepare her heart. Then that night she had a dream. In the dream she saw a pair of golden dragons; they were hunched over and looking in the direction of Seoul. My mother thought to herself, "When I was preparing to come here to Daegu, I had a dream in which I saw one white dragon. Now, as I am about to leave Daegu, in my dream I see a pair of golden dragons. How strange!" Immediately she set out for Seoul. There she visited the former headquarters church, which was located in Cheongpa-dong, where she met Father for the first time and paid her respects. She was surprised, for he was the very man whom she had seen in the two dreams she had while attending the Inside the Womb Church. There he was, the Lord whom she had yearned to see and whom she had dreamed about. My mother told me she was so overwhelmed that she did not know how to behave in his presence. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 11. I did not meet True Father in North Korea. The first time I met him was in Seoul, after I came down to South Korea. At that time I was 13 years old and had recently graduated from elementary school. The meeting happened shortly after my mother and I joined the church. I was then living in Chuncheon, far from where True Father lived in Seoul. My mother held me by the hand and brought me to the Cheongpadong church in March, 1956. That was when I met True Father for the first time. After that first encounter at the church, my mother and I continued attending that church on Sundays. During that time I graduated from middle school and went on to high school. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 12. I can still vividly recall the moment True Father saw me in my student uniform and closed his eyes in gratitude to God for guiding me to him. I always had the feeling that God prepares everything that He deems necessary, especially when I think of how He shaped my character and guided the way I had been living my life. When Isaac went up the mountain with Abraham to make an offering to God, he asked his father where the offering was. Abraham simply replied that God would provide. Yet, although Isaac was just a young boy, he had already figured out his situation. Likewise, from my childhood I intuitively sensed that I must fulfill something important in the future. I would say that subconsciously I understood that I was being prepared to become the Bride of the Returning Lord. My path was already decided, and I was born with the destiny to go that way. Other women could not have borne the weight of my position, but I could because of all that I had faced previously and overcome. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 13. I guess you are curious about the conversation that True Father and I had at our first meeting after he decided to accept me as his Bride. In those days our church members loved Father, but they were scared of him as well. Yet I had no fear of him. I felt that True Father was exactly like my maternal grandfather and would not get upset with anything I said. I suppose some people around me might have thought, "For such a young lady, she is incredibly bold." Yet at that moment I felt as if True Father were my grandfather, father, groom, brother, and even my son. (True Mother, 2004/09/16) 14. Adam and Eve fell when they went against God's Word. Yet I thought of it this way: Even if God had not warned them, they should have had the thought, based on the working of their original minds, to observe God's Word, since they were living at a time when they could directly converse with God. I grew up already thinking about God's providential history. So when I met with True Father at the age of 17, I had already made this resolution, "I will end, within my lifetime, the history of restoration through indemnity that God has walked in suffering; I will do this myself" I did not think this way because someone taught me to; I made this resolution on my own. The reason I could do so was because I knew God. (True Mother, 2012/01/07) 15. When I met True Father, I already knew providential history. I had not studied the Principle, but I knew about the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. That is why I thought to myself, "In order for True Father to be able to proclaim that he has completed and concluded his mission as the Messiah, I must offer him my effort in support. I will not shift that responsibility to any other person. As for myself, I will accomplish that responsibility. I will advance the Will for as long as I live and bring it to pass. Without a doubt I will defeat satan." It is for this purpose that I have dedicated my mind and body and sacrificed my entire life. (True Mother, 2013/08/24) Life of faith True Mother came down to the South with her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, and her mother, Hong Soon-ae, in 1948. They moved several times -- from Seoul to Daegu, then to Jeju Island and then to Chuncheon, where they continued their life of faith. When they were staying temporarily at the home of her mother's friend in Daegu, right after arriving in the South, a stranger who saw True Mother described her, "She is the most divine young lady in heaven and on earth." It was this way wherever True Mother went: She caught people's eye, and people received spiritual messages testifying to her. 16. Rev. Kim Seong-do, founder of the Holy Lord Church, passed away after she was released from prison. Although the remaining members of her family continued in that church, the providential mission to prepare for the Returning Lord passed to the Inside the Womb Church led by Rev. Heo Ho-bin. The Holy Lord Church could not take root under the communist regime in North Korea. Rev. Kim's first son, Jeong Seokcheon, went to the South and became involved in a mining business. Later he purchased a house on Dongseong Street in Daegu and started a business that sold rice and fuel. During the Korean War, when we moved to Daegu, we had a reunion with Jeong Seok-cheon. We were gathered with his family at his house and talking about this and that, when they said, "When we were in the North attending the Holy Lord Church, we received much grace from the New Lord (Kim Seong-do). We also experienced great works of the Spirit when we attended the Inside the Womb Church of Rev. Heo. They were preparing for the Lord at the Second Advent to come to Korea. Let us pray continually and earnestly to find him." Mr. Jeong called his older sister Jeong Seok-on to come up from Busan. She also joined their family gatherings, which were filled with intense prayer. In this way we continued our life of faith. (True Mother, 2014/10/11) 17. When I was very young and my mother was running a small store in Daegu, one day an enlightened Buddhist wearing a bamboo hat passed by and saw me. He gave the remarkable testimony, "This daughter is so precious that not even ten sons can match her. So please raise her well. When she reaches 17, she will marry a man who is much older than she is. She will live in great wealth, with fortune from the land, sea and sky." My mother was amazed at his testimony and asked him what it meant. He answered that I was born with that destiny. Hearing this, my mother resolved even more strongly to live a diligent life of faith as she searched for the truth. In addition, she resolved to raise me in purity until we could meet the Returning Lord. That is why she took me to Jeju Island. There she cultivated her spiritual life and subjected herself to harsh rigors, including eating nothing but uncooked food. Later, when she met True Father, she thought about how she could raise me to be an important worker in the Unification Church. Such are the extreme and tearful stories hidden within the providence before I was brought to God as a pure offering for God's Will. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 18. My grandmother Jo Won-mo led us in daily family worship. She made a point of staying away from evil influences in her daily life. She told me many Bible stories. She read the Bible seriously, and led a sincere life of faith with her utmost devotion, always keeping the Bible within her reach. Naturally, I read the Bible with her and lived a life of faith guided by our Heavenly Parent. We continued this life while we lived as refugees in Daegu, when I transferred to the school on Jeju Island, and later in Chuncheon, after the Korean War. When I was attending Sunday school at a church in Daegu, I often sang for the congregation as a representative of the students at the Sunday school. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 19. While living in Daegu as a refugee during the Korean War, my mother met Jeong Seok-cheon, the first son of the founder of the Holy Lord Church, Rev. Kim Seong-do. After speaking with him, she came to believe that the New Lord would come to South Korea. She prayed hard to meet the Returning Lord, while keeping to an ascetic diet of raw pine needles. I was an elementary school student at that time. I was a good student and was very popular with the other students. However, my mother did not feel comfortable that I had become a focal point, because there were revelations about me saying I would become the Lord's Bride, the Lord's daughter, and other similar testimonies. As a result, in 1954 my mother and I moved to Jeju Island. She wanted to protect me for the day when she hoped we would meet the Lord at the Second Advent. I remember suffering from seasickness during the trip to Jeju Island. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) 20. Because I had been given the blessing to be Heaven's Bride, Daemonim's main concern was to raise me pure and untainted by the world. So the year after the Korean War ended, when Korea was in chaos, my mother and I departed from the Korean mainland and went to live on Jeju Island. We lived there for about nine months. Jeong Pyeong-hwa, the second son of Rev. Kim Seong-do, the founder of the Holy Lord Church, was a man of such fervent faith that he wanted to experience the pain of Jesus. He even reenacted the crucifixion and wore a crown of thorns. Daemonim joined him and led a more arduous life of faith than ever before. Every day she worked in the fields, eating nothing but raw food, and every night she exerted herself to the utmost in prayer. (True Mother, 2013/12/06) Section 3. Chosen by Heaven Three generations of preparation According to True Fathers words, appropriate providential conditions had to be met for a woman representing the entire foundation for the Bride to be chosen to become the True Mother of humankind. First, she had to possess an internal bond of lineage that could overcome the accusation of satan's world. The woman chosen to represent all womankind and be elevated to the position of True Mother had to be from a family that had been prepared behind the scenes for three generations with only one daughter in each generation. True Mother's lineage met this requirement through her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, her mother, Daemonim, and Hak Ja Han herself. These women were their families' only daughters, and they were separated from the world so that they could be on God's side. Their families were not large, and they did not have many relatives. Hence, they could five a simple life and make conditions to purify themselves in order to prepare the foundation for Heaven's Bride. 1. Not anyone could become True Mother. The conditions to advance the providence to raise a woman to become True Mother were connected with predestined relationships in the providence that focused on the work to restore Eve. This required three women to meet internal and external conditions. After all the conditions were met, True Mother could appear before the Lord and be joined with him in marriage. These three women were of three generations, representing the formation, growth and completion stages. The unity of grandmother, mother and daughter was like connecting the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age. On that basis, it was possible for heaven to inaugurate the era for establishing the True Parents. Among those women, True Mother is the center. The person representing the formation stage is not the center; nor is the person representing the growth stage. In the ages of history, all must pass through three stages. In the horizontal ages, all can stand on the level of perfection only with the fulfillment of the third stage -- the completion stage. (212-076, 1991/01/02) 2. True Mother represents all the women of the world. Only one woman representing all the women of humankind could be chosen for the position of True Mother. Three generations had to be connected behind the scenes to prepare True Mother. It is an original requirement that True Mother must be an only Daughter. Adam was the original only Son; Jesus was the only Son. The Lord at the Second Advent is also the only Son from the perspective of God's Will. Since the man through whom God accomplishes the Will is His only Son, the woman must be His only Daughter. From the viewpoint of the providence of restoration, that man and that woman must be joined as a couple and become one. Then they must win over satan's world and inaugurate the heavenly kingdom. (223-241, 1991/11/10) 3. For True Mother to be born into this world, there had to be three generations of women born as only daughters in their families, and they were required to build a meritorious foundation for the Returning Lord. When you look at Mothers family tree, her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, her mother, Hong Soonae, and Mother herself were each only daughters in their families. Furthermore, Mrs. Hong was trained as a leader in the Inside the Womb Church, one of the Spirit-led churches that had the mission to prepare to receive the Lord at the Second Advent. That is why around the time they fled the North and went to the South, the mother of that church's leader, Rev. Heo Ho-bin, blessed Mother to become Heaven's Bride. Mother received this blessing because heaven had prepared her for that position. (220-337, 1991/10/20) 4. Three generations of True Mother's family attended the Spirit-led churches that were preparing to receive the Returning Lord. Her history extends that far back. Do you know how much those churches were opposed by the Protestant churches and the Catholic Church? Do you know how much Rev. Yi Yongdo was persecuted for founding the New Jesus Church? All of this led to Mother receiving the blessing on the foundation of her connection to all those spiritual works and to the core essence of the Korean people. It was also important that she come from a clan consisting of not more than 12 people. (210-301, 1990/12/25) 5. The Inside the Womb Church believed that the Returning Lord would come in the flesh, and that he would select his Bride and 12 disciples. Hence, it trained its members in how to attend the Lord. True Mother was trained in that special spiritual group. The mother of the founder of that church called Mother when she was six and gave her a special blessing. When I met Mother, I realized that she had already received all the blessings necessary to become the Bride. Also, it was fitting that no men were involved in her spiritual preparation, and that in her family she was the only daughter. (191-254, 1989/06/25) 6. Rev. Yi Yong-do was one of the representatives of Christianity who had been prepared to welcome the Returning Lord. When the existing Christian churches expelled him, he founded the New Jesus Church. He connected to Rev. Kim Seong-do in Cheolsan, when Rev. Baek Nam-ju connected the spiritual churches on the eastern and western coasts of Korea. That is how, in Daemonim's family, her husband attended the New Jesus Church founded by a man, while Daemonim attended the Inside the Womb Church founded by a woman. Daemonim was a leading figure in that church. While Daemonim was attending the Inside the Womb Church, she even left her home to search all over for the Lord. She received blessings from the pastors of the New Jesus Church and also from the Inside the Womb Church. This is what I discovered when I looked into True Mother's family. It had to be that way. Preparation as Heaven's Bride God, who sent the Returning Lord as His only begotten Son, also prepared Hak Ja Han to be Heavens Bride and His only begotten Daughter. Even when she was very young, there were occasions when people testified about her, that she would become Heaven's Bride. As the day for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb drew near, a number of church members had dreams that Hak Ja Han would become Heaven's Bride. Her mother, Daemonim, also had such a dream. In her dream she was entering True Father's room, and she looked back and saw women in white holy robes holding bouquets of pink flowers. Then Daemonim thought, "Ever since God lost Eve, for 6,000 years He has been looking for a woman." True Father was seated; then she saw her daughter walking toward him. As she approached him, there were peals of thunder, and lightning lit up the sky as if to announce their joyous union. She saw numerous people looking at the scene with admiration but also with envy. Daemonim did not really understand the meaning of her dream. Still, as she raised her daughter, she continued making conditions of devotion for a long time so that her dream could come true. (403-239, 2003/01/23) 7. True Mother's mother (Daemonim) walked a historic path of suffering to receive the Returning Lord. During that time Mother, as her daughter, also received such training. I needed a woman who would, as a wife, follow with all of her heart and mind a husband who was totally committed to the Will. I also needed her to be from a prepared family and lineage. Thinking in this way, I chose True Mother. (121-213, 1982/10/27) 8. Daemonim had gone a course in which she attended three persecuted churches. She attended the New Jesus Church, then the Holy Lord Church, and the Inside the Womb Church, before finally coming to the Unification Church. Her history of attending these three churches before meeting me qualified her lineage to be the lineage from which True Mother could come. Before Daemonim gave birth to True Mother, she based her life on commands she had received from heaven. There were spiritual works like this going on in the background. I could not choose just anyone to be in the position of True Mother. (539-060, 2006/09/17) 9. In order to produce True Mother, a family of three generations had to offer themselves representing the three ages: the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament Ages. The family had to have a line of only daughters. After True Mother was conceived, Daemonim set out on the path by herself. Through history, three ages had sought for the pure Bridegroom. These three women representing the three ages had to raise up the pure Bride by carrying the cross over many hills. Not just anyone can be chosen as the True Mother. To True Mother, I, True Father, stood as her grandfather and father as well as her husband, and also as her older brother. So when she related to me, she regarded me as her older brother, as her father, as her grandfather and even as her king. Knowing this, I had to raise her starting from the position of a younger sister. I had to elevate her to the position of my fiancée, then to the position of my wife, and then to the positions of mother and grandmother, all the way to the position of queen. (484-085, 2005/01/20) 10. Everyone cannot help but respect True Mother. She emerged after passing through three spiritual churches. Over and over, she heard from her mother that the Lord will come in the future, and that when she meets him, she must attend him this way and that. Daemonim repeatedly taught her so many times that her teaching infused into Mothers bone marrow. This is how she was educated to become True Mother. This daughter, who was 17 years old when she was blessed to me, must become the queen. She must advance to the position of the queen of the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, after our Holy Wedding she had to pass through the positions of wife, mother and grandmother, and rise up to the position of queen. When I refer to her as True Mother, it is because she is the mother who represents the heavenly nation. When I say she is my wife, it means that she represents the king and therefore must be attended as if attending the king. (593-216, 2008/06/16) Section 4. Trials and Victory Silent suffering True Mother walked the path to victory by overcoming all manner of difficulties, both before and after the Holy Wedding at which she became Heaven's Bride. She was the absolute object partner before God, the Absolute Subject Partner. She walked the model course of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. For the sake of the providence she demonstrated a strength of spirit that allowed her to break through all obstacles. She recalled, "The path I walked was a succession of ordeals, each one so difficult that it is painful to think about." 1. Since you understand who Father is, all of you may think I am very happy. You may simply think I am perfect in every respect. You may think, "Because God created you to be like that, and since from the beginning you were born perfect, you were chosen for the position of True Mother without needing to make any effort of your own." Your general view of me might be that since I am married to Father and am the True Mother of the entire cosmos, I must have a happy family and be enjoying my life. This is far from the reality. Father walked the path of the cross and suffered immensely in order to stand in his position. Therefore, I in my own way also had to carry a difficult cross. No one, in fact, can understand my course and the unbearable suffering it entailed. I was not a perfect person from the outset; rather, I had to walk a path toward perfection. The standard I had to attain was very high. Sometimes I even thought it was impossible to continue on my path and reach the goal. I had to suffer through very difficult trials and maintain absolute faith in order to complete my mission and meet God's expectations. Such was my position. When I look back and think about my circumstances in those days and the course I walked, I cannot hold back my tears. My weeping becomes uncontrollable. To talk about my past life is very painful, because the memories of my trials and tribulations vividly reappear. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 2. It is unbearable even to think about the path I walked. It was a succession of trials that caused suffering difficult to endure. Just as God tested Father after He chose him, God did the same to me, again and again. And just as satan tested Father and Jesus, he also tested me. Women may be weak compared to men, yet still I had to pass through severe and intense trials, comparable to what the Messiah passed through. Sometimes I felt like a small boat tossed about on the raging ocean. Yet these were also the times when God came to visit me and I felt His grace most deeply. It was when I was in the midst of suffering that God personally came to me and gave me revelations and guidance. When He did not give me direct guidance, He continually guided me through people around me who loved me and strove to protect me. So, although in such times I had to persevere through the harshest suffering and the bitterest ordeals, they were also truly the most beautiful times, completely filled with the grace of God, times when I was able to actually feel that God was with me. Now I have finally arrived at the standard that God desires. I have finished my time in the growth period, a time filled with constant struggles as I headed for perfection. Now when I look back, all the memories of that time, so filled with suffering, are changed into joy. Since then I am always able to converse deeply with Father. Father and I have conversations on endless topics. The understanding between us is vast, and our sharing overflows with limitless trust. Even when Father and I do not exchange words, we can deeply understand each other's situations. The reason is because what I went through so resembles the circumstances Father faced and the path he walked. It is a mystery how my course and Father's are so much alike. Both Father and I deeply understand the one common goal and purpose that we share. Because of that, I endured all my suffering and fought through it with faith to finally arrive at the level of perfection. Now I feel victorious, because I have climbed up to the standard where satan can no longer invade me. When Father and I exchange glances based on this victory that we mutually feel and share, I am able to receive unlimited comfort and peace. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 3. Through many experiences with God, I came to learn a great deal about how He accomplishes the Will. In my life I truly have traveled to both heaven and hell. I came to realize that both kinds of experiences, not just one or the other, were necessary to completely mature my character and make me the person God expects me to be. If I had experienced only the joys of heaven, I would not be able to deeply appreciate the taste of life in the kingdom of heaven, and therefore I would not be grateful for it. I had to travel even to the very bottom of hell and experience its bitter taste. Countless times I said, "I do not have the strength to continue on this difficult path any more. I absolutely cannot take another step. It's impossible. God! Why are You telling me to go this path?" I was required to have endurance and determination. I needed to have truly unwavering faith that would never fray. These qualities, I believe, are what made me who I am today. I am telling you that when you are on your way to the kingdom of heaven, you should not expect to experience only the aspects of heaven. In fact, you must anticipate experiencing aspects of hell. You must absolutely anticipate that you will also travel to the rock bottom of hell, to the dungeons of hell. But I can assure you that these experiences are truly the most precious, for they will guide you to feel God's grace. When you go through such a course, you will be able to stand more firmly and be a more mature person. Your character and your spirituality will become well rounded. And you will be able to feel the kingdom of heaven deep down in your bone marrow. Such personal experiences will always be your pride. Truly the record of your victory and endurance in those situations will become your pride. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) True Mother's victory True Mother is a loving and caring woman. Sometimes she weeps with her motherly heart, thinking of other people's suffering, and sometimes she enjoys the world with the pure smile of a young girl. When she has something serious to say, people find themselves drawn to listen. True Father said that it was only through True Mother's victory that he could complete, conclude and consummate the providence of restoration. He also emphasized that "her selflessness was truly the key to her victory." True Father gave an award to True Mother on June 14, 1999. The text of the Award to Congratulate the True Parents and Proclaim Their Cosmic Victory states that True Mother came with the mission to be "God's original daughter and the True Mother of humankind." She came to earth "according to God's command, bearing the fruit of the providential history of restoration." Moreover, she "fulfilled her missions to be a true daughter before heaven, a true wife to her husband, and the True Parent to all humankind as her children." True Mother's difficult course of restoration through indemnity is something that God alone truly understands and remembers. Yet she gained victory and thereby established the eternal tradition as a True Parent. 4. As the rightful True Mother, Mother is the mother of her family, the mother of the church and the mother of the cosmos. As such, she carries a greater responsibility than any woman in history has ever carried. Given her heavy burden, Mother has special strengths and abilities, compared to other people. First, she was born with keen spiritual intuition. She is extremely insightful and observant about people and things, and her judgment is very accurate and clear. So what comes to her mind is always true. Second, Mother's heart is absolutely loyal toward me, True Father. No matter what others say, she is deeply determined to do whatever I need done for the sake of the Will. This is Mother's faith; it is also Mother's conviction. With this kind of faith and conviction, even in the most trying times she demonstrated remarkable endurance in order to fulfill the goal. And with that she gained victory. (1977/02/23) 5. As the True Father, I am deeply grateful that Mother possesses a special disposition toward the Will. She is never selfish. She always wants to give something not only to her own children but also to you, the members of her church family. Whatever precious things she has, she finds joy in giving them to others. Many people in the world may think that True Mother takes pleasure in possessing many clothes and jewels, but in fact this is quite untrue. Whatever good things she has she wants to give to others, to make them happy. There were even times when she could not find suitable clothes in her closet because she had given away so many of them to others. One day when the weather had suddenly changed, I wanted her to go out with me, but she could not find appropriate clothes for the weather. Of course, she would not be able to follow my tradition unless she lived that way. But I tell you, Mother lives even more frugally than I do. (1977/02/23) 6. Mother fought for seven years in pursuit of the standard of perfection. That seven-year period was filled with all kinds of accusations, slanders, false rumors and misunderstandings that swirled around her, attacking her position in the True Family. All that she endured during that time caused her heart to bleed. Yet in fact, all of it was necessary. The issue was whether she could overcome everything and be victorious. Mother was victorious over all of it. She had to remain silent and patiently endure. Amid those circumstances Mother just waited for those days to pass. No matter what happened, Mother kept silent and endured with faith. Persevering, she made herself an offering with indomitable faith, a faith she maintains to this day. Eventually the circumstances turned around, and instead of criticizing her, all the members bowed their heads before Mother, thinking, "She is truly the Mother of the cosmos." In this way they came to attend her with respect. (1977/02/23) 7. Some unbelievable things happened back then. In the end, those people who had accused Mother fell away one by one. But back when those situations were occurring, I was well aware of how to deal with them because I knew the Principle. I knew how to fulfill my mission as the leader of the Unification Church in order to bring the final victory. If Mother had not known the Principle, she would have been at a loss, not knowing what to do. Ultimately, love is the issue. Love is the center of everything, and everything is related to the problem of love. However, this issue of love can drive people to take the wrong direction and even go to extremes. I came to subjugate fallen love and rectify it. This is also to restore the hearts of human beings toward God. Truly for Mother as well, it has been the cross of love. However, even while enduring all manner of ordeals due to the issue of love, Mother did not utter even one word of excuse. Mother understood, on her own, the significance of these challenges, and just endured. This is why she could be victorious in the end. (1977/02/23) 8. I can testify to Mother; I can testify that she truly brought victory through faith. She has absolute faith in me. Her mother also achieved victory; both are victorious. After this victory was achieved on the cosmic level, I as True Father decided to give Mother the honor that was her due. Further, her mother, is also entitled to receive the respect and honor appropriate to her merit for the rest of her life. If she dies without receiving it, her merit will pass to her descendants. The fact that I am now relating to Mother differently than in the past is in accordance with the Principle. The process of restoration she completed was that difficult, and her victory was that spectacular. So was the victory of her mother (Daemonim). You have no idea how difficult it was. These two women were chosen for the greatest honor and to be in positions of the greatest responsibility. Yet they joined the Unification Church in the lowest position and started out on their paths from the lowest place. From this, we can learn a lesson: We must not expect to receive God's blessings in the most glorious and exalted place; we receive them only after we overcome the lowest and most miserable situations that human beings can ever know. Only then can His blessings stay with us eternally and expand to embrace all humanity. (1977/02/23) Chambumo Gyeong - Book 3. - The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC Chapter 1. True Father Begins His Course of Public Life 216 Section 1. Father's Public Course 216 Section 2. Pyongyang 225 Section 3. Eight-Stage Restoration an d 43-Day Battle for Victory 233 Section 4. Hungnam Prison 238 Chapter 2. True Father's Journey to South Korea and His Course in Busan 243 Section 1. Journey to the South Father's disciples 243 Section 2. A New Beginning in Busan Refugee life 247 Section 3. Wolli Wonbon 255 Section 4. Pioneer Outreach 259 Chapter 3. Founding the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity 265 Section 1. Background 265 Section 2. The Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church 276 Section 3. Conditions of Devotion and Guidance on Faith 282 Section 4. Pioneer Outreach to 120 Areas 290 Section 5. Missions to Japan and the United States 296 Book 3. - The Beginning of True Father's Public Course and the Founding of HSA-UWC With the liberation of Korea on August 15, 1945 True Father began his public course for the providence of restoration. It was the beginning of a long, drawn-out march toward the liberation of God, the salvation of humanity, and the realization of a peaceful world. Though he was ushering in the new age, long awaited and anticipated by humankind, inexpressible suffering still lay ahead on his providential path. Initially True Father could not publish his new teaching, and when he met other pastors and church elders, it was almost impossible for them to recognize him as the new Lord of the providence. Therefore, he had no choice but to find and work with spiritual groups that communicated directly with God. One in particular was the Christian Israel Monastery led by Rev. Kim Baek-moon, whose spirit was at the highest level. True Father visited this group in October, 1945 and for six months he devoted all his energy as a volunteer to serve and work for them. In early March of the following year, Rev. Kim testified that True Father was "the man who comes with the glory of King Solomon." But after that testimony, Rev. Kim did not serve or follow True Father. True Father came to feel that he could not fulfill the Will of God as long as he stayed there, so he left the monastery. When it became impossible for True Father to lay a foundation for the providence in South Korea, he received a revelation to go to Pyongyang, and he immediately set out. He arrived there on June 6, 1946, and, with ardent prayer and devotion, set about building an altar. In Pyongyang, devout Christian believers guided by heaven came flocking to him. Because of their testimonies of what they experienced, the number of people attending his church services grew rapidly. However, other pastors and church elders thought True Father was stealing their followers and, due to their opposition and accusations, he was imprisoned at the Daedong Detention Center on August 11 of the same year. True Father was actually hopeful when he was imprisoned. He knew that in the Daedong Detention Center he would meet the leader of a spiritual group. Rev. Heo Ho-bin, founder of the Inside the Womb Church, who had received revelations that the Lord would come again in the flesh, was also imprisoned at the detention center. True Father secretly passed a note to her that said, "Pray to find out who I am. Deny everything and be released." But she disbelieved True Father, and the note was discovered by the jailers. As a result, True Father was tortured severely, and when he was released, he was at death's door. In the end, True Father was opposed by Christian leaders and spiritual groups in both South Korea and North Korea. Therefore, just as Jesus had to go through a 40-day fast and the three great temptations due to the opposition of the chosen people of Israel, Father too had to endure severe torture in the Daedong Detention Center and walk the course of three great trials. The first of these trials was brought by Pak Eul-yong, the self-proclaimed "Wife of Jehovah." True Father ultimately triumphed in the course of restoration through indemnity, advancing up through the eight stages of restoration from the position of a servant of servants to the position of God's substantial object partner. The second trial was the 43-day battle for truth in which he had to engage all the sages in the spirit world. This was a heated debate concerning three topics: first, change of lineage; second, change of the right of ownership; and third, change of the realm of heart. In the end, True Father received God's Divine Seal and His official recognition, "What Sun Myung Moon says is right." Thus, he prevailed over them. The third trial was the course to restore through indemnity the sufferings Jesus had endured when he lost his 12 disciples and was nailed to the cross. Father had to go through this course in order to begin his work as the one who had been named the heir to Jesus' mission. True Father triumphed by restoring more than 12 disciples in Hungnam Special Labor Camp, which was for him the same as being nailed to the cross. True Father underwent forced labor in the Hungnam labor camp for two years, four months and 25 days, beginning May 20, 1948. Life in the Hungnam labor camp was itself a living hell, with poor rations, dreadful living conditions and severe hard labor. Every year 40 percent of the prisoners died. True Father had to find 12 devoted disciples in such a place while struggling to stay alive, and he could neither talk nor act as he liked. The only way for him to witness to others was to practice a life of devotion that moved heaven and the spirit world. Then ancestors in the spirit world would send revelations in dreams and visions to their descendants in the prison. In this way, many people came to serve and follow True Father. When the Korean War broke out, UN troops arrived and engaged the North Korean forces. True Father was freed from Hungnam Prison the day before his scheduled execution. He walked for ten days to get to Pyongyang, where he searched for those who had followed him before he was sent to the prison camp. He first sought out Kim Won-pil, whom True Father had witnessed to before his imprisonment. Father asked him to visit the other members, but not one of them rejoined True Father. After staying 40 days in Pyongyang, True Father left the city on December 4, 1950, together with Kim Won-pil and Pak Jeong-hwa, who had been in prison with him. Mr. Pak could not walk due to a broken leg, so True Father put him on a bicycle, he had found and together they headed south. On January 27, 1951, 55 days after departing for the south, True Father arrived at Choryang Station in Busan. Beginning on May 11, and over the course of that year, True Father wrote the Wolli Wonbon, the Original Text of the Divine Principle. On July 20, 1953, he sent Gang Hyeon-sil to Daegu as the first missionary. This was the first time the Divine Principle was taught publicly. True Father founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSAUWC) in Bukhak-dong, Seoul on May 1, 1954. HSA-UWC was founded to establish the Abel church representing Christianity, based on the victorious foundation of Father's indemnity course in North Korea. This meant that God's providence of restoration had begun anew, centering on this new organization. Chapter 1. True Father Begins His Course of Public Life Section 1. Father's Public Course God's victory in World War II The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord at the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity. The liberation of Korea on August 15, 1945, ended 40 years of Japanese colonial rule. This was a singularly notable event in the history of God's providence. When Korea was finally freed from Japanese colonialism, it became possible for the providence to advance to a new level. 1. World War II was a war in which England, America and France united and fought against Japan, Germany and Italy. What was sown at the Fall had to be harvested. The seed that began with individuals bore fruit in nations on the world level. Fallen seeds were sown by Adam and Eve and then divided into Cain and Abel. Hence, the world was divided into two: the God's side Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, and the satan's side Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. England was Eve on God's side, America was Abel on God's side, and France was Cain on God's side. On satan's side, Japan was Eve, Germany was Abel and Italy was Cain. In World War II, God's side and satan's side fought each other, and satan's side was defeated. (189-212, 1989/04/06) 2. During the First and Second World Wars, Korea was under Japanese rule and Korean patriots fought against Japanese imperialism. Korea suffered under Japanese rule for 40 years. During those 40 years, Japan attempted to erase the Korean traditional culture, and even the Korean language. Due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, God lost the four-position foundation. Therefore, God's purpose for the providence of restoration was to restore the four-position foundation. This is why the number four appears so often in God's providence as depicted in the Bible. There are many indemnity periods of 40 and 400 years in the Bible. Restoration through indemnity is always achieved by this principle. For Korea to become the Adam nation in God's providence, it first had to be ruled by an Eve nation. And then Korea had to overcome that Eve nation and achieve independence. During that time, Japan united with Germany and Italy. These countries were on satan's side. Japan was the Eve nation on satan's side. The United States, Britain and France were on God's side. During World War I, Germany was almost completely destroyed. Twenty years later, Germany had revived, and had a providential role during World War II. The country that strikes another country first is always defeated. This is why the United States, England and France joined forces and together defeated the nations on satan's side. Korea had to live under Japanese rule for a period of 40 years. Japan was the Eve nation on satan's side. During that time, Japan tried to get rid of Korea's traditional culture and even the Korean language. (052-138, 1971/12/27) 3. While under satan's dominion, first the nation of Israel and then Christianity fought against satan physically and spiritually. Likewise, while the land of Korea was dominated by its enemy Japan for 40 years, Korean patriots who were internally determined to die for the nation led an independence movement. Centered on such a spirit, God continued to expand His investment in the providence. Those patriots worked together in unity and established a nation centered on those who believed in Christianity. It was extremely significant for the providence that Christians who loved Korea at the risk of their lives established a patriotic standard while the nation was under 40 years of Japanese occupation. (071-230, 1974/05/01) 4. After the liberation of Korea, a new providential movement could have been launched centered on America. On the foundation of a worldwide victory centered on Christianity and America, God's providence could have begun a new era. Because Father knew the new level of truth, the Principle, he had been active in the Korean underground independence movement. With the liberation of Korea, the time had come when Father could work publicly. At that time, the United States military stationed in Korea set up a government administration. Many Koreans who worked for the US military administration were those who had come home from their studies overseas. These people could easily unite with the military administration. Those Korean Christians that had been informants for the Japanese government, worshipping at Shinto shrines, also had connections with the US military administration. On the other hand, Christians who had been active in the underground were members of locally rooted groups and were not used to relating with people from foreign countries. Therefore, they were not able to form relationships with the office of the US administration. Hence, in the end the Korean Christians divided into two groups: those who had cooperated with the Japanese and those who had opposed them. (161-069, 1987/01/02) 5. The purpose of religion is the perfection of Adam. The purpose of God's restoration providence is also the perfection of Adam. During the Creation, the archangel helped God in the Garden of Eden for the sake of Adam's perfection. God created angels as His helpers and supporters. God's purpose and the angels' purpose were the same: the perfection of Adam. Therefore, the standard of perfection must be indemnified at the world level, in the spiritual world and in the physical world. Christianity is the religion of the archangelic realm on God's side. The environment created immediately after World War II was one in which Christianity was able to move the world. The whole world moved toward heaven's side. Adam would certainly appear at such a time. satan's world and the archangelic realm on God's side had fought both spiritually and physically. In a biblical sense, this was the war of Armageddon. The victory of God's side in World War II meant that heaven's archangelic realm in the spiritual world and in the physical world defeated satan's world. Hence, the time had come when Adam could appear on earth. This is why I am saying that right after World War II was the time when the Second Coming of Christ could occur. (122-094, 1982/11/01) 6. When World War II was ending, Japanese oppression made it difficult for devoted Christians to keep their faith. Koreans prayed to God for decisive action in Korea, and many people were directly guided by God or by the spirit world. They were able to escape from or evade arrest by the Japanese police. Most of them knew Japan would be defeated. Many people in Korea received revelations that after World War II world history would unfold centered on Korea. I was connected with several groups of such people. But I could not reveal anything of the Principle that you are now learning. I could not tell them, because I received instructions from God and promised God that I would start my work only after the liberation of Korea, when the proper conditions had been set. God's Will cannot be achieved by only one man. There must be people willing to work with that man. God also revealed that after World War II the Christian churches would be divided. (052-139, 1971/12/27) 7. Right after the liberation of Korea in 1945, if Korean Christianity had united with the Unification movement and with me, then, based on the Christian cultural sphere, the work of uniting the entire world could have begun immediately. Then, from such a position, the providence easily could have expanded beyond the national level. At that time, Korea did not control its own sovereignty, but had inherited the foundation of the adopted son based upon the foundation of the victorious realm of America, the archangel nation, centering on the Christian cultural sphere. On this foundation, had the Unification movement established a worldwide foundation, the angelic world and the adopted son's world could have reached perfection and could have entered the era of the world cultural sphere that would have received the Son and Daughter of God's direct lineage. If the realm of the Abel culture centered on the returning Christ had been realized, the realms of the archangel and adopted son could have been connected to the realm of the True Son. Thus history, as a vertical line, is to become one with the horizontal reality. Unless I can manage to forge this unity, it will not be possible to remove satan's base. (131-045, 1984/04/01) 8. If I had been able to establish a foundation centered on Christianity before the August 15 liberation of Korea, the Jaegeon Christian group -- those who were imprisoned for refusing to worship at Shinto shrines -- could have taken a central position based on my foundation of faith. If that had happened, Christianity could have followed my guidance and stood in the position to welcome the United Nations troops. The UN troops would then have been welcomed by those who had been imprisoned, and the whole world could have been connected. If the UN had been welcomed in North Korea at that time, Korea would not have been divided into North and South. If the spiritual groups had been united in welcoming the UN troops, there would have been no place for satan to invade. However, this ideal vision was not realized. Therefore, I had to restore this by making other conditions. In particular, Rev. Heo Ho-bin's spiritual group did not receive me. In a lonely place, I had to send messages more than three times. After I reported to heaven, I made it clear to them, "Unless you accept my guidance, your nation and the world will be destroyed and all the merit you have built up will be taken away by heaven." By giving them this warning, I laid a foundation that I could harvest later. Then I waited for the liberation of Korea. After Korea was liberated, I had to travel around the world. (134-076, 1985/01/04) 9. I grew up during the time of Japanese occupation. Under the circumstances of that time, even though I had a great vision and hope in my heart, I could not express what I had in my mind. Even when I had extraordinary thoughts, I could not express them without being circumspect and checking whether speaking was appropriate. However great the thought or idea I may have had, it was not the time when I could express myself unless I felt clearly it was safe to do so. In other words, it was a time of restrictions. Under these circumstances, I prepared myself and fought to feel my way forward in the course of restoration. I had to take the path revealed in the Principle, which nobody knew. Then in 1945, Korea was liberated. I was 25 years old. All the Korean people were happy as they celebrated their liberation. In an uproar they shouted, Mansei! They were filled with joy as if all of heaven and earth was theirs and they could turn the world upside down. I was happy as well. However, except for that day, I have not shouted Mansei for the liberation of the nation. Even though I was happy, I could not be truly happy. This was because I knew the Korean people were responsible for making a new start, and I myself had to make a historical new start as well, and make the first step toward world restoration. Since I was in South Korea at that time, I invested all my heart in pioneering the path of restoration centered on Seoul. (157-071, 1967/02/14) Christian disbelief The liberation of Korea came at a turning point in world history. In 1945, an opportune moment had come in the providence of restoration to establish heaven's sovereignty and restore the world centered on Christianity. However, Christianity did not accept Father, the very person leading this providence. Father was then faced with the difficulty of having to prepare a new providential foundation. After his first attempt to begin the providence, focusing on Seoul, was frustrated, he put into motion his second attempt at the providence, focusing on Pyongyang, beginning in June, 1946. However, all the providential foundations that God had prepared collapsed in failure, and Father was forced to walk the path of suffering in prison. Among the many Christian denominations in Korea, there were some that had given in to Japan's coercion and had worshipped at Shinto shrines. There were other patriotic believers who had remained underground and had fought the Japanese, keeping true to their faith while waiting for the day of liberation. Under such circumstances, spiritual groups that had actively worked for the 14 years before Korea was liberated were laying foundations to receive the Lord at the Second Advent. In particular, men from Wonsan were doing spiritual works in the eastern part of Korea. At the same time, women appeared who were doing spiritual works in Cheolsan, in the western part. Among these women, the most notable were Rev. Kim Seong-do of the Holy Lord Church, Rev. Heo Ho-bin of the Inside the Womb Church, and the elderly Mrs. Pak Eul-yong, who was called "the Wife of Jehovah." The most notable men were Rev. Yi Yong-do and Rev. Kim Baek-moon of the New Jesus Church. Rev. Kim Baek-moon, in particular, was entrusted with the mission of John the Baptist. He testified that Father was going to achieve the worldwide glory of King Solomon. But he did not serve or follow Father, so the providence could not begin at that time. 10. The democratic world centered on global Christianity is the realm of the Second Israel. Christianity is in the position to offer a worldview to guide the democratic world. This is similar to the position of Judaism in the First Israel. Israel and Christianity are thus spiritually connected. Therefore, the work of the Lord at his Second Coming must be done upon the victorious foundation through which he can inherit the realm of the spiritual Israel. He must appear on earth upon the victorious foundation on the spiritual individual level, the spiritual family level, and the spiritual tribe, spiritual people, spiritual nation, and spiritual world levels. The Lord at the Second Advent cannot put the world in order without having such foundations. After subjugating the entire spirit world and taking control of it, he reigns over the world following God's Will. After that, he needs to go through the substantial indemnity course, this time on earth. Spiritually, the realm of the Second Israel was victorious worldwide. This worldwide realm of Israel, which won spiritual victory, corresponds on the world level to the angelic world. Since the Returning Lord is the Third Adam, he has to inherit the foothold of the realm of the spiritual Israel which the Second Adam, Jesus, had won. (038-099, 1971/01/03) 11. After its liberation from Japan, Korea was supposed to have been established as a republic in the context of a united world, protected by the democratic world of the Christian realm. At that time, I expected to start at the highest level, fulfilling a new historical mission by joining hands with the leaders of the newborn country. However, things were interrupted when some pastors representing Christianity opposed me. A nation built around Christianity could have been formed, but the top leaders of Christianity opposed me, and that led all of Christianity in Korea to oppose me. (067-248, 1973/07/01) 12. In the effort to annihilate Christianity in Korea, Japanese imperialists forced Christians to worship at Shinto shrines. There were two types of Christian groups at that time: those who accepted worship at Shinto shrines and those who rejected it. Those who rejected it were imprisoned or went underground. Those who accepted worship at the shrines became prominent in society. At that time, the spiritual groups who went underground received revelations that the Messiah would come in the flesh and lead their groups, though they did not know who he was. Therefore, they were in the subject position to educate the Christians who were prominent in society. These groups could have united and taken the role of the leading people when Korea gained its independence. After the liberation of Korea, the underground spiritual groups were supposed to have taken the subject position. But the opposite happened. Those who worshipped at the Shinto shrines and those who had studied abroad and had contacts in America took the subject position. A Christian revival movement could have been initiated under the ideal of the Returning Lord and based on the Returning Lords new understanding of God, but that chance was lost. Around the time of the liberation of Korea, most Korean churches were in North Korea. Since the majority of churches were in Pyongyang, it meant North Korea was the center of Korean Christianity. Therefore, the Christian movement in North Korea could have established the framework of the nation and become the spiritual foundation of providential activities to revive worldwide Christianity. However, it failed to do so. Instead, when the nation was formed, Christians fought among themselves like Cain and Abel. Before the churches could establish the proper foundation, satan invaded, and the Cain nation was established first. In this situation, a new nation needed to be established to at least protect the southern part of Korea. This is why Korea could not be unified. It was divided into two nations. Korea could have become a unified nation with Christianity at the center and become the base for God's Will. Instead, it began to fall into satan's hands. (146-118, 1986/06/08) 13. After the liberation of Korea, three groups of Christian churches appeared: those that worshipped at the Shinto shrines; the Jaegeon group who took it as their mission to rebuild the church and whose members chose to go to prison rather than obey orders to worship at the Shinto shrines; and the Spirit-led churches. In terms of the Principle, the first group was the formation stage, the second was the growth stage and the third was the completion stage. The group of Spirit-led churches took on the mission to restore the Garden of Eden. This group consisted of three churches. Their respective leaders were: Rev. Pak Dong-gi, representing the Old Testament Age; Rev. Kim Baek-moon, representing New Testament Age; and Rev. Heo Ho-bin, representing the Completed Testament Age. Rev. Heo's church was led by women. These groups were to restore the formation, growth and completion stages vertically and restore the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages horizontally. The group of churches that worked to restore the church and the group of Spirit-led churches were to have united together, and I was meant to stand on their foundation. However, just as John the Baptist did not support Jesus, the leaders of these Spirit-led churches could not recognize who I was, even though they knew that the Lord would come again as a person in the flesh. (165-020, 1987/05/19) 14. Rev. Bum Seong-do had the mission of Eve, and Rev. Heo Ho-bin had that of Mother Mary. Jesus came to earth and lived 33 years. His life ended by execution on the cross without being able to complete his mission. Therefore, Rev. Heo's group prepared everything to indemnify that. She prophesied that the Messiah at his Second Coming would come to Korea. She even received revelations about the height and build of the Messiah and prepared clothing, bedding and everything else for him. She received that originally all these things were to have been prepared for Jesus at his coming, and that if there were nobody to prepare them for the Returning Lord, God could not send him. In the past, not even one room was prepared for Jesus to lie down in. Consequently, he was laid in a manger. Since God felt bitter sorrow over this, God selected one person and had her prepare everything needed for the Messiah's daily life, including his clothing, his room and so on. God had her prepare everything of the best quality, things that would be considered the best by anyone, whether in the East or the West. (008-224, 1960/01/06) 15. On the eastern coast of Korea, Rev. Yi Yong-do was a leader of one of the Spirit-led churches. He ignited the fire of the Holy Spirit in many people. Through such spiritual work, heaven tried to unite all the spiritual figures into one group. The spiritual work was divided into two categories: one was internal and the other was external. Rev. Yi established a church called the New Jesus Church. At that time, the Inside the Womb Church in western Korea received a revelation instructing its members to unite with the New Jesus Church. So they visited the New Jesus Church in the east, but the eastern group did not accept the western group. Because they did not unite, God needed a pioneer for a new movement. God wanted to find another person who could accept His direction. That person was Rev. Kim Baekmoon. Rev. Baek Nam-ju was the formation stage, Rev. Yi was the growth stage, and Rev. Kim was the completion stage. Rev. Yi was in the position of Jesus. He died in 1933 at the age of 33. From this, we can understand that God made extensive preparations in this way for the Second Coming of the Lord. God started these early preparations so that Korea would be able to overcome Japanese oppression. Under these circumstances, I started to prepare for my own course. (052-148, 1971/12/27) 16. When I was around 25 years old, I met all the famous religious people in Korea, including Christian pastors, Buddhist monks, astrologers and spiritualists. I used to debate with them on views of faith, comparing what they knew and what I knew. When I asked Christian ministers, "What was the Fall?" none of them knew. They did not know how humanity fell. Although Christianity had made amazing progress and had achieved world-level results, if its leaders were unclear about what happened at the start of human history, they would not be able to reach perfection. Yet these pastors were all completely unaware of the cause of the Fall. Nevertheless, although I knew how the Fall took place and all of its circumstances, all the so-called knowledgeable people whom I met did not know about it. Still, the time was not ripe, so I could not make it known. (211-135, 1990/12/30) 17. As I grew up from childhood to adolescence and became more mature, I deeply researched the contents of the Bible. I came to understand everything about God's providence. Then at age 26, with the liberation of Korea, I made a new start. I had begun visiting underground churches at the age of 24, before Korea was liberated. I was thinking, "What kind of path do these spiritual people take? God's providence should go this way, and certain groups must be prepared for this purpose." With this in mind, I met many prominent spiritual people. But they did not know God's Will and its direction. Therefore, I began preaching with all my heart, and I made relationships with them. I visited underground churches, and even though the leaders did not recognize me, the people in those churches who communicated with the spirit world testified to me. When I stayed there just one week, the spiritual people there followed me. Such phenomena occurred. That divided the underground church into two groups. I had to gather people who understood me in order to form a spiritual church. I had to teach them that the Messiah was not coming on the clouds. I knew that many Christians would join me if I kept that truth sealed for about ten years. But heaven did not allow me to do so. God's providence required a frontal assault. God is invisible, so I needed to be His visible instrument to cope with and overcome the world dominated by the invisible satan. (211-142, 1990/12/30) 18. I met Rev. Kim Baek-moon in October 1945, three months after the liberation of Korea. I knew he had a great mission. In those days, he was the leader of the Christian Israel Monastery, which he had founded at heaven's direction. He knew he needed to prepare a foundation to receive the Lord at the Second Advent. It was the direction heaven had given him. I visited his group and stayed there for six months. During that period, God worked through various means. (052-150, 1971/12/27) 19. I went to Rev. Kim Baek-moon's group and attended him as a servant. You cannot even imagine how many tears I shed at that time. I prayed with a sincerity that people could not fathom. The wooden floor on which I prayed was always wet with my tears. I could have criticized the contents of Rev. Kim's teaching. I could have fully subjugated him and his followers by speaking out about the revelation I received. But instead, I continued serving them without saying anything. As a result of this, God was with me, and since they were also spiritually pure, God gave them the direction to follow me. (023-283, 1969/06/08) 20. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Similarly, it was ordained that I was to inherit everything from Rev. Kim Baek-moon. After six months, Rev. Kim received a revelation from heaven, and he put his hand on my head and blessed me, saying, "May all the glory of King Solomon from throughout the world be on you." My encounter with Rev. Kim was significant in the providence. At that point, since heaven told him to bless me, he should have asked me and found out why I was given such a blessing. This was his five percent portion of responsibility. However, as his devoted followers started to follow me, he was displeased. Regardless, I received the blessing from him, through which I inherited what he had. (052-150, 1971/12/27) 21. After the liberation of Korea, I wanted to make my providential start with Rev. Kim Baek-moon. Rev. Kim and I were in the positions of Cain and Abel, or John the Baptist and Jesus. He was a Christian, and he said Jesus was of the same rank as God. He did not know the fundamental truth, but spiritually he certainly had the highest level of Christian faith at that time. Because Rev. Kim's chief disciples and other followers were communicating with the spirit world, the spirit world told them to follow me. But I did not say a word, because I could not destroy another person's foundation after entering it. I needed them to submit to me voluntarily. So I shed many tears and stayed there in silence as an exemplary member of the church. When the church members decided to follow me, problems occurred. (038-060, 1971/01/01) Section 2. Pyongyang God's command On May 27, 1946, True Father received heaven's command to go to the North and immediately set out for Pyongyang. At the time, Pyongyang was occupied by the Soviet Army which had set up communist rule there. True Father arrived on June 6. Pyongyang was known as the Jerusalem of the East and as the hub of Christian faith in Korea. Even so, the church had suffered greatly and people aspired to rebuild it. After arriving, True Father stayed in Gyeongchang-ri, and worked from there to spread his message. Father stayed at the home of a devout person with whom he had developed a close bond while at the Israel Monastery. 1. There will come a time when the representative with the internal mission and the representative with the external mission will encounter each other. In other words, at the summit of the 6,000 years of biblical history, Cain and Abel will meet each other once again at the summit. There, restoration through indemnity must be fulfilled. When Cain accepts the heavenly teaching and establishes the standard of following Abel, they can unite and go over the hill of indemnity together. When Abel and Cain go over this hill, each goes to the other's position. This is what was supposed to happen, but only Abel was able to go over the hill. Originally, when I started my public course, it was God's Will that I walk hand in hand with President Syngman Rhee. From the providential perspective it could have happened, but due to opposition from Christian quarters at that time things went wrong. Because this route of taking the high-level course to accomplish the providential will was lost, I had to go down and begin a course at a lower level. Once I had to go down, it had to be to the lowest position. That was why at that point I had to go immediately to North Korea and begin again from there. (016-058, 1965/12/26) 2. When I started my public course, I asked myself if I was prepared to give my life. I even wondered in what manner I would die. I imagined that I would be executed by firing squad, or that each of my limbs would be chained to an oxcart and my body torn to pieces. I also thought of what kind of words I would leave behind at my death. I did not think of how to survive. Since I was shouldering something so substantial as the providence, centered on the Republic of Korea, I was ready to face death. I had to go to the front line, the stronghold of the enemy. The foundation of Christianity in South Korea had fallen to satan. Therefore, I went to North Korea, to satan's den, in order to restore that foundation. (034-048, 1970/08/29) 3. Since I would eventually have to fight against global communism, I went to North Korea. I went prepared to be handcuffed and imprisoned. I never succumbed to any of the cruel ordeals I was put through. I never lost my dignity as God's representative, even when suffering from extreme hunger. I never violated heavenly law even during the most brutally impoverished circumstances, even when I underwent regimented prison life. Even while under such restrictions, I was able to restore what had to be restored. Furthermore, I was able to create the base to make a new start in the presence of God and to find new motivation for my life. I started my mission without thinking of my own survival, but rather, being willing to die. (034-048, 1970/08/29) 4. After Jesus was opposed and rejected by his own people and religion, he was exalted and honored by pagan peoples who believed in pagan religions. Likewise, I had to take the same course. I had to restore an enemy country. Everyone in North Korea was an enemy. The whole country was an enemy. Everywhere I went was full of enemies. Not only did the government and churches try to knock me down, the people did as well. How could I survive there? If I had fought back, I would have perished, so I was obliged to sacrifice myself and serve. My strategy was to pray for their fortune even though they struck me ten times and scorned me thousands of times. I practiced such a strategy. Even though I was wronged thousands of times, God loves these people and has been patiently enduring with them, so I had to do likewise. (037-051, 1970/12/22) 5. I was on my own. I was completely by myself. Although I tried to establish a foundation with the Christian churches, I was rejected. In fact, I received opposition on a scale larger than ever I could have imagined. Fallen human history started with an elder brother striking a younger brother. Accepting the direction of a younger brother is very hard to do if you do not truly understand and believe in God. It is hard because the traditional teachings and customs of your own environment are already a part of you. That is why I was in the position to be opposed by the Christian churches, my older brothers. Like Jesus, I had been rejected. I had to inherit Jesus' course in a very real way. Therefore, I had no choice but to go through that course of indemnity. I have been fighting to indemnify 2,000 years of history in only 20 years. In order to accomplish this, I went into satan's stronghold, into North Korea, into the communist den which is satan's world. (035-175, 1970/10/13) Building a following After arriving in Pyongyang on June 6, 1946, True Father took a room in Gyeongchang-ri and began his church work with prayer and devotion. At the time in Pyongyang, there were still many Christian churches and devout Christian believers. Though many of them looked at True Father with unfriendly glares, he still sought new followers with the conviction that he would convey the Word to save even one life. Many were the times that he looked out of the door with anticipation as he waited for these new church members to come. Some people found their own way to where True Father was, and later they brought other Christian believers to him. True Father held church services for those people. In particular, after True Father's arrival, some people began receiving revelations about him. These devout believers found him through the guidance of those in the spirit world. Many of those who came had been long prepared for the coming of True Father, and among them were people who had been prepared to receive True Father from even before he was born. The spirit world transcends time and space, and the connections of the world of the heart are linked in mysterious and profound ways. The people who had thus become connected to True Father were so overwhelmed by true love that when they so much as touched the hem of his clothes, they felt as if they were floating on air and could dance for sheer joy. True Father stayed up nights talking to whomever came to see him, whether old or young. 6. The three years following Korea's liberation were a period of chaos. There was chaos within Christianity, the political world, and in every other area of Korean society. Everything was in flux. Within Christianity there was no thought about whether the Messiah would return and no understanding of God's Will. At that time many new churches arose, including the Jaegeon Christian group and the Koryupa Church. All were competing with each other over who had the truth. I had to step forward and build relationships with these churches, but their belief that the Lord would return riding on the clouds was an obstacle. No one believed that the Lord would return as a human being except a few groups, such as those led by Rev. Heo Ho-bin, Rev. Kim Seong-do and Rev. Baek Nam-ju, who already knew that he would come in the flesh. These were the groups that were prepared for the Completed Testament. They knew the Lord would come as a human being, but they had not had the opportunity to meet him in person. Even if they had met the Lord, he would not have looked like the Messiah to them. That was a challenge to them, and I could not tell them who I was directly. They had to be pushed into a corner and figure it out for themselves. In fact, both spiritual and non-spiritual people have to do that. Spiritual people do not move an inch without instructions from the spirit world. On the other hand, people who are not spiritual can move forward by understanding the Word. It was a confusing situation. Mainstream Christians were saying that the Lord would come on the clouds. The ones who said that he would come in the flesh were being put down as members of sects. The non-spiritual people could not easily believe either. This became a problem. I gathered the smartest people from 40 Christian churches in Pyongyang. In those days, I had to teach them with the words of the Bible; no other materials would do. The spirit world worked to connect people to me. God prepared these spiritual people in advance and sent them to me. (223-215, 1991/11/10) 7. satan's efforts bore down on me constantly when I was in Pyongyang. But even in the midst of this, I always prayed for the members. I would offer a prayer for someone in the morning, and then wait to see whether they would come or not. As expected, they came without fail. When you pray during such Holy Spirit experiences, you will learn how valuable and effective prayer is. Then your work becomes fun, and you gain the conviction that God is always with you. (042-161, 1971/03/04) 8. No one can rival me when it comes to the Bible. I was 26 years old when I went to North Korea. I was an enthusiastic young man. At the time, there were big churches in Pyongyang, which was known as the Jerusalem of the East. All the intelligent members of those churches were enthralled by me. When I taught the Bible, such as Paul's Letter to the Romans or the Book of Revelation, they were astonished at my explanations. If they were still alive today, they would say to me, "You understand the thousands of years of history in the Bible. How could you know it so accurately?" (227-245, 1992/02/14) 9. When I was in Pyongyang, North Korea, I met a woman who was more than 30 years older than I was. She said to me, "I am here with you today because of the guidance of the spirit world," and then she said, "It is strange." I asked her, "What is so strange?" She said, "This is impossible. This is so strange," and she shook her head. I asked her again, "What is so strange?" She answered, "This is so puzzling for me. You gave me guidance when I was 24 years old." In other words, she said that she had received guidance from me even before I was born. You cannot understand such a phenomenon by just looking from a physical perspective. But looking at it from the spiritual dimension, because God is the vertical Parent, anyone who seeks the heart of the True Father will be with God always. Therefore, although I appear with a shape and body now, in terms of the world of heart, it is the same in the past or in the present. Because God reigns over the world of heart, that woman had met me, even though it would be many years before I would come. Thus we say that the spirit world transcends time. It is possible because of the connections that are made within the realm of heart. Suppose that within God's heart, He has an idea that such and such a man will be born at a certain time in the future. Then, through that heart God can teach someone about that man and create a connection between them. This is possible because we relate through the world of heart. (063-306, 1972/10/15) 10. How much do you think God had to prepare before I went to evangelize in Pyongyang? There was another woman I met there whom God had told 20 years earlier that she would meet me at someone's house and hear God's Word from me. I was 26 years old when I went to North Korea. God told her this when I was only seven years old. I certainly did not know that woman, or that she had received such a message. How on earth could people believe such a story? While I was in Pyongyang, quite a few people shared that sort of testimony. They had the mission to testify to me from the position of the archangel. From the perspective of the Principle, before I came to earth, there had to be people who were even more prepared than I was. Even several centuries before my coming, the spirits who would attend me in the future had to cooperate with people on earth in order to establish the foundation for me to deal with satan's world. (025-343, 1969/10/12) 11. Grandfathers and grandmothers are fond of me. There were 80-year old grandmothers who, guided by the spirit world, came to see me when I was in Pyongyang. Why would they come to see me, walking with their canes? Those grandmothers who came to me under the guidance of the spirit world were so happy even to touch the hem of my garment. When they went back home they spontaneously danced with joy. After touching the hem of my garment, they felt like they were soaring through the sky. They were so overjoyed, dancing all day long, that they even forgot to eat. How could that be? I did not use any magic. When we taste the atmosphere of true love, we become this way. We become happy without apparent reason. We are happy to give and keep giving. We are joyful even when people curse at us. We are happy, no matter how hard we have to work. (121-208, 1982/10/27) 12. Nobody witnessed to Grandmother Ok Sae-hyeon. When she asked in prayer how the Messiah would come, God told her that he would come in the flesh, not on the clouds. That is what God told her. She absolutely believed this no matter who opposed her. In her prayers, she asked, "When will the Messiah come?" and, "Where will he come?" Then God said, "He is in Pyongyang now. He is hiding in a room in Gyeongchang-ri." Since I was hidden away there, and no rumors had yet circulated about where I was, she could not find me. This was during the time that I was pioneering in Gyeongchang-ri. (141-048, 1986/02/16) 13. When I was in Pyongyang, an elderly lady came to visit me. I was 26 and she was over 70. She had received God's grace while worshipping at the churches of Rev. Gil Seon-ju and Rev. Yi Yong-do, and she performed great spiritual works the likes of which no one else could do. She used to offer prayers at Moranbong in Pyongyang. She received the revelation that in the future Japan would try to eliminate Christianity in Korea and that she should prepare herself for that time. She used to pray there at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. Although her husband opposed her, she fended off all opposition and continued her prayers for many years. She knew that Korea would become the chosen nation. She taught the women of Pyongyang about the new world that awaited them in the future and that a joyous and prosperous era would begin soon in Korea. It is because of the existence of people such as her who prayed in this manner that God's work for the Will could be maintained. The Lord must not be alone when he comes, only to be chased and cornered and die with no one at his side. Because there were such women on earth who offered their lives, praying to God and relating to His Will, the foundation of God's providence of restoration could be sustained on earth. (023-271, 1969/06/08) 14. I went to Pyongyang at the age of 26 and caused quite a commotion. When I was in Seoul, the same thing happened. When I would go to a village, the people in the village were willing to stay up all night at my home, talking. So I became the object of much debate. Even the village children would come and pee in the toilet that belonged to the house where I was staying. Why? I told them interesting stories and folktales. My stories were so entertaining that the children would forget about eating. We had fun playing games together, and I invented dozens of games every day. While playing with them, I asked them, "Where are your mom and dad?" After finding out about their parents' situation, I would keep playing with them. After playing at my house until late, the children would become tired and fall asleep. Then I would visit their homes and witness to their parents. What a wonderful way to witness! Since the children had fallen asleep after playing until late, I would carry them on my back to their mom and dad. What parent isn't grateful to someone who has just brought their child home on his back? They would invite me in for a cup of tea. That is how I witnessed. (095-234, 1977/12/04) 15. When I was living in a boardinghouse in Pyongyang, I offered bows to a three-year old boy. I attended him like I attend heaven. It says in the Bible that unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. I honored him above myself to such a degree that he asked me in tears to stop. I recited poems, sang songs and praised him as God's son, even using honorific language. Having done that, I was recognized by God and the child praised me. Since the Human Fall reversed the original order of above and below in heaven and on earth, I had to set the order straight through such actions, which is the path of restoration. After I established such a reciprocal base by which others could receive me with a joyful heart, only then could I stand in the position of their teacher. (060-203, 1972/08/17) The Daedong Detention Center When Father's church in Pyongyang became filled with spiritual phenomena, many devout Christians stopped attending their own churches and instead went only to where True Father was. Subsequently, their church pastors and elders came to True Fathers place and became hostile, sometimes even kidnapping their church members. When things did not turn out as they had hoped, these ministers eventually reported True Father to the communist authorities, saying that he was a suspicious fellow from South Korea who held illegal meetings. That is why he was confined in the Daedong Detention Center on August 11, 1946. Yet, even under such dire circumstances, he welcomed his imprisonment, for he knew that in the detention center he was going to meet the founder of a spiritual church. Rev. Heo Ho-bin, the founder of the Inside the Womb Church, and her principal followers were imprisoned there at that time. Because Rev. Heo was a woman, she was placed in a separate prison cell from True Father. But Father was in the same cell as one of her male followers, and Father was able to share many words with that man. At that time, members of the Inside the Womb Church believed that the Lord was in Rev. Heo's womb, and she led her followers with spirit-filled words that came to her whenever her belly contracted. True Father told Rev. Heo's follower that she should deny her revelations and be released from prison, but this cellmate did not believe True Fathers words. Therefore, as a last resort, True Father secretly sent a note to Rev. Heo. She then stood in the position of having to choose either to believe True Father's words or not to believe. Because she had never met him, she deemed it her duty to the Lord she was serving to keep true to her revelations rather than trust the words of True Father, so she discarded Father's note. If she had known that True Father was the Messiah, she would have treasured his words. Because she thought his note was worthless, she threw it away without a second thought. The note was then discovered by the authorities, and True Father was severely tortured, eventually cast out of the detention center, and left on the street on the verge of death. The members of Gyeongchang-ri Church brought True Father to the church and nursed him back to health with utter devotion. Thanks to them, True Father regained his health, but Rev. Heo Ho-bin and her principal followers later died in prison or suffered other wretched circumstances. 16. The Communist Party began to suppress all the new religious groups throughout North Korea beginning in June 1946. Any group that was similar was treated the same way. At that time, I was pioneering in Gyeongchang-ri, Pyongyang. Why did I go from South Korea to North Korea? It was because at the time Pyongyang was the center of Korean Christianity. It was where Korean Christians had fought throughout history to keep their faith. I went to North Korea to fulfill my mission to make a new beginning on the foundation that heaven had prepared. On August 11, 1946 while pioneering, I was arrested by the communists and imprisoned at the Daedong Detention Center. (024-192, 1969/08/10) 17. In 1946, I was caught by the Communist Party and imprisoned at Daedong Detention Center. This was after Korea's liberation from Japan, and Christians were rebuilding their churches and making a new start in Pyongyang to accomplish Christianity's historical mission. I went into this environment and worked to build a new movement. In those days the movement to rebuild churches and reform people's faith was in full swing. Korea's Christians were filled with Joy and new hope after the liberation of Korea from Japanese occupation, which for many years had caused extreme suffering, hardships and sorrow for Christian believers. It was there, where the zeal for building new churches was spreading like wildfire, that I started the Gyeongchang-ri Church. Once I started it, leaders from those Christian congregations, as well as those who received spiritual guidance, came to my services instead of attending their own churches, which became a problem. In those days, I was laying the foundation to begin my church by witnessing in Gyeongchang-ri, close to the west gate. (024-187, 1969/08/10) 18. When I was imprisoned, one of the things the communists accused me of was that I was connected to the church of Rev. Heo Ho-Bin. In the prison I managed to pass a slip of paper to her that read, "The person who wrote this has a heavenly mission. You must find out who he is through your own prayer. If, in front of the communists, you deny the revelations you have received, you will be released from prison." But she did not believe this, and the paper was discovered by a prison guard. That was at 2:00 p.m. on September 18, 1946, and on account of that I was subjected to severe torture. An investigator from the Soviet Union interrogated me to find out if I was a spy for the US troops in South Korea, an offense for which I had been charged. He determined that I was not guilty, and I was released on the afternoon of November 21, 1946. Rev. Heo and her followers did not listen to me. She was executed, and during the Korean War her followers were all massacred. Due to the failure of that group, I needed to find other followers. I worked until I could gain a certain number of members as a condition. (052-154, 1971/12/27) Section 3. Eight-Stage Restoration and 43-Day Battle for Victory Vertical restoration True Father was supposed to meet a woman in the position of perfected Eve on the foundation of having received the blessing from Rev. Kim Baek-moon. The woman was the elderly Mrs. Pak Eul-yong, the self-proclaimed "Wife of Jehovah." At the time, she was in a position where God guided her and the spirit world followed her. Therefore, True Father went to look for Mrs. Pak in order to restore and take back the right of dominion from Eve. He served her from the lowest possible position, even looking after her children for her, walking the path of sacrifice and service. This woman testified to True Father as he passed through each one of the different stages of servant of servants, servant, adopted son, stepson, son, prime minister of the heavenly kingdom, the position of Jesus, and the substantial object partner of God. In this way, having searched for and established all positions of the vertical eight stages, he concluded the work of restoration to regain the right of dominion from Eve. 1. Having received the blessing of inheritance from a male representative, I also needed to receive it from a female representative. Without this, restoration could not be accomplished. I had received the male blessing from the group of Rev. Kim Baek-moon. The restoration of the blessing from a female representative still remained to be completed. Without it, I could not inherit the entire providential foundation that God had prepared in Korea. I left Rev. Kim after establishing the standard of receiving his blessing, and now I had to restore the same thing through indemnity in order to receive the blessing from a woman. Since it was a woman who caused the Fall, fundamental restoration must be done through a woman. This is why women had to go through suffering courses until now. They had to go through hardships throughout the course of history in order to open the gate to the positions of servant, adopted child, and son and daughter. (023-287, 1969/06/08) 2. I had heard a rumor that there was an eccentric elderly lady in Pyongyang. The spiritual people in the area communicated well among themselves, and they all knew about her. That lady claimed she was the wife of Jehovah. Secular people said she was crazy. Even Christian churches said she was crazy. But I had been waiting for such a woman, and I was very happy to hear what they said about her. Upon hearing about her, I prayed, "O, Heaven! For the fulfillment of the mission of restoration, You have prepared the foundation of heavenly law for this Korean Peninsula. Through these women, Heo Ho-bin and Pak Eulyong, You have been preparing to resolve the matter of the Fall, which still remains. Therefore I will go to Pyongyang." In my prayer I reported this to heaven. Since Christianity failed to attend this matter of the Will, that history must be restored through indemnity. God guided and prepared everything for me. Even when I was crossing the 38th parallel, a rainbow showed me the way forward. It directly guided me for 50 kilometers. By following this kind of amazing guidance, I eventually visited Mrs. Pak in Pyongyang and concluded the restoration of that history through indemnity. (023-284, 1969/06/08) 3. Even the Returning Lord must go through a process to receive blessings. He has to receive the blessing as the world-level Abel. He should meet people who can bless him in this way, and then offer them sincere devotion day and night so that they will feel no regret in passing all their blessings onto him. He must receive their world-level blessing, which at the same time is heaven's blessing. He should be blessed not only as Abel but also as the Messiah. In order to become the Returning Lord, he must receive the blessing while standing in the position of the world-level Abel and the heir of the Messiah. But a son cannot bless the Messiah. Only a mother can do so. The only ones who can give birth to the Messiah are a mother and God. The Messiah is born through a woman, and for that reason only a mother and God can bless him. Therefore, a woman who is also the wife of God must appear. She must appear and testify that she can serve him as the Messiah. However, in order for the mother to give such a testimony saying, "You are my beloved child," the candidate for the Messiah must give her absolute obedience. He has to advance in such an environment. In order to receive that blessing, he must serve her in the role of a servant of servants. (133-144, 1984/07/10) 4. When I received precious things from people who wanted to follow and attend me, I gave them all to this elderly woman, Mrs. Pak, who was called the wife of Jehovah. Today our church members, in order to restore the Korean people, are taking care of elderly men and women in rural areas and wiping the runny noses of little children. But that is nothing compared to what I did in those days. I did everything for Mrs. Pak, which included laundering her undergarments, something even other women were reluctant to do. I needed to do whatever she told me to do, because that was the formula for the providence of restoration. God's history of restoration through indemnity started from the position of a servant, and so I myself needed to be treated as a servant in the beginning. When I offered my sincere devotion in the position of a servant, I could restore that position. You do not know how exciting it was to have this kind of experience. This time was like a testing period leading up to the point where I could proclaim, "Ah! This is how the Principle works." It was a time period to test whether or not the Principle was true. Because I had such an attitude and practiced it, heaven was sure to give me the blessing. I began restoring the blessing, starting from the position of servant of servants. After I was recognized as the best servant of servants, I went up to the position of a servant. Likewise, with further devotion, I received the blessing in the position of an adopted son. (023-286, 1969/06/08) 5. I heard a rumor that there was an elderly woman who said she was the wife of Jehovah, so I went to look for her. I visited her and discovered that she was living such a spiritual life that she would dance with the saints and the sages who lived in the spirit world. Jesus would come to her and give lectures. Confucius and Moses would come to her and speak with her. I joined them, and in the beginning I entered the position of a servant to the archangel. All the people there said that a servant of servants who is loved by heaven had come to them. Then they realized I was superior to the other servants of servants, so they said, "Wow! Now, you are a servant." That was how they testified about me. Then they said, "You are the younger brother of Jesus," and then later, "You are Jesus' twin brother." This is restoration. With each new statement from them, I continued to be elevated, "You are the elder brother of Jesus," and then, "You are the prime minister of the heavenly kingdom." The position above the prime minister is God. I was then the prime minister of the heavenly kingdom, so they said, "You are the king of the heavenly kingdom!" But to be the king was not enough. "You are the teacher of teachers who teaches us about the spirit world, and you are the father of fathers. At the same time, you are the king." In this way, Mrs. Pak stood in God's place and acknowledged my progress. Finally, after I had started by serving Mrs. Pak from the position of a servant of servants, our positions were completely reversed. (438-292, 2004/02/18) 43-day course in the spirit world After finding and establishing the positions of the vertical eight stages, True Father had to endure 43 days of trials sent by the spirit world. The situation was such that Jesus and all the saints and sages in the spirit world refuted True Father's word of the Principle. Armed with the laws of heaven, Father faced all their opposition by himself and fought them to the end. God ultimately declared that True Father's assertions were indeed the principles, secret truths and laws by which the work of restoration can be completed. Then God bestowed His Divine Seal on True Father. 6. After I received the blessing from Mrs. Pak, I told her who I was. I told her what kind of mission she had, and that she needed to submit herself to God's Will that seeks to resolve the bitter sorrows of restoration. She had to hear all that from a young man whom previously she had been able to control as she wished. She must have been very shocked to hear that she now had to submit to me, especially since in those days, she was considered to be the wife of Jehovah. If she had followed me at that time, I would not have gone on to suffer such hardships. She was supposed to yield to me, but it was too hard for her to do so. With that failure, about 1,000 people were disconnected from the providence. The moment she went against me, rather than yielding to me, she became mentally ill. Until I came to inherit internal and external blessings, the spiritual test I had to go through was beyond description. It was the test of the 43-day course. During that period, all the spirits in the spirit world raged against me. However, I fought against them with heaven's principle. For 43 days, I fought against the entire spirit world including all the religious leaders, Jesus, and even God. God could not allow the spirit world to turn into a battleground. He had to declare the verdict, but did so only after 43 days had passed. Without heaven's principle, the heavens and the earth will perish. The path I had found could not be wrong. In the end, I received the ruling from heaven that I had won the final battle in the spirit world. (008-229, 1960/01/06) 7. What was it that the Returning Lord had to accomplish? Due to the opposition of Christianity, the entire foundation in the spiritual world and the physical world that had been laid for my victory had completely collapsed. Therefore, I had to rebuild it. All of the 4,000-year history of the providence of restoration on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people and nation had to be reorganized in the spirit world. That is why I entered the spirit world and fought against numerous people there. The spirit world was against me. They were on satan's side, opposing me and accusing me of being a heretic. Restoration through indemnity is inevitable. I had to deal with it first as an individual. We had ideological disputes over the truth. I could not build the kingdom of heaven on earth just with my fists. I had to win the fight with truth and true love. Consequently, there was great chaos in the spirit world for 43 days. People did not know that the religious leaders had failed to fulfill their portions of responsibility, or that the process of restoration is accomplished through changing the bloodline centering on the heart. Through my proclamation of such truth, the spirit world is now aware of these things. They disputed with me, and they lost. (261-123, 1994/06/09) 8. In order to become the Lord at the Second Advent, I had to enter the spirit world and obtain God's Divine Seal. I entered the spirit world and fought there for 43 days. From the bottom of hell to the top of heaven, the whole spirit world said, "Moon is a heretic." I had to bring order in such a situation, starting from the bottom. In the end, I had to fight the saints and sages, and even God, regarding who was the rightful owner of the providence. At that time I said, "All the people in the spirit world are from the wrong bloodline. Did you know that you must change your lineage?" The second issue was the restoration of the authority of possession. I said, "Anyone who had their own right of possession on earth is a traitor to the heavenly kingdom!" The religious founders considered themselves very distinguished, but this became their stumbling block. That was why in the spirit world I took a firm stand and fought with full confidence, saying, "How can this be heresy?" Toward the end, when it seemed that great chaos might break out in the spirit world, even God, the presiding Judge with the power to declare the verdict, opposed me. Further, it was in accord with the principle of restoration through indemnity that since Adam betrayed God, God also had to betray the perfected Adam. Only then could the sorrowful walls in God's heart be torn down. Therefore, the whole spirit world and even God opposed me, leaving me to stand alone. Still, God could not leave the spirit world in such a state, and had to declare the final verdict. He said that what I had said about restoring the heavenly bloodline, the authority of possession, and the realm of the heavenly heart was all true. I received God's Divine Seal as the victor and returned to earth. (264-050, 1994/10/09) 9. Immediately after liberation, Korea and all its Christian churches, which are components of the free world, united to oppose me. Just as in the past, when the government and the religious authorities united to kill Jesus and John the Baptist, similar things happened in Korea. satan killed Adam and destroyed Adam's family, and he killed Jesus, postponing the development of the Christian cultural sphere. Likewise, now that we had come to the worldwide level, he mobilized all his might to attack me on the physical plane. That physical attack was fearful, but satan even attacked me spiritually. satan launched attacks from both the spiritual and physical worlds. God said to satan, "Do whatever you want to do! Do everything you want to do!" What satan wanted to do was to challenge me to find out if I was qualified to be the Father of the entire spirit world and physical world combined. satan said, "I have established my foundation through my descendants in the world and in the spirit world. You claim to be the True Parent who has come to earth in order to liberate humankind from this, but I will not recognize you as the True Parent unless you first overcome all the challenges from the spirit world as well as from the physical world." From the Principle perspective, God had to accept what satan said. Knowing this, before I faced the attack of the entire world, I first went to the spirit world in order to unite its many levels. (268-279, 1995/04/03) 10. Adam betrayed God, and that needed to be restored through indemnity. The principle of restoration through indemnity is merciless; there is no forgiveness. Since Adam betrayed God, in the Last Days, in order for the Lord of the Second Advent to appear, Adam's betrayal has to be restored through indemnity. That is why God could not express His love for me, but instead had to strike me. Under such circumstances God opposed me, but I fought back, insisting that what I said was true. God could not leave the spirit world in never-ending chaos, so He had to proclaim the victor within 43 days. I had to come back from the spirit world with His Divine Seal testifying to my victory through such a proclamation. God is the root of everything, and after receiving God's Divine Seal for having made the complete foundation for victory, I came down from the spirit world to the earth. In this way, I resolved all the disputes in the spirit world that had been going on for 4,000 years. (261-124, 1994/06/09) 11. I never complained even during hardships. Even amid persecution, I did not complain. Nations, communities, families and individuals in the spirit world continually attacked me until the end of my 43-day course, but they could not defeat me. They were all defeated. Later, even God struck me. However, no matter how God treated me, I held onto God. Since God opposed me, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, and the whole spirit world opposed me. However, during those 43 days I never yielded. Finally after 43 days, God had to reach a verdict. That is why God proclaimed me as the greatest victor in heaven and on earth. (161-041, 1987/01/01) Section 4. Hungnam Prison Inheriting Jesus' mission True Fathers suffering in Hungnam Prison was the indemnity course that made it possible for him, as the Returning Lord, to continue Jesus' mission. For the Returning Lord to continue Jesus' mission, he needed to survive despite the opposition of Christian believers. He could not die on the cross as Jesus had. Additionally, the Lord at the Second Advent had to find more disciples than the 12 who abandoned Jesus at the time of his crucifixion. Hungnam Prison in North Korea was like the cross. It too killed its inmates slowly and gradually. True Father not only had to survive but also had to find and establish more than 12 disciples. He was not allowed to witness to those around him, but even so, ancestors of the prisoners appeared to them in dreams and taught them to serve True Father and attend him well. When True Father finally left prison, he had more than 24 disciples. For the first two weeks of his imprisonment at Hungnam, he shared half of his rations with cellmates. His mother in Jeongju took great pains to prepare powdered mixed grains and clothes for him, but he gave them all to other inmates. Moreover, during the course of his imprisonment, he was given the exemplary laborer award three times. Father always kept a little of his daily ration of drinking water to clean his body before going to bed. He did this with the awareness that he was God's Son. In these ways, he led such an exemplary life that God Himself could not help but be moved. 1. In the spirit world, Jesus had to go to the bottom of hell for three days after his crucifixion and overcome a path of suffering there, to make the starting point of victory both in spirit and flesh. Unless he was able to open the way to liberate those in hell, satan would be able to accuse him; therefore, he had to make a way for them. This is the reason Jesus went to the spirits in hell and pioneered a way for them. Because I knew this principle, when I went to North Korea I was willing to go to prison there. Even while I was being led away in shackles for incarceration in Pyongyang Prison, I was promised by the spirit world that I would meet certain people in prison. In other words, I was promised, "If you go there, you will meet people who are like Jesus' three disciples." If this were not so, it would not be in accord with heavenly laws that govern the realm of fortune and restoration. That is why even the path of shackles and imprisonment can be the path of the greatest hope. In other words, I actually went to prison with hope and expectation. I knew, "I will meet such and such a person." I did not go to prison in despair. Since I went to prison with such a hope, at the prison I made my own way, and through the merit of that hard labor I enabled that door to be opened naturally. To do this, I had to make a total indemnity condition. I knew that while I was living in prison I had to become a sacrificial offering. This is why I took on the most difficult tasks while I was there. (047-190, 1971/08/28) 2. After the liberation of Korea, I began to propagate the Word in North Korea, even though it was overflowing with my enemies. I started on that path in prison. When I went to Pyongyang Prison, I knew that I would not die. I even knew whom I would meet there. When I needed something, the spirit world would sometimes instruct other prisoners -- for instance, ignorant thieves, robbers or murderers -- that in a certain prison cell there was an inmate with number 596, and they should bring a certain thing to that person. When it became winter and the weather grew cold, and I had no clothes to put on, they were instructed to bring me clothes. And when I was really hungry because I had nothing to eat, the spirit world sought out people who had never met me and, telling them my name and my number, compelled them to bring me food. Such things happened, not once or twice but many times. Since I knew that there were people prepared for me to meet in Pyongyang Prison, where I remained until May 20, 1948, I kept hope. It feels like only yesterday that I saw the willow leaves brushing against the prison window. I can still recall it vividly. I met people there who had promised to follow God's Will. With those meetings, the secret meetings of heaven began from the deepest valley in the land of the enemy. From there, I started to recruit heaven's soldiers. Since I was cornered and driven away by the families and the society, I had to start my work in this way from prison. (022-129, 1969/02/02) 3. My transfer in shackles from Pyongyang Prison to Hungnam Prison took 17 hours. What do you think was on my mind as I rode in that vehicle? I felt so miserable, thinking of God who would have to see me in this situation. He had no one but me to restore through indemnity the 6,000 years of His providence, yet I ended up in this kind of situation. I was the only one who knew what should be done for God. Can you imagine how serious I must have been as I looked at the fields and mountains through the window? At the time, I was shackled in the vehicle together with a violent thief. As I sat there, I wondered with deepest seriousness, "How can I survive in these circumstances?" (221-068, 1991/10/23) 4. I spent two years and eight months in Pyongyang Prison and Hungnam Prison in North Korea. This corresponded to the three years of Jesus' public life. While there, I was able to restore more than 12 people. By doing so, I restored all the conditions that Jesus had lost. Even though most of them did not follow me to the end, when I was freed from prison I put other people in their positions. Since I had completed all that I had planned to do, heaven directed the United States, the archangel nation, and UN troops to attack North Korea in order to liberate me. That was how I came out of prison. Four people continued to follow me at the time. The UN troops protected South Korea. This set a global condition for heavenly fortune to come back to the democratic world, and the work of restoring Christianity could be launched. (052-185, 1971/12/29) 5. When Jesus was made to walk the path of death, the people of Israel and even his three beloved disciples betrayed him. That is why, according to the principle of restoration through indemnity, when I was in prison I had to restore the number 12 through indemnity, the same number as the 12 disciples that Jesus had lost. Since I was in such a position, even though I did not witness at all while I was in Hungnam Prison, people in the spirit world, who belonged to the realm of the Second Israel, witnessed to 12 inmates to follow me and fulfill that number. Such was the historical connection I experienced. Even while I was under the strictest surveillance in prison by the communists, God took responsibility to secretly organize people who united in heart with me. All this was unknown to anyone else. While there, I could not witness openly. Yet, even when I stayed silent, the spirit world witnessed to people for me. (016-059, 1965/12/26) True Father prevails While in Hungnam Prison, True Father went to sleep later than anyone else and woke up before anyone else. At the labor site, for the sake of his fellow inmates he always volunteered for the most difficult tasks. Because his lifestyle was so remarkable, True Father was nicknamed the Saint of the Prison. Heaven could not but be moved by his absolutely sacrificial heart. In this way, he set all the conditions necessary for the providence of restoration through indemnity. After the UN troops landed in Hungnam on October 12, 1950, the North Korean army began executing prisoners. True Fathers execution was scheduled to take place on October 14, but on that very day UN troops launched a full-scale attack and the North Korean army retreated. This enabled True Father and all the remaining prisoners to be freed. Right after he came out of prison, True Father set out for Pyongyang on foot, arriving there ten days later. 6. October 14 is the day I came out of Hungnam Prison. Can you imagine how miserable I must have felt when I entered that prison? I had to survive it by all means. To survive, I had to go through a course in which I was willing to die. We did forced, hard labor, but even so I became the prison's model worker. That was the secret of my survival. There were not just dozens of workers, rather there were close to 1,000 workers there. Even from among that number the jailors chose me as the worker with the best results. Do you think that was easy to accomplish? That is how I survived. By taking this kind of path, I was able to proceed toward the fulfillment of the Will. Where is the leader who will overcome the obstacles of restoration, filled with bitter sorrow? I took responsibility to digest everything -- the sorrows of the people, God's bitter grief resulting from the failures of world Christianity, and all the difficulties related to those. As God's co-worker, I stood on His side and recreated my path. I organized the ideal Christian cultural sphere that could resonate with my mission from God. (220-078, 1991/10/14) 7. I was the champion laborer at the fertilizer factory in Hungnam. Because of that, all the prisoners followed me around. Every morning, the guards organized us into teams for work. We were not allowed to work with the same people every day. So, when the time came to organize teams, if, for instance, I had gone to the toilet, others waited for me to come back and then lined up behind me. In this situation, all the best workers ended up joining my team and I became their leader. I made a science out of how to tie a bag, carry it, and load it onto the train. I designed the most efficient method to accomplish these tasks. Therefore, when I worked I did not have to think about what I was doing, but was freed to think of other things. I was making plans for the future, thinking about the nation and the world. While I formulated such plans, I often lost track of time and the working hours flew by. Consequently, even though I was sweating as much as the others, I did not feel exhausted. Working in this way was mentally empowering. Every time they gave out the awards, I received the award for being the model worker. This is how I survived there. (222-295, 1991/11/03) 8. On August 1, 1950, during the Korean War, American B-29 bombers launched an all-out attack on Hungnam. I knew this would happen. I foresaw it. Additionally, I knew that God would protect me, providing a circle of safety 12 meters around me during the attack. I told those who were close to me to stay near me. As the bombs were falling, I meditated silently. I was not thinking of the bombing but was rather thinking about the ideal world in the future. Ultimately, the most worthy people are those with a clear vision of the ideal. If a person is carrying out a mission of providential restoration, sending that person to the spirit world would be a loss for God and for the cosmos. So, God desired to protect me at any cost, and in fact He had no choice but to do so. (035-189, 1970/10/13) 9. A few days before the UN bombers attacked, the communists began to lead some of the prisoners away. One day they started to collect hemp strings, such as are used for corpses. I intuitively felt that some kind of final reckoning was imminent. I offered a very serious prayer. The guards called the prisoners one by one and explained that they would be transferred to another place. The prisoners did not realize it, but I knew it was their final call. They threw each of the prisoners upside down into a well, killing them. The next day it would have been my turn, but that very night, at 2:00 a.m., the UN troops launched an all-out attack, and it was thanks to them that I was able to leave Hungnam Prison alive. (035-189, 1970/10/13) 10. The UN troops bombed North Korea in 1950. The first place they bombed was the Hungnam area. The place they bombed was very close to Hungnam Prison where I was being held at the time. Thanks to those UN troops, I was able to walk out of prison. There are many behind-the-scenes stories of how this came about. From Hungnam, which is located on the east coast, I returned to Pyongyang on foot. I walked from the shores of the East Sea all the way to Pyongyang, which is situated in the west. Once I arrived in Pyongyang, I informed every person who had followed me previously that I had returned. I searched for all my disciples. Even though most of them did not come back, I was able to gather a few people together. (052-156, 1971/12/27) 11. I was set free on October 14, 1950, and, after following the coast of the East Sea for a short distance, I walked to Pyongyang, accompanied by four followers who had been in the labor camp with me. When we reached the border between North and South Pyeongan Provinces, we discovered that the North Korean soldiers who were fleeing over the mountain passes were executing anyone whom they believed harbored defiant thoughts towards communism. Our path brought us directly through just such a mountain pass. Dozens of people were being lined up and killed. But we were not in our prison uniforms, so the North Korean soldiers did not recognize us as the enemy. Four times during that journey we faced such life-anddeath situations. (549-208, 2006/12/26) Chapter 2. True Father's Journey to South Korea and His Course in Busan Section 1. Journey to the South Father's disciples From February 22, 1948, until October 14, 1950, True Father persevered and prevailed, first enduring severe torture at the Pyongyang Internal Affairs Bureau and Pyongyang Prison, and then overcoming cruel forced labor at the Hungnam Special Labor Camp. As he persevered in his course of indemnity, at times he was close to death. After leaving Hungnam Prison, True Father went to Pyongyang in order to meet and care for his members. Many of the residents had already fled to the South. Forty days after his arrival, on the night of December 4, True Father, together with Kim Won-pil, a representative of Christianity in the position of the bride, and Pak Jeong-hwa, the representative of his disciples in prison in the position of the archangel, set out for South Korea. They crossed the Daedong River by boat at Hanggae, downstream from Manggyongdae. Because Pak Jeong-hwa was injured, True Father pushed him on a bicycle. When they reached Byokseong-gun in Hwanghae Province, they passed through Yongmae Island in the southern part of the Cheongryong Peninsula to reach the Imjin River. Crossing that frozen river, they finally entered South Korean territory. True Fathers difficult path guiding his two disciples to the South from Pyongyang symbolizes one aspect of the providence, that heaven guides humanity from the fallen world to the ideal world of the original creation. 1. After I was released from Hungnam Prison, I went to Pyongyang. I could have visited my hometown where my parents were, but I did not. I thought that before I went to my hometown, I should first know the whereabouts and condition of the members who had followed me before I went to prison. I had to take care of them. That is heaven's way. In the meantime, the war situation changed and I was not able to go to my hometown. Nonetheless, I had foreseen that this might happen. It was all the more reason that I hurried to visit my members rather than first going to visit my hometown. With this in mind, when we crossed the 38th parallel I prayed, "It is for heaven that I leave for South Korea without going to my hometown. When I return, I will liberate North Korea and visit my hometown to celebrate the victory of heaven." My whole life I have been fighting in order that one day I could fulfill this prayer. (125-295, 1983/03/29) 2. What did I do when I returned to Pyongyang after leaving Hungnam Prison? I wanted to find the members who had followed me before my imprisonment. I met them one by one. Among the last three I tried to visit, two had already died of old age. There was one person in particular whom I wanted to meet. I knew where he was living, so I sent someone to find him. But my effort did not bear fruit, and before we could meet I had to leave the city. Then the North Korean army entered Pyongyang and the purges began. On December 4, 1950, we fled south, pushing Pak Jeong-hwa with his broken leg on a bicycle. We left Pyongyang with the sound of North Korean army gunfire within earshot. The army occupied the state roads, so refugees traveled south using narrow paths, going over mountains and through fields toward the 38th parallel. As we traveled, the North Korean army was only ten kilometers behind us. Pak Jeong-hwa said, "In this situation, all three of us will die. Therefore, leave me here." He thought he would be a burden on the way and contemplated suicide, but I realized this and scolded him. Then he calmed down and agreed to stay with us all the way to South Korea. To go to Yongmae Island, I had to carry him across a mud flat on my back. If the tide had come in, we might have drowned. I can never forget that difficult, muddy stretch of our journey. (549-209, 2006/12/26) 3. The South Korean guards were on the south side of the 38th parallel, and the North Korean army was on the north side. Since the guards were protecting the border, all roads to the south were blocked. The 38th parallel was heavily guarded, and no civilians were allowed to cross. Therefore, we had to take a boat at Cheongdan. I sensed ahead of the others that something unusual was taking place at the 38th parallel. The South Korean guards were stationed on the road at the border crossing, so the guards would be able to mobilize quickly if there was any disturbance at the 38th parallel. I had sensed the day before that the South Korean guards were going to mobilize, so we left the border area right away. We walked toward the dock but there was no ferry, so we had to go to Yongmae Island. It was six kilometers from the dock to Yongmae Island across a tidal flat. The challenge was to make it in two hours during low tide. We had to rush to get across before the tide came in, or it would have been a disaster. I can never forget those six kilometers, running through the mud while carrying Pak Jeong-hwa and with Kim Won-pil at my side. We ran with all our strength, trusting in heaven. By the time we got to the other side, we were covered in mud from head to toe. We barely got across before the tide came in. (603-115, 2008/11/18) 4. When I headed toward South Korea, I foresaw that shortly North Korea would close the border. Therefore, I was very concerned about how to cross the 38th parallel. If those who fled with me had not listened to me at that time, we would not have made it across. The situation was very dangerous. The South Korean guards were pulling back from the 38th parallel, and we had to move quickly, so I pushed my companions to hurry without rest. To get on a boat heading south we went to Yongmae Island. But since all the South Korean guards were retreating from the border and commandeering any boat they could find, civilians were not allowed to board boats. There was no boat we could get on, so we had to come back to the mainland and continue on foot to look for a way to cross the 38th parallel. (158-056, 1967/02/14) 5. When we were close to the Imjin River, I felt intuitively that we had to reach the riverbank before nightfall. In that situation, I needed to take emergency measures. I raised my spiritual antenna to the highest level. This was not something I normally did. That night, as usual, other refugees sought a place of rest in a town. Yet, sensing that danger was approaching, we continued on our way even past midnight. At around 1:00 a.m. we arrived at a house near the river. The house was empty. The owners of the house had left for the South, so we entered. We continued on and arrived at the riverbank before dawn, but the waters of the Imjin were not yet frozen. I was worried and thought, "The water must freeze before daybreak. What if it doesn't?" Thank God, the river froze and we could cross over very early that morning. We thought we were the first ones to arrive in the South, but there were many others who had arrived before us. As the United Nations troops retreated, they blocked the road behind us. Those who came after us had to return northward. If we had hesitated for even one minute, what would have happened? One minute can mean life or death. This kind of incident can happen often in our lives, especially when we are following heavens way. Heavens way is that serious. (057-273, 1972/06/04) 6. After leaving Hungnam Prison, I lived as a wanderer without anything to my name. For two months, traveling from Pyongyang to South Korea, I begged for food. Sometimes I was indescribably hungry. However, I could never pray to God asking, "Dear God, there is nothing to eat today. Please give me something." Rather I consoled God. Sometimes I felt, "Tomorrow, surely, on the road a good-hearted woman will give me something." The next day, a woman in white clothes was waiting on the road and gave me something to eat, saying, "I had a dream last night, and in it I was told to prepare some food for you. That is why I am waiting for you. Please enjoy this food." This kind of thing happened quite often. I have had such experiences; nobody can deny this. When the time comes, I want to repay the people and communities that helped me. God and I have the same heart. No one on earth could know the tears I shed together with God as we embraced each other. No one can ever measure my profound feelings toward God. All the cells in my body feel pain, just thinking about those times. (035-190, 1970/10/13) Promise made at the 38th parallel As he crossed the 38th parallel, True Father offered in prayer a tearful, solemn vow, "I will rally the free world with these two hands, overcome the Communist Party, and liberate North Korea. Ultimately I will unite North Korea and South Korea, whatever the cost." He never forgot his prayer and the vow he made on that day. True Father fought throughout his life to achieve it. On December 21, 1950, True Father crossed the Imjin River and began the 80-kilometer walk to Seoul. On the way, he passed Munsan Station, just south of the demilitarized zone. He crossed the Han River 24 days after leaving Pyongyang, on December 27, and reached Heukseok-dong in Seoul, where he had lived during his school days. 7. I can never forget my prayer when I crossed the 38th parallel. "Father! I am going to the South. I came to the North, but I was not able to fulfill the Will as I originally hoped. I could not avoid imprisonment, and the most painful thing about that was the feeling of defeat when I could not accomplish the goal. Now I am being chased to the South with other refugees. I know that even in the South I will receive persecution. No matter what, I will keep going on this path, even if my way is blocked for ten years or 20 years. I know that one day I will have to return to the North. If I cannot return there in person, I will have my descendants go there, and if they cannot go I will have my disciples go there." This was the resolution I made as I crossed the 38th parallel. Ever since then I have been fighting. With that determination, I consider ten years as if it were one day. Having made this pledge before God, I look upon the path differently from how you do. (064-251, 1972/11/12) 8. No one can fathom what I pledged in my heart as I was crossing the 38th parallel. Nor can anyone fathom the content of the prayers I offered for the future of the providence in South Korea while I was imprisoned almost three years in North Korea's Hungnam Labor Camp. No one can imagine my tearful prayers on the day I crossed the 38th parallel amid those sorrowful circumstances. I can never forget my prayer for my mother and father, who raised me with their utmost love and care, and whom I had to leave behind in my hometown. I prayed, "Please do not die. I regret that I had to be unfilial to you, but wait until I return." I also made a pledge while I was being tortured by the communists, "I will see the day with my own eyes that I bring your people to submit to God and praise His holy name. You will testify about Him with your own mouths. I will usher in that day before I die." You cannot fathom these resolutions of mine. They are lodged deep in my heart. (051-260, 1971/11/28) 9. When I journeyed from the North to the South, I felt as if I were all alone. It seems like only a few days ago. Many nightmarish things happened during this period. I was only 31 years old and still a young man when I left Hungnam Prison in North Korea. When I left I was determined to make a new start. I had faced many hardships in North Korea, but I forgot all the difficulties I had been through. I used my experiences as motivation for my new start, not letting their memory hinder my way. I felt responsible to fulfill the way of God's Will by whatever path would be required of me. As a young man in my thirties just released from prison, I had the strong determination to make a new start. It took me almost two months to travel from North Korea to Busan. My journey took me across the 38th parallel and through the city of Gyeongju. Busan was filled with countless refugees, and there was nowhere to stay. I had no choice but to build a small hut on a hillside for my dwelling. (100-168, 1978/10/14) Section 2. A New Beginning in Busan Refugee life Upon arriving at Heukseok-dong, Seoul, True Father found his way to the home of Kwak No-pil, a fellow believer with whom he had been close when they both attended the New Jesus Church in Myeongsudae. Mr. Kwak, however, had already left for Busan. True Father unpacked his things and stayed there for a few days. On December 30, 1950, after searching far and wide, he found the residence of his former landlord Mrs. Lee Gi-bong and her family and met with them. They talked long into the night. After he returned to Mr. Kwak's house early on the morning of December 31, the police came and took him to the Heukseok-dong police substation for questioning. Earlier Kim Won-pil had been called to the military recruiting station to possibly be drafted into the defense corps; now True Father likewise had to go in for processing. He was given a physical checkup at the military field base set up in the Changgyeong Palace. However, seeing True Father's short hair and hearing his explanation that he had come from North Korea, the examiner gave him a class C exemption, because he was worried that if Father were a spy or a deserter from the North Korean army, it might cost him his job. The result was that True Father was exempt from military service. Kim Won-pil was also given the same exemption. Both then returned to Mr. Kwak's house in Heukseok-dong, where they welcomed the New Year. Two days later, with his exemption papers, True Father went to the police substation and was issued a refugee ID. On January 3 the entire population of Seoul was ordered to evacuate the city because the South Korean army would be starting its retreat the following day. True Father and his companions joined the refugee trail once again and headed for Busan. 1. When I traveled to South Korea from North Korea, I had a shaved head. In those days, when you joined the army they shaved your head. As I was young, when I came to South Korea I was supposed to enroll in the army. New recruits would undergo their physical examinations at the Changgyeong Palace. I had been released from prison not so long before then, but still I wasn't too skinny. As they were taking my medical history, one of the officers asked me, "Where are you from?" In those days, people could not tell who was a soldier and who was a spy. Because of my short hair, he thought I might be a spy. He knew that if he sent a spy to the army, he could lose his job. So, after talking to me, he stamped my paper "third class," which meant I was exempt from military service. I carried this paper with me, and it was accepted everywhere. That was the only identification I had. (187-218, 1989/02/11) 2. I underwent hardships, but they were not just ordinary ones. As we fled south, the North Korean army was so close behind us that we could hear their shouts. Along the way we went through many dangerous situations due to the presence of the Soviet, Chinese and North Korean armies. Finally we came to the refugee area in Busan. Among the refugees, I believe we were the last ones to reach the area, arriving right after the battle at the Nakdong River. The South Korean forces had made their last stand. My path as a refugee was extremely difficult. There were many unforgettable stories. These were not just steps in my personal life but steps to heal the wounds of God's bitter sorrow by paying indemnity for history. You must understand that from the very beginning I had already made up my mind that I would not tread a comfortable path. I am not the kind of person who looks back to see if there might have been another, easier, way. While living as a refugee I had no house; I slept outdoors on the grass or in the sandpits with the sky as my blanket, watching the stars and shedding tears of bitter sorrow for the Korean Peninsula. (516-109, 2006/02/04) 3. It took 55 days for us to walk from Pyongyang to Busan. We begged for food along the way and, interestingly, God knew very well when we were hungry and tired. He knew it. Once I thought, "The day after tomorrow, we will get chicken." Then it happened that a lady came and greeted me, saying, "Welcome." I asked, "Who are you? I do not know you." Then she said, "Last night, I had a dream of my great-great-grandfather, who said that a noble guest would come and told me to prepare chicken and rice cakes for him. So I did." I asked her, "How did you know what he would look like?" She said, "I was told he would come as a shabby-looking passerby, and your face looks very similar to his." Can you believe that such things happened? In that way, I was treated to rice cakes and chicken. These kinds of things happened quite often. (153-089, 1963/10/18) 4. Those who followed me in North Korea were very enthusiastic people. They followed me day and night wherever I went, meeting with whomever I met. But after I was imprisoned, most of them disappeared. Even the most unforgettable among them drifted away. There was one person to whom I wrote a heartfelt letter and had someone deliver it to him. But then, when I went to visit him, he had already changed. He said, "If you are the Son of God, why did you end up in prison? Your teaching is all false." He did not even care to read the letter. Instead he said, "Oh, a heretic is released from prison! Did you come here to spread your heresy?" So I took the letter back. I was still carrying that letter with me when I passed through Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang Province in South Korea. There, as I was crossing a bridge beside the railroad tracks to go to Busan, I took out that letter and read it one more time. Then I tore it up and threw it away. That was January 18, 1951. There were so many unforgettable incidents like that. I already knew that even the most zealous among my followers could lose trust, betray me and leave. When I was in prison, that man's spirit had come to me, greeted me, and in tears told me the story of his situation, saying, "I am leaving you now." I had thought, "How can this be?" But, as I later discovered, it was at that time that he left me. (170-016, 1987/11/01) Father's suffering life as a refugee Arriving at Choryang Station in Busan on January 27, 1951, True Father cooked rice in a butter tin in the waiting room. He ate it with Kim Won-pil, and they spent their first night there. At the time Busan was teeming with refugees. The next morning, they managed to find Kwak No-pil, who had left his Busan address for them at his home in Heukseok-dong, Seoul before fleeing to Busan ahead of them. They spent three days with him. Then on January 31, True Father unexpectedly met his friend Aum Duk-mun, with whom he had studied in Japan. Aum Duk-mun would become a prominent architect and design the Se-jong Center in Seoul. Mr. Aum insisted that True Father come and stay with him at his rented single room in Bumin-dong. Reluctantly True Father went there and stayed for a while with Mr. Aum's family of four -- himself, his wife, and their two children. After listening to True Father's words for a week, Mr. Aum knelt down before him and confessed, "I can no longer regard you as simply my friend; you are my teacher, a great saint and philosopher." In early April, True Father and Kim Won-pil went to live in a laborers' camp, which was nothing but a cramped barracks behind Choryang Station. They stayed there for more than ten days. Then they ran into Kim Won-deok, who had been one of True Father's followers in Hungnam Prison. They stayed at his home in Goejeong-dong for about two weeks. For about four months, from May to August, they resided at a boarding house located at the entrance of Beomnaetgol, which before the liberation had been living quarters for employees of a Japanese-run electric company. They also stayed at Pier Three in Busan Harbor for about half a month, working as porters. Sometimes True Father had no choice but to sleep in a sunny spot in the woods or a bomb shelter. Occasionally he even begged for food and laid down to rest under the eaves of strangers' homes. Such was the tearful life he led as a refugee. 5. When I arrived in Busan, it was flooded with people; they were packed in like sardines. There were no rooms available anywhere. In every trash can or empty box even, there would be two or three people squeezed in. All the refugees who had fled from all over Korea gathered in Busan. It was like a melting pot. There was no space even to put your foot down. Every village around Busan was overflowing with people. Even when trying to just stand still, I would be jostled this way and that. That was my daily life. Having come to Busan, I had nothing to wear and nothing to eat. I had to make money, even a few pennies, so I worked at various odd jobs. Even in those circumstances I was still able to start a new church movement. I had no home of my own and it was February, so it was very cold. I worked on night shifts and came back between 10:00 p.m. and midnight. It was very cold at night, so I would sleep curled up like a shrimp and cover myself with a coat down to my knees. I still remember that experience. I asked a member to keep that coat as a memento, but someone threw it away because it was old and tattered. If that coat had been preserved so that you could see it today, you would shed tears. It was such a memorable coat. Living like that, I walked step by step to lay the foundation we have today. (1974/05/12) 6. In those days, I often slept between two rocks on a hill during the warmest hours of the day, around 1:00 or 2:00 p.m., covering myself with a coat. Then, one rainy day around noontime, in front of the Chohung Bank, I met a friend of mine from my school days named Aum Duk-mun. When I saw him, I could not help but loudly shout out to him, so everyone turned around and stared at me. He said that he never imagined he would see me again. He thought I had died in North Korea. As soon as we met, he invited me into his home. I am still grateful for his act of kindness. There were too many refugees sitting and resting under the eaves of people's houses at night. I can never forget how he took me to his house and treated me well. (485-327, 2005/02/02) 7. After I came out of Hungnam Prison, it took me four long months to get to Busan. You cannot imagine how dirty my clothes became. My clothes were so dirty that I wore them inside out. In Busan there was nowhere to sleep. It was December and really cold, and I was wearing just one layer of clothing. When I came to Busan, I tried to avoid the cold by working as a laborer at the military base near the harbor at night. Working at night was easier than trying to sleep. During the day, I went into the hills around the city to find a place to sleep in the forest and spend some time alone. (052-279, 1972/01/03) 8. When I was a refugee in Busan, I slept near the pier or on a hillside. It was interesting. In early February when it was cold, I would lay down on my military coat and wrap myself up in it. Because it was very cold, I worked during the night and slept during the day, from around 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. It was good to sleep on the sunny side of the hill, sitting still and sleeping like a pheasant. After waking up from sleep and straightening my clothes, I thought of Kim Sat-gat's poem "The Wanderer." When I had money and wanted to eat porridge, I would go to the harbor near the wharves. There were women there who sold red bean porridge that they cooked, covering their pots with a cloth to keep it warm as if they were loving and caring for their babies. I would buy a bowl of porridge and eat it. In those days, those porridge-sellers were my friends. (153-090, 1963/10/18) The Beomil-dong mud-wall hut In August 1951, True Father built a small, mud-wall hut on the side of Mt. Sujeong on the outskirts of the village of Beomnaetgol. Its current address is 1513, Beomil 4-dong, Dong-gu, Busan. All he had were earth and rocks to pile up on one another, so the structure collapsed twice before he completed it on the third attempt. It consisted of just one room, less than six square meters in area. It did not have a separate kitchen, just a hand-built stove outside against one wall, on which he could place a pot. Near the stove there was a door, about one meter high and situated right in the middle of the wall, so that one could pass through it only by stepping high over the threshold and bending down almost double. The roof, constructed of cardboard ration boxes joined together, was too low for anyone to stand upright. On sunny days you could see the sky through the roof, and on stormy day's rain poured through the roof into the house. When it rained, a small spring gushed forth from one corner of the room and the sound of water running beneath the house could be heard. The water that came in through the chimney, built on the side facing the mountain, flowed through flues under the floor and out through a fire hole. On the floor there were several layers of straw mats, over which there were three to four layers of straw bags, and a long, wide sleeping pad was spread out on top. In the latter half of 1951, Kim Won-pil worked at a job and True Father assisted him while mainly concentrating on making internal preparations. Kim Won-pil left for work early in the morning and returned late at night. He worked as a sign-painter on the military base, and as a side job he drew portraits for American soldiers from photographs of their wives. Each portrait earned him $4. He drew around ten portraits a day, and sometimes even 20 to 30 portraits on a good day. At that time, True Father wrote Wolli Wonbon, Original Text of the Divine Principle. At night he looked out over downtown Busan and in his mind he envisioned the future of the providence. Every day in the early dawn he climbed up the hill and offered tearful prayers. 9. During my refugee days when I first came to Choryang, Busan, I was only 32 years old. I was quite young and even more handsome than I am now. I used to work on Busanjin Pier 4. I remember the women who sold red bean porridge and rice cakes at the harbor. I also remember the days when I wrote Original Text of the Divine Principle in a small room at the laborers' barracks in Choryang. It was such a small room, you could not lie down straight, except when you lay diagonally. And even when I lay down diagonally, my feet touched the wall. (143-171, 1986/03/18) 10. During my time as a refugee in Busan, many people gathered around me. If I told them some interesting stories, they would bring food to share with me. However, I could not just live like that so I built a small hut. It was not much better than a doghouse. The walls and roof were made of mud and stones, and it was a very humble place to live in. I did not even own a piece of land on which to build a house, so I built the hut on a slope. After finishing it, I realized there was a small spring in the middle of the floor. The roof was made of old cardboard boxes, and the one room was really small. I wore the same ragged clothes for four months. I was in such wretched circumstances; nevertheless people who were spiritually guided came looking for me. (052-279, 1972/01/03) 11. As I began my course in Busan, I built a small hut in Beomil-dong that was like a swallows nest. I needed a shovel to build that hut. I tried to borrow one, but no one would lend one to me. Refugees try to sell anything to make money, so people refused to lend me a shovel. I had to build a house, but I had no shovel and no money. What could I do? I had to make do with a fire shovel. I also needed a pick-ax, but since I did not have one, I prepared the foundation of the house with only a fire shovel. I tried to borrow a mold to make bricks but I could not get one. So I went to the US military camp, brought back some empty ration boxes, flattened them, put mud on top, and built a house. It took so much mud. In that way, I built a house like a swallow's nest. (153-309, 1964/03/26) 12. Some of the people who were my followers in North Korea had moved to the South. They could not forget me, so when they heard that I was in Busan, they came looking for me. We held Sunday services in that small hut. The hut may have been small, but it became well-known. I had no land, so I built the hut by leveling a space on the side of a hill. No one bothered me about digging on a hillside to build a house. When it rained, a spring of water gushed up in the room. How wonderful that was! It was like the best, 21st century modern home. What could I do? I dug about a foot deep into the ground and laid stones to make a drainage trough for the water. I made a way for the water to drain out and put the ondol heater over it. So the spring water flowed under the ondol. It was such a memorable house. (153-309, 1964/03/26) 13. On June 25, 1953, a ceasefire took effect. Shiploads of military goods from the United States filled the harbor in Busan. I used to count the ships every morning. Before the ceasefire there were normally around 50, but sometimes there were more than 100. By looking at them, I could tell how the war was going. If there was a large number of supply ships, I thought, "There is going to be a big battle." And if there were fewer ships, I reckoned, "The war is going to continue at the same level." At that time I had just a few followers. While I lived by myself in Beomil-dong, the people who became members were those who were urged by the spirit world to come looking for me. I recall this as though it happened just yesterday. (143-172, 1986/03/18) 14. In the past, when I lived as a refugee in Busan, there were times when I shed many tears. There was no house in the world like mine. The house was built on a rock. There was a small table inside, and a canvas for painting. The canvas was for the purpose of painting portraits for American soldiers who were returning to their homes after fighting in the Korean War. These were the only two things inside. It was an impoverished existence. I wore an American military jacket, brown with four pockets. I also wore traditional Korean pants dyed blue, but I did not tie the hems around my ankles. I wore mismatched rubber shoes; one was large and the other was small. In that wretched state I would go and sit alone on a rock, where I would weep as I prayed. That place is the Rock of Tears. (168-036, 1987/08/30) 15. When we were refugees, Won-pil painted portraits and sold them. I made the frames and drew the lines, and he sketched the portraits. After he finished his sketch by drawing the nose, I would set to work painting it. We used to paint all night long, starting at midnight. We could paint up to 30 portraits a night. To paint that many, we had to draw lines first. For 30 portraits, once Won-pil brought the paper, it was I who drew the vertical and horizontal lines. Then, following the lines, he made the sketches. We received $4 per painting. What could the American soldiers, who were returning home, bring as gifts for their wives? Since they knew that the best gift they could bring their wives would be their portrait, we did this for them. Today we might sell those paintings for $30 or $40, or even $300. On average, Won-pil painted more than 20 portraits each night. He could not do that by himself, so I assisted him. We would work together all night long. (096-143, 1978/01/03) 16. I think fondly of the time I lived in Beomnaetgol with Kim Won-pil. To me, those were the best of times. We usually think of our preschool and elementary school days as the best times. It is because our mom and dad came to wait for us and bring us home, spending much time with us. That is why we think those days are the best. Likewise, back then, we had such caring hearts for each other. Because we felt each other's hearts so deeply, it was a good time. I also say it was a good time because, placing God's Will at the center, our relationships of heart were better than at any other time. That is why I say it was so good back then. (033-098, 1970/08/09) 17. Around the holy ground at Beomil-dong in Busan, there was nothing but a valley of rocks near a cemetery. In that place I built my hut, a temporary, humble structure. But when I slept there, I knew I was walking the best path to practice filial piety as the Son of God, greater filial piety than anyone who enjoys the splendor of living in any palace of this world. My greatest aspiration was to reach the deepest internal standard that no one else could reach. In those days, externally I looked like a nobody. I looked like someone of no value at all. I had a beard on my tanned face, and I was wearing a mixture of Korean and Western clothing. (022-186, 1969/02/02) 18. You need to know my desperate, sorrowful heart as I held onto the rock at the Holy Ground at Beomnaetgol. Can you fathom what I prayed about as I looked out over Busan Harbor, which was packed with cargo ships carrying weapons during the Korean War? All my prayers at the time have been fulfilled. The Unification Church, which no one in the world welcomed, which everyone cast out, and which went through all kinds of tribulations, starting from the position of orphan both in name and in reality, now stands tall. Indeed, there is nothing that I have not experienced. Nevertheless, all throughout my life, I have been doing everything possible to practice filial piety to God. Such is the man, Reverend Moon, whom you are following, believing in and attending. (145-342, 1986/06/01) 19. World-renowned pastors are now visiting Korea, but why do they come to Korea? They come to visit the Holy Ground in Busan, where I used to sit in a pitiful state during my time as a refugee. At that time I sat and thought, "I have to cross the ocean to plant the connection of heart from my country to the lands across the sea. That is what my heart longs to do. I need to sow those seeds." We were still in the midst of the Korean War. In that situation, the world was like an iceberg, so cold and harsh. Families were separated. Love for parents, spouses or even children could hardly be found. I prayed, looking out over the sea beyond Busan. God answered me, "Look -- in the future the world will be like this," and He showed me a vision. I was on a great heavenly ship pulling into port and multitudes of people were on the pier, shouting with joy and welcoming me. In this way, God comforted me. (148-271, 1986/10/11) Section 3. Wolli Wonbon God's authorization On May 11, 1951, True Father began writing Wolli Wonbon, Original Text of the Divine Principle. He completed it on May 10 of the following year. He wrote so fast that the disciple who was living with him was constantly sharpening pencils in order to keep pace with him. While writing the first manuscript of the Principle, he tearfully sang hymns and prayed. Sometimes he climbed to a small outcrop on the mountain behind his cardboard hut to sing and meditate. Then he returned and devoted all of his heart and soul to his writing. The manuscript of Wolli Wonbon consists of five volumes. Each volume was drilled with four holes and tied. The entire manuscript has more than 690 pages. The text is written with a pencil from left to right in cursive script, in both Korean and Chinese characters. The revision work was done using pens with black, blue and brown ink. Red-colored pencils were used to lightly underline texts. Interestingly, in ten pages in the middle (pages 291 to 300), the text is written in blue ink. Wolli Wonbon has great significance in that it was written in True Fathers own handwriting. It is the earliest manuscript of the Divine Principle in existence. In the early days of the church some of his disciples transcribed Wolli Wonbon and shared their copies with others, passing them around. 1. When I teach about the Principle, I do not refer only to the Bible. Much of its content is not directly from the Bible. I received most of it directly from God. Jesus did not personally write the Bible; the New Testament was compiled by his apostles. The truth must be kept as the truth. Your own theological view or theory must not be added. Did God authorize you to do so? I am asking you: Are you approved to add your own theory to the truth? I never presented anything that was not approved by God. I first lived it, and then I presented it to the world. There is no question about it. That is why it will not perish. (346-055, 2001/06/21) 2. When I was living in Beomil-dong, Busan, I did not even have decent clothes to wear. I had bushy hair and lived with a young man, Kim Won-pil, in a cave-like shack. When others looked at us, they must have felt pity for us. One day, Kim Won-pil said he would work to make money and I said it was okay. At that time, when I was writing Wolli Wonbon, the first manuscript of the Divine Principle, having even one companion who followed me, walking the same path, was so precious. You too must experience the taste of such a close relationship. Every day when Kim Won-pil set out for work, I accompanied him for at least a kilometer without fail. Otherwise, I did not feel comfortable. When it was time for him to return home from work, I went out again to meet and accompany him on the way home. You have no idea how delighted I was to see him again at the end of each day. When we slept at night we did not have comforters, only one thin blanket to cover ourselves. That's how we lived back then. (026-070, 1969/10/18) 3. I wrote a book about the Principle, Wolli Wonbon, at Beomil-dong in Busan, overlooking the harbor. I first noted the main points in outline form, and then started writing. I wrote the ideas in condensed form, like poetry. Since I just wrote the essential points, people could not easily understand it unless I explained the main points to them. This is how I wrote the text, which I completed in May 1952. After Wolli Wonbon came Explanation of the Divine Principle (Wolli Hae-seol) and then Exposition of the Divine Principle (Wolli Gangnon). (549-211, 2006/12/26) 4. I did not discover the Principle only from reading the Bible. I thought, "If Genesis is the chapter on the Human Fall, the Book of Revelation is the chapter on restoration. Since something went wrong with the tree of life, it must be restored through the tree of life. If it does not work that way, the Bible is misleading." Anything that comes from a seed returns to a seed. That is how it ought to happen. In a similar manner, the sprout from the seed grows upward, and not sideways. It has to be this way. The Principle that I am teaching you today is in accord with history from the providential viewpoint. It is based on a deductive method. Without a doubt, God is alive. As long as God exists and leads the providence for the Will centering on love, the world will have to enter the era of unity based on the cultural sphere of God's love. From this perspective, I disclosed why God created heaven and earth, how the creation of heaven and earth was carried out, and why God is love. (195-140, 1989/11/07) 5. God comforts all sorrowful people. He is also the Lord who reigns over life, death, misfortune and blessing. That is why human beings want to rely on Him in any situation, especially when in difficult times. So when you have a heart to care about others, God will come even if you tell Him not to. It is because in such a place you form a base upon which He can relate to you as His counterpart. That is why whenever you are doing something good, God will come to you even if you ask Him not to. Wherever there is goodness, God is present. For this reason, in Wolli Wonbon, the meaning of "object partner" and "the value of the object partner" are presented as entirely new concepts. Once you give and receive, you come to have a reciprocal relationship. The more you give and receive with your counterpart, the better the relationship you will cultivate. Hence, you will eventually become an object partner with him or her. For this reason, if your activity centers on God, goodness or truth, it will surely last. (060-163, 1972/08/17) 6. Whenever you carry the Divine Principle book around with you, you must treat it with great reverence. Imagine if you had the only existing copy. Think about how serious I was to take care of Wolli Wonbon when I was writing the first manuscript. What would have happened if that manuscript had been lost, or I had died? I am telling you that such seriousness can determine the life or death of the world. Have you ever considered that whether your tribe, your nation, the world and even heaven and earth will prosper or perish depends upon this book and your attitude toward it? Have you ever considered that each individual's eternal life depends upon it? If you have never entertained such thoughts, you should realize how distant you are from the world of heart, and how long it will take for you to connect with those who are dwelling in that world. (073-065, 1974/07/29) 7. Centered on the Principle, and with the Principle, I have come this far. I laid its foundation with considerable hardships. I invested my blood, sweat and tears while I was writing the Divine Principle book. Please understand that my bloody tears are embedded in each and every one of its pages, and that those tears are crying out to you. I invested my life and sacrificed my youth for the Principle. That is why I am saying that my blood and tears are pleading to you from its very pages. You must never go against the Principle. Do not ever think the Principle I am teaching you is of no value. Even God solemnly bows down and honors it. Such is the value of the Principle. (199-056, 1990/02/15) The essence of truth True Father emphasized that when he was writing Wolli Wonbon, Original Text of the Divine Principle, he had little choice but to write in a condensed style rather than with extended descriptions and explanations, because he was presenting the essence of the truth. This text has a historic quality, enabling it to touch one's original heart and bring it to explode with the power of love. Eu Hyo-won, the first president of the Unification Church, had thoroughly explored the scriptures of various religions. However, he confessed that when he first read Wolli Wonbon, he became so deeply immersed in the amazing world of its truth, weeping so profusely, that it took him days to transcribe just one page. 8. When I wrote Wolli Wonbon, I wrote it in a condensed form. The content of even one page requires dozens of pages of explanation. An ordinary person is simply not able to understand it deeply, even after reading and reflecting on it. One day I asked Eu Hyo-won, who had studied medicine, to explain the Principle, but he said he could not do so. So I explained just one page to him. Then, on the spot, he bowed down to me and said, "I am sorry. I did not realize that the Principle contained such a profound meaning. I could never have figured that out on my own." (415-182, 2003/08/14) 9. After coming down from Hungnam to Busan, I started writing Wolli Wonbon on May 11, 1951. I wrote it in a compact style. No one could understand it well, no matter how much they tried. So I explained it to Eu Hyo-won, and then his mind opened up. From then on he shed tears on reading each page of the manuscript, so much so that it became a "manuscript of tears." He would say, "How on earth could there be such unbelievable contents! With this understanding, the fundamental teachings of Christianity and communism will be completely overshadowed." (485-269, 2005/01/31) 10. After President Eu Hyo-won read Wolli Wonbon, he pledged in writing that he would be forever grateful to God even if his body should become a sacrificial offering in front of heaven. At the time I met Eu Hyo-won, I was walking a solitary path. His coming was truly the work of God. At that time my heart was absolutely serious about the Principle. Since I was so serious, God worked to bring him to me. God did this entirely for me. This is how I have been able to come this far. (045-139, 1971/06/24) 11. I guided and taught Eu Hyo-won in such a way that he was able to systematize the entire contents of the book into the form of Exposition of the Divine Principle. When I wrote Wolli Wonbon, I sometimes made drastic jumps in logic and wrote the content in a condensed form. Eu Hyo-won was given a copy of the manuscript before he joined the church. As he read it, he cried and cried. I believe that he is the first person in our church's history who was so moved after reading the Principle that he immediately wanted to become my disciple. This happened when he read Wolli Wonbon, which was even before he ever met me in person. He wrote a letter to me with the vow, "Based on the words I read in Wolli Wonbon, I will become your disciple and serve you for eternity." Moved by his letter, I traveled from Seoul to Yeongdo Church in Busan and held a 21-day workshop, in which he participated. I was told before the workshop that he was anxious, wondering what it would be like to meet me in person for the first time. But when we met, he openly shared with me all of his past life, which was filled with many serious stories, some of which I still cannot forget even to this day. During the workshop in Yeongdo all the participants had spiritual experiences. So, after the workshop they felt so transformed that when they returned to the reality of their everyday lives, they marveled, "I just experienced a completely different world, which I never imagined could exist!" (292-318, 1998/04/27) Section 4. Pioneer Outreach Pioneering in Busan After arriving in Busan in January 1951, True Father moved around for half a year, living here and there as a refugee. In August he built a mud-walled hut with his own hands in Beomnaetgol, moved into it, and prepared to receive new members. He climbed the mountain every day and prayed tearfully, with a yearning surpassing even that of God who has continually worked to restore His lost children. As a result, members came to him in small groups, responding to revelations they received from God. On May 10, 1952, the day when True Father finished writing Wolli Wonbon, Original Text of the Divine Principle, Gang Hyeon-sil, a second-year student at Goryo Theological Seminary, joined him. She was followed by others, including Rev. Lee Yo-han, a young man, already a Christian pastor, who joined Father on December 1. In this way, heaven sent prepared believers to True Father. By January 1953, the number of members had increased, but at the same time, opposition from the families of some members became severe. Consequently, True Father left the mudwalled hut in Beomnaetgol and moved to Sujeong-dong, later moving three more times. 1. I lived in Busan for three years as a refugee during the Korean War. While I was there I could hear the voices of many people who had promised to meet me, crying out to me. Because I was not able to meet them, my longing heart for those people was indescribable. It was a good opportunity for God to train me so that, as His Son on earth, I could experience the longing heart of God for humanity. I did not shed tears because I missed my parents, nor did I stay up all night pining for them. The question was how I could complete the restoration of Cain and Abel in accordance with the Principle, which was a stepping-stone for the providence of God to move forward. It was not possible for me to do this with my own family or relatives. I had to establish a victorious foundation with people who were not my own blood relations. I established the tribal-level foundation based on making a foundation with people from other clans. Then I had to advance to the level of the people of Korea. (046-134, 1971/08/13) 2. When I lived in Beomil-dong, Busan, I offered sincere prayer conditions with all my heart, and waited in yearning for those who should be connected to God. Spiritually I could see them coming, but in reality they had not yet come. I had no choice but to wait for the right time. When I was living in Beomil-dong, there were at most three members, including myself. So I communicated spiritually with the ones for whom I yearned and meanwhile lived with the mountains and valleys as my friends. (018-038, 1967/05/14) 3. When I lived in Beomil-dong, I so much missed being with people that I sometimes talked to myself. Spiritually I could hear people talking, as if they were behind a thin paper wall. I could hear them, but I could not see their faces. If only that paper wall were removed, the multitudes could come to me. I could hear the voices of the people I longed to meet; that is why I missed them so much. From morning until evening, I longed for people to come. It is a very noble thing to long to see others. Once my heart of longing to meet people reached a certain degree, they began to come looking for me. When people are treated with that kind of heart, since they are spiritual beings, even if they want to leave, it is as if they are glued to the floor and they cannot get up. It is an unusual phenomenon. They become completely absorbed in what is happening around them. You must know that there were such spiritual works in the early days of the Unification Church. You too should have such a longing to meet people. You should not worry about your spouse and children. You have to yearn to meet people for the sake of the Will. (056-026, 1972/05/10) 4. I am not teaching you thoughtlessly when I say, "With the heart of a parent, shed sweat for earth, tears for humanity and blood for heaven." This is how I have lived. Try witnessing to people according to this teaching. Test whether what I say is the truth or a lie. If you do not have members, open the door and long for them. When you do so, you will hear people coming. Long for people the way I do. Then ways to reach them will open up. When Gang Hyeon-sil came to Beomnaetgol for the first time, I had the heart of a parent yearning for my lost children. (160-183, 1969/05/12) 5. When I lived in the mud-walled hut in Beomnaetgol, there was a rumor circulating about me, "satan's ringleader lives at the top of Beomil-dong. Christians, do not go there!" Even when we held our own worship services, everyone in the village church already knew about it and spread rumors, warning people not to go. But I was never discouraged. When I went to pray on the mountain, I would often catch satan spiritually by the collar and fight him. I fought him saying, "You cannot defeat me in this battle. Someday you will surrender to me." That was how I got started. (153-316, 1964/03/26) 6. When I was in Beomnaetgol in Busan, there was only one other church in Beomil-dong. That church had heard that we were good people, that we knew the Bible well and that we had attended church in the past. So they tried to witness to us. I listened to what they had to say. When they spoke, I listened to them very carefully. They thought that I would surely become a new member of their church and on the first day they were happy and simply left. Predictably, the next day they returned. I said, "Let me ask you a question." But they could not answer it. So I commented, "Would Jesus not know such things? It seems the Bible does not teach you well enough." I did not speak this way because I thought I was better than them, but because they did not know the Bible accurately. I told them, "No one can say there is a problem with the Bible itself; the problem is that you do not know it well. If you do not know the Bible, how are you going to witness?" I continued, "I do not go to any church. But would you listen to what I know about the Bible?" And I began talking. At first, I did not say anything that they could not digest. Usually, I would look at the situation and if they were argumentative people, I would take a totally different approach rather than confront them. After speaking like this for several hours, they began to listen to what I had to say. (026-071, 1969/10/18) 7. During the days I spent in Busan as a refugee, I built a house in Beomil-dong, and three of us gathered there to pray and witness. When I spoke to the other two, I imagined that I was not doing so for just those two people. I thought of us as not just three people, but 30 million people. At the time I was speaking to only a few people, but I imagined that I was giving a speech to millions of Christians and all of humanity. I spoke wholeheartedly, shedding sweat, as if the whole town were listening to me. On Sundays, the neighbors would say, "Ah, that young man is doing it again." Even sitting with them knee to knee and whispering they would be able to hear me. However, I spoke so loudly that women at the well 150 meters away could hear me. One lady who attended the village church happened to hear me when she was passing by. She began coming to my house every Sunday, where she stood outside and listened to me. She felt uncomfortable coming into a room filled with young men. Finally, one day she came inside and noticed how pitiful the room looked. The words I was speaking were big enough to shake up the world, but our reality was miserable. Nevertheless, I talked about uniting the world and said, "God is our Father and we are God's sons and daughters. The kingdom of heaven will be realized and hell will be destroyed." (153-315, 1964/03/26) 8. There was a well in Beomil-dong, and people came to draw water from it. When they overheard our Sunday worship, they were confused, thinking, "There are rumors that the people in that house never fight with each other, but these days it seems that they are fighting." On one occasion, a student from a theological seminary came to visit me and said, "In history, people even greater than you have also dreamed of uniting the world, but they could not accomplish it. How can you, in this place, think that you will bring unity?" While I was talking with him, I thought about how I looked and realized that I must surely look pitiful. Who would believe the big things I was speaking about in a house built so poorly that people could hear water running through its little drain beneath the floor? My guests ate and dressed better than I did, and had a higher standard of living, so they would not believe what I taught. When that seminarian heard what I was saying, my words sparked a hot debate in the area. People who talked with the seminarian said, "That man up on the hill seems so naive. He does not look like the kind of person who would say such things, yet his words are incredible. He speaks of turning the whole world inside out, and heaven and earth upside down." They said, "His place is so shabby and miserable that it is a place fit only for spirits to live. Yet he speaks of formidable things such as moving the whole world with one hand, unifying Korea and uniting the world." These were the rumors going around. Even people in neighboring villages heard about me and said, "At the village well we heard people say that there is a remarkable person living on the mountain, although he is a young man of few words." As the rumors spread, more and more people came. (026-072, 1969/10/18) 9. During my time as a refugee, looking out from Beomil-dong I could see the many ships in Busan Harbor. I thought to myself, "The time will come when I will make a ship of my own and sail into Busan." Looking at the big ships moving in and out of the harbor, I could not help thinking, "When will the day come when my beloved sons and daughters can cruise on those big ships and guide the world? When will their circumstances allow them that freedom and equality?" I thought of God, who has held this same hope for tens of thousands of years, a hope that will keep growing with each passing day. Now, amazingly, I stand on the bow of my own boat as it sails toward the ocean. (109-048, 1980/10/26) 10. Busan was a gathering place for refugees. Therefore, it was also the place where the most fervent Christians could meet each other. Not only that, it brought together people I knew from my school days in the church in Heukseok-dong, the time of my church in Pyongyang, and the time when I was involved in a church in Seoul. These were the circumstances under which I began our church. After I was released from prison in North Korea, I restored four people. These were three women and a man. The man was in the position of the Archangel. There were three elderly women, Mrs. Ok Sae-hyeon, Mrs. Ji Seung-do and Mrs. Lee Ki-wan. Lee Ki-wan had been living in Seoul. I brought these four people together in Busan and made a new start. I found a house in Sujeong-dong and we started a church. (441-274, 2004/03/06) Pioneering in Daegu Once new members came flocking in, True Father turned his eyes toward the outside world, instructing Rev. Lee Yo-han to meet with well-known pastors and spiritual leaders. On July 20, 1953, he gave encouraging words to Gang Hyeon-sil, saying, "Do not forget that the living God is on our side and cooperating with us." He directed her to take just one change of clothes and go to Daegu and begin pioneer witnessing there. Daegu would become the first place where the Principle was taught in public. In mid-August, he also sent Rev. Lee Yo-han to Daegu. His plan was for Rev. Lee to build a church on the foundation laid by Missionary Gang. Our Daegu church took root gradually, and started holding services that gathered 30 to 40 new members, despite persecution and opposition from Christian churches. 11. During the early days, I led a single church. From that beginning, I gathered a few members and had them visit spiritually prepared people all over the nation. Among them was Missionary Gang Hyeon-sil, whom I sent to Daegu. Before she met me, she had been the young lady responsible for the Beomil-dong Tent Church. Other than that church there were only Buddhist temples in the Beomil-dong valley. She heard a rumor that an unusual young man was living in a house at the very edge of town, so she came to witness to me. That is how I met her, and God worked through that. She came looking for me every day. After some time, she decided to leave her tent church and join the Unification Church. With that condition, I sent her to Daegu to witness. I sent her to Daegu because that region was like the Jerusalem of South Korea. I sent her out empty-handed. There was a reason that I sent her out to witness without even giving her money for a train ticket. It was because in those circumstances the spirit world was compelled to help her. When she arrived in Daegu, she had no place to go. So the spirit world guided her to meet someone who was prepared. That is how the Daegu church began. (143-173, 1986/03/18) 12. I told Missionary Gang Hyeon-sil, "Go to Daegu as a pioneer witness!" When she first went out pioneering, she cried as she witnessed. Then God confided to her, "You have just arrived here, and you are crying, but I have worked for thousands of years while harboring bitter pain." She had been about to leave, but after hearing God's voice she decided to stay and endure. When I think about it, God did not listen to anything she had to say about her situation. He just told her to pioneer and witness to people. Given those circumstances, when I sent her to a certain place on my behalf, someone was waiting for her with tickets for her transportation, and further along the way, another person was waiting with a feast. (348-293, 2001/07/10) 13. When you go witnessing, it will do you no good to just sit down and worry. It is not a mission you can fulfill with money; you have to make conditions of sincere devotion. On that foundation if you pray sincerely, God will guide you. Further, if you work hard until your feet get sore and blistered, God can work through that. Listen to Gang Hyeon-sil's testimony. She went to Daegu to do pioneer missionary work without knowing anyone there. Did anyone welcome her? How hard it must have been for her when she was wandering around on the streets. She was lamenting about her hard luck and praying, "O Lord, where should I go?" And God said, "Are you complaining after just one day? You are far from reaching the heart of your Father who has suffered for thousands and thousands of years!" He meant that she had to go through more hardships. It is not easy to meet God or to find the Will of God. (235-176, 1992/08/29) 14. When I was visiting Daegu, there was one month during which the church had to move 13 times. Once I came to town, everyone knew who I was. Christians carried my picture, and whenever they saw me they made a great fuss, saying, "There is that Moon so-and-so." Everywhere I went, the churches were in an uproar, saying, "Kick out that ringleader of heresy!" The whole city would growl and try to kick me out. (163-153, 1987/05/01) Chapter 3. Founding the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity Section 1. Background Providential background Upon True Father's return to Seoul on September 17, 1953, he began looking for ways to carry out his work in that city in earnest. In addition, he visited the churches in Daegu and Busan to guide and encourage the members working on the front line of those pioneer missions. He offered many sincere conditions of devotion on behalf of Protestant pastors and government leaders who had not accepted him. In this way, he established the foundation of faith for a new beginning. He personally established the standard of Abel's providential mission. On this foundation of vertical restoration through indemnity, and on the foundations of the three churches, in Seoul, Busan and Daegu, he sought ways to carry out the horizontal providence of restoration for the foundation of substance. Finally, on May 1, 1954, True Father founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC), at a very small house in Bukhak-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul. That address was later changed to 391-6 Shindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul. The founding of HSA-UWC signified that, in a providential sense, True Father had established a church that could represent Judaism and Christianity -- and that he himself could now stand in the position of Jesus on the foundation of having indemnified what had not been fulfilled through those two religions. It was because of disbelief and rejection by Christian denominations that ultimately True Father founded HSA-UWC. He established it on the foundation of having triumphed in his course of restoration through indemnity in North Korea. In this manner a new mainstream in God's providence began, with True Father at the center, and changes began to appear in all areas of society, in the nation and throughout the world. 1. Directly after Korea's liberation, I wanted to make a new beginning together with Christianity, but because of opposition from Christian ministers that phase of the providence was blocked. After that, I was supposed to work together with the nation of Korea, but that road also was blocked. Just as Israel and Judaism should have accepted Jesus, similarly Korea and Christianity should have accepted me. They went in the opposite direction, however. As a result, the churches and the nation deviated from God's Will. I had to restore through indemnity the fact that Christianity had become a gentile religion due to Israel's rejection of Jesus. Just as Christianity had to go through Rome, satan's realm, in order to develop, I had to go to North Korea, a communist nation that represented satan's realm on the world level. From then on, I had to carry out the work of restoration a second time. I had to pay indemnity on the individual, family and tribal levels. This is why I have suffered until now. What could have been accomplished in one go had to be repeated several times. The Unification Church has to represent Judaism. God set up Christianity to act on behalf of Judaism, but Christianity also was not able to fulfill its responsibility. Eventually I established the Unification Church to fulfill this responsibility on behalf of Christianity. (039-137, 1971/01/10) 2. After the establishment of the Republic of Korea, it was not Christianity or other spiritual groups but I who stood at the center of God's Will. Ever since I began to be persecuted, I stood alone before God. In the Bible it says your enemies will be members of your own household. Christians were like my family, but they came to stand in the position of an enemy. As a result, all the foundations prepared by God had to be discarded. God's Will came to be centered solely on me, and I had to make a new beginning at a new level from then on. It was a miserable fate for me to bear. From then on, Christianity drifted further away from God's Will. The democratic world also drifted away from God's Will and began to go in the wrong direction. I had to go through hardships, and this is why I spent three years in prison beginning in 1948. After all, North Korea is also part of the land of Korea, so I had to go there and fight satan on the front line. Since South Korea was also on satan's side, I had to fight in South Korea as well. In both North Korea and South Korea I could not avoid fighting against satan's side. My time in North Korea corresponded to the Old Testament Age and in South Korea to the New Testament Age. This is why I was imprisoned for three years in North Korea. In December 1950 I left North Korea and laid a foundation in South Korea for four years before establishing the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity on May 1, 1954. (087-057, 1976/05/01) 3. Jesus had to endure prison before dying on the cross. This is why the course of restoration must also begin from prison. Jesus' course should have begun from a glorious position, but his path was completely reversed and turned into the way of the cross. This is why the history of the Unification Church also had to begin in prison in order to advance to a new level. When Jesus was in prison, he lost his 12 disciples. I had the mission to restore this history substantially, to restore the standard of that lost number. Though I said not a word, God mobilized the spirit world to witness to the other prisoners. Twenty-four prisoners responded to heaven's call and secretly united with me. This enabled me to make a new start. When I came out of the prison camp, four people accompanied me. In this way, I made the condition to establish the four-position foundation according to the Principle of Restoration. It was thanks to God that this condition could be made. On this foundation, after coming out of Hungnam Prison, I went back to Pyongyang, regathered the lost members and made a new start. That was the beginning of today's Unification Church. (071-231, 1974/05/01) 4. The Unification Church has to indemnify the course of restoration that God had led for 6,000 years. We need to indemnify problems of the individual, family and nation. We have to indemnify everything that should have been realized by the nation at the time of Jesus. Today, God's providence is advancing, with Korea at the center. Before the liberation, God prepared and sent many individuals who had the mission of prophets. Some aspects of the providence were led by women, and others by men. Our nation and devout people of faith were not aware of it, but in order for God to establish His providence for His Will, He worked to raise selected individuals, both internally and externally. This is why, after the liberation, this nation and its people had to make a new beginning based on a new development. The Unification Church was launched to convey God's Will to them. (016-055, 1965/12/26) 5. North Korea, which is on satan's side, started the Korean War in 1950 in order to take over South Korea. As a result of military successes in the heavy air bombardment of Hungnam and General MacArthur landing his forces at Incheon, I got out of the Hungnam Labor Camp. Then I trudged to South Korea. At the time, South Korea was in chaos. The foundation I had laid in Seoul and other places had been entirely destroyed. The South Korean government had been swept away. People who had money tried to escape, and Christian pastors sent their children abroad. It was a chaotic time throughout the nation. Under these circumstances, the Unification Church began to lay its foundation. As the Unification Church was laying its foundation, Korea settled on a new form of government. This is the providential viewpoint. The chaos in society was because the providence of heaven was using satan's side to create an environment suitable for God's Will. I established HSA-UWC in 1954, and expanded that new foundation in the midst of a chaotic social environment. The Unification Church developed while dealing with opposition from the government and from Christianity. (161-073, 1987/01/02) 6. Even though I had a mouth, I did not speak. Although I harbored bitter sorrow over the way the people of my nation treated me, I endured. It was not because I was spineless. I understood that Jesus had to endure for 30 years of his life, and God had to go through great pains to find the right time to establish His foundation. He persevered for 2,000 years since Jesus' time to lay a solid base to accomplish His Will. Therefore, I too endured, saying, "Let the typhoons come; let the snowstorms blow." I knew these harsh conditions were only temporary and would pass away. It is the same with those in society who boast about their success; it will pass away. What was my responsibility? What did I have to do when I found myself in the position of being accused, chased out and even sent to prison? For the sake of all humanity, to eradicate all the suffering of the world, I had to be struck. I thought, "In pioneering the path of suffering worldwide, can one avoid difficulties?" I told myself it was natural to face hardship. It was not because I am a fool that I accepted these circumstances. The history of the providence of restoration had to unfold this way. For the providence to advance, there had to be someone like me who was willing to take such a path. This was the condition on which I established the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. (014-309, 1965/01/10) The Bukhak-dong three-gate house The three-gate house in Bukhak-dong where the sign of the Holy Spirit Association was hung was a shabby house with eaves so low that people could reach them with their outstretched hands. This being the case, neighborhood children sometimes took down the sign and used it as a game board. Sometimes people who opposed us threw it down and broke it, so it was damaged often and had to be repaired and reattached to the house. When you entered the house, you had to pass under three gates with your head bent low. They opened into a small courtyard of about ten square meters with a well at one corner. Next to the well was a small platform for clay jars filled with traditional Korean condiments. On the right side of the house was the master bedroom, about two square meters in area, so small that when people lay down in it, their feet touched the wall and there was barely room for three. To the left was a second bedroom, a guest room that was not even three square meters in area. The men used the master bedroom, while the women slept in the second bedroom. The rooms had a low paper ceiling that would bend upward if your head touched it. As is apparent from this description, HSA-UWC began in a place that was little more than a shanty. Although only a small number of people gathered inside, True Father still prayed and spoke in a roaring voice as if speaking to thousands of people. He spoke so passionately that his shirt would be drenched in sweat. Sometimes he would speak to just one person, yet afterward he would weep for more than an hour and offer a heartfelt prayer. Everyone who came there was filled with so much divine grace that they all wept their hearts out, and the floor would be soaked with their tears. 7. The name I created for the Unification Church was "Holy (Divine) Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." It was hard enough to bring unity within Christianity on earth, yet I was striving to bring unity in the spirit world as well. Back then I did not have any money. So I rented this place where the rooms were so small that when I lay down my feet would touch the wall. It was from such a humble place that I started the church. I took the position of a servant, doing everything for the people who came. In this way I advanced from the position of a servant to that of an adopted son. This was the path of my liberation. (093-057, 1977/05/01) 8. The first house where we displayed the Unification Church sign was a small shanty. The entrance had three gates. People who were tall and wide like me had to enter sideways, with our heads down. It was there that we mounted the sign, "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." It is an enormous task to unite Christianity on earth, and yet this was an association that aspired to unite Christianity not only throughout the physical world but in the spiritual world too. Isn't this a formidable vision? We had placed the sign under the eaves, at one end of the house. Yet despite the grand name on the sign, when you looked at the house, you would see nothing but a shanty. (200-081, 1990/02/24) 9. We put up the first sign of the Unification Church at the Bukhak-dong house in Seoul. That house was probably the smallest house in Seoul. When I lay down sideways, my feet touched the wall. Only when I lay down lengthwise would my feet not touch the wall. One room was like that, and a second room was about the same. This house was known for its three-gate entrance, and so it was called "three-gate house." Those gates were tiny, so we had to lower our heads in order to enter. The sign was hung up under the eaves, which were so low that even children could reach up and touch it. Our sign was not hung on a great big house but on the smallest house in the city. Who would be interested in us? People even pitied the sign because it was so mistreated. The neighborhood children often took it down and played with it, and it was often damaged. Once a person who opposed us came and said, "You want to unite Christianity? That's heresy!" Then he smashed the sign with a rock, breaking it into pieces. I could not throw away this historic sign, so I put the two pieces back together with metal braces and hung it up again. (200-162, 1990/02/25) 10. Whether I lived under the eaves of some house or in a shanty, my thought was, "I have to attend God here and offer greater devotion." My belief was, "According to the Principle of Restoration, the leader who can offer sincere devotion for the world should be able to do it even in the tiniest house." This was my way of thinking. Then I would say, "Now that I have offered sincere devotion in this tiny house, I should be able to offer it in a bigger house befitting a world leader." The Unification Church began in this place. The Unification Church has grown to this size starting from this tiny Bukhak-dong house with its three gates. This is the main philosophy of the Unification Church. Although there have been many rumors about us, so much so that all the world has heard about us, no has one criticized the Unification Church for its small size. What was most important was what we did in that place. (062-241, 1972/09/25) The mission of HSA-UWC The founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) is significant in that it was to fulfill the mission that was to have been carried out by Christianity. Of course, HSA-UWC is the parent religion that needs to ultimately take charge of God's providence of restoration. This is why the name includes the words "World Christianity." "Unification" signifies uniting not only Christianity but also other religions and even all humankind. The words "Holy (Divine) Spirit" incorporate the goal of establishing a foundation for the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, through the harmony of the spiritual world and the physical world based on God's truth. The word "Association" refers to an organization that realizes the originally intended, ideal world by perfecting the united realm of the spiritual world and the physical world. 11. Why did we take the name, Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity? Because we had Christianity in our name, we were persecuted. But without it, we would have had to give up the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age. Without the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age could not have come. Since the Old Testament Age went wrong, the New Testament Age was needed. Without the New Testament Age, the Completed Testament Age could not have emerged. The New Testament Age came on the foundation of the Old Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age came on the foundation of the New Testament Age, so the Unification Church has to be connected to Christianity. Christianity is the extension of Judaism. If I threw that away, I would have no ground to stand on. The national level that satan rules is the completion level of the growth stage, and until I can go over that stage and gain an independent foundation, I have to stand on Christianity, the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age. (284-189, 1997/04/17) 12. I gave such a grand title to our church: the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Is such unification even possible? Yes, it will be realized without a doubt. Christianity alone has over 400 denominations that have been fighting each other. But I do not think the unification of Christianity will be that difficult. I believe that if we are a religious group that follows the principle of living for the sake of others, and all other religious groups make an effort to do the same, we will all become one without fail. Even if religious leaders call this heresy, if we can demonstrate greater love than they do, I believe we can embrace even them. This is because God, the subject partner, is such a being. When we establish a relationship with God, I believe we are bound to come into unity by the power of God. This is logical. It is not so difficult to achieve oneness. The Unification Church was founded on this principle. (072-022, 1974/05/07) 13. When we say "Unification," tong-il, the character tong does not mean "to be guided" but "to lead." You have to lead. When you want to lead someone, you must have qualities with which you can lead. As the subject partner, you need those qualities so that you can take responsibility to protect and raise people. Therefore, the Unification Church has to take responsibility for heaven and earth. The scope of what the Unification Church is trying to do is different from that of other groups. You then have to protect this world that is being attacked by the realm of evil. You have to protect it by creating an environment in which there is only goodness. You must not only deter the evil things but also develop the good. The Unification Church is to lead the world and make it one. I am not saying that we should unite the world centering on the Unification Church. We have to unite the world centering on God, the Creator of the universe, the subject partner and root of all. (209-121, 1990/11/28) 14. Unification is simple. The word "unity" is the best gospel. If you want to stand with confidence in front of your father and mother, you have to stand in the place where your mind and body are united. When you look at yourself, if your behavior is aligned with your conscience, or if you are aligned with the standard of the moral teachings you learned in school, you can stand tall. If your mind and body are united, you can uphold your dignity. This is why filial children can stand confidently before their parents -- in their thoughts, emotions and behavior in daily life. It is upon this foundation of dignity that parents find the will to live and establish the dignity of their family. This is the principle of heaven and earth. This is why the term "unification" is great. After searching through all of heaven and earth, I found that the only appropriate word for the name of our church was "Unification," and this is why I chose this word for our name. (233-030, 1992/07/20) 15. The religion of the son, representing the desire of all religions throughout the Old Testament Age and New Testament Age is connected with the religion of the servant and the religion of the adopted son. At the same time, the religion of the son has to reach the realm of the religion of the parents and form one system that can be recognized officially by God and the spirit world. When that happens, the unification of worldwide Christianity will be accomplished automatically. Based on this, I put up the HSA-UWC sign. I am saying that it is the association by which the Divine Spirit can unite Christianity. Some may think that it is simply an association of Unification Church members, but in fact it is an association led by the Divine Spirit of God to unite Christianity. Since we include the word "spirit" in the name of our church, because people in the world do not fully understand the meaning of the Divine Spirit of God that we are centered on, they say we are connected to spirits or ghosts. This is why we Unification Church members are called "michin" (crazy) people. However, this word used as a verb, michida, means "to reach." We are michin people because we are reaching the goal. Ours is the religion that is striving to fulfill the goal of the Old and New Testaments, which is the Will that all the spirits in the spirit world want us to fulfill centering on God's love. This is why in the Unification Church the work of God's Divine Spirit continues. (113-098, 1981/05/01) 16. The Unification Church needs God's help. Of course, it receives support from good spirits such as our good ancestors, but I am saying we should also receive the spiritual support of the founders of the world's religions. We need to expand our scope. We cannot expect cooperation only from the Christian spirit world. The Christian spirit world is only concerned with the Christian world; this is why it is not enough. If we are to unite the entire world, we cannot do so only with the support of the Christian spirits centered on Jesus. We have to receive the spiritual support of all religions. We should receive help from our good ancestors, from the loyal patriots and virtuous women of Korea, and further, we should have the cooperation of the founders and saints of the world's religions. (084-067, 1976/02/22) 17. What is the ultimate goal of God, who has been leading human history for 6,000 years since the Fall? It is to find His sons and daughters, loyal subjects and virtuous women, upon whom He can bestow the marriage Blessing before all of heaven and earth. This is God's work, and it will be done with one place on earth as the central point. In this place, words conveyed with heart on behalf of God will move the spirit world. If these words can reach the hearts of people who are true to their conscience, their hearts will be greedy moved. When these activities become widespread on earth, satan's world will collapse. We who are striving to achieve this goal are raising the torch in front of the world and all of heaven and earth. Because during this era we shoulder this tremendous name, the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, we must not allow ourselves to collapse. We must penetrate God's heart. This is the source of the message by which we can reach every level, from the individual and family to the society, nation, world and cosmos. If we cannot do this, we had better take down the sign. I, whom you have been following thus far, am focused on making this breakthrough. This has been my lifelong goal. (009-115, 1960/04/24) 18. The fact that we established ourselves as the Unification Church was a risky venture. Our name, which includes the word "unification," describes our purpose to unite all religions. What a vast and incredible ambition! When we look at the 2,000-year history of Christianity, numerous theologians came and went, and numerous denominations were created, presented new doctrines and set up their own traditions. Those theologians who started new denominations criticized the older doctrines as mistaken and rejected them. In this way the Protestant cultural sphere was formed. Eventually Protestantism established a worldwide foundation, yet at the same time it divided into numerous denominations. Therefore, Christianity itself is not united. It will not be easy to unite Christianity alone, but we claim that we will unite not only Christianity but all religions, and even the physical world and the spiritual world. (202-008, 1990/05/01) 19. To transform the world of satan's sovereignty back to the world of God's sovereignty, you must follow God's Word absolutely and unite with Him to defeat the world of satan's evil. If you do not win this fight, then the Lord at his Second Advent will have to find others and re-engage in this struggle. You have to raise a worldwide movement in which you volunteer to take up this laborious path in order not to leave the Returning Lord in such a difficult and lonely position. Unless you do this, there will be no way forward for Christianity. Then what should the Unification Church do? We must become a group that absolutely believes in God's Word. No matter how much persecution we face from satan's world, we must unite with God. The mission of the Unification Church is to grow into a movement that can, with God's love, liberate the world from satan. We need to establish the worldwide foundation for a new Christianity that transcends national boundaries. What I am saying is that we need to establish a foundation for the Returning Lord to carry out new works worldwide, realizing the sovereignty that the people of Israel could not accomplish on earth. (053-046, 1972/02/06) 20. What kind of truth is religion meant to express? We do not need truth that simply presents doctrines. It has to be a truth with which your body, mind and heart can all agree, saying, "That's it!" We need such principles and teachings. If you hear something about them and then encounter them, your heart will be drawn to them. If you hear teachings that attract you, that make you feel as if you are transcending time and space, then you had better pack up your bags and follow those teachings. You will not perish. You will be remembered in history. If you want to become such a person, you cannot do it with your old self. Please take off your old, defective mask and throw it away. If you are a religious person, please take off your religious mask. If you are a conscientious person, please take off that mask. Please take down your religions sign. Right now you are all part of the Unification Church, but I long for the day when I can take down the Unification Church sign. I had to put up the Unification Church sign only because of the prevailing circumstances, because there was an opponent to struggle against. We have to take down that sign someday. What kind of sign do we need in the world of mind and heart? Even without a sign, you will already know yourself. Even without making intentional effort, you will naturally know and do what is right. This is the primary standard through which you will be able to resolve anything. (007-253, 1959/09/20) 21. My purpose for founding the Unification Church was not only to benefit our church. On this anniversary of the founding of the church, we have to broaden our scope. We need to make this day the day for guiding our nation to God's Will, and we need to make this day the day we guide the entire world to build the kingdom of heaven on earth that God hopes to see. It is to fulfill this mission that the Unification Church was founded. The Unification Church is different from all other churches that have appeared in history. Representing the entire providence, it has to indemnify everything and settle all accounts. At the same time, the Unification Church carries the overall responsibility to leave behind a victorious foundation with which God can be happy and that gives Him hope for the future. Therefore, the Unification Church was not founded merely to build a denomination. It was founded to take on the whole providence and to build the one foundation that is centered on the Will. Based on the founding of this church, individuals are to stand anew before God. These individuals must solidify a philosophy of life and establish a tradition for new families, new tribes, new peoples, new nations and the new world that will continue on into the future. (043-232, 1971/05/01) The mission of church members HSA-UWC aims to build a community of family members centered on true love. The term shikku, meaning "family member," refers to the members of a church family who eat together at the same table. Family members have the mission to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth, centering on God's love and the ideal of creation. They also have the responsibility to dissolve the bitter sorrow of Jesus, who was unable to love his parents, relatives, the synagogues, the people of Israel, the nation of Israel and the world. This is why members of the Unificationist family are devoting all of their energy to realizing one world under God, as members of one great family transcending all barriers of ideology, religion, race and nationality. 22. Jesus and the people of Israel in his day were chosen to represent the 4,000-year history of God's providence. Likewise, you, the saints on earth who are chosen today, represent the entire world and its 6,000-year history, transcending peoples and nations. If you do that, then God's judgment as foretold in the Bible will be removed from the earth. To achieve this standard, we hung up the Unification Church sign, and we call each other "family members." We are a family. We are brothers and sisters, although not blood-related, and we are one tribe. We are one brotherhood and one tribe, and we are building the Israel that will take responsibility to establish the Parent-child relationship with God. To do this, we must experience Jesus' bitter sorrow, take the path of pioneers, go through the course of fighting against satan, and fulfill God's Will. (002-221, 1957/05/26) 23. When we established the Unification Church, it was as if we were finding and reestablishing Judaism as God intended it to be. To build up the Unification tribe is as if we are recovering the lost tribes of Israel and recovering the brothers from whom those tribes stemmed. In this sense, all Unification Church members need to become brothers and sisters. It is only by making that connection of brotherhood that we can form a tribe. Unless we connect as brothers and sisters, we cannot build a church, nor can we form a people or a nation. Therefore, the Unification Church has the mission to connect all people centering on this relationship of brothers and sisters. This is the meaning of the term "family member." Because we are family members, we call each other brothers and sisters. The term "family member" is foundational to building the kingdom of heaven. This is why in the Unification Church we use this term. This is also the reason Unification Church members should love one another. (037-171, 1970/12/25) 24. Today, in the Unification Church we call ourselves a family. However, you also use the term "family" when referring to your family by blood. Then on what basis do we in the Unification Church call ourselves a family? We call one another family based on God's love for us. We do so because God desires to have that precious, loving relationship with all of humankind and for each one of us. And we do so because we are striving to fulfill the ideal of creation that God originally intended to realize. All people in history have wanted to have the kind of connection to one another that we have. These are the kinds of relationships implied in the word "family." We are here in this movement having this central relationship with one another. Therefore, if we are close to someone, we should love that person with a love surpassing that of anyone in the world. And if we are loving someone who is distant from us, we should love that person with a higher love than others do in the world. (025-285, 1969/10/05) 25. While you are sleeping, some of your brothers and sisters are following the Will, staying up late at night and shedding tears. While you have a full stomach, some of your fellow family members are going hungry. Therefore, even when you are eating or sleeping, you need to have a tearful heart, help them through spiritual power, pray for them and make an altar for them. You should always keep the altar clean and pray to God, telling Him that you are ready to submit yourself as an offering, day or night. Especially when a brother or sister is going through a difficult course of the cross, you should at least prepare internally to fight alongside the person. Otherwise, sooner or later you will end up being separated from those who are fighting on the front line. If that happens, you will fall behind and end up a defeated soldier. (156-069, 1965/12/07) Section 2. The Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church The central base HSA-UWC was founded on May 1, 1954 at a small house in Bukhak-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul. On January 17, 1955, the church moved to 241-44, Heungin-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, and on April 27, to a two-story building with a garden at 37, Jangchung-dong 1-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul. On October 7, 1955, right after True Father was released from Seodaemun Prison, it moved yet again, this time to 71-3, Cheongpa-dong 1-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. This is the address that the church used on May 31, 1963, when it registered with the government as Civil Society Organization No. 261. It is where True Father offered countless prayers while shedding tears and where he made many conditions of devotion for the advancement of the providence. It is where he educated members day and night and where he prepared to expand the providence to the worldwide level. 1. When we think about all the people in today's world who died for God, just as Elijah said, all I can say is, "Lord, I alone am left." It is with that heart that I am leading the providence in these miserable circumstances at the shabby Unification Church building whose address is 71-3, 1-ga, Cheongpa-dong, Seoul. This is the place under the sun where I am expanding the base for the salvation of the fallen world. How sad God must feel as he looks down at this place, where a small band of followers and I are striving to dissolve the 6,000 years of His bitter sorrow. When I think of this, tears well up in my eyes. Tears flow down my face when I think of God's situation, so sad and painful. But the question is how much you have experienced that heart. In the Unification Church, do you relate to God with such a heart? You have not been thinking this way. (027-075, 1969/11/23) 2. The relationships we have brought for humankind are three-dimensional. They are not based on any philosophy or ideology that ever existed before. They are relationships originating in God's heart and His ideal of creation, and from the standard of original nature and character. These relationships are the essence of all relationships. Therefore, you must guard their absoluteness. These relationships have emerged here at Cheongpa-dong. The meaning of Cheongpa-dong is "green hills," and green hills symbolize the ideal. At Cheongpa-dong, people live singing and aspiring for the ideal world of peace and freedom, where people sing with hope that is fresh and green. Hence, our Headquarters Church in Cheongpa-dong is the base where we begin the four-position foundation on the horizontal plane. (049-206, 1971/10/10) 3. Cheongpa-dong Church was built on the site where a Buddhist temple stood long ago. During the Japanese occupation, Japanese families lived there. This is such a historic building. After I was released from Seodaemun Prison in 1955, I had nowhere to go, and I did what I had to do to purchase this property. At first the condition of the house was so terrible that it was like a den of ghosts. Even the poles supporting the ceiling were tarnished black, and we had to wash them with harsh soda to get them dean. So many past relationships were intertwined within the structure. So after I bought this house, I resolved, "While I am living here, I will ease the pain in all those spirits' bitter, vengeful hearts that have accumulated over a long history. I will make those who whipped others kneel down, and expel those who kicked out the innocent people living there." Even now, I have not forgotten my resolution. Even if everyone leaves me and I am all alone, I will not forget. I will always keep the spirit to subjugate the entire fallen world. (051-227, 1971/11/28) 4. We must plant God's flag to save Korea. We gathered here to praise His victory in all the places where that flag is raised high. From the outside, this building may seem like nothing, but even though I live in this small and humble house, I have a dream of someday leading the whole world. Some people ask me why Cheongpa-dong Church Headquarters is so shabby, even as the Unification Church makes such a sensation worldwide. Indeed it looks shabby, even to me. Its roof was messy with broken tiles and in need of repair, but I leave it as it is without fixing it. It is not because I do not have the money, but I would rather save that money and spend it for the salvation of the Korean people. When my efforts grow from today's fledgling efforts to reach public awareness, the people of Korea will understand what the Unification Church has done for them. When the people come to know our history, how we have fought for this nation on their behalf, they will weep in deep repentance. We sincerely hope to see that day, and we are ever marching forward to welcome it. The problem is not whether the house in which I live needs many repairs. I cannot make my residence comfortable as long as this nation and its people have many wounds that need to be healed. (022-105, 1969/01/26) 5. You need to maintain your dignity as the members of the Headquarters Church. You need to be able to encourage and raise the spirit of overseas members who yearn to visit the original homeland, who yearn to meet the people there, who yearn to live there and even stay there forever. If you cannot be God's representatives, with His heart, and relate to all humanity from that position, you cannot be the people of the original homeland. You need to have the heart to welcome overseas family members who come to see the original homeland. Whether they are here for a day or two, or even a year, you should be able to live with them joyfully, and so close that your foreheads touch. Because they want to love you, you should be prepared to share all the joys and pains of life with them. Otherwise, you will certainly hurt the many members who will come from abroad to visit Korea and who regard it as their original homeland. Cheongpa-dong Church is not just an ordinary place. Countless members from Unification Churches from every corner of the world will come to Korea, regarding it as their original homeland. In particular, they will visit Cheongpa-dong Church and hold it in high esteem. Don't be discouraged because its current condition is not good. People who come to visit here will not expect to worship at a majestic palace. Rather, they will come longing to embrace this humble Cheongpa-dong Church. (023-087, 1969/05/11) A historic holy ground At the original Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church, the first floor was used as a sanctuary or a main hall, and the second floor housed True Father's bedroom, the church office, a hall for commemorative ceremonies, a counseling office and employees' lodgings. At the time, so many members came to the church. Especially on Sunday, the sanctuary was filled to the bursting point. True Father would pour out his words, full of grace. The atmosphere of the church services was always filled with divine spirit. When former church president Eu Hyo-won began giving Divine Principle lectures every day, the members' spirits were lifted even higher. The sanctuary would be overflowing with members. Behind the scenes, the elderly women members continually prayed and offered devotions. Miracles occurred one after another. It was like a blast furnace of heart, where tears, laughter, reports and testimonies, Divine Principle lectures and the singing of holy songs never ceased. It also was the place for historic events, including True Parents' Holy Wedding, the establishment of the church's four great holy days, the birth of the True Children, the 36 and 72 Couples Blessing Ceremonies, and many others. When members throughout Korea offered their devotions with bows and prayers, they faced in the direction of this main church. The Cheongpa-dong Church is a holy altar and a historic holy ground. It is stained with the countless tears True Parents shed. That is why anyone from anywhere in the world who knows about the providence yearns for this place and finds their way to it sooner or later. For this reason, True Father said that it should not be remodeled but preserved in its original form. This is because, no matter how shabby it may be, it is a place of nostalgia, full of historical memories and stories. 6. The main Unification Church is here in Cheongpa-dong, Seoul. Do those who work or live here have any qualification to do so? Even though I do not say anything, I shed tears dozens of times a day. Those who live close to me know how I live. Even when I hear one word from a member, I can burst into tears. I am such a sensitive person. Even at this moment, I hear family members throughout the nation praying in pain and sorrow. Some are going hungry; others are suffering from persecution. Still others are in circumstances that allow them no freedom. You who work or live at Cheongpa-dong need to be the catalysts for conveying my heart to those family members. Since you work here, whenever it is necessary you must be willing to pay a greater price. That is why whenever I want to reveal something new, I do not first speak about it at the Headquarters Church. I share it with the members in the local churches first, and only afterward at the Headquarters Church. Those who live in the local churches pray more than those at the headquarters. As people who belong to the Headquarters Church, you should set the highest standard, so that you will not be ashamed before heaven and earth. (012-327, 1963/08/11) 7. You need to know that there are people who shed tears when they just look at a photo of Cheongpadong Headquarters Church or even when they simply remember it. You have to be able to welcome those who come here in tears, become their friends, and comfort them from the bottom of your heart. I sincerely want you to receive many blessings from heaven and become people of whom I can be proud before God. This is because you live together with me and we have a special bond -- a bond formed from having shared all kinds of life experiences, both joyful and sorrowful. (012-329, 1963/08/11) 8. I know it is not easy to live with so many people crammed into this small church. We are not the only ones who are aware of this. God knows it even better than we do. Seeing us like this, people outside our community may think us foolish, but I do not agree. I have never prayed to God, asking, "Please build me a church." I even feel honored to be in this situation, with so many people in this small, cramped place. When there is an event here, everyone pushes and shoves to come inside. When this happens, rather than feeling miserable, you should have the heart to comfort God's sorrow, praying, "Aren't we fortunate to be in this situation?" You need to attend events with this kind of heart. When our church has people with this kind of heart, we will be able to pay the indemnity to restore the world. These miserable circumstances are a true treasure that we Koreans experience, and they are a resource we can use for restoration through indemnity. These circumstances are not a condition for unhappiness. They are rather a condition that bestows upon us the benefit and grace of deeply penetrating God's inner heart and situation, connecting us to the level of His heart and His desire to build us a better church. (017-273, 1967/02/15) 9. In the future, people from around the world will come to visit Cheongpa-dong Church. This is not just an empty dream; they will come. Because I lived here, and because from here I pursued the Will of God, they will come, crossing national borders to follow the vision I have been teaching. If I wanted to build a new church building, I could do it even now. But this house was the main church where many historical events were held. It is the place where heaven and earth wept profusely. It is the place where many people wept as they experienced God's bitter pain. It is the place where I desperately appealed to God, even shedding blood. The stains of my tears in this place are connected to unforgettable memories. It is a sacred altar stained with countless tears of mine and others. It is not the kind of place you can walk in and out of casually. I have never treated this place in such a casual way. (012-328, 1963/08/11) 10. You should not violate the foundation that I created here with my devotions and prayers. The Unification Church has been following God's 6,000-year history, always pursuing God's Will. Therefore, anyone who fails to leave tear-stained footsteps while walking this path cannot become a person of heaven. That is what I believe. I would like to ask you: When you kneel down and pray in tears on this wooden floor, do you feel that this is the ground of hope that Heavenly Father has eagerly awaited for tens of thousands of years? Do you experience the feeling of your bone marrow melting and feel in your heart that you are connected to God in flesh and blood? Are you ever overwhelmed by sorrow and grief that begins with tears but that tears alone cannot end, so much so that you forget about yourself? Also, when you pray in your daily life, do you ever completely forget about your personal situation? I have laid my foundation with deep prayer and sincere devotion in the most difficult situations, and you need to do likewise. If you have not, you will be accused by the level of my devotion. It is the same for me. God has walked the path of suffering for eons while offering devotion for the Will, and I think that I shall be judged by the standard of His devotion. To be judged based on His devotion will be a most fearful judgment. Therefore, in every circumstance of my life I struggle desperately with the question of how I can offer even an hour of devotion such that Heavenly Father feels compelled to comfort me. (042-233, 1971/03/14) 11. If visitors complain or make negative remarks about the Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church when they see it, finding it to have a different standard from what they had expected, the heart of longing they had for the church will vanish. If someone feels, "This is not what I was hoping to see," and utters such words about it, then even though that person offered much devotion for the main church in the past, that offering will have been in vain. Looking at the shabby Headquarters Church, if that person thinks, "Should this place where I offered devotions for so long remain the way it is? I will pay any price and make any sacrifice to make this church better than any other denomination's headquarters church," and if he makes this resolution before heaven in tears, I believe that he will become my companion in the Will. Because his standard is higher than anyone else's, God will embrace him in His bosom. I have heard many times, directly and indirectly, that most of the overseas family members cannot help but feel this way. If this is what family members overseas feel and think, the Unification Church members in Korea should not let themselves fall behind them in caring for the Cheongpa-dong Church. (051-217, 1971/11/28) 12. At the Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church, we held True Parents' Holy Wedding Ceremony, an event unprecedented in history. Here too, we conducted many historic works; God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things were inaugurated here. The Holy Wedding took place here in 1960. The 36 Couples and 72 Couples were given the marriage Blessing here as well. This is a historic place and we must not disgrace it. If I wanted to build a new church, I could do it right away. I could take down this building and build a church structure better than any other church in Korea. However, I am not greedy. I do not hope to get something unless I first offer devotion and my motivation is God-centered. We cannot establish the true history and tradition simply by using money for a beautiful new building. (051-228, 1971/11/28) 13. The Unification Church that you see in front of you with your own eyes is not everything. More important is what is behind it. I visited numerous palaces during my tours of dozens of countries. However, when I visited them I said to myself, "I will save the world starting from my small place." If I offer more devotion in this small place than in the extravagant buildings of the world and make a spring of deep devotion and heart there that God will remember, I believe thirsty people will come to my spring. It does not matter whether the water of life pours out of a rocky cave or from high on a mountain ridge. Everyone will go to that spot regardless of where it is. If that place yields true spring water, even a city will be built there. That place can become the original place of God's history and the birthplace of His culture. (051-229, 1971/11/28) 14. When I see the pillars holding up the ceiling at the Cheongpa-dong Church, I remember the time when I shed tears holding onto one of them. I can recall our church history and remember vividly the time when our whole nation was against us. I know some people who keep their loved one's handkerchief inside their bosom as a treasure among all treasures and find solace from it throughout their lives. For others, that handkerchief may be something they can throw away in the washroom, but to the former, it is more precious than their own lives. A handkerchief does not cost much, but once love is involved with it, it becomes priceless. (083-172, 1976/02/08) Section 3. Conditions of Devotion and Guidance on Faith Investment and acts of devotion After he was released from Seodaemun Prison, True Father lived at the original Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church. The years that followed, until early 1957, were a period when he made preparations to advance to a new stage. During this time True Father devoted all his energy to educating members. He focused on outreach activities, with Eu Hyo-won, the first church president, giving lectures and teaching the Divine Principle. In addition, True Father often took members on recreational outings in nature to cultivate their physical discipline and their relationship to the creation. The life of faith of the members was more intense at that time than at any other time in the history of our church. They attended church services, participated in outreach activities, and studied the Divine Principle. True Father himself led the church services. Although he wore a humble work jacket and the church hall was small, it was always filled with members day and night. In the congregation were many women, many young people, and intellectuals, including university professors. Everyone participated in outreach activities as volunteers, each with his or her own method of witnessing. 1. During the time of pioneering in 1957, I slept only two hours a day. In those days I would pray together with the members all night. It was in the midst of a seven-year period during which I prepared and trained myself so that in the 1960s, when we would move into a new world, I would not be ashamed before heaven and would be victorious in my 21-year course. (114-232, 1981/10/20) 2. After I founded the Unification Church, I offered prayers and conditions of devotion every day for seven years, staying up in my bedroom until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. My heart was determined, "I will pour out all my sincerity and devotion. No matter how tired and exhausted I am, I will continue. Even when I am hungry, I will pour out my whole self. I will not let sleep overcome me. I will continue until I build a foundation that meets with heaven's official approval." My devotion with this kind of heart sowed seeds that were connected to God's heart. They will bring forth growth throughout the world. Even if the members of the Unification Church today cannot inherit those seeds, some day without fail their fruits will be harvested, if not in Korea then somewhere else in the world. This is what I think. (082-324, 1976/02/01) 3. In the early days of the Unification Church, I prayed so intensely that my nose bled. I thought, "Even though I am bleeding like this for the sake of human history, if that blood moves people to feel indebted to me and so ashamed that they cry bitterly that they cannot repay it, that would be a glorious thing." I also thought, "It is an honor to be whipped on behalf of the people of the world." This is true. Who is the patriot among all patriots? If two people suffer a whipping for the sake of the nation, one receiving 10 lashes and the other 100 lashes, the latter is a greater patriot. A person who receives 1,000 lashes is an even greater patriot, and if someone appears who is whipped with 10,000 lashes, he will be greater still; all the nation's fortune will adhere to him. Then, what if another man comes and is whipped with 100,000 lashes? Even if this person tries not to take it, all the nation's fortune will be given to him. Don't seek fortune in any other way. This is the way to receive it. (047-334, 1971/08/30) 4. You have to inherit what I prepared when I sacrificed myself in my youth. By so doing, you should advance to a victorious position where all nations praise you. If you live for the sake of all nations, loving them, you will surely attain victory. It is my earnest desire for you to advance to a position even higher and more glorious than mine. But do you want to receive that fortune by just sitting around doing nothing? It is time for you to stand on the front line. During the early years of the church, I trained members day and night so that they would not be swept away into the evil world. For example, one day when we climbed up Mt. Gwanak, it was raining hard. The path was very slippery, but despite the difficulties we climbed all the way to the top. This is how I trained the members to fight on the battlefield against the nation and the world, so that they would not become remnants of a defeated army. I trained them like this despite all the accusations that came against me. (143-331, 1986/03/21) 5. In 1957 when I was educating the church members in Korea, I used what I call the one-on-one strategy. It is a strategy that will last until the end. I gave my lecture in front of one person as if I were giving it to hundreds and thousands of people, thinking that upon that person would depend hundreds and thousands of people. In order to raise that person as an authentic disciple, I had to pray for him and do sufficient conditions of devotion on his behalf to motivate him to become such a disciple. In such a case, three levels of relationships are created: me, you and the local members. First, there must be unity between you and me; then you should bring unity among the local members and yourself. Why three levels? It is because originally God and Adam should have been united and then Adam and his sons should have been united. That is a principle. Without reaching perfection through three stages, the realm of perfection of the four-position foundation cannot appear. That is why you have to create others like yourself. (096-285, 1978/02/13) 6. If someone says even one word that touches my heart, I might burst into tears. I have such a heart. There is something in my heart that makes me choke up whenever I think of God. I cannot help this. Since I have such a quality within myself, my life itself is prayer even when I do not pray in a formal way. That is why I always feel God's sorrowful and suffering heart, and why I sometimes fall down, choked with emotion, or grab hold of a tree or a telephone pole while my tears flow uncontrollably. At those times I feel God's heart so intensely that I can no longer stand upright. When I looked into it, I realized that something happened to God that made Him extremely sad. When I prayed about it, He let me know what happened and where. Since I have the mission of the person with the central responsibility on earth to make a foundation of heart, and to deal with both spiritual and physical issues required to make this foundation, God always lets me know His actual situation. (060-219, 1972/08/17) 7. There was a time when even beggars told each other that they should not go to the Unification Church because the food we offered them was so meager. Yet, we moved up from the bottom step by step. In the early days I did not even celebrate my birthday. I thought, how many people have died never able to celebrate their birthday while on earth? That is why I fasted on my birthday for three years, to sympathize with them and to connect with them when I meet them in the spirit world. Also, in the early days I did not wear a suit and tie when I spoke from the pulpit on Sundays. I began my ministry wearing laborer's clothes. Whenever I spoke, whether a sermon or lecture, I invested my sweat and tears, offering my utmost sincerity, even if only one person was listening. I did not treat people as guests who were just passing by. I now miss those early days. (141-056, 1986/02/16) 8. Throughout my life, I invested everything I had to witness to people. When a patient comes to see a doctor at the hospital, the doctor has the responsibility and obligation to invest his life for that patient, even forgetting to sleep. Likewise, in raising the church members I forgot about whether it was day or night. I often ate breakfast thinking I was eating dinner. There is such a tradition in the history of our church. When you are witnessing, create an environment in which even nature desires to praise you, in which the water in the river wants to stop flowing to praise you and the fish in the river want to be on your table so you can eat them. Then the people who eat those fish will start responding to you. This is the kind of foundation you should leave behind. Go around the area you are responsible for 10 or even 100 times. Visit every single house without exception. God goes around the world 1,000 or even 10,000 times searching for His children. How can you become God's sons and daughters and inherit from Him unless you do the same? So in every town you visit, you should want to go around to all the houses in the area 100 and even 1,000 times, and when you are unable to do so, you should repent in tears. As a leader responsible for the heart and spirit of others, you need to do that. That is the way of a representative of the vertical True Parent and the horizontal True Parents. Continue in this way, and your members will take the proper direction without any deviation, find their position, and follow your example. (220-305, 1991/10/20) 9. In 1957, I prayed individually for about 400 members every day. These days I no longer pray like that. However, in those days I needed to pray for them in order to help them transcend a certain level. When I prayed, I could understand their individual spiritual situations. When I prayed, God would teach me because the members were connected to me like branches. You too should pray for your members, offering your utmost devotion. When you pray for them, if any of them is spiritually injured, God will show you glimpses of their spiritual situations in all kinds of forms: they might be downcast, or have their face covered with a cloth, and so on. When good things are happening to them, you will see them smiling; when they are sad, you will see them with a sad appearance. (070-181, 1974/02/09) 10. Always take the time to offer sincere devotions, prayers and other conditions. Offer them when you get up at dawn, when you are on the borderline between the spiritual world and the physical world and your optic nerves are just starting to function after a restful night. The spirit world will show you something spiritual. Through such experiences, you will be given foreknowledge. Then you will be able to predict, "Today this or that will happen in the church," or "today such and such a person will come." A capable doctor can tell what kind of illness their patients have just by looking at their complexion, or by seeing how their patients walk. Likewise, your spiritual antenna must be long and have the sensitivity to appraise things. For this to happen, you need to offer conditions of devotion. Prayer is truly powerful. Prayer allows you to be in complete control of your environment without having to say a single word. Before I go somewhere, I always pray for 24 hours focused on my goal. I pray even while I am eating and resting. I do not pray for my own sake; I pray for the sake of humanity and for God. Once after I offered such prayers with a single resolve, I visited all our churches throughout the nation. By doing so I brought the churches into a sphere of equilibrium. My prayers elevated the churches into a realm under heavens sovereignty, where conscientious people could be pulled to them. That is why when they met you, they were drawn to you without knowing the reason. That is why I say that you always need to offer conditions of devotion. (207-349, 1990/11/11) A church with fervor and love In the 1950s, True Father personally guided members with zeal and passion. He listened to members' stories all the way to the end, even late into the night, and then gave them guidance. When he stood at the pulpit, he preached with tears. Because of this, the members always longed for him and visited the church to see him. Once they came they could not tear themselves away to go back home. In such an atmosphere filled with truth, love and the divine spirit, the church overcame hardships and established a firm foothold for the next stage. 11. The most enjoyable time in my life was when I was personally raising members. I spent time with them until late at night. Even though some members wanted to leave after midnight, I continued speaking because I was immersed in the joy of helping them grow. I would speak to them until 1:00, 2:00, even 3:00 a.m., even as some of the members dozed off. How different it was then than it is today. The time did not matter; I was so intoxicated with giving advice and encouragement. As I spoke I was often in tears. I was thankful and I was deep in thought. Once I gave them an injection of truth, even those who were on the way to hell would turn around and come back. How exhilarating! Since heaven was with us, a huge electric current was present. A strong power like a 100,000-volt current flowed in us, and we could feel it shaking the entire world. What a delight! After experiencing it, I could not fall asleep even if I tried. Even while sleeping, my eyes would suddenly open wide. (167-329, 1987/08/20) 12. How much effort have you made to save people, representing God's heart and His role as Creator? This is a serious issue. I have given so many lectures and sermons. In the 1950s in particular, there was not a single day when I did not speak while shedding tears. There was not a single day that I did not cry out in tears. Heaven consoled me and worked with me even as I kept my resolve to move forward, even though those times when I collapsed on the verge of death, shedding so much blood and sweat that I was about to lose consciousness. Whenever you witness, pray for the people in your area. Pray for them every night before you go to bed. If you are responsible for a district, go up to the highest mountain in the area and pray for the people there. If you cannot do so, go down to the deepest valley and pray there. Don't stop praying. Afterward, go to the holiest place, the church sanctuary, and pray there. Do not let the church sanctuary remain dry without tears. (172-196, 1988/01/21) 13. What remains in history is not ability, but results, not the preparation, but the foundation we lay. This is true; these are not simply my own words. It applies at school and anywhere. So when you speak, do not just speak words. You have to live by your words and bring your own result; then your words carry weight. When you lecture, you must touch the hearts of your listeners by connecting your words to experiences that bring forth tears. In the early days of our church, I gave sermons with my blood and tears amid harsh persecution. I invested all my heart and soul, speaking at the top of my lungs in order to touch the hearts of my congregation. I did this even though the persecution grew more and more each day. We still had a long way to go, and I had to invest my whole being to keep the members on the path. It was exhausting, but I gave them all the energy I had. I led the members that way because we had to bring results. (133-232, 1984/07/19) 14. In 1957 and 1958, what kind of person was I? I was a great listener who patiently heard the stories of every member, young or old, who wanted to share with me. People recognized me as someone who would listen to their stories, perhaps better than anyone else in Korea. When elderly ladies came to see me, they would talk about their marriage life from their wedding day, even telling me exactly how they loved their husbands. They shared everything they kept in their hearts. Anyone who came to see me said, "Father listens to all my stories." When they had nothing left to say, I started to speak. If you want to fill a bowl with something new, first you have to turn it upside down so that everything is emptied out. That is why I listened to them, putting myself in the position of enjoying what they had to say more than anyone else, even staying up all night to hear it. It is all about genuinely listening to others and then genuinely talking to them. That is the secret. That is how you give and receive. (096-322, 1978/02/13) 15. When I was doing my outreach work, I treated even an 80-year-old woman who visited me with the same regard as I gave to young people in the prime of life. Is there anyone in heaven or on earth who wouldn't like to be treated with such a heart? So if such a woman comes to you, welcome her, rejoicing as if she were your ancestor come back to life. Welcome her more than you would your own grandmother. Your ancestors cannot come from the spirit world unless you make such conditions with other elderly people. Therefore, you should treat them with such heart. It is heavenly law that you must treat elderly ladies well. To treat the elderly well is like building a bridge according to the order of heaven. In fact, the oldest grandfather is God. (047-321, 1971/08/30) 16. The members who followed me in those days built a deep bond of heart with me, and many shed tears whenever they thought of me. Even though they had their children, grandchildren and spouse, they still shed tears when thinking of me. You also have to be like that. When I had something to eat, I kept the food and waited until I could eat it with them. I only wanted to bring them joy by helping them with their difficulties and uplifting them whenever they seemed down. That is why, when they faced persecution from their villages, and even from the nation, they still followed me. In the early days of the church, we lived in such an atmosphere. Once new members joined the church, they wanted to see their spiritual parents and came to the church to see them every day. That was the atmosphere then. I told the members to create such an environment in order to guide their spiritual children. I also educated the new members to do the same. So, to them our church was better than their home, their school or their workplace, and they preferred to come to our church. That became a problem for society. (096-144, 1978/01/03) 17. In the early days of the church, the female members were dying to come to the church. Their hearts kept shouting, "I want to go!" I could hear their inner voices. When I began listening to them, they began speaking in the language of another world. They entered into a spiritual state of mind. If I liken God's love to electricity, it was just like they were connected to that love through an electric cable. Once they entered that state, they could see things in spirit. Even while at home, they knew what I was doing at any given time. They knew specific things like, "Today Father is not in a good mood, so I'd better not go to the church," and they tried to stay away from me. Yet even with that determination, they still could not help but come to the church. The Cheongpa-dong Church is on a hillside, and that hill had spiritual power to attract people. Who can block the magnetic needle of a compass from pointing south and north? Even if they were determined not to come to the church, they would soon find themselves leaving their room and walking around in circles in the courtyard of their home. Finally they would open the gate, catch a bus and arrive at the church, despite themselves. The Unification Church on that hill had such mysterious power. If you have never had such experiences, you do not yet know true love. (166-228, 1987/06/07) 18. Unification Church members in those days were the most miserable people. They were persecuted and chased out. I know members who were kicked out of their own homes on cold, snowy winter nights. Having nowhere to go, all they could do was keep on praying and try to keep themselves warm by leaning against the wall of a neighbor's house. My heart was filled with bitterness and sorrow over how they were mistreated, but because I knew that heaven endured such hardships again and again, I forgave their families who opposed them. I did this because the families did not know what they were doing. Truly, I have gone through so many situations and have so many stories to tell. Yet, who knew that I lived with the indescribably bitter sorrow of heaven and earth within my heart? While walking this path, I swallowed countless tears. (157-138, 1967/04/02) Continuous teaching In the early days of the church, former church president Eu Hyo-won single-handedly undertook the task of giving Divine Principle lectures to the guests who were witnessed to. Newcomers listened to his lectures in the evenings, and people who came to hear three days of lectures usually slept at the church during the time that they listened to the lectures. It was as if they were attending a three-day workshop. President Eu set the record, giving lectures for 18 hours in a single day. He could not stand up due to the condition of his legs, so he gave his lectures while half-lying on the floor, propping himself up with one arm and writing on rough printing paper. After President Eu finished his lecture, True Father would speak to the guests. He spoke with all of his heart and strength, until his whole body was soaked in sweat. Those who went through this process were moved and touched by the profound truth of the Principle. From this experience alone they resolved to walk the path of the Will. Later, President Eu gave introductory lectures in the mornings and afternoons as well. 19. For three years and eight months President Eu Hyo-won gave lectures without taking a break for even one day. This is the historical reality of our church. He gave the lectures despite his disability. When I think of how I pushed him to lecture, I feel as though I am a merciless person. In those days we did not have many members like we do now. When we had one new guest, he would give lectures just for that person, and when we had no guests, he gave lectures to the members. I am sure there are many members who remember this. (172-047, 1988/01/07) 20. I did not rest while President Eu Hyo-won was giving lectures. Sitting in my upstairs room, I listened to all his lectures. I was given reports about who had come. In the evening I came down to give lectures myself. Less than a minute after I started speaking, I would see him doze off from fatigue. Then I would pray for him in tears. We experienced such a tearful history together. The history of the Unification Church is so painful. Why did I have to do that? Why did President Eu have to do that? It was for God. Nevertheless, the spirit world supported us. If it hadn't, it would have meant that the spirit world does not exist. (107-249, 1980/05/19) 21. Even if there is no one at the church when you are giving a sermon, keep the door open and preach while wailing in tears. Then, your neighbors will come and ask what is happening. People will come to see what is going on. Then you can ask them to listen to your sermon. You should speak with tears. For whom do you shed tears? You do it for the nation, for humankind, for the world and for God. That is the way that you must go. If you collapse while giving lectures on the Word, I will take care of you; if you die from that, I will hold the funeral for you. You will have things to say when you go to the spirit world. You can say you were following my instruction, and while giving lectures, speaking at the top of your lungs, you died. How serious it is to give lectures on the Word! Do it as a matter of life and death. That was the attitude I had. As a result, God helped me, and I now have become a worldwide figure. (107-248, 1980/05/19) 22. After you come out of a seven-day workshop at the Unification Church and walk the streets of the city, you feel as if there is something different about the world. The trains look as if they are out of an ancient legend, and every bus going down the street seems to be upside down. Even the people may seem to be walking backward. After having such an experience, would you stop coming to the church because you were told not to? In the early days, even if our main gate was locked, members climbed over the church fence. When I told them not to come and chased them out through the front door, they turned around and came in through the back door. It was common for members to stay up all night praying, weeping and crying out in tears. We need such a spirit at the church. Then something great will erupt like a volcano. In order to make this happen, you have to give lectures day and night. That is why I asked President Eu to give lectures for as much as 18 hours a day, which he did for three years and eight months. (107-244, 1980/05/19) Section 4. Pioneer Outreach to 120 Areas Forty-day pioneering Beginning July 1, 1957, the members fasted for seven days together with True Father, who continued this fast for a total of 40 days. Then, beginning on July 20 he dispatched the members in two-member missionary teams for a 40-day pioneer outreach campaign in 120 areas throughout Korea. Through this full-scale outreach activity, membership increased and new local churches were established. In 1958 Father further strengthened the system of outreach. In 1959 headquarters organized three different 40-day workshops to train evangelists. Later, 40-day Divine Principle workshops were held regularly as part of the work to raise up leaders. 1. How are we to live when carrying out God's Will? You cannot live just for yourself and be concerned only with solving your own personal problems. You need to go beyond that and be concerned with the problems of the whole. You must make a pure offering of eternal value. Engage in providential activity as an evangelist of heaven. If you feel called for this mission and go out to witness, God will be with you. If you live with this heart, the historical re-creation of love will surely take place. (002-014, 1957/01/06) 2. A special 40-day outreach campaign started on July 20, 1957. All the members in Korea began a sevenday fast on July 1. Through fasting they made a new start. I fasted with them and announced this special 40-day campaign. In the Unification Church, we hold a 40-day witnessing campaign starting on July 20 every year. This is during the school break, the hottest time of the year. We need to sweat and work intensely for the providence during the hottest period of the year. This is a good way to pay indemnity. Indemnity conditions have to be set strategically. That was why I chose this most difficult time for witnessing. When you go out witnessing, you are not to carry any money with you. If you have money, you should give it away. You have to go to your assigned area and meet your expenses by doing manual labor or whatever jobs you can do that will help the people in your area. By shedding your blood and sweat in activities to help the people, you are undergoing training. (167-240, 1987/07/19) 3. In 1957, when the Unification Church started its outreach activities for the first time, I sent missionaries out to 120 locations throughout Korea. I instructed them to go to their assigned areas with only two changes of clothes and enough money for a one-way trip. It was during my 40-day fast, and I encouraged them to do a limited fast, such as a liquid fast with a drink made from mixed grain powder. I said they had to start by doing manual labor for their food, then later they could accept the food that people offered them. This is what they did, starting from the lowest position of having nothing and overcoming. I too went this path. For three years I fasted on my birthday. I ate sitting on the floor, setting my food on a newspaper as if it were a dining table. I ate only a bowl of grains with no more than three side-dishes, including kimchi and soy sauce. This was how we climbed up through all the stages. This is restoration through indemnity. Even the clothes I wore were hand-me-downs. (125-126, 1983/03/14) 4. When the members left to begin the 40-day outreach campaign, they did not complain or ask for money. Even though they were persecuted in their areas, they went from house to house to save even one more soul. As they went around early in the morning, all the dogs in the village barked at them. That irritated the villagers, so they would not give our members any work there to earn money. That is why they had to take a bus early in the morning and work far away. With the money they made from their labor, they bought puffed rice. Then they offered that as a snack to guests before giving lectures. You need to know that practices like these are recorded as part of the providential history of the early days of the church. (215-043, 1991/02/06) 5. During the outreach campaign that we held in 1957, there were memorable moments. When members ran into each other on the street, they were so happy. They shed tears when they said their goodbyes, hating to separate from each other and looking forward to meeting each other again. This was also the bond that members created with their spiritual children, with whom they spent many hours walking along mountain ridges together. When they had to separate, they were so sad to have to say goodbye to each other. You cannot buy such moments, not with any amount of gold. Do you feel how priceless they are? If you forget such memories, what do you think will be precious in your life? In the future, you must accompany me not only in Korea but throughout the world, implanting my new teaching and introducing the heavenly tradition. That will be the source of your pride. Yet, when can you make and collect the precious stories and teaching materials that you will need to share in order to do this work? There is no better time than now. (051-272, 1971/11/28) 6. Throughout the 1950s, even before the Unification Church was officially launched, I gave members all kinds of training. I directed them to fast, go pioneering, and much more. In those days members missed me very deeply. They came to the church to see me, staying late into the evening. I would walk with them to their homes, but even then we could not say goodbye and ended up walking back to the church together. Sometimes we spent all night like that, coming and going. And it was not only with me; the members did the same with each other. In those days in Korea, we did not have many vehicles like we do today. Most people walked. On many occasions as we walked home in the moonlight or at dawn, we shed tears with burning desire and determination, pledging to live for the nation, the world and heaven. I have many unforgettable memories of those times. They were circumstances that taught us the real meaning of patriotism, of putting the nation ahead of one's family. The high spiritual atmosphere moved us in those days. It was stronger than one's first love in the secular world. I will always remember that time. As church leaders, it is your responsibility to maintain that atmosphere. It has to be one of the goals of your activities. Make effort to maintain the standard that connects your church to this foundational tradition. Understand how I established this tradition and teach your successor how to inherit it. Even if you are doing well now, if your successor cannot do better than you are doing today, the Unification Church will decline. The future must always be better than today. Always keep in mind that you need to invest yourself into the members now, for the sake of the future. (184-112, 1988/12/20) 7. It is not enough for you leaders to just speak or lecture about the Word. More importantly, you have to be able to plant the Word so that it yields a harvest. You cannot harvest these fruits in an instant. It takes more than three years. That is a principle. That is why you need to work hard for three years. Hence, in 1957 I chose 120 locations for witnessing activities and sent our members there as missionaries, saying, "Go with the attitude that this 40-day assignment to your area will continue for three years. Take the position of servants. Be loyal to the people you meet in your village, and work for them as hard as you would if they were paying you to work as an employee. This is how you can teach them the way of loyalty. Don't just talk about loyalty, but demonstrate it through your actions. Then, even if you do not say anything, other people will contribute to keep the work going after you have left. When people begin to respond this way, your work can truly take root in that village." (029-194, 1970/02/28) Witnessing atmosphere When True Father dispatched witnessing teams to all parts of Korea, he allowed them to take only two changes of clothes and only enough money for a one-way fare. Not only that, he also instructed them not to eat anything other than steamed barley rice. Members who went witnessing survived on a drink made from mixed grain powder dissolved in water. Sometimes they even ate the scraps and bones that were to be fed to dogs. They carried out their pioneering work in the most miserable conditions possible. In those days, a day's wages were not enough to buy even one meal. At times these members, suffering from hunger, stumbled on the road. They could not even say that they were from the Unification Church. Instead they woke up early in the morning and swept the village streets or helped the villagers in their fields. That is how they made connections with them. In the early days, our members sacrificed and abandoned everything when they joined the church. This resulted in intense opposition from their family, neighbors and friends in the secular world. Beginning in 1960, members carried out witnessing activities on the streets of all the cities across Korea, as well as in the major parks in downtown Seoul. 8. All of us, young and old, have been waging bloody battles to this day. Many trials have blocked our path, but we overcame them by focusing only on God's Will. We did not have decent food to eat or fine clothes to wear. We put everything into our struggle, shedding blood, sweat, and tears to lay the foundation for victory. When you started out on your first three-year course, I asked you to go the path of a repentant sinner. In those years, we who were not sinners walked the path as if we were sinners. I know how hard you fought to protect your area from being taken away by satan, and how you would not retreat. I know some of you sold your blood for money to protect your assigned area. You worked hard in limited circumstances. However, there was also incredible spiritual effort behind the scenes to support you. Your toil prepared you for the future, and it is a foundation for advancing toward a new world. (012-270, 1963/06/20) 9. When the Unification Church started witnessing for the first time, the members did not have to witness with words. People were witnessed to through their dreams. In dreams, people were told, "Go to the Unification Church!" When people did not follow the direction given in their dreams, they were hit with a bat. The spirit world witnessed to many members this way. Ancestors said to their descendants, "If you go to such and such a place, you will meet a person called Mr. Moon." This was how witnessing occurred. When people resisted, their ancestors kept pushing them and driving them until they went to that place. This was how the members of the Unification Church were gathered. (049-201, 1971/10/10) 10. During the early days of witnessing, persecution was severe and people who went out to do outreach were extremely lonely. Members had no way of knowing each other's situations and yet they really wanted to stay in touch with each other. Eventually, some would find a high school or college student who would link them together and through them, they could pass messages back and forth to arrange a meeting. The members' areas were some 20 to 40 kilometers apart, so they would make an appointment to meet at a point midway between them. They would choose a landmark that was easy to find, for example at the crossroads, under a bridge, or at a monument. When they met, did they have anything to eat? Normally when two friends meet after a long time, they eat lunch or dinner together, but these members could not enjoy that luxury. The members were as close as any brother or sister could get. Who can describe the aching hearts they carried back then? They were not able to express their love and heart toward their own parents or siblings. So they would invest themselves for each other. One of them might resolve, "The next time we meet, I will definitely treat you to a chicken lunch." Then, to raise money to buy that lunch, the member would work for one whole week. But he or she would not say how the money was earned. Later, when those who were treated to a meal learned about the hard work their brothers or sisters had done, they felt as if their bones were melting. Generally we try to keep our composure, but when we are about to cry our chins tremble first and finally we burst into tears. It was like that. From that time on, whenever they met each other, they did not need to speak words. They just hugged each other and prayed for God's Will while crying their hearts out. You cannot imagine how loudly they wailed. They prayed in tears, paying no heed to the local people who might be staring at them. All those experiences became their personal history, which they could share later. (215-043, 1991/02/06) 11. When the members of our church were doing outreach in their pioneering areas throughout Korea, they would work all day long and barely earn enough for one meal. Sometimes even young members would be so hungry that their legs would buckle as they walked. The members did not receive any money from our headquarters. They needed to make money to eat. However, if they had worked in their area, the townspeople would have accused the church, saying, "The Unification Church does not even take care of their own members." If such a rumor had spread, the members and the church would have been persecuted even more. So they had to go to another town as far away as 40 kilometers, work there and then return. Many members did that, but they never spoke about it. Six months or a year later, when the students they were witnessing to came to know the situation of our missionaries, they burst into tears. Then they started to give them lunch boxes. Yet for the older pioneering members, to eat the lunch offered by these pure-hearted students made them feel miserable in their hearts. It was painful for the pioneers to have to rely on these young students for food, and make them skip meals, when in fact they felt responsible to take care of the students. Under these circumstances, the pioneers and the students helped each other overcome their difficulties, and with the determination, "Let's realize God's Will, even if we die," their hearts connected. (094-229, 1977/10/01) 12. We have the Sung Hwa Student Association, made up of junior high school and high school students who gave food to our missionaries. When their parents severely opposed this, they began to take turns giving them food. Thus, if there were 30 students, each of them would give up their lunch only once every ten days. In this way the missionaries could eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. This was their contribution to support our witnessing activities. When their parents realized what was going on, they were upset. Even so, we had to use this means to move forward. Those lunches were the students' offering to the missionaries who were serving God's Will for the nation and the world. To this very day, those former students praise those glorious days when they could make such an offering. (215-042, 1991/02/06) 13. Before those students joined the Unification Church they used to have good lunch boxes, better than other students. But after they joined the church, instead of taking their lunch, they would hide themselves away on the school grounds, walk around, and then come back to class. Their classmates figured out what they were doing, and when their parents found out, it made big problems. This did not happen just once or twice. Some of them were constantly skipping lunch, so their classmates told their mother, "Your child brought lunch boxes before but now that they have joined the Unification Church, they do not have them. Why are you not making lunch for them?" Then their parents would say to their children, "I heard you did not eat your lunch at school. What happened?" Then the students had to admit they had given their lunch to the missionaries, which caused the parents to oppose our church even more severely. This happened often all over Korea. Christians would oppose us especially severely, saying that a pack of wolves had come to steal God's sheep. How do you think I felt as their leader, having placed the missionaries in that situation? (094-230, 1977/10/01) 14. We have been walking a suffering path to remove the nation's wall of bitter pain that has blocked us in external areas. I want to dissolve this bitterness of the people of Korea. Also, I know the Will of God. Therefore I willingly and gladly accept any kind of hardship. If someone asks, "Who shed the most blood and sweat, and who embraced God's heart and offered loyalty to Him?" we are the ones who can confidently assert that we have the truth and have offered conditions of devotion centered on God. That is why I am saying that we are the only ones who can receive the heavenly fortune that is coming. (035-311, 1970/10/30) Section 5. Missions to Japan and the United States Overseas missionaries After outreach work in Korea began to take root through the 40-day witnessing campaigns, True Father was able to turn his attention to other countries. In 1956, the year after his incarceration in Seoul's Seodaemun Prison, Father offered prayers at Gapsa Temple, a famous Buddhist temple on Mt. Gyeryong in South Chungcheong Province. While praying, he sensed that Japan would soon once again be in a very important position in Asia. Because the Soviet Union and China were supporting North Korea, Father knew that if Japan stood on the side of communism, Korea would be seriously endangered. Hence, he realized that he needed to send missionaries to Japan to begin to deal with this potential threat. By loving Japan, formerly the enemy of Korea, he would establish it as an object-partner nation on God's side. Herein lay the reason he sent missionaries to Japan, despite the difficult circumstances. At the same time, he also determined to send missionaries to the United States, which was in the same position as Rome at the time of Jesus. He planned to establish the United States as the central nation in his worldwide mission work. 1. I have truly attended people with the same devotion as I would show if I were attending my own father and mother. Furthermore, in order to make a foundation to restore the society and nation, I have done the same for people I do not even know. According to this principle, I cannot worry only about my own country. Even under the most severe persecution, my prayers and interests were not for Korea alone. I also had to work hard to send missionaries to Japan and America. When I sent the first missionary to Japan, there were no diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan. Unable to go through any normal entry procedures, this missionary had to be smuggled into Japan on a small boat. As for America, you cannot imagine how hard it was to send even one missionary there. No one could imagine that we could send missionaries to America at the time. Even under such difficult circumstances, I decided to send someone to America to sow the seed of the Principle. I worked day and night to make this happen. The principle of providential restoration works from the outside in. For a country to receive glorious blessings from God, I needed to create a situation whereby the providential Will would come into that country from the outside. (015-072, 1965/02/13) 2. When the Unification Church attempted to register as a church in Korea, there was a big struggle in the government. That was in 1963. I knew that such a day would come, so in the late 1950s I made a condition before heaven to prepare for it. This is why I sent out foreign missionaries. I prepared, knowing that if Abel is constrained Cain can lead the course of restoration through indemnity. Long ago, Cain killed Abel, but now we could form a Cain-type altar based in foreign nations in order to support and save the Abel-type altar. In order to make such unseen connections between countries in different parts of the world, even though we were chased and beleaguered, we sent missionaries abroad. Taking a serious risk, we sent three people to America and one to Japan. In Korea, the Unification Church grew despite opposition from the Liberal Party of Syngman Rhee, which controlled the government. That regime thought we would disappear. They never imagined we would prosper as much as we did. Behind this growth, however, there is a history filled with bloodshed. There are so many stories that defy imagination. I anticipated opposition on the national level, so I had to make internal preparations to deal with it. The condition I made was to send missionaries to America, Japan and even Germany. (016-064, 1965/12/26) 3. We need a strategy to do world-level work. The mess that the world is in has to be straightened out centering on True Parents. In order to go through the course of restoration through indemnity on the world level, we have to fulfill our portion of responsibility. Having established a national foundation through the 40-day outreach campaigns throughout Korea, we sent missionaries to countries around the world. We built our foundation in Korea, which is like Israel in Jesus' day, and then we went on to build a foundation in America, which is the center of the world, much as Rome was in Jesus' day. Our situation is different from that of Jesus, who was beleaguered by the religious leaders and people and bore their persecution. You know how the things I spoke about for the last few years have turned out. It would be an honor if we could die fighting against billions of evil spirits and have our bodies buried in the land of Canaan. (013-212, 1964/03/15) 4. We have to accomplish the mission, not only for Korea but for the world. In order to develop the Unification Church, I had to send missionaries to Japan and America even while being persecuted by the Liberal Party of Korea. Unlike today, in those days the Korean government opposed and persecuted us. So I sent a missionary to Japan on a smuggler's boat. But I did not feel any guilt about that at all. This is because I looked at the situation from the perspective of God's providence. If I had not done that, we could never have made the victorious foundation we have today. (019-141, 1968/01/01) 5. In order to save Korea, and then Japan and the world, I needed to find a way for our strong religious teachings and philosophy to be adopted by the people living in the major cultural centers of Japan. The question was how we could educate the Japanese people and establish ourselves in the subject position, as opposed to going there and being condemned. I believed that this was the only way Korea and Japan could overcome communism. The young missionary who went to Japan and lived there in hiding pioneered the Unification Church and established that new foundation. In Japan, we focused more on making inroads with Japanese leadership than on creating a nationwide movement. Somehow we had to connect Japan and America to Korea. The Japanese Unification Church began in this way, with the purpose of influencing Japan. (110-167, 1980/11/17) Japan In the early morning of May 30, 1958, in a garden in the pine woods behind the Gapsa Temple on Mt. Gyeryong, True Father spoke for the better part of two hours with Choi Bong-chun (Choi Sang-ik). He then decided to send Mr. Choi as a missionary to Japan. Father made this decision out of his overwhelming love for Japan; he was determined to save that country. Missionary Choi left Busan on July 15, 1958. After traveling for some time, he arrived at the port city of Hiroshima with a heart full of expectation and deep emotion. Upon his arrival, the Japanese authorities arrested him over his immigration status. He had to go through suffering and innumerable hardships before he could finally arrive in Tokyo and begin to propagate the Word. His method included handing out leaflets with the name "Tokyo Church of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." He soon found new members. The first church service was held at 85 Nichome, Totsukacho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, on October 2, 1959. Thus the Japanese HSA-UWC was born. 6. If I look at Japan from my own point of view, it is my enemy. I was tortured many times under Japanese rule. But God commands us not to strike our enemy. Rather, if the enemy does not have clothes or is starving, He says to take care of him. This is why I sent Choi Bong-chun as a missionary to Japan. I knew that the whole of Japan and Korea was against us. But I also knew that in a few decades, it would become clear that this work was for their benefit. I knew that someday the people of both nations would clasp their hands together in respect and thank me. So I sent him to Japan despite the costs and the risks. The persecution directed against the Unification Church was at its peak, and it was during such a time that I decided to send out Choi Bong-chun. Nobody understands the suffering we endured to send just one person to Japan. We sent this missionary at a time when not one person could be spared, and we held back our tears as he left. The achievement he made by putting his life on the line can never be erased from the history of Japan. Now Korea is thankful to Reverend Moon. God loves Japan. I love Japan more than anyone in the history of Japan. I love Japan more than the Japanese themselves. If God loves Japan, I want to love Japan with a deeper heart than even the Japanese. (1969/04/27) 7. Even though Japan is my enemy, I have loved that country more than anyone else has. Because of this, Japan can respond as my object partner and work for God's Will throughout Asia in the future. Otherwise, I would not be able to find a country to serve as an object partner to the subject partner country. Because that is Japan's destiny, in a show of love for Japan stronger than anyone else's, I borrowed money to send a missionary to Japan and thereby save Japan. (083-109, 1976/02/05) 8. In 1958 when we sent the first missionary to Japan, the Liberal Party of Korea was in power. It was vehemently opposed to the normalization of diplomatic relations with Japan. What could I do to ensure the survival of Korea? I knew that the Soviet Union and China were supporting North Korea and Kim Ilsung. For certain we had to find a way into Japan. This is the reason I sent the missionary to Japan. At the time, because diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea were not yet established, it was not easy to send a Korean national into Japan to do missionary work. (110-167, 1980/11/17) 9. If we are trying to fulfill God's Will for the whole world, then we have a responsibility to do the same for the neighboring nation of Japan and many other countries. Thus, we have to send out missionaries to the world, even though we are still on a suffering path ourselves. We cannot wait until we have money to spare. We have to do it under difficult circumstances. Thus it happened that when we pioneered Japan, we borrowed money to send our missionary there. I did this because I knew I had to set the condition of having loved the enemy nation of Japan more than any other person has ever loved it. Upon the missionary's departure, I told him, "You must give everything you have to Japan in order to save it." It seems like only yesterday that I sent this man off, telling him he had to go even at the cost of his life. We did not even have enough money to make ends meet, yet I borrowed the money to send him. At the time, no one could understand why I did this. The path of God's Will is difficult. It is not the path of happy times, nor is it a smooth road over level ground. (032-307, 1970/07/26) 10. I said to a missionary going to Japan, "I will pray for you and set conditions for you. I will not sleep until you arrive in Japan. Do not come back until you have completed your mission, even if it means death." Upon arrival in Japan from Busan he was arrested and sent to Omura Prison. He was transferred to several facilities until finally he was scheduled to be sent back to Korea. But he felt he simply could not come back, even if it meant his death, since he had already risked his life to go there after I gave him his ticket. While he was on the train to Shimonoseki, he thought of jumping from the train but it was too fast and there were too many tunnels. So he arrived at the prison in Shimonoseki and waited to be sent back to Korea. But he knew that if he was sent back to Korea, everything would be lost. So he used his wits and started fasting. One week, then ten days of continual fasting eventually made him sick, whereupon a doctor diagnosed him with heart disease. He was sent to a hospital for treatment, from which he escaped. This is how he pioneered Japan and eventually trained many brave Unification Church soldiers. (023-137, 1969/05/18) 11. I sent out a missionary to Japan. Heavenly fortune seeks you out when you go beyond manmade systems and laws. Because I know how heavenly fortune works. I have to prepare accordingly, and that generally means that my path is full of danger, pain and persecution. If you always please others, there will not be any persecution. But when you are trying to do what is right for God, then you will be in conflict with others, and if they are in authority they will obstruct you. Despite this, Unification Church members are going heaven's way. (058-317, 1972/06/25) 12. When I sent the first missionary to Japan, I told him, "Love the Japanese people more than anyone else does. Love them even while you are shedding tears and even when you are trapped in a corner. Love them even while you are being chased out. Love them to such a degree that the evidence of it will force them to testify to the fact that you loved them." When a foreigner demonstrates loyalty beyond the level that Japanese people show to their own country, then the Japanese people have no choice but to bow their heads before him. This is an ironclad rule. While following this rule, Missionary Choi was taken to prison, but he managed to escape and started to witness. Some may think what he did was wrong from the viewpoint of conventional behavior, but the Japanese people will remember it gratefully for years to come. At the time, they may have opposed us and judged us negatively, but with the passage of time, their descendants will embrace this phase of history tearfully and take it as a source of inspiration. (159-056, 1968/01/28) The United States On January 2, 1959 church members gathered with True Father at the Yeouido Airport to give a send-off to the first missionary to the United States, Professor Young Oon Kim. She had been a professor at Ehwa Woman's University until she was forced to resign in March 1955 for being a Unification Church member. When Professor Kim arrived in the United States, she found employment as a researcher at the University of Oregon. However, she soon quit her job and began witnessing full-time, working as an emissary of heaven. She wrote several Divine Principle books in English and delivered the Principle teachings in places where people who were thirsting for new truth and spiritual experiences gathered. Thanks to the devotion of True Parents and the hard work of Professor Kim, on September 18, 1961, the American church received legal certification as a corporate entity from the state of California under the name Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. It was approved as a tax-exempt entity by the federal government in April 1963. 13. Because history advances through parallels, a Second Israel was bound to emerge. This is based on spiritual truths. Today's Christianity is in the position of Judaism 2,000 years ago. Christianity gave birth to democracy, and democracy carries the responsibility to realize a God-centered world. Korea is in the same position as Israel, and America is in the same position as Rome. Korean Christianity is in the position of internal Judaism, which represents the internal Israel, and is therefore the microcosm of world Christianity. So Korea is in the position of the internal Israel. In much the same way as Israel was a vassal state of Rome, Korea is influenced by American culture and economy. Had the Korean people and Korean Christianity united with the Unification Church, I could have indemnified the inability of Judaism to unite with Jesus during Jesus' time on earth. But because of Korea's disbelief, the Unification Church was forced to go the path of Golgotha, just as Jesus did. Nonetheless, we emerged victorious. Our official registration as a religion in America is the manifestation of our victory in the struggle against Christian opposition. Now that we are a registered religion in America, we can begin to establish the original family centered upon the four-position foundation. (013-097, 1963/10/23) 14. We must quickly engage in worldwide mission work. But first, we have to start with America. Say what you will, but when we look at the globe today, America is the center of the world. Economically, politically, militarily, in every respect, America is the center. Of course, Europe pioneered the advancement of western culture, but now it has yielded the leading role to America. When you talk to young people in England, you can tell they yearn for America. British people have a conservative personality and are proud of their country, but they envy America as the new leader, and they want to go there. It is the same with Germany and France. This sentiment is the same at all levels of society, but it is especially prominent among the youth. They want to know how they can follow America's lead. Seeing how everyone in western countries yearns for America, we can take this as clear evidence that America is playing the leading role in the world. The question now is, how will America carry out its leading role? (024-098, 1969/07/13) 15. Professor Young Oon Kim was sent to America as a missionary. One way she witnessed was to visit spiritualists. She witnessed to them by saying, "Here, take this book and pray about it." What a creative way to witness! She also told them, "Please pray about who Young Oon Kim is." If they prayed as she asked them to, the spirit world would give them strict and precise directions, "When she enters the room, stand up straight, honor her with a full bow, and follow her. She does not have much money, so give her money." This is how the Unification Church of America began. (049-202, 1971/10/10) 16. I sent out missionaries to the East Coast and the West Coast, as well as the American Northwest. I sent a man to the East Coast; a woman to the West Coast; and a man to the Northwest. The man sent to the East Coast represented Adam, the woman sent to the West Coast represented Eve and the man sent to the Northwest represented the archangel. Eve was the first to arrive in America. She had to come first to lay a path for Adam and the archangel, and then to accomplish her mission, which was to unite the three of them. This is how I saw things. This is the viewpoint of the Principle. Unless they united, it would not work. They could not influence the destiny of America, the archangel nation, if they remained separate. During the tumultuous 1960s, I sent these missionaries to America to accomplish this providence. (067-256, 1973/07/01) 17. It is time for America to wake up. The sun must rise anew in America. You must take responsibility for every state in the nation. Your activities must spread from this state into other states. Even though there are not many of you, you must each be responsible to accomplish this task. Something terrible may happen if you do not fulfill this responsibility. If you cannot fulfill your task, then America, which is in the Abel position, will face significant difficulties from the governments of the communist nations, which are in the Cain position. The free world will come under attack. But if you fulfill your responsibilities, you will save democracy and secure its freedom. (015-073, 1965/02/13) Chambumo Gyeong - Book 4. Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing Chapter 1. Overview of the Marriage Blessing 309 Section 1. Meaning and Value 309 Section 2. Qualifications 316 Section 3. Marriage Blessing Rituals 325 Chapter 2. The History of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony 330 Section 1. The 36 Couples 330 Section 2. The 72 Couples, 124 Couples and 430 Couples 334 Section 3. The 777, 1800, 2075 and 6000 Couples 344 Section 4. The 6500, 30,000 and Second-Generation Couples 348 Section 5. Globalization of the Blessing 357 Section 6. Ancestor Blessings 364 Chapter 3. The True Family Movement and True Family Tradition 373 Section 1. The Pure Love Movement 373 Section 2. Blessed Family Traditions 380 Section 3. Blessing Community Life 387 Book 4: Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing All people are fallen due to original sin, and it is True Parents' fundamental mission to save them. The centerpiece of this mission is the providence of the marriage Blessing, which eradicates original sin and fallen lineage. The marriage Blessing is the ceremony through which the evil lineage stained by satan, is converted to the lineage of goodness rooted in God. It is the important ceremony that restores the order of love with God at the center, and eradicates the disordered love engendered by satan through the Fall. The providence of the marriage Blessing, under the auspices of the True Parents, is the starting point for realizing the ideal of one family under God. The marriage Blessing ceremonies began with 3 couples on April 16, 1960. Then the 36 Couples, 72 Couples, 124 Couples and 430 Couples were blessed on the tribal and national levels. Through the next several ceremonies, including the Blessings of 777 Couples, 1,800 Couples, 2,075 Couples and 6,000 Couples, the holy marriage Blessing became an international event. At the 6,500 Couples Blessing, largely between Korean and Japanese spouses, for the first time the majority of the couples were international. From the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing, the Blessing expanded to a global scale, with the inclusion of simultaneous international satellite Blessing ceremonies. With the 360,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, through which True Parents' love initiated the age of the realm of good lineage, the way was opened for the marriage Blessing to include individuals in the spirit world. On November 29, 1997, with the first spirit world marriage Blessing ceremony, performed as part of the 40 Million Couples Blessing Ceremony, True Parents established the cosmic realm of the Blessing and began to liberate the spirit world. Hand in hand with the marriage Blessing, True Parents carried out the pure love movement and the true family movement on an extensive scale. These seek to offer fundamental solutions to the global problems of youth immorality and family breakdown. The ideal world of creation can be realized only when the pure love tradition sets the standard for the order of love among young people and then expands to transcend religion, nation and race. In other words, God's Will can be realized when the marriage Blessing expands, gains popularity and takes root as the central tradition in society. True Parents have made it clear that blessed families need to be concerned about and live for their tribe, their people, their nation and the world before their own family. When a blessed husband and wife honor each other as the person who stands in the position of God, they set the example for those around them. As such, blessed families are to take the lead in the restoration of their tribe, their nation, the world, and all of heaven and earth. True Parents organized them into trinities and emphasized that the couples in each trinity need to live together in the same house, experiencing the love of brothers and sisters. They are to establish the tradition of community life through which all people can live together and love one another, transcendent of nation, race and religion. Chapter 1. Overview of the Marriage Blessing Section 1. Meaning and Value Lineage and the order of love In 1960, True Parents opened a new chapter in the history of human salvation through the marriage Blessing. The marriage Blessing is of great significance, because it replaces satan's lineage with God's, and recovers the order of love rooted in God. The Blessing benefits society by offering the opportunity for people to enter into cross-cultural marriages, which contribute to the realization of one world under God by breaking down barriers between nations, races and religions. 1. Originally, if Adam and Eve had reached the perfection stage in the Garden of Eden, they would have received the marriage Blessing. However, due to the Fall, the marriage Blessing centered on God was not realized. Therefore, God had to work through 4,000 years of history to raise up the Israelites, to whom He sent the Messiah. He intended to give the marriage Blessing at the time of Jesus, but again the marriage Blessing was not realized. As a result, the providence of the Blessing had to begin anew at the advent of the Third Adam, upon his laying a successful foundation in the nation and world. The marriage Blessing of the Third Adam was a historic event. From the creation of the world until then, there had never been a time when God's love, life and lineage were tied together. (215-273, 1991/02/21) 2. Adam and Eve, who were the ancestors of all human beings, fell due to false and immature love. Based on self-centered love, the archangel intervened in their relationship and caused the Fall. As a result, God was in exile and Adam and Eve banished. By introducing a love connection that was not permitted by God, humankind came to bear original sin. It is the enormous responsibility of humankind to remove this original sin. Because humanity was born from false parentage, unless a love connection emerges that is from true parentage, this original sin cannot be removed. In order to remove the false love and original sin that were sown by false parents, True Parents must create a new foundation of love. (035-215, 1970/10/19) 3. Adam and Eve lost their foundation to establish absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to God when they entered into a false marriage. As a result, they turned their lineage upside down, lost their realm of ownership, and their family came to ruin. Thus, the restoration of lineage is needed. The pure love of Adam and Eve as True Parents should have been passed down eternally through their lineage. However, Adam and Eve married without establishing a pure lineage, so we have to restore the absolute lineage, the realm of absolute ownership, and an absolutely pure heart through the Blessing. (269-096, 1995/04/08) 4. I know clearly about God and the spirit world. I also know how important God's nation and lineage are. The purpose of the Unification Church marriage Blessing is to restore that lineage. Due to the wrongful marriage of the false parents, the world fell into ruin. But in the name of True Parents, it is possible to return to God's original nation by creating the realm of lineage and connecting it to God. For this reason, becoming a blessed family is a truly remarkable thing. With the Blessing, I have given you the ticket to enter heaven. (337-157, 2000/10/25) 5. Once Adam and Eve had attained perfection, God would have blessed them in marriage and He would have become one with the body of Adam and Eve. Their becoming one in true love would have allowed God to have an embodiment on earth, to have an object partner, and to form a family. This can begin only when the love of the invisible Heavenly Father and the visible Heavenly Father become one. That connection was to have been made through Adam and Eve's first love on their wedding night. Centering on love, heaven and earth, man and woman, God's life and human life, God's lineage and human lineage are united. Because Adam and Eve would have represented the invisible God in the flesh through their lives, God's presence in the human world would have been substantially manifested in the child, husband and wife, and parents. Through Adam's family, God wanted to have His lineage realized in our families. The love, life, lineage and conscience of the invisible God should have been one with the love, life, lineage and conscience of the visible God in humanity. This unity is realized through marriage. (286-017, 1997/07/01) 6. Originally, the Blessing enables the father and mother to bequeath their love to their sons and daughters, as well as the love of a couple, of children, of a family, of a nation and of the world. The holy marriage Blessing of unfallen Adam and Eve would have meant that God became the vertical Parent and bequeathed the ownership of everything in the cosmos to His children. That is the significance of the Blessing. Blessed families should not think of the marriage Blessing as an ordinary marriage of a man and woman. You should know how serious it is to receive the Blessing. The ideal of True Parents existed before the creation of the world. Before God created humankind, He had the concept of True Parents at the center of creation. In order to complete the ideal of True Parents, all things in heaven and on earth came into being. (286-087, 1997/08/09) 7. Centered on true love, everything should unite into one. Unity cannot happen in isolation. In order for two things to become one, the relationship has to be level. When children become adolescents, boys look for girls and girls look for boys, and they come to unite with one another on the same plane. Thus, they will meet in the center. In that center, God will come down through the straight vertical line of the tradition of love. Therefore, the center of love at the wedding ceremony is God. The invisible God, who is the root of love, resides at the center of Adam and Eve's wedding, and heaven and earth unite as one. Their wedding ceremony means that the Heavenly Parent and the earthly parents are united as one, centering on love. The place where God can reside is the place where man and woman become one. God, the internal character and form, enters into Adam and Eve, who represent the external character and form, and these two worlds become one centered on love. (286-088, 1997/08/09) 8. The goal of the Unification Church is to establish the right order of love and to unify the world. What is the most difficult thing in terms of unification? Unification can be achieved by force to some degree. However, force cannot settle the world of love, which is based on internal character. Love cannot be taken by force, nor sold for money or knowledge. Love can be exchanged only for something true. Therefore, both men and women search for true love and when they move, it should only be to pursue true love. (229-182, 1992/04/12) 9. In the Garden of Eden, Adam, Eve and the archangel started a family without heeding God's commandment. Thus young people today, who are descendants of those ancestors, do not listen to anyone. Such is the time we are living in. The Fall in the Garden of Eden is the origin of free sex. What was sown there is bearing fruit today throughout the world. Young men and women fall in the very same way as they did in the garden. The value of human beings has fallen lower than the value of animals. In order to get physical satisfaction, people act like animals. All people became thoroughly degraded through the Fall, which blocks them from returning to God. However, God is alive and He feels sadness when He looks at humanity. This is why He sent the Messiah to this world. God will create a united world by establishing the order of love in the family, the nation, the world and God through the Messiah on earth, who demonstrates the example of good character. What no one else could do is being accomplished by the Unification Church. As re-creation is being realized, the world is becoming one and satan's evil world is giving way to the heavenly world. (082-115, 1976/01/01) 10. The reason the Unification Church has to give the worldwide marriage Blessing is to help couples prepare for central missions when the age of the family comes. The Blessing ceremony can be given to people from more than 100 nations at once. These people are our brothers and sisters. I see them as our siblings. I do not see them as foreigners. By giving the Blessing to everyone, we will have representative families worldwide. When all families follow True Parents, the parent-child relationship will be formed, and this means there will be families that accomplish the four-position foundation and have a reciprocal base with True Parents. Therefore, they can inherit everything from the victorious True Parents. Then, to pass all this on, you need to go back to your family as tribal messiahs. (232-266, 1992/07/10) 11. It is the marriage Blessing in the Unification Church that has established a new family culture transcending race, nation, culture and tradition. Within the realm of the heavenly nation, all countries are included in "one world under God." The Fall of humankind led to the gap between mind and body, the gap between husband and wife, and the gap between parents and children. It was within the family that the Fall took place. It means that Adam's family fell. Everything was lost through the Fall of that one family. For this reason, we have to find one perfect family. (260-184, 1994/05/08) 12. The unity of the world as a global family is essential for heavenly fortune to come. Astonishing developments in science and technology bind humanity together through a revolution of information, communication and transportation. Thus, international cooperation is needed and a shared commitment is necessary in order to protect the Earth's fragile environment. But what can bring the power to change people's tendency toward selfishness and their attachment to a self-centered perspective of the world? What can fundamentally resolve the problem of nations competing to satisfy their own interests? Each one of us must find the answer in heaven's law, and by means of a fundamental awareness of God, who is our origin and root. The nature of God's true love is to give and want to give more, to give and forget what He gave, and to love His object partner more than Himself. God's love is the only answer. We can get answers when we realize that all human beings are brothers and sisters under one set of True Parents. When all human beings form one family under God and True Parents, live for the sake of one another and are united, all problems can be resolved. Throughout my life, I have practiced the way of true love and educated people about it. I have lived for the sake of others and created a worldwide foundation. I have raised young people in each nation to live unselfishly for the sake of others. Not only that, I have also conducted international marriage Blessing ceremonies in order to establish ideal families of true love that are international, interracial and interreligious. This is the work that changes the history of human culture. Centered on true love, we have brought down national barriers and have gone beyond racial barriers to overcome hatred. We have fought to give birth to ideal families that live for the sake of one another. As a result, we are forming a new world culture. (267-261, 1995/01/12) 13. Cross-cultural marriage Blessings began between Koreans and Japanese while their countries were still enemies. Historically, for Koreans it was unthinkable to consider cross-cultural marriages; the mixing of bloodlines was something they would die before doing. Through cross-cultural marriages that transcend nations and continents, an integrated lineage can be created. As this lineage transcends national boundaries, no one can block it from expanding. Through the unification of races, the barriers between nations will fall and a new era of cultural exchange will come. Through this movement, unification can come about with the settling of the culture centered on True Parents and heaven. (286-180, 1997/08/10) True marriage True Parents said that through the marriage Blessing, we need to establish the traditions of true husband and wife, true parents, true children and true siblings, with true love at the center. They particularly emphasized that true love incorporates the rights of inheritance, equal status and shared participation. So the ideal of the kingdom of heaven can be realized when people inherit the tradition of the true love of God and True Parents through the marriage Blessing and disperse that tradition throughout their societies, nations and the world. 14. According to the Principle of Creation, you do not create your partner. It is God who creates your partner, by the principle that a partner is created by his or her father and mother. Hence, by the principle of re-creation, it is a law in the universe that God, your original Father and Mother, finds your partner. True Parents understand the order of love based on this heavenly principle. Thus, your marriage can be arranged in the name of True Parents under the protection of God. This is the view of marriage in the Unification Church. (083-218, 1976/02/08) 15. Marriage is not for the sake of any one person alone. To love is to complete the top and bottom, and front and back, in harmony with the logic of heaven and earth. It is not for the sake of the man alone, nor for the sake of the woman. It is in tune with heavenly law. It is to make a gown of love that is woven together as one cloth based on a perfect model of top and bottom and front and back. That which is united in love is the core and center of the universe. Therefore, with God's love at the center of the cosmos, the subject partner of love and I, the object partner of love, will follow the path eternally in the same way celestial bodies follow their orbits. Each couple will become like a cell before God, perfecting universal character, with subject and object partners united in one body. (101-038, 1978/10/28) 16. Man and woman were born from love. Thus, marriage is the way for each of us to reach perfection. In order to become perfect, we each need an object partner. The reason we get married is because each of us is only half of the whole, only half of the world. If we compare it to the moon, a man is only a half-moon. In order to become a full moon, the man needs a woman and the woman needs a man. If you demand that your object partner live for your sake, the person will run away, but if you live for the sake of that person, he or she will follow you. (222-098, 1991/10/28) 17. A woman cannot become an owner of love, or make a relationship of love, without a man. A man is the one who completes a woman's love. A man should not keep love for himself. The fruit of his love should be returned to the woman. Also, a woman is the owner who completes a man's love. If you say women were born for women, the women you envisage will disappear within 100 years. Men are born for women and women are born for men. Men and women are born because of God's love. They are born as the object partners of God. To make God the owner of love is not something that can be done by God alone. It is the couple who receives the Blessing who can make God the owner of love. The moment Adam and Eve are married, God becomes the owner of all realms of love. Therefore, Adam and Eve were born because of love. (519-215, 2006/03/04) 18. Many religions guide people to maintain celibacy, but in the Unification Church you will receive the marriage Blessing. There is nothing like the marriage Blessing in all of religious history. You cannot get the Blessing just as you please. It has to come through God's order and by the permission of your parents. This is the tradition. A marriage can happen when it is connected to God and your parents. You cannot get married in just your own way. Marriage is that very solemn place from which to inherit the most precious thing from your parents. Before inheriting that most precious thing, the Blessing has to be connected to God, who is the most precious owner. Therefore, a marriage should be celebrated in the place where you can represent all of humanity in a higher realm and connect with God. Even if there are many seeds, their content and value have to equal those of the original seed. Whether the seeds number in the thousands or tens of thousands, their value has to be the same as that of the seeds of Adam and Eve. If that value changes, the seed is of a different species. (261-052, 1994/05/22) 19. A marriage is where two people meet God's original standard in order to become one in love. God, the cause, and man and woman, the result, become one, and thus, no one can break this eternal union. Vertically there is God, and horizontally there are man and woman. A man in the East searches for a woman in the West, and a woman searches for a man. As such, they look for each other horizontally. God created all people with love. When they grow up and are ready to become reciprocal partners, a man's eyes look for a woman and a woman's eyes look for a man. When Adam and Eve are mature, if she moves one-step closer to him, he should move one-step toward her. They should act in concert. They should meet God's love at the center. On the night of their wedding, they form a sphere of love. God becomes the nucleus of love and Adam and Eve become the united body of that love. The mind inherits the nucleus of the seed of love, and the physical body inherits the home of that seed of love. In this way, Adam and Eve become the completed unity of that infused mind and body. (222-023, 1991/10/27) 20. We marry for the purpose of possessing God. We come to possess God because there is a right of inheritance within true love, and therefore in true love God becomes ours. What belongs to the wife also belongs to her husband, and what belongs to the husband also belongs to his wife. Centered on love, we gain ownership. Within love, there is the right of inheritance. Also, there is a realm of equal position: The couple go to the same place. They also have the right to participate as equals, which means they can follow God everywhere. When you are united as one in love, you can say God belongs to me. It means that everything that belongs to God is mine. In this way, I can make mine the God who created heaven and earth. This is the highest standard of human desire. I can also make all things in heaven and on earth mine. Therefore, I am in the position of a prince or a princess. Getting married means to inherit the authority of the monarch in the kingdom of heaven, standing in the position of a prince or a princess. (222-100, 1991/10/28) 21. The marriage Blessing is for the sake of God and the world. With the Blessing, you can love the world and, as the representative of the world, love the person who is closest to you. A woman should love her husband as the representative of her father, husband, older brother and younger brother. A man should love his wife as the representative of his mother, wife, older sister and younger sister. In representing these four positions, we love the person in the position closest to us, respecting each other and stimulating each other to love the world. The husband-wife relationship is the most basic embodiment of the world-level give and receive action of love. Therefore, when you get married, you should love your wife in place of your mother, older sister and younger sister; love your husband in place of your father, older brother and younger brother. Furthermore, you should love your spouse even more than you love the members of your family. This is the formula by which a husband and wife love each other and realize the ideal of reciprocal partnership. (037-108, 1970/12/22) 22. Marriage is training to love the world. It is also the path to obtain the qualification to love all people. Until now, love was restricted to the family; it was between you and me, and thus it was cut off in all directions, and crumbled like sand. This is how it is in satan's world. On the other hand, we do not just stop at making a connection between you and me. We go further: We make a connection with the world and between heaven and earth. From here, the kingdom of heaven will be established and the new lineage will start. (037-109, 1970/12/22) Section 2. Qualifications The standard and conditions True Parents said that one should participate in the marriage Blessing ceremony only after working long and hard to become eligible. Blessing candidates should be admired by all people both in the heavenly world and in the earthly world. Additionally, they must fulfill certain basic requirements, such as maintaining purity, attending Divine Principle workshops, witnessing, fasting and offering devotions. True Parents have also said that a couple should commit to one another only after obtaining parental consent. 1. You who are preparing for the marriage Blessing need to critically reflect on your life. Many of you have your own viewpoint about it. You may think, "It is customary in the church to receive the marriage Blessing. I have fulfilled all the necessary conditions, and it has been a few years since I joined, so I ought to be qualified to participate." But you should not think that way. Instead, remember that God has been looking for 6,000 years for sons and daughters who can receive His Blessing. On the Blessing day, God can recover these lost sons and daughters. Through them, the meeting point will be prepared where God's love can be connected. Thereby, the horizontal foundation is made on which God can expand His Will. How many of you are aware, in your hearts, of God's deep yearning to welcome the day of the marriage Blessing? (030-172, 1970/03/22) 2. We know that satan invaded Adam and Eve. When satan dominates God's sons and daughters and takes them away, God is robbed of His dignity. Thus, in order to give His Blessing, God must find a couple who can surpass the standard Adam and Eve achieved before satan's invasion. Therefore, you cannot focus on your own rationale as to why you should receive the marriage Blessing. The marriage Blessing should begin from a place of God's choosing. This is the attitude fallen people should have. If you do not realize this, you will not become mature sons and daughters. If you make a mistake in this area, your descendants and even ancestors will face satan's accusation. (030-173, 1970/03/22) 3. After you join the Unification Church, you are not allowed to date. The Human Fall involved a love relationship between a man and a woman that excluded God. Separating from God, they kept their love exclusively between themselves. Nowadays people assert that since they live in a free society, they can get married on their own, but this is wrong. If Adam and Eve had not fallen in the Garden of Eden, they would have been married in God's presence. God would have been the officiator. When Adam and Eve were young, they were immature, relating only as brother and sister. But as they grew older and became mature, it would have been obvious that they were growing physically, and they would have realized that they were meant to have a conjugal relationship. When the right time came, God naturally would have brought them together in marriage. Their wedding was to have been held in God's presence. The owner of love is not Adam or Eve. The owner of love is not you. It is God. (042-043, 1971/02/19) 4. Love is one. There is only one husband and one wife in a love relationship. If you have dated and had illicit love relationships before getting married, you should repent. As long as you continue such behavior, you cannot enter the realm of God's love. Originally, your first experience of love should be with God. It is important that you separate so completely from your past love relationships that you cannot even remember the names of your past lovers. Even in your dreams your experience must be such that even though it seemed so real back then, now you cannot even remember who it was. Otherwise you are not ready to receive the marriage Blessing. Do you realize deeply that you should love God more than you ever loved anyone in the past? Love the Will to the point that your love for True Parents comes spontaneously from your heart. It is the Principle that you should love God and True Parents first. You cannot maintain the concept of love you had in the secular world. (091-178, 1977/02/06) 5. There are many things you have to get rid of. After you join the Unification Church, you should not think, "I know exactly who I want to marry." People who think this way are still on the leash of satan's love. You must get rid of that mentality. Just as Adam and Eve, as one man and one woman, were growing up pure, with only platonic love, you should focus on loving God as your Parent, and receive True Parents' love. Once you achieve such a position, the unity of the spiritual world and the physical world is possible. This is the Principle. This is how the Principle works. (091-178, 1977/02/06) 6. In the marriage Blessing, it is heaven and your parents who decide your partner. In other words, Adam's Father, God, should decide who your partner will be. In that sense, the tradition of marriage as practiced in Korea is a method that is very close to heavenly law. In Korean tradition, you cannot get married without your parents' permission. This is absolute. Therefore, if there is someone you come to like, you have to report it to your parents right away. Before saying that you like some person, you must get approval from your parents. At that point, with their permission, you are allowed to date that person. If you date someone and report everything, it is not a sin. However, dating someone without reporting is not acceptable. (030-188, 1970/03/22) 7. The most precious Blessing is when a pure woman and pure man get married within the will of heaven. That makes God happy. Such people have the greatest fortune in the whole universe. Such people have a foundation to be successful at anything in the whole world. On the other hand, those who could not remain pure will be filled with such regret that their whole being is in turmoil and they feel the need to repent to such a degree that all of heaven and earth would be turned upside down. They must purify their minds and bodies and say to God, "Father, I am consumed with shame, what shall I do?" Then God will say, "Yes, I know your heart. I will forgive you. I am happy that you are striving to transcend that painful state." You should participate in the marriage Blessing only at the point at which you have earned the sympathy of God, who knows everything, and whose forgiveness endures within you. (157-344, 1967/10/16) 8. Usually, ideal things are to be found not in the here and now, but in the future. What can we call an ideal marriage partner? A marriage is not ideal simply because the partners like each other. You and your partner are ideal for each other based upon your ability to give birth to outstanding descendants. This ideal can be realized when two very different people are joined together. From heavens point of view, what kind of person would be the most ideal partner? The best result is produced when two people who are so extremely different that they hate each other, eventually come too really like one another. If you are willing to take such a difficult path for God and His Will, blessings will come to you. This is the complete reverse of the secular view of marriage. If you are grateful to receive a person who is your opposite, and you say you will love this person completely, with God's love, no matter what kind of man or woman he or she may be, God will be happy to let you marry such a person. I have blessed a number of members this way. If they can live in unity, their children will be great masterpieces. If one generation is difficult, the following generation is blessed. You should think that your ideal partner is to be found not in heaven but in the dungeon of hell. You have to look at your bride or bridegroom in this way. (069-328, 1974/01/03) 9. The marriage Blessing is not for the sake of just the people standing there together in the ceremony. Each of these men and women should have such a standard that they are qualified and capable of establishing, without fail, a new family that represents their clan, people, nation and world. The family of a Mr. Kim, for example, does not exist for the sake of the Kim family but represents his people and nation and even the world. Without such a family, the marriage Blessing cannot be realized. Adam and Eve, the ancestors of all human beings, were not just two individuals; they were the origin of history. Their deeds were not to have ended just with them. Through them, a new family, new clan, new people and new nation were to have come into being. The marriage Blessing is the place where such a worldwide foundation could be determined. (030-165, 1970/03/22) 10. In order to receive the Unification Church marriage Blessing, you need to fulfill several conditions. First, you need to make a condition of restoring all things of the creation, the material world. Next, you have to make a condition to restore yourself by separating from satan, and third, you need to restore three spiritual children. You must have at least three spiritual children. Why? This is due to the Fall. To restore fallen humankind, you need to go through the re-creation process following the Principle of Creation. If you do not fulfill all of this in seven years, you will not be able to participate in the marriage Blessing. Because of the Fall, you have to be re-created and return to God's side. In order to be re-created, you have to stand in the place of God as a creator. To re-create humankind, you need to bring material things to God's side. Through those material things, you can go through the process of re-creating yourself. Therefore, you must carry out economic activities for more than three years. You need to go into the world to restore these material things that will re-create you. While making this foundation you sacrifice your body. On that foundation, you have to win a battle over satan by witnessing for three and a half years. No matter how hard satan may persecute you, you should not fail. You should restore yourself so that you can stand in front of God eternally. At the same time, you have to find three sons or daughters as your spiritual children. This is because you need to establish a connection to receive the cooperation of the spirit world. Without fulfilling this condition, you cannot become a perfect, unfallen, original couple, and without becoming a perfect original couple, you cannot enter heaven. (162-059, 1987/03/27) 11. Those who have fasted know that it is not easy. But in order to become a full-fledged church member, you have to do a seven-day fast in prayer. Ordinary people think that if they do not eat for seven or eight days, they will die. Why do we need to do this kind of thing? It is to have confidence and confirm that we are risking our lives for God and humanity. Also, we fast with a strong conviction that it helps separate us from satan. As we abstain from food, we eliminate our fear of hunger. Fasting for seven days is a great tradition that gives us the conviction to move forward toward one global goal. (073-010, 1974/07/21) The matching of couples True Parents first gave the marriage Blessing on April 16, 1960, when they blessed three couples. As they continued to match and bless more couples, they always took into consideration not only the individuals and their families but also the descendants who would be born from the couples they matched. True Parents matched couples transcending nationalities, races and religions, and sometimes even matched couples by photograph. 12. I have matched many couples, and this is possible because I am sensitive to the spirit world. When I focus on one candidate, my hand spontaneously moves toward their future spouse. It is like doing a puzzle. The question is, how do I know? As I walk among the candidates, my feet will come to a halt. Furthermore, my eyes will turn in a certain direction. I have a certain spiritual ability to do this, as if I have some special equipment. When I go to the mountains to train and discipline my mind, I become aware of a triangle of desires: satan's, God's and my own. When I am able to unite my mind and attain a state of perfect self-denial, my hands and feet will start to move in a certain direction. That spiritual ability that I have is one of the reasons I could survive until now. (300-088, 1999/03/01) 13. I know how to read people very well, which is why I can choose people's future spouses. From the time I was eight years old, I was the one in my village who could do this. Adults would show me photographs of their child and a potential spouse. If I saw a shadow over them, it meant they were not a good match. I would know immediately when there was a gap between the two. Because of this, I became famous in the village. People came to me with the photos of two persons, and if I laid the photos down next to each other, it meant they were a good match. But if I just tossed them away, it was not a good match. If they got married anyway, their marriage usually did not work out. It is the same today. There are many blessed families around the world whom I have matched. I have matched couples from among hundreds gathered in one room. Among those people, some had already seen their ideal spouse spiritually. The spirit world told them who their partner would be. Through my spiritual sensitivity, I was able to find that very person. (300-323, 1999/04/15) 14. I have matched many people. Taking responsibility for other people's lives is a serious matter. When I look at people, I can identify what talent they have and what type of person they are. "That woman is fated to be a widow." "That man is fated to die young." I even know this sort of thing. When I am doing this, I am physically on earth, but I switch into spiritual high alert and extend my antennae. I enter a spiritual state in which I can see people's ancestry from a high vantage point. When I am in this state of mind, there are no mistakes in the choices I make. However, the matching candidates do not always listen to me. One time I had to match a young man 13 times. Why should I help him get married if he does not like the women I suggest? The point is that I do everything I can. It is because it is better for him if I match him than if he does it on his own. For the sake of giving the marriage Blessing now that I am here on earth, I have been offering complete devotion and have established all the necessary conditions. (157-211, 1967/04/02) 15. Because I have guided so many people, when I look at somebody I know immediately what kind of person he or she is. I can know what type of child will be born to a man with a certain kind of face paired with a woman with another kind of face. When I am looking for a man's partner, the face of a woman that complements that man will simply emerge. When I match them by photograph, my hand just moves to a photograph as if on its own. Even if I do not see a person visually, as I am walking around I will come to a halt and my hand will go to the right photo. If after such a matching, a couple casually breaks the tie that was made this way, something terrible will happen. (331-233, 2000/09/03) 16. When I am matching people, I gather a few thousand people in one place. If I tell them, "Jot down the names of five people you would like," everyone writes down the same ten percent of the candidates. There was one person in whom 100 people were interested. It is impossible for a matching process to work based on that. That is why you have to trust my guidance. The amazing thing is that some people receive in a dream who their spouse will be. If they have had such a dream, they wait for the one they have seen with wholehearted anticipation. What if I were to make a mistake? Then what the Unification Church has been teaching will be disproven. How can I choose the person they saw in their dream? There is not a single person in the whole country who could make that match. My hand knows and my feet know. The person I point to matches exactly with what the spirit world showed them. (390-098, 2002/08/05) 17. If a man is warm, then the woman should be cold, and if the woman is warm, then the man should be cold. Partners should be matched this way. When I look at a person, I know immediately if that person is warm or cold. I bring them together so they can harmonize. This cannot be done by just anyone. I heard that one monk said it would be hard for him to match even one couple like that in his whole lifetime and he wondered what ability enables me to do it over and over. It is because I see hundreds of thousands of couples. All the people I married are doing well. There is a variety of people. If I match couples who are at the midpoint between a rising and a descending fortune, respectively, those couples live well in harmony. Since I brought people together like this, if the children of those blessed families live with loyalty toward heaven's will, greater than that of their mother and father, they likely will live even better lives than their parents. When I observe a family, I know if that family offers devotions for God's Will. I know it by seeing both the mother and father, and also their sons and daughters. (336-051, 2000/10/08) 18. When I look at people, I can see some have a destiny that is falling and others have one that is rising. It is true that you can perish by marrying the wrong person. If both the man and woman have a destiny moving upward, they will fly away. On the other hand, if two people have a falling destiny, they will die young, and their sons and daughters also will not live long. Destinies need to be adjusted. When I choose your partner, I match one who has high standards with another who has low standards. Only then can a balance be achieved. If both of them are trying to take the upper position, everything will fade away. That is why marriage and the path of love can be a fearful thing. Depending on how your destiny is adjusted, the course of your life can be dented, can become oval, can disappear by becoming flat, or can become round. It must be round in order to sustain a long life. (2009/11/18) 19. When Unification Church members pray, the spirit world answers saying, "Your ideal spouse is this type of person." It will reveal to a white person who lives at the North Pole a person from a distant tropical island, saying, "Your ideal spouse is someone from the black race." The answer the spirit world gives you in prayer will follow that pattern. When the white person goes to the matching location, he looks around thinking, "There are only a few black sisters here. Where is she?" But then I find her, and match him to a black sister who was sitting in the corner all the way in the back. The white brother may sit among other white brothers thinking, "There are no black sisters here. What the spirit world told me about my spouse was a mistake." At that very moment, I find the sister and then match the two together. How can I match people that way in full accordance with what the spirit world showed them? All five colors of humanity are participating there, and yet I will match them without fail. (449-161, 2004/05/13) 20. When I conduct a matching with thousands of people in the room, if there is one person ready to be matched, all the way in the very back, I immediately know it. I can hardly see anyone else except that one person. If someone received a revelation about that person as their spouse ten years earlier, they will without fail be matched to that person. My hand will move in that direction. My feet will move in that direction. Those who casually criticize our matching and condemn the Unification Church's marriage Blessing cannot be forgiven easily. During my lifetime, I will indemnify everything to give the marriage Blessing, and those who criticize me will not easily be able to receive salvation. They must feel indebted before heaven for the marriage Blessing, and in order to move one step upward, they need to repent sincerely. Among your ancestors, were there no traitors? Could there not also have been murderers? Through the marriage Blessing I am asking, "Can you, as the fruits of your tribes, become beings who will shine forever like the bright sun?" (340-282, 2000/12/27) 21. There is no shorter route to building a world of peace than marriage between enemies, uniting them as one. When half of all Japanese and Koreans marry one another in cross-cultural Blessings, they will change. If we hold that kind of ceremony twice, things will be changed completely. So the issue is how we can quickly have enemies receive the marriage Blessing together. A world of peace will absolutely come faster if that process is welcomed. I am the champion of conducting interracial marriages. I have set the record. I never act carelessly when it comes to making a match. No matter how hard any of you try to create a match, you will not be able to surpass my standard. Even if neither of you feels good when you meet one another for the first time, as you live together, you will come to like each other. Marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. How serious do you think I have to be as I take responsibility for this most important event in your lives? It is not a joke. I am taking into consideration how you can change your destiny in terms of your descendants. (250-033, 1993/10/11) 22. I do not see anyone as an enemy. I never think that I have enemies who should perish. If you have enemies, you cannot build the kingdom of heaven. If you have enemies, you cannot build a strong foundation. That is why I have given the Blessing to both saints and murderers. Not only that, I have blessed the children of saints and murderers with each other. Since we are moving into this kind of age, Koreans and Japanese have cross-cultural marriages. Japan and Korea have been bitter enemies, but through cross-cultural marriages, it will be possible for Koreans and Japanese to unite. (325-056, 2000/06/29) 23. On what basis do I look for your marriage partner? I choose a person with whom you can have better descendants than you would have with the person you like externally. That is what I mean when I say you should marry for the sake of your descendants. If I match you with someone you want to marry, but then it turns out that no one in the world wants to marry any of your children, what would you do? Nothing could be more unfortunate than that. It would mean a lifetime of unhappiness. That would be worse than having a serious physical handicap or lacking in some other way. Marriage is for our descendants. The point is how to match people despite the way they look externally, knowing that their children will inherit only their good qualities. (028-304, 1970/02/11) 24. You may say you will find your partner on your own, but based on my experience, the one you find will not be very suitable for you. If you look for a spouse based only on qualities that please your eyes, the children you have may not be so good. If the second-generation members of the Unification Church are not strong and do not become extraordinary people, the nation will not prosper. I think about this very seriously as I look for your partner. Matching by photograph is truly an incredible thing. Your mothers and fathers will ask, "Could it be true?" Before you marry, you normally first meet the person with just the possibility of marriage in mind. But with us, some start dancing the moment they see their matching partners photograph. There were probably people who did not even look at the photograph and yet were happy. The standard of finding one's spouse that way surpasses the worlds standard. satan's world can never do anything like this. Besides True Father, there is nobody who can do this. (183-077, 1988/10/29) 25. If you do not like the matching partner I pick for you, you may limit your investment in the marriage as a consequence. Those who have faith in the matching and work hard for it will receive heavenly fortune in the end. In the beginning, you may not blend well. But nothing ever fits smoothly right after marriage. Each side inevitably has to adjust to the other. Initially you may even feel you were not given the right partner. You have to be willing to adjust and maintain hope. If your heart is not in it, you will not be able to invest yourself to the degree necessary. It is like the cap on a new make-up container not fitting well. The same is true of your new husband or wife. It might take three years for you to train yourselves in adjusting to each other. Emulate three generations. Watch what your grandfather and grandmother are doing and watch what your mother and father are doing. You will fit together by emulating three generations. (300-323, 1999/04/15) 26. Your marriage is one of the most important matters in your life. It is your desire as a human being, and God's desire as well, that your beloved partner be better than you. Because I know this as a parent, I want to take good care of you. When matching couples, I need to tie together two people, one who goes upward and the other who goes downward, so that soon they will reach the same level and become united. Combining races, such as black with white, is no longer a problem. Skin color is not a problem. In that sense, the marriage Blessing ceremony that I have inaugurated has become the world's tradition. As time goes by, everyone is realizing that True Parents' matching is better than the choice they would make themselves. The sons and daughters of these couples are better than their parents. This tradition has been established. This is why tens of thousands of couples are willing to marry even after only seeing a photograph. (233-034, 1992/07/20) 27. The matching for the 30,000 Couples Marriage Blessing was done by photograph. This is truly an amazing fact; it is unlike anything in satan's world. In getting married, those couples stood at the zero point of absolute faith. Eve fell, so she was unable to receive absolute love, but these people have surpassed the boundaries of their countries and found a path of love that cannot be found in satan's world. This means that they stood in the position where they absolutely loved me and loved God. (277-132, 1996/04/07) 28. People are saying that my matched couples are ideal unions. I advise you to try living together for three years and then make an assessment. Try having one or two children. After you have one or two children, you will know if I made the right or wrong choice. I think you will say, "Oh, if it were not for True Father, this son never would have been born. Thank you, Father." Your marriage is not for your sake, but for the sake of your descendants. You must know that you marry for the sake of your ancestors and your descendants. (118-226, 1982/06/06) Section 3. Marriage Blessing Rituals Engagement, holy wine and indemnity stick ceremonies The marriage Blessing includes a series of restorational rituals which symbolically indemnify the process of the Fall. Through rituals such as the engagement ceremony, the Holy Wine ceremony, the Blessing ceremony, and the indemnity stick ceremony, one goes through the process of rebirth as a child of God. The engagement ceremony is the ritual that restores us to the position of Adam and Eve being engaged before the Fall. The Holy Wine ceremony eradicates original sin and changes satan's lineage to God's lineage. The Blessing ceremony is the ritual of vowing to fulfill one's responsibility as a blessed couple by inheriting True Parents' victorious realm. The indemnity stick ceremony is a ritual that symbolically makes restitution for the misuse of the lower parts of the body during the Fall. This ceremony entails the husband and wife striking each other on the buttocks three times with a stick, after which the couple makes a clean new start together. 1. According to the Unification Principle, what is to be created through the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance? The goal is to restore human beings to the position of being engaged prior to the Fall. Adam and Eve right before the Fall were an engaged couple. What has to be done in order to restore people to that stage of engagement prior to the Fall? Adam and Eve fell because of false love and became false parents. As false parents, they had three sons: Cain, Abel and Seth. There were eight people in Adam's family, including the wives of his sons. All of them stood in a fallen position. Setting the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance is an internal and external process of restoring this group of eight family members. After this group of people is restored, they must move to the next stage together with the Parent of heaven. The Parent of heaven here refers to the Messiah. After having established the foundation of substance, a foundation for the Messiah must be created. Fallen human beings cannot be restored to their original position without the Messiah. Human beings, who are the descendants of fallen Adam and Eve, must all without exception receive the Messiah, otherwise they cannot remove their original sin. The Messiah is the True Parents. The reason we need the True Parents is because they engraft us to themselves through True Parents' love. If the True Parents who are the Messiah do not emerge, fallen human beings will not be able to remove their original sin and advance to a position where they can receive the completion-level Blessing in a sinless and liberated position. Thus, we need the engagement ceremony, the ritual that restores the stage of engagement prior to the Fall of Adam and Eve. (035-216, 1970/10/19) 2. Each of you must cleanse your lineage of the stain of the Fall and restore it as the original lineage of goodness that was to have existed at the time of creation. Unless you perform a ritual to settle all accounts and restore the entire 6,000-year history through indemnity, you cannot advance to the position to receive the Blessing. The engagement ceremony is conducted in order to restore people to the position of Adam and Eve as an engaged couple before the Fall. (035-210, 1970/10/18) 3. The Holy Wine ceremony is a ritual that removes satan's blood, which defiled the heavenly lineage through the Fall. In other words, it is a ceremony to remove original sin. A person with original sin cannot advance to a position to receive the Blessing. Since you are in the position of transmitting satan's blood lineage, there is no way for you to advance to the position to receive God's blessing. To do so, you must completely eradicate your original sin. This original sin was derived from and is transmitted through the false parent's love. Therefore, you must take steps to eradicate it by establishing an indemnity condition within True Parents' love. Without doing so, there is no way to get rid of original sin. If original sin is not removed, you cannot receive the Blessing as a perfected couple that is one with God's love. (035-216, 1970/10/19) 4. In order for human beings to be fully restored, they once again must enter their mother's womb. Literally, this cannot be done, but by becoming one in love, we can establish it as a condition. You must return to the restored Adam, unite with him, and then receive God's blood lineage. Eve first fell spiritually, centering on satan. She then united with Adam and committed the physical Fall. The Holy Wine ceremony reverses that process by having Eve meet the completely restored Adam and become one with him conditionally. It is the ceremony to restore the relationship of love. This condition is essential. A woman has to conditionally unite with the restored Adam, return to God and then restore a man in the flesh. This is what the marriage Blessing ceremony is about. (035-211, 1970/10/18) 5. The Holy Wine consists of 21 essential elements. It is constituted this way for the sake of converting the lineage. Both kinds of conditions, those connected with the lineage of the fallen world and those connected with the lineage of the restored world, are in this wine. Without connecting these conditions, you cannot restore satan's world. Children born from a couple who received the Blessing on the foundation of this connection can stand above and step beyond the fallen world. By virtue of their lineage, they can overcome this world. This is not a simple matter. The Holy Wine ceremony is a ritual of converting the lineage. True love directly connects an individual's heart with God. Without conducting this ceremony of converting the lineage, you cannot return to the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall. You are participating in the marriage ceremony on the condition that you have matured to occupy the same realm as that of Adam and Eve when they were engaged. In terms of the formation, growth and completion levels, this marriage is not taking place at the completion level. Therefore, for seven years the husband and wife have to go through a time of training together, while actively oriented in the proper direction. The couple must also educate their children to the point that they truly regard their parents as being even greater than God. That couple must become such parents and take their clan with them. Otherwise, they cannot be called a blessed family. (229-074, 1992/04/09) 6. You are struck with the indemnity stick after the Blessing ceremony because human beings fell by misusing their lower parts. This ritual is a condition by which you pass through that critical point in time when the lineage of three ages was defiled. When the pain from that bitter moment is washed away, the children will be liberated and will be able to cry out in joy to heaven with both hands in the air. At that time all things of creation in heaven and on earth, and everything in the heavenly nation, will respond in kind. (215-086, 1991/02/06) Separation and three-day ceremony Following the Blessing ceremony, couples commence their family life after a 40-day holy separation period. This period indemnifies the number 40, symbolizing the 4,000 years from the time of Jacob to the Second Coming and the 40-year course walked by True Father. During this period the husband and wife offer devotions while yearning for the heavenly kingdom and for the fulfillment of God's Will. At the conclusion of this period comes the three-day ceremony, which sets a condition of restoring the three ages of formation, growth and completion of the growing period. The husband and wife, who had consecrated themselves internally by drinking holy wine, now consecrate themselves externally by showering and cleansing their bodies with the holy handkerchief. Then they restore themselves substantially. On the first two days, the bride takes the upper position and initiates everything in making love to symbolize giving birth to the bridegroom in the position of his mother. On the third day the bridegroom takes the upper position and initiates in making love, in order to regain his original position as the son and restore his dominion as subject partner. Through this they are restored through indemnity as an eternal couple and family belonging to God. 7. After the marriage Blessing ceremony, the 40-day period of sanctification corresponds to Fathers 40-year course. You must pass over the number 40. In the course of restoration, the Returning Lord arrived 4,000 years after Jacobs time. In the Principle the number 40 connects to passing over this 4,000-year period. Indemnity must be paid centering on love. By overcoming this 40-day hurdle of connecting to God, a connection of love finally can be made. This is to indemnify the 4,000 years of history, the period from Adam to Jesus, the purpose of which was to establish God's love on earth. God raised up Jacob, but it was another 4,000 years until the Returning Lord could find love and the ideal couple. That was the only purpose. Therefore, this period of 40 days is the time for establishing a condition of indemnity by yearning for the heavenly kingdom and focusing on the whole of God's Will. This is not the time to think about your wife or husband. A couple must offer this devotion together, for the sake of God's kingdom and His Will. During the 40 days you are not to have conjugal relations. You can begin married life after the 40-day period is over. (090-133, 1976/12/21) 8. The Unification Church has the three-day ceremony that must be observed. This ceremony is like getting an injection that pierces the source of all illnesses, counteracts the poison, and heals you. The one who makes love on top represents heaven's side, and when a couple first makes love after completing the 40-day separation period, the woman is to make love on top. She makes love on top for the first two days. satan's side humiliated heaven during the two stages corresponding to formation and growth. This must be reversed, so on the third day the positions are reversed. It is a ceremony of reversing the lineage in heaven and on earth. (273-315, 1995/10/29) 9. Women are in the position of Eve, and men are in the position of the archangel. Therefore the woman has no marriage partner, and she must give birth to one. The three-day ceremony is a ritual for giving birth to that substantial marriage partner. It is about giving birth to a man on the foundation of the 40-day separation period that represents all of history. In this way he is born again through three stages. Only when the man goes through the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age to reach the Completed Testament Age does he become the woman's husband. Therefore, on the third day the husband takes the upper position when making love with his wife. For the first two days the wife takes the upper position, but on the third day she can finally take root on earth and the husband takes the upper position. The threeday ceremony is a conditional ritual of being absolutely obedient to True Parents' words so that the man can rise to the position of husband in the Completed Testament Age. While he is going through the Old Testament Age and New Testament Age, he attends his wife as his mother. (355-235, 2001/10/05) 10. There are no sons or husbands on God's side. They have to be reborn through a woman. Because of the Fall, Adam needs to be born through Eve. The ceremony of this substantial restoration is held over the course of three days, which represent the formation, growth and completion stages. To restore and give birth to the man during this three-day ceremony, the woman is on top in the formation and growth stages. Finally, after the man is restored from the position of archangel to the position of Adam, he can be on top and form a sphere of life with the woman. Then for the next three years, the man must follow his wife. (229-075, 1992/04/09) Chapter 2. The History of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony Section 1. The 36 Couples Blessing three couples On April 16, 1960, the marriage Blessing ceremony of three spiritual children and their spouses -- Kim Won-pil and Jeong Dal-ok, Eu Hyo-won and Sa Gil-ja, and Kim Young-hwi and Jeong Dae-hwa -- was held at the original Cheongpa-dong headquarters church in Seoul. By having performed the engagement ceremony of three spiritual children before True Parents' Holy Wedding, True Father set the condition that three main disciples attain an ideal unity with Jesus. True Father said that all Blessing candidates should have three spiritual children engaged prior to their own Blessing, and that those three children should receive the Blessing afterward. The Blessing ceremony of those three couples was divided into two parts: the first was to restore all material things; and the second was the ceremony itself, where three couples were married for all eternity. The second ceremony consisted of the Ceremony for the Restoration of Children and the Main Wedding Ceremony. In his speech as officiator, True Father said, "Man and woman are created in God's image, male and female. The union of one man and one woman is a central body that resembles both God's yang and yin natures. Moreover, a couple formed by a man and woman reflects the ideal union of God in His entirety. In particular, the man represents His yang nature and so is the embodiment of True Father, and the woman represents His yin nature and so is the embodiment of True Mother. The act of becoming one in love is the act of embracing the cosmos. This is the reuniting of the universe." He added that the Blessing of three spiritual children signifies the complete salvation of both the spiritual and physical realms. 1. In 1960, before I conducted the holy marriage Blessing, I engaged three couples out of the 36 Couples. After the Holy Wedding, I conducted the Blessing of those three couples. The Blessing of those three children, who are in the positions of Peter, James and John, established the condition of three children standing in the realm of God's ideal centering on me. I set the victorious foundation whereby there can be absolutely no separation from me. (055-164, 1972/05/07) 2. Jesus came representing Adam, and the Lord at the Second Advent comes representing Jesus. The Returning Lord also must have three obedient children of faith (that is, three spiritual children) because, in accordance with the formula of restoration, otherwise he will not be able to stand in the position of the True Parent. I must have three disciples who will absolutely follow me as filial sons, even in the midst of persecution, even if it means giving their lives. In April 1960, I was able to find and establish these three disciples. Since the course of restoration is a backward-moving upward path, the Blessing is given first to the person who stands in the child's position. Jacob's family represents the realm of the family, so the foundation needs to be made based on the number 12. The three disciples, the three children, must go through a similar standard. On the day of the Holy Wedding in 1960, the position of the substantial Parents was confirmed after passing through the stage of engagement on the foundation of having established a reciprocal relationship with three children as the resurrected personages of Cain, Abel and Seth in Adam's family. Through this, the Parents became one with the three children of Adam's family, who had been the source of painful regret for God. For the first time on earth this happened, in Korea. This is a world-level accomplishment. Since then, a new historic fortune began to manifest in Korea. On this foundation, I gave these three children the Blessing in April, 1960. (022-191, 1969/02/02) 3. The Holy Blessing ceremony of these three couples is God's hope, representing His ideal. It is the marriage ceremony God wanted to have for Adam and Eve had they reached maturity. This ideal of creation had been held within God's heart, so this was truly a historic event. Please be aware that it was the first time since the beginning of the world for such a ceremony to take place. During Jesus' time, the three disciples should have lived and died together with their teacher. From now on, all of you must live with the heart that your body is in the position of an offering. One son and one daughter with substantial partners have appeared as the object partners of the invisible God. The man is the substantial object partner representing God's masculine character, and the woman is the substantial object partner representing God's feminine character. (009-083, 1960/04/16) 4. Will your spiritual child offer his or her life for you? Do you have a spiritual child who does not think first of himself or herself? This is not an easy thing. It is more difficult than raising ten of your own children. The same was true for me. Before marrying Mother, I held the engagement ceremony for three children, and only after that were we married in the Holy Wedding. Each of you needs to do the same thing. Although my Holy Wedding was held first before they received the Blessing, the condition of engaging these spiritual children had to be set first so that they would not complain. I did this because it was necessary to connect them to the world of the original Adam and then save Cain's world. That is why you too must find your spiritual children in the position of the three archangels and return all that you have to God. (141-218, 1986/02/22) 5. Those people who have received the Blessing in the Unification Church have changed their lineage. The Blessing is the change of lineage. Though blessed families have changed their bloodline, they still live in satan's realm. This must be restored. In order to do this, you must individually maintain absolute obedience centering on True Parents. Among the 36 Couples, the three couples stand in the same position as the three archangels. They must be united. If they are able to stand together as individuals, then they also must unite as families. If these three families cannot unite, each individual will be harmed, each family will be harmed and their tribes will be harmed. Taking it even further, my family will also be harmed. For this reason, these three families are very important. (055-251, 1972/05/09) The 36 Couples: Restoring the ancestors of humankind The 36 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on May 15, 1961, at the original Cheongpa-dong headquarters church in Seoul. The 36 Couples established by True Parents consisted of three groups of 12 couples each, representing Adam's family, Noah's family, and Jacob's family, respectively. True Parents said that these couples are the ancestral families in the physical and spiritual worlds. The first group was composed of already married couples. The second and third groups were composed of people who had been single. The 36 Couples refer to three couples blessed in April 1960 plus 33 couples blessed in May 1961. The Blessing ceremony was held in three stages, beginning in the early dawn at 4:30 a.m. and continuing until 5:00 in the afternoon, under the title, The First, Second and Third Israel Couples' Holy Wedding Ceremony. The ceremony started out with the couples entering one by one, followed by the affirmation of their Blessing vows, the proclamation of marriage, the exchange of rings, a handclasp, and True Parents' benediction. At the reception after the Blessing ceremony, True Father presided over the newlyweds' indemnity stick ceremony. For their honeymoon, the newlyweds rented a bus, toured Song-do and Ju-an, and went fishing. On May 18, the 36 Couples participated in the Family Pledge ceremony, after which they departed to mission assignments. True Parents said that the 36 Couples must become an impregnable fortress, the soil and protective fence for the family of True Parents, and set an example for other members. 6. The 36 Couples stand in a position of having restored the history that was violated by satan. They have accomplished this by completing the missions that our ancestors who were called before heaven in the course of restoration left undone. These couples must inherit God's heart and become perfected people. In other words, they must become not ancestors who failed in God's providence but victorious ancestors. They should establish the standard of what an ancestor should be on earth. That is the significance of the 36 Couples being the restored ancestors of humanity. (055-167, 1972/05/07) 7. Within the 36 Couples, the first 12 couples are people who married of their own accord. By these already married couples receiving the Blessing on earth, those people in the spirit world who married of their own accord when on earth can unite with them. This gives all such ancestors in the spirit world a way to return and work on earth. Next, that which was lost due to the mistakes from Noah's family through Abraham's family is being recovered. In finding three sons, the mistakes of Noah's family were rectified. Abraham's generation includes Jacob's family, and this means that we have restored through indemnity, horizontally, the vertical history of the three generations of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The condition of restoring those families was established when the already married couples, who had married of their own accord, received the Blessing. Thereby also, the standard of restoring spirits who married of their own accord and went to the spirit world was established. I needed to bless men and women both who were at the engagement level and were virgins. This was to have been done as if engaging Jesus and the Holy Spirit, even though the internal standard of heart that Jesus and the Holy Spirit wished for was not firmly established. The Blessing of unmarried men and women among the 36 Couples took place in order to weave together those who had fallen before this Blessing, and to have these couples pay indemnity as their representatives. On this basis, the 36 Couples are the ancestors who represent the lost 36 generations. (019-120, 1967/12/31) 8. The Blessing of the 36 Couples took place in order to restore through indemnity horizontally, in a single moment, the mistakes of our ancestors. The fight to do this centered on the 36 Couples. The people of the secular world probably will not understand the Blessing. People who are preparing to receive the Blessing should not consult with their parents or the people they would normally relate to in the secular world. You should not consult with or even talk about what God wills with people in satan's world. So, extending this divine privilege, I sent all of you an invitation after deciding on the path you will take. I blessed the 36 Couples, since I stood responsible to restore through indemnity God's historical pain at having lost His children. I had to restore through indemnity the vertical history horizontally, in the present time, in order to recover our ancestors' root and the standard they tried to establish. (016-061, 1965/12/26) 9. The 36 Couples satisfied the historical indemnity conditions and then rose above them. We must place heavenly families at the forefront and have them move forward based on a standard of actual practice. The 36 Couples are representatives of the past, while the coming Lord is the representative of the present. When the past and present can gain complete victory at one place, we will surely make a global beginning. This is the responsibility that the 36 Couples shoulder. The 36 Couples are the fruit of families who can obviate the need for historical indemnity conditions. In other words, they were born on the foundation of the realm of historical indemnity conditions. That is a historic event. My family is the victorious family that stands on top of the foundation of history and of the ages. My family has appeared in the real world upon this authority of victory. At this place, the 36 Couples must completely unite with my family. Without my family, your families have no path by which to move toward a new world. Your families cannot take the lead in this. My family is taking the lead centering on the standard of actual practice. Therefore, you must all be a protective fence and also rich soil, making conditions in the background so that my family can develop. Then your families also will develop. (028-063, 1970/01/03) Section 2. The 72 Couples, 124 Couples and 430 Couples The 72 Couples: Restoring Cain and Abel tribes The 72 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on June 4, 1962, at the original Cheongpa-dong headquarters church in Seoul. The 72 Couples were established as two types, Cain and Abel, and they indemnify on the tribal level what the 36 Couples indemnified on the family level. It was at the time of the 72 Couples Blessing that True Father organized the Marriage Blessing Ceremony Committee, which published an explanation of the purpose of the Blessing ceremony. The 72 Couples Blessing Ceremony was held in three rounds of 24 couples each. 1. Conflict was initiated by Adam and Eve's sons, Cain and Abel. They passed their spiritual corruption on to their descendants and so created a world of strife, bringing the world to ruin. All this needs to be rectified through paying indemnity. As part of this, sons and daughters of 36 generations have to establish the condition of having united in front of God without conflict. This is why I established the 72 Couples, which is 2 times 36, with the 72 being divided into Cain and Abel. By establishing these 72 Couples, I built a historic ancestral foundation on which Cain and Abel can build the four-position foundation without fighting. This means I established an absolute realm of reconciliation that can be a bulwark against satan. (019-121, 1967/12/31) 2. God's hope does not stop with individual salvation. He longs for the salvation of the family and the tribe as well. Therefore, it is not enough to just have the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. The leaders of the branch tribes are also necessary. There have to be 36 couples representing Cain and 36 representing Abel, so I horizontally connected these two groups of couples, internally and externally, and established them as the 72 Couples. This was done in order to begin the salvation of the horizontal world. They will become the tribal leaders. The realm of tribal leaders will arise. (115-279, 1981/11/22) 3. The 72 Couples correspond to Jesus' 70 disciples. The 72 Couples represent the tribe that Jesus tried to organize through his 12 apostles and 70 disciples. In other words, the 72 Couples are the restored tribe of Jesus' 12 apostles and 70 disciples in the form of families. To put it another way, the 36 Couples and the 72 Couples are the same as the 12 tribes of Israel and the 70 disciples of Jesus. They are the restored representatives that can lead the people of Israel. This is the model by which we have recovered the basic numbers that God has been seeking through Israel. (054-293, 1972/03/26) The 124 Couples: The first public Blessing ceremony The 124 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on July 24, 1963, at the Seoul Citizens' Hall. The 124 Couples represent the world and symbolize Jesus' 120 disciples. The 124 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was the last ceremony to consist only of Koreans and the first to be held publicly. After the ceremony, the newlywed couples drove in a motorcade of 150 cars through downtown Seoul, attracting the attention of tens of thousands of passersby. 4. The 124 Couples Blessing was the first time we held our marriage Blessing ceremony publicly. These couples represented the entire world. I judged that it was time to set up 124 Couples as representatives of the world. This is because, from the perspective of the Christian realm and of the present world, Korea is the leading nation, which promotes the providence of God for the future good of the world. The 124 Couples represent the world. I conducted the 36 Couples and 72 Couples Blessings within our church. Through them we were securing the internal foundation centering on our church, similar to how the foundation of a people was built through the course of Judaism. Next, from the external point of view, we were expanding to set a worldwide foundation to connect to the global Christian cultural sphere in history, centering on the 124 Couples. There had to be 124 member nations of the United Nations when the 124 Couples were blessed, and there were. In Korea, a nation representing all others, this Blessing was a condition of historical importance on the world level establishing an internal condition of indemnity. (110-123, 1980/11/10) 5. The number 120, which is 10 times the number 12 of Jesus' 12 disciples, is the number that represents the horizontal world. This is why I blessed 120 couples in order to match 120 disciples. Technically there could have been 120 couples, but I blessed a total of 124. The extra 4 couples represent the 4 directions. The 124 Couples, who represent Jesus' 120 disciples, also represent the world. This does not mean that those couples have the authority to govern and control the world, but rather that as world representatives, they can serve as the basis on which I can establish world-level indemnity conditions. This is how establishing the 124 Couples set the condition for God to be able to work in an unprecedented way on the world level. When the number of United Nations member nations topped 120, we entered the Last Days. (016-063, 1965/12/26) 6. When I blessed the 124 Couples, I included four husbands who were ex-convicts. It was absolutely necessary for me to include such people in the group. The work of heaven is not the work of condemning people but rather of saving everyone. God seeks to redeem all people, not only religious believers but conscientious people who are non-believers as well as those who have sinned and those who are in prison. Therefore, I established representatives of the nation on the world level, created a door for the family, and opened it. Thereby all people in the world can enter, including those who have sinned and are languishing in jail. As the foundation to achieve this purpose, I established the Blessing of the 124 Couples. (100-172, 1978/10/14) 7. The 124 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was truly magnificent. After the ceremony, all the couples got in taxis and drove around Seoul. The people on the streets were amazed by the motorcade of 150 taxis. The city of Seoul and the nation of Korea were turned upside down. Don't you think this wedding ceremony is one that every man and woman would find worth trying just once? We will wait and see if the world will follow us or not. I plan to bring non-Koreans to take part in the next Blessing. (012-346, 1963/08/11) The 430 Couples: Indemnifying 4,300 years of Korean history The 430 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on February 22, 1968, at the Seoul Citizens' Hall. The 430 Couples restored through indemnity the 4,300 years of Korean history. By including one Japanese couple, True Parents set the condition of connecting the Blessing to non-Koreans. After the ceremony, the brides and bridegrooms rode separately in tour buses and cars in a motorcade through downtown Seoul. 8. The Blessing of 430 Couples took place when the Unification Church had not yet been able to pay indemnity on the national level in Korea. What does the number 430 mean? The year the Blessing ceremony was held corresponds to the year 4,300 in the Dangun Era, and also to the 430 years of Israel's suffering in Egypt and in the wilderness. With the goal of the liberation of a people, which was the ideal of the people of Israel, the 430 Couples Blessing opened a path for all Korean citizens to stand before God's Will. This is the path to the marriage partnership ideal. It is useless to open a path centered on the ideals associated with the individual, as religions until now have tried to do. The Unification Church has opened up the path to the marriage partnership ideal in every direction. We therefore need to mobilize all the people of this nation and substantially establish indemnity conditions within our generation. (055-170, 1972/05/07) 9. The year that marked year 4,300 since the founding of Korea was the year that 430 Couples received the Blessing. Therefore, the 430 Couples joined the Blessing as representatives of the Korean clans. Even if some Korean surnames were not directly included among them, all were actually included when we consider relatives of the participating couples through their mother's side or their fathers. The 430 Couples brought people from every family name. Every type of person was included, even those who had committed unforgivable sins. The way of salvation was opened to all the people of Korea, even to those who could not stand in front of heaven because of the sins committed in the course of 4,300 years. A line leading to redemption was attached to each one of them, and a bridge of salvation was laid down. Thus, a path was paved by which Korea can naturally survive and connect to the heavenly kingdom. (133-197, 1984/07/10) 10. The numbers 3 and 4 symbolize heaven and earth. When you multiply 4 and 3 you get 12, the number of harmony. The number 12 represents all numbers and harmony between heaven and earth. This is why after 4,300 years the Blessing corresponding to the number 430, containing 3 and 4 was held in the Republic of Korea. This Blessing signifies that all Korean families, regardless, can now freely enter the kingdom of heaven at any time. This is what the 430 Couples Blessing accomplished. On the national level, the Blessing of the 430 Couples established the standard for anyone to be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. (075-151, 1975/01/02) 11. Starting in 1960, I progressed from the 36 Couples Blessing to the 72 Couples and 124 Couples. And I intend to bless 430 couples as we cross the final hurdle of the seven-year course. The number of blessed couples has to be greater than the number 666. The number 6 is the number of satan, who is in the position of God's enemy. We have to go over this number. This is why a total of 760 couples, including the already married couples, will have received the Blessing within seven years. (019-113, 1967/12/31) 12. Now that I have restored Eve and the archangel, I have fulfilled my responsibility as Adam. When the time comes that I can love my sons and daughters in the family environment brought by the restoration of Eve and the archangel, the age in which good people pay indemnity will change to an age in which evil people pay indemnity to benefit good people. From now we will enter a realm of good fortune for the Unification Church. When you receive the Blessing, become one, and set the four-position foundation on the family level as tribal messiahs, progressing in all directions like me, heavenly fortune will shine upon you. Heaven's providence of restoration cannot proceed except through this principle. We cannot build the kingdom of heaven without reclaiming this physical world. Therefore, your families have to become completely one with True Parents' family. A branch cannot exist without its root. When I blessed the 430 Couples, I told them to become tribal messiahs. In other words, I told them to carry out the same mission as Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that is, to work as the substantial embodiments of the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit to save their tribes. I asked them to take on not just the spiritual mission but also that of the substantial tribal messiah. (040-217, 1971/02/01) The 43 Couples from 10 nations During their Second World Tour in 1969, True Parents officiated at the marriage Blessing ceremony of 43 Couples from 10 nations. They said that this Blessing was linked to the 430 Couples in Korea and signified connecting the Blessing to the entire world. True Parents blessed 13 couples (seven newly engaged and six already married) at the Washington, D.C. church on February 28; eight couples (seven newly engaged and one already married) in Essen, Germany, on March 28; and 22 couples (12 newly engaged and 10 already married) at the Tokyo church on May 1. 13. The world now revolves around the second seven-year course, which started in 1968. Just as Cain and Abel fought, the left wing and right wing are fighting worldwide. We need to resolve this conflict and develop a new family, a new society, a new nation and a new world. This is the view of the Principle and is the mission of the Unification Church. This is why, on January 1, 1968, I established God's Day. It was the day of victory on this earth for the Unification Church. Shortly thereafter, I conducted the 430 Couples Blessing. I had to connect this victorious day horizontally to the world, so I blessed the 43 Couples while on my 1969 world tour. This was an extension of the 430 Couples Blessing in Korea. By conducting the 43 Couples Blessing, I connected 10 nations on the horizontal level. We need to globalize everything that we have accomplished in Korea. (058-223, 1972/06/11) 14. The 43 Couples Blessing was largely intercultural. Everyone was matched internationally, such as American with German, Dutch with English, and so on. In most cases I did not match the Blessing candidates with someone from their own country. In order to restore the world, we need to transcend our attachment to our own people and instead love the world. This is why I conducted a marriage Blessing ceremony with people from different countries. All of them were thrilled to participate and it brought me great joy to look upon them. After I bestowed the Blessing, I asked what they would like to do for Korea. They said they would do anything I asked of them. Never before in history has an Asian man single-handedly inspired people so profoundly in Europe. In light of this, I once again came to realize how formidable the Unification Principle truly is. (022-229, 1969/05/02) 15. Through the Blessing of 430 Couples, Korea came to stand in the position of connecting to the Unification Principle. What this means is that, even though most Korean people may not believe in the Unification Church, they can reap the benefit of being the Third Israel because we have established an indemnity condition for them to do so through the 430 Couples. Thus, the nation of Korea has become the realm of the chosen people. After blessing the 430 Couples, I needed to carry out the work of expanding this realm of the Republic of Korea and its citizens worldwide. I first needed to choose the holy grounds and then I had to engraft them to the 430 Couples. This is why I chose holy grounds in 40 nations during my First World Tour and blessed 43 Couples during my Second World Tour. I determined to connect Japan, America and Germany through the 43 Couples, who were the counterparts of the 430 Couples. This was a global, historic task. As a result, it has become possible even for the world's innumerable nonbelievers to enjoy the benefits of the realm of Israel in this age of horizontal restoration, the same benefits as those enjoyed by those who inherited the traditions of the Jewish or Christian faith, whether over the past 4,000 years or today. Such a foundation has been established. (110-124, 1980/11/10) Blessings of married couples The first marriage Blessing ceremony for already married couples was held for 26 couples at the original Cheongpa-dong headquarters church in Seoul, on February 8, 1963. And on April 7 a second Blessing ceremony was held for 27 couples. These were couples who had married and formed families before joining the Unification Church. Most of them were church elders who had contributed greatly to the church in its early years. True Parents emphasized that these already married couples needed to provide an example and be a protective fence for the younger blessed couples. A number of such Blessings have since taken place. On April 10, 1992, the marriage Blessing ceremony of 1,267 already married couples from all over the world was held immediately before the founding rally of the Women's Federation for World Peace. This ceremony brought together couples from 33 nations, including Korea and Japan. Notably, True Parents announced that, through the participation of 45 couples from nine Middle Eastern countries, the Blessing was opened to the public at large, transcending religion and nationality. 16. The already married couples are those who married and formed families on their own before joining the Unification Church. For them to be recognized as families of God's ideal, the husband has to become a historic, representative central figure in God's work, restoring his family based on the Principle. Also, he has to become a man who can inherit the historical tradition. A man with a family is a representative person who can inherit completely the original tradition of upholding the work of God, as practiced by our ancestors from Abel to Noah, Abraham and Moses. Then what ideology, worldview and life course must such a man, who is the head of his family, adopt? The answer is, in such a newly blessed, already married couple the husband needs to love his wife more than ever before. When he does this, this husband and wife will transcend and put aside their earlier conjugal love relationship and, as a blessed couple, dwell in a new bond of love higher than the world has ever known. (058-171, 1972/06/11) 17. The already married blessed couples need to stand as a protective fence around the blessed couples who were newly married. To put it another way, they need to become the couples who can indemnify the mistakes of Abel in past history and whom Abel can trust in the family-level providence of God. In the past, the differences between the two types of couples caused conflict between them. Now however, the already married couples need to be mentors to whom the others can come with any problems they may have. Moreover, the already married couples have to sincerely care for and protect the others. The already married couples are like elder brother couples. Cain is the elder brother. Abel is the younger brother. You are all brothers. The already married couples are the elder brother, and they have that position regardless of whether they want it or not. Therefore, when it comes to prayer, who needs to pray more? In the past, those in the Abel position prayed more. In order to save Cain, Abel offered extensive devotions to God. However, in this age the Cain-type couples need to offer more devotions for the Abeltype couples. (058-182, 1972/06/11) 18. Since the already married couples lived together as husband and wife before the church, their present is little different from their past. Since both the man and the woman are in the same position as before, even though they must never do so, they can easily fall back into old habits. The question is, what has changed for them after receiving the Blessing? They have renewed their family through the Blessing, so it must become a historic family. In their previous married life they may have lived for the sake of each other, but now the husband has to live for his wife and the wife for her husband in a new and different way. That is, now they must not simply live for each other's sake but go beyond that and live for the sake of God. Since Adam and Eve failed to live for the sake of God, they fell and instituted a family of sorrow. When the already married couples can comfort God's innermost heart and liberate Him from His grief, they will create a foundation on which God can hope for sons and daughters who will seek Him. (058-174, 1972/06/11) 19. The children born to already married couples after the Blessing are different from the children who were born before their parents received the Blessing. The blessed children are also remarkably different from their parents. The responsibility to determine that remarkable difference lies first with the husband and then with the wife, but the couple has to fulfill this responsibility together. Then what must this couple do? The wife must not attend a fallen husband and the husband must not attend a fallen wife. When all is said and done, they will be able to boast that they have established the standard of the unfallen Adam and Eve and have attended each other virtuously. Therefore, you need to know that as already married couples your position is now at a very different level from what it was in the past. As couples who have received the Blessing, and furthermore as already married couples who have been tied together again, you have to become one with God's Will. If you fail to become one, you will indeed lose honor in front of heaven. In the past, we continued to weave a history of sorrow because we stood in the position of not knowing God's Will. Now that you have been newly connected based on the Will, if you repeat your past lifestyle, traditions and habits, you will evoke a second sorrow in heaven. Such a thing must never happen. Therefore, you need to become dramatically different from the way you were before. You already married couples have the responsibility to initiate a new flow of history and to establish a new tradition. (058-175, 1972/06/11) 20. The already married blessed couples need to know that the previously unwed blessed couples are closely watching them. Since the previously unwed couples have just started their families, they do not know much about spousal relations. When it comes to raising children, they can easily watch how the already married couples are doing it and follow their example. In light of this, the already married couples are in a most important position. They need to set an example that is dramatically different from their past. If they do not do this, they will not be able to stand as families of heaven's ideal. The already married couples are in the position of Cain. As Cain-type families, they need to set an example in front of the previously unwed couples and assist them to the greatest extent possible. Unless the Unification Church's already married couples establish such a tradition, there will be no way to redeem the innumerable couples around the world who married on their own. (058-177, 1972/06/11) 21. I have granted amnesty and opened a path to the Blessing even to those who lived as they liked in their families. Through this, these mothers and fathers can be recognized as having the same value as those standing in the position of the unfallen Adam and Eve or unfallen sons and daughters of the heavenly kingdom. If the Unification Church recognizes them as such, the entire world has to do so as well. Through the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace and the movement for women's liberation, I opened the door by which Adam and Eve, who had fallen at the family level, can return to the level of an unfallen family. I am granting amnesty to all families in the world outside the Unification Church. This is not something that happens every day. After this period passes, already married couples will have to go to a tribal messiah to receive the Blessing. Tribal messiahs are those who will bless them. (233-055, 1992/07/30) 22. In the morning, when it is time for the sun to rise, it rises naturally. In the same way, even through difficult circumstances, I created an environment where everyone in the world can receive the Blessing. This is historic. The Blessing began in 1961 and it was globalized from 1992. We waited patiently until 1992 and then started to expand it. From that point, we conducted Unification Church Blessing ceremonies for the general public. We did this in keeping with the dawn of the era of women. (325-317, 2000/07/02) 23. Christianity and Islam see each other as enemies and cannot even dream of uniting. Nonetheless, they need to become one. This is why True Father and True Mother blessed them in the International Couples Blessing Ceremony on April 10, 1992. Because Jesus was crucified, he could not find his Bride, who was to be the True Mother. But I resolved everything through the already married couples wedding. This Blessing created the realm of the resurrected Jesus on the national level. In that position I went beyond Rome and came to stand on the worldwide level. Transcending 2,000 years of history, I have built and restored a victorious domain and have thus established True Mother in the worldwide realm of Eve. This is why the era of women's liberation is coming. It is the end now. Everything will be completed when I have finished blessing everyone. The path that leads to hell will be turned around 180 degrees. (230-055, 1992/04/15) 24. Now, all blessed couples across the world have risen to the same level. Regardless of whether they are Christian or believe in another religion, I am exercising my prerogative as a True Parent to establish all couples on the same level. I blessed Abel in order to bless Cain. This is why I am establishing them in the same position. The parents of blessed couples married on their own and even opposed the Unification Church. As tribal messiahs, you need to raise your parents to the position of the unfallen Adam and Eve. By doing so, they can connect to True Parents at the center at all levels: family, tribe, people, nation and world. This is why at the time of the World Culture and Sports Festival in August 1992, I will open the door to all married couples around the world. When they receive the Blessing, the path will open for them to enter the realm of heaven's lineage. (233-201, 1992/08/01) Singles Blessing The first Singles Blessing ceremony was held on March 28, 1963 at the original Cheongpa-dong headquarters church in Seoul. Those who could not be matched and blessed with a spouse on earth, due to considerations such as age, were given the opportunity to receive the Singles Blessing so that they would eventually be able to meet their spouse in the spirit world. Forty-one members, one man and 40 women, participated in this ceremony. All had been members for at least six years and were at least 60 years of age. Since then, many Singles Blessing ceremonies have been held. 25. I asked those who were 60 years or older, and too old to marry a physical partner even if they wanted to, to gather on Parents' Day 1963. I did so in order to create a model for their family paradise in the world after death. Up until now paradise has not been for families. In it, people have not had a spouse. Their situation was the same as that of the angelic world. At this time, however, abiding by the principle of partnership, I need to equip elderly people on earth so they can reserve their place in the family paradise of the spirit world. According to God's original intention, the kingdom of heaven in the spirit world is a place where one is surrounded by one's family: parents, spouse and children. But if our members 60 years and older are unable to form families, I need to create a kingdom of heaven for them that is like God's originally intended paradise. I must protect these people. At least I need to promise them that if they die and go to the spirit world without a spouse on earth, they will have one there. (152-037, 1963/03/03) 26. Only when I, in the position of Adam, restore fallen Eves, can their spouses be restored through them as restored Eves. What this means is, by restoring Eve now, she comes to stand on heaven's side and can save her future husband. Adam fell by listening to Eve, so once you become a restored Eve through this ceremony you will need to receive a man in the spirit world who will listen to your words, and make him one with you in order to restore him. You will find a spouse candidate in the spirit world, and become engaged. It begins with this Blessing ceremony for the restoration of Eve. It is followed by a ceremony to restore love spiritually through holy wine. Once you have done these, then when you go to the next world you can choose your own spouse. There are many spirit men waiting there hoping to be chosen as a partner. You have this privilege. However, the fact that you have this privilege does not mean you can go there first and tell someone, "Let us live together." You have to wait until I go. I have to go to the spirit world to give you my consent. You cannot do just as you please. (101-310, 1978/11/07) 27. Heavenly Father, at 5:53 in the afternoon of November 7, 1978, I am performing the engagement ceremony of 101 couples, and I pray that You will permit it in Your holy name. Please allow this connection, by which Your daughters on earth and Your sons in the spirit world can be united as one. By matching Your daughters on earth with Your sons in the spirit world, I am bestowing upon them the right to form families when they go to the eternal world in the future, in the name of heaven and in the name of True Parents. So Heavenly Father, please accept them. I know that each and every one of them will remain as the objects of adoration hoped for by all spirits in the spirit world. I have determined right here and now the one connection by which after they have spent some time on this earth, they can go to the spirit world and be linked to their spouse. So Father, please grant this. I hope that, in this way, they can form eternal relationships of husband and wife when they go to spirit world by becoming one with their spouse in the name of True Parents. So Heavenly Father, please permit this. I wish to open the way for those here on earth to receive the Blessing conditionally, and for it to become substantial when they arrive in the spirit world. So Father, please allow this. I pray that You will permit the engagement of these 101 couples, and that You will also permit their future wedding ceremony. (101-310, 1978/11/07) Section 3. The 777, 1800, 2075 and 6000 Couples The 777 Couples: Opening the era of the international Blessing The International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 777 Couples was held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on October 21, 1970. There were 790 couples from ten nations participating, with 539 couples from Korea, 235 couples from Japan and 16 couples from Europe and America. After the ceremony, the brides and bridegrooms rode in a convoy of 42 buses through downtown Seoul. True Parents said that the 777 Couples Blessing signified the expansion of the marriage Blessing to the world. 1. In 1969, I blessed the 43 Couples as representatives of all the world's nations. The 43 Couples are the global-level counterpart of the 430 Couples on the national level. All the tribes in Korea received the grace of entering the realm of heaven, and that is the internal foundation for all peoples in the world to enter that realm. Once these relational standards are connected, the tribes of the external world can connect to the Korean people, who have set the standard of indemnity in the internal world. On this foundation, we entered the age of international marriage. The Korean members will no longer belong just to the Unification Church of Korea on the level of an ethnic group; they will be members of the global Unification Church. By the same token, the German Unification Church members, for example, will not belong to the Unification Church of Germany on the level of that ethnic group; they will go beyond that and enter the realm of Unification Church membership on the world level. It is the age of a federation based on international marriage. We are entering this age, the age of international marriage, and it began with the 777 Couples as its foundation. (100-033, 1978/10/04) 2. The world will enter the realm of the fortune of the Unification Church and begin a gradual shift. That is why on October 21, 1970, I was able to conduct the first international marriage Blessing ceremony, the Blessing of 777 Couples. Now everything is coming to us on the world level. Before this Blessing, True Parents went overseas to conduct the Blessing. We could not bring the couples to Korea and bless them here. Now, however, we can. People from ten nations participated in the ceremony. Through this the path by which any country can return to God was completed based on the ideal of the family. At that time it became possible for the world's fortune to enter the realm of the fortune of the Unification Church. (055-171, 1972/05/07) 3. True Parents had couples from ten nations participate in the 777 Couples Blessing Ceremony in 1970. They represented the world, indemnifying the number 10. By this we can organize a new tribe on the world level, based on the family. Since some of the couples were matched internationally, the tribe we are organizing is an international one. In short, we have established a standard by which we can organize a new tribe on a transnational scale. Had we not done so, no one other than Koreans would be able to join this movement. If we were to go forward prioritizing the Korean people, we would not be an international movement. By doing what we've done, however, we have opened up a path beyond the level of one ethnic people. Christianity had created a worldwide foundation. These 777 Couples were formed as a people in front of the providential Will, to represent that lost world-level foundation. They are a people formed to pay indemnity. (054-297, 1972/03/26) 4. Through the 777 Couples Blessing, we built a bridge by means of which all peoples in the world can enter heaven. This providential work was fulfilled centering on ten nations. The 43 Couples were also from ten nations. There had to be at least ten nations. The 777 Couples Blessing was a worldwide declaration that opened the gates through which these ten nations can travel back and forth horizontally and these families can go anywhere without hindrance. Three sevens make 21. We restore through indemnity the critical moment of the sorrow of the numbers 3 and 7 through the 21-year course so that we can free ourselves from satan's accusation, based on the spiritual and physical worlds and on man and woman. The foundation of these ten nations frees all blessed families across the world from the realm of accusation. The 777 Couples embody this foundation. Now that this work is done, what belongs to Korea belongs to the world, and what belongs to the world belongs to Korea. (058-061, 1972/06/06) 5. The 777 Couples need to stand in the vanguard for three years. They have to fulfill their final mission. Until now, blessed families have never been in such a situation. Now that the Blessing is being held across boundaries, God's wish is coming true on this earth. Cain and Abel must unite as one and go from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation and world. For us to progress through these stages, Cain and Abel need to be victorious. That is a fundamental rule. Therefore, you need to offer sacrifices for the sake of the world. When every nation does this, world unity will come automatically. My work today is based on this strategy. (055-108, 1972/04/29) The 1800 Couples: Attracting global attention The International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 1800 Couples was held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on February 8, 1975. Participating in this ceremony were a total of 1,816 couples, consisting of 892 couples from Korea (including 18 who were Korean residents in Japan), 811 couples from Japan, 111 couples from Europe and America, and two couples from Taiwan. Among them, 87 couples were matched internationally. A total of 20 nations were represented. The minister of the Board of National Unification gave a congratulatory address, and after the ceremony the participants held a motorcade through downtown Seoul. 6. On February 8, 1975, the 1800 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was conducted. Not only True Parents' family but also all members of the Unification Church worldwide need to appear before the world on the individual and family levels. Since this is God's Will, we need to show our victory on the family level, based on the accomplishments during the first and second seven-year courses. Held on the basis of the third seven-year course, the 1800 Couples Blessing Ceremony was a demonstration, an aggressive campaign to plant your families on the horizontal plane with True Parents at the center. (077-217, 1975/04/12) 7. The 1800 Couples Blessing took place at the first moment we entered the third seven-year course. From the viewpoint of God's Will, we have entered the realm of completion, no longer the fallen realm, through the third seven-year course. So you need to plant this in history as a shining tradition. The 1800 Couples Blessing is a world-level Blessing with people from 20 nations participating. In the work of establishing the standard for supranational traditions, you, as representatives of Korea, must not feel there is anything to be ashamed of. Korea is in the running with every other country. Since many couples in Korea have received the Blessing, as people of the leading nation you need to establish a shining tradition. You should not fall as Adam and Eve fell, by doing whatever you feel like. Relying absolutely on the words of God and True Parents, you should become families whom God and True Parents desire. (083-255, 1976/02/08) The 2075 and 6000 Couples: Gaining a global foothold On July 1, 1982, the International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 2075 Couples was held at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It is of great significance that it took place while True Father was embroiled in a court case. The Blessing ceremony included, among others, 705 couples who were engaged in May of 1979, another 843 couples engaged in December of 1980, and 653 couples engaged in June of 1982. On October 14, 1982, the International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 6000 Couples was held at Jamsil Indoor Stadium in Seoul. The 6000 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony drew couples from 85 nations, including 1,500 couples from Korea, 3,600 from Japan, 90 from Southeast Asia, 150 from the United States, 100 from Central and South America, 400 from Europe, and 60 from Africa. 8. On July 1, 1982, the Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 2075 Couples was held. When there is a wedding in a village of even only one couple, it is cause for celebration, so opposing a wedding of thousands of couples is surely wrong. I am sure the police were shocked to see that there were no protesters at this Blessing ceremony. It must have been a huge shock to Western society. From now on, you should all be very proud of our marriage Blessing ceremonies. (119-009, 1982/07/03) 9. Right now I am in a court struggle in the United States. If I were an ordinary person, I would be making a commotion as if someone had died. Instead, however, I officiated at a wedding of more than 2,000 couples. This has a very great significance. When my history is recorded, it will be seen that days like these carry the most value. The fact that I am doing such public work for the sake of a country that opposes me is enough to turn history around. Why am I rushing these things? It is because we still have a long way to go before we can hold the Moscow rally. (119-011, 1982/07/03) 10. In view of God's providence, the 6000 Couples Blessing Ceremony was an event by which we reached the conclusive end of a phase of history. If the Unification Church, which started in Korea, had remained in Korea, it would not have had any influence on the world; much less would it have achieved this result, gathering the hearts of people from across the globe. Through our movement for global expansion, by which we spread out to the international stage, the Blessing was a good way for us to rally the heart of all the people in the world. People from 85 nations participated in the event. Not only people of the free world, but also people of the communist world participated, and this is truly historic. From a spiritual point of view, the ceremony itself was an occasion for innumerable ancestors from the spirit world to join forces, all the ancestors from the 85 nations. During the course of the providence there have been many blessed works that we can be proud of, but this was the first time in the history of God's providence that the entire spirit world came together on an international platform. And at that moment, when young people from 85 nations from across the world received the Blessing, both the spiritual environment and the couples themselves focused their attention on a single point transcending nations. There has never been a time in history where the focal point of the spirit world and the earthly world have been aligned like this, and there never will be again. It was a joyful occasion that transcended both worlds. This is why, from God's point of view, it is something to be proud of. (121-045, 1982/10/15) 11. The Unification Church conducts marriage Blessing ceremonies in order to build a world of love. The Unification Church does not permit racial discrimination. In true love, no one can say that white people are different from black people. This is why the Unification Church is great and its members are different. When I conducted the 6000 Couples International Marriage Blessing Ceremony, I blessed about 70 African-Japanese couples. I did not force them; they did this of their own volition. (140-260, 1986/02/12) 12. The people who participated in the 6000 Couples Blessing came from the world over. By this event, the races are being bound together and both vertical history and horizontal history are being turned upside down. The upper and lower in history are completely reversed, and east and west are interchanged. Thus, all historical currents are changing. The tides are shifting. The ideal of the family is achieved based on love and, through this Blessing, the incoming tide of love has started to flow from God's side for the first time in world history. Finally, rejuvenated love will come to the planet Earth. This is coming about through the 6000 Couples Blessing. The number 6 is satan's number and the 6,000 Couples can destroy satan's realm from the inside. Flying the 6,000 Couples' flag of love will bring satan's world to a complete end. (122-111, 1982/11/01) Section 4. The 6500, 30,000 and Second-Generation Couples The 6500 Couples: Opening the era of cross-cultural Blessings The 6500 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held at the Ilhwa Yon-gin Factory on October 30, 1988. Candidates from 17 nations participated, many of whom were cross-cultural couples from Korea and Japan, including 1,435 couples with Korean bridegrooms and Japanese brides, and 973 couples with Japanese bridegrooms and Korean brides. In addition, 3,660 couples in which both bride and groom were Japanese took part. At the engagement ceremony for this Blessing, True Parents matched most couples by their photographs. 1. When I blessed the 6500 Couples, I matched Japanese with Koreans, making cross-cultural couples. Why did I do this? Korea is the Adam nation and Japan is the Eve nation. The world was lost because Adam and Eve married according to their own will, and this event was to turn that around on the national level. (188-314, 1989/03/01) 2. Through the cross-cultural marriage Blessing of younger generation members on the national level, satan's world broke down. And on the foundation of the era of True Parents' full authority, the ideal of heaven and earth could be established. The 6500 Couples represent this history. It was arranged within one week. At first, the Japanese leaders were in an uproar, saying, "We cannot do something like that," but as they did their utmost to follow my direction, the Japanese government and the Korean embassy helped it happen. The nations of Japan and Korea both set conditions by supporting this event. (190-282, 1989/06/19) 3. On October 3, 1988, I declared Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. Based upon this declaration, a country can emerge. Since Adam and Eve fell as individuals and went to satan, in order to restore this through indemnity, we must advance based on the second-generation of the Adam and Eve nations, which represent satan's world. It is the same as restoring the second-generation of Israelites who entered the land of Canaan. The people of Israel returned to Canaan, where they were influenced by the seven Canaanite tribes. Through intermarriage they were morally corrupted, and the society fell apart as the result of their wickedness and promiscuity. Reversing this, True Parents performed a cross-cultural marriage Blessing for Korean and Japanese young people, who were like the second-generation. This is the same as one nation marrying another nation. satan's world appeared because Adam and Eve, who married in the Garden of Eden, did so without God's blessing. Now, through the cross-cultural marriage of Adam nation and Eve nation representatives, with the Heavenly Parent and True Parents at the center, the gate has opened for heaven to embrace the national level. (199-082, 1990/02/15) 4. Korea and Japan are enemy nations, but I ignored this and conducted a cross-cultural marriage Blessing in Korea. Neither Korea nor Japan could oppose this. There has never been a time in history when people married a person simply after having seen a photograph, much less a person from a foreign country with whom they could not even communicate. Because this Blessing ceremony of 6,500 such couples was conducted in the name of God amid a warm reception from everyone, satan could not invade. (183-347, 1988/11/09) 5. When the Seoul Olympic Games were in full swing, on September 27, 1988, we True Parents conducted a Ceremony for Providential Unification and Transition. On that foundation, we could declare Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World on October 3 of the same year. This was the basis for joining in matrimony the youth of Korea, the Adam nation, and of Japan, the Eve nation. Because at the Olympic Games we made bonds among the youth of the world, in the position of the second-generation, we then could give the cross-cultural marriage Blessing to the young people of the Unification movement. This Blessing joined together the children of the Adam nation and the Eve nation as representatives of Adam and Eve on the individual level, and restored the Fall in their family. On this foundation, we came to stand as the Parents on the national level. (204-273, 1990/07/11) 6. On October 30, 1988, I conducted the 6500 Couples Blessing Ceremony. It was a cross-cultural marriage between Japanese and Koreans. People talked about how I got Unification Church members to marry each other after looking at their photographs. People assumed that the brides and grooms would be able to communicate with each other, but they could not. Since I had matched people who did not know each other's language, thousands of them sat in silence holding each other's hands tightly. Why were they so silent? It was because they did not know each other's language. Wherever they went, they would not let go of their partner's hand. Fifteen thousand people gathered there, so if they had let go and lost their spouse, it might have been difficult for them to find each other again! Even at mealtimes they stayed close. They could not converse with one another, but it was beautiful the way they held each other's hands. The Unification Church is the only place where one can see such a thing. (186-027, 1989/01/24) The 30,000 Couples: An international and interracial marriage festival On August 25, 1992, young men and women from 131 nations participated in the International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 30,000 Couples held at the Seoul Olympic Stadium. The significance of this Blessing, which was part of the first World Culture and Sports Festival, was that it opened the age of the globalization of the Blessing. This was the first time a Blessing Ceremony had been broadcast by satellite. Blessing candidates in six nations who were unable to reach Korea due to difficulties with flight reservations or other issues, were thus able to participate. 7. In 1992, the International Blessing Ceremony of 30,000 Couples took place. The number 3 is the number of completion and it represents heaven. It refers to the 3 stages of formation, growth and completion. The fact that 30,000 Couples were blessed raises it to the worldwide level. This means that opposition to the mass marriages of the Unification Church is beginning to disappear. The worldwide level is beyond nation, race and culture, so there are no barriers. Until now, no one could solve the problems that caused these barriers, so people ordinarily married someone from their own nation, their own clan, or a clan with which they already had some relationship. This ceremony removed the barriers between nations, races, religions and cultures for the first time, and so everyone participating in the marriage movement could come together as brothers and sisters. It was a historic international marriage Blessing ceremony. (269-301, 1995/05/01) 8. The 30,000 Couples Blessing was an international marriage Blessing that transcended nation, region, religion and ideology. If you have 30,000 couples it is 60,000 people. This large number of people got married, not in ten days, but in one. They were not all just from one nation. People from all races and more than 130 nations participated. Notwithstanding skin color, human beings are basically the same. We are one. The culture of living for the sake of others is the same everywhere. It is a humble lifestyle, but these families will spread it across the globe. Think of how it will be if people like us occupy most of the world. In 20 years, it will become one world, becoming one nation. That time will come. (248-184, 1993/08/03) 9. At the 30,000 Couples Blessing, I blessed even people who did not have much merit. This was done in order to send them as tribal messiahs to liberate their clans. Until now, members' parents opposed the Unification Church and whole clans opposed it. The parents whose children joined were among the most intense opponents. I am liberating those parents who opposed us. (242-105, 1993/01/01) 10. The families of the world must come together in an alliance to create one world nation and give rise to a global family federation that transcends the nation. The International 30,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony represents this. This was a world-level ceremony of resurrection for families. As we carried out this world family resurrection ceremony, not only Japan and America, but the whole world opposed us. However, the time will come when people turn from opposing me to welcoming me, even when I ask families to relocate. Witnessing to your family will go smoothly once each of you has the real capability to fulfill your role as a proactive leader. (234-342, 1992/08/27) 11. When the tide turns, it takes six hours to reach the high water mark. It is a long, slow process for the water to reach this horizontal level, and so too is it with the providence. But the time has changed, and if we restore through indemnity the national and worldwide standards, everyone can stand on a level plane within one hour. This is due to the merit of the age. True Parents come to give the Blessing to all people of the world, regarding them as being on an equal footing. Were there no accusations from satan, the heart of God would swing all of humanity back to His side all at once. For this reason, on the condition that they attend a one-week Divine Principle workshop, anyone can reach high tide and True Father can give them the Blessing on the same high tide standard. This we achieved through the 30,000 Couples Blessing. (257-206, 1994/03/15) 12. Adam and Eve married wrongfully, so it is only through the marriage Blessing that we can create a unified world of all nations. That is why the Blessing ceremony takes place in the name of God. The 30,000 Couples Blessing was conducted by True Parents on the horizontal plane. This means all participants inherited the same realm of merit. Cain and Abel are no longer fighting, but have become one. Cain and Abel are far away from heaven, but because we have to realize the will of heaven to unite all worldwide Cain and Abel territories with God's love, we hold the international marriage Blessing ceremony. Heaven has banished satan and retrieved the world. For the first time, the foundation is laid for the family, tribe, nation, world and the universe. Heaven will arise on that foundation. Through becoming one with the Returning Lord, we can begin to form families that cast out satan. The global age representing such families was the three-year course based on the 30,000 Couples Blessing. (269-011, 1995/04/06) 13. The Fall occurred due to the absence of a God-centered marriage. Therefore, we must marry centered on God and True Parents. Only then can we be part of God's lineage. At the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, I had to make preparations so that these couples' names could be placed on the official family record. I took full responsibility and raised humanity to the position where they could be liberated. People can believe that for anyone who attends the seven-day workshop and receives the Blessing, True Parents will liberate them through indemnifying their history. (249-249, 1993/10/10) The second-generation: Blessing and responsibility The first marriage Blessing ceremony of second-generation members, children of blessed families, was for 36 Couples and was held at the Little Angels Arts Hall in Seoul on April 12, 1986. On that day, True Parents told the participants, "At this point in time when a new history is about to unfold, you are not marrying just for yourselves; instead, you are getting married to advocate a great revolution in the Unificationist family. You should understand this clearly. Therefore, you should take part in this ceremony bearing the weight of the all-important mission to create a new chapter in history." 14. True Parents are the root of the second-generation blessed families. Therefore you have to hold my words in higher regard than those of anyone else, even those of your own family members. By attending True Parents you inherit the tradition that will bring forth a God-centered nation and a God-centered world, in heaven and on earth. Your family is the first doorway. It is like a tree whose leaves and branches are to connect vertically the traditions of heaven, the world and the nation. Accordingly, your family is the horizontal representative of heaven, the world and the nation, and therefore, you have to own the traditions of the nation, the world and the kingdom of heaven. This has to be the mainstream of your thinking. As two individuals, you become one and make a beginning as a new clan, separated from the history of satan's world. (145-063, 1986/04/30) 15. Why must I bless members of the second-generation? If the world is persecuting a blessed family, this should mean that I cannot bless the second-generation. But now, from the providential perspective, Unificationist blessed families have passed beyond the time of persecution. Who made this possible? Did your mother and father make it possible? True Parents did. Who is above True Parents? Heavenly Father is. Restoration can take place only when you attend three generations of parents. With God and True Parents as the vertical center, you have to attend the three generations of parents at the point where the vertical and horizontal connect. I did not fail in attending the vertical Parent, but attended Him completely. That is why I could establish myself in the world. Connected with heaven above, my roots have gone deep. I came to earth, and the horizontal realm extended from the many families including those of your parents. Their mission is to be the models that can connect to all families of the world based on the ideal of peace. (144-070, 1986/04/08) 16. It is remarkable that we can bless the second-generation of the Unificationist families. So far, some blessed families have made mistakes, creating the conditions by which satan accuses them. Now that their children are receiving the Blessing, they are forming God's second line of defense. You have to realize that I have given you the Blessing on the national level. Upon the worldwide foundation that True Parents established, all the people of the Republic of Korea follow, spiritually, the direction of the Unification Church. (145-064, 1986/04/30) 17. Those second-generation couples who have received the Blessing have to become the heads of blessed families. This is like the lead goose who guides the flock in the right direction. All of you were called here to represent your clans -- the Kims, if you are a Kim, and the Paks, if you are a Pak. You must recover a nation. From that point of view, you did not receive the Blessing for yourselves. (187-205, 1989/02/11) 18. For 40 years, I have struggled to create the foundation for heaven at the family level. I have reached this point by fighting intensely and undergoing severe battles with nations. When the foundation for a family-centered heaven centered on God's love and on True Parents unites completely with the foundation for the four-position foundation based on Cain-type parents, that is where heaven begins from. This is why members of the second-generation are being put in leadership positions, and why I blessed the 36 Couples of the second-generation as an indemnity condition for restoration. (145-349, 1986/06/01) 19. Each second-generation blessed couple has to restore the authority to knock out satan with one blow. They have to be able to proclaim, "I cannot represent the world and the universe, and I cannot speak for God, but there is no doubt that as an individual, I am a son who can knock out satan." Representing the individual, you must be able to grab satan by the collar with confidence and make him shiver with fear. You must become the champion who, as an individual, can bring the great enemy of the universe, satan, to submission. (162-193, 1987/04/12) 20. Second-generation blessed families are original families that satan cannot invade from any direction: from the north, south, east or west, from above or below, front or back, left or right. You must reach out to the north, south, east and west with love. The second-generation families have to shoulder this responsibility. Members of second-generation blessed families must not get caught up in illicit love relationships. (187-206, 1989/02/11) 21. In regard to second-generation education, I have emphasized the importance of giving up all bad habits they have had until now. They have to start with the Unification Church, inherit the church traditions and cultivate new habits with God and True Parents at the center. Second-generation members who did not receive the Blessing and chose to live just as they wanted to have to come back. They cannot marry outside the Unification Church. According to Mosaic law, adultery was punished by stoning to death. A time more terrible than that may come in the future. The life of someone who acts against heavenly law and brings ruin to his or her nation and the world has no value. This is a very serious problem. (148-213, 1986/10/09) 22. Unification Church members should not be secularized. The day of a great movement for purification will come. All of the second-generation 36-couple blessed families need to follow True Parents' exact directions. Should you all make mistakes, the ancestral lines of all 72 of you will be affected. They will demonstrate in the spirit world. They will protest, saying, "These children were born after their parents joined the Unification Church and received the Blessing! What is this?" If that happens, your sons and daughters will not turn out well and their path will not be smooth. True Parents have no choice but to move forward, not cutting these children off but carrying the burden of their sins and bearing the cross. Parents must not think, "My son and daughter have received the second-generation Blessing, so we can now live without regard to principles." Expand the fulfillment of God's Will throughout the world, and bless the world. Parents need to know that our destined path toward the blessing of eternal liberation remains. Who will take the lead? Since blessed families could not fulfill their responsibilities, their sons and daughters have to lead the way. (169-201, 1987/10/31) 23. You blessed second-generation members need to listen only to the words of True Parents. You must do so. If you do not, you will fall. The second-generation members must take up the cross. You are in such an important position, to bear the cross for what your fathers and mothers did wrong, or even for the wrongdoings your sons and daughters may commit in the future. To minimize this, you must be responsible, carry the cross and make sacrifices for three generations. True Parents also go through this, even if they have to put you into a situation of sacrifice. This is why you must obey True Parents' words absolutely. Just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you can simply say anything you please. If you complain about the world and the society, satan can enter you. The logic of dialectical materialism is based on conflict. It starts with complaint. At this time, satan is attempting to bring to ruin the fulfillment of God's Will in the world by means of a theory that causes confusion. You must not let this chaos trap you and drag you into evil ways. (169-202, 1987/10/31) 24. I spent 40 years turning around and patching up 4,000 years of history. I straightened out the crooked paths beginning from the origin of heart and even showed humanity the way of liberation. The fact that God could descend and build the kingdom of heaven on earth is like a dream. It sounds like a lie, but it is the truth. We are in a blessed position. Until I have founded a nation, I will not show my legs. While I was in prison, I covered them up. I did not want them to be seen by satan's world. I did not sit just anywhere. In this way, I took care of my body. Before I sat down, or stood up from where I was, I never failed to sanctify the spot with holy salt. I have lived in such a way that I did not defile anything. The path I have walked was the original way, designed to be entirely separate from satan's world. Your father and mother suffer in their hearts because they could not inherit that tradition. You members of the secondgeneration must strive to inherit and live up to that tradition. (182-160, 1988/10/16) 25. As a second-generation member, you should not be complacent. You must begin a new history based on our tradition. Only then can you become a huge tree. You still need to face persecution. If there is no external persecution, True Parents and your parents will persecute you. This is because you are to drive in roots that cannot be pulled out. You have to do it with love. You have to drive in the root of our teaching so thoroughly that no one can pull it out. If you make that your foundation, a sprout will grow from there. That new existence will grow in proportion to that foundation. God showers His blessings on your clan in that same way. (206-016, 1990/10/03) 26. Second-generation blessed families must be trained properly. The second-generation must go out to pioneer. If you want to become a huge tree, you have to plant your root deeply. How do you plant your spreading root deep in the soil? A tree that is planted at the top of a mountain cannot get its root down deeply enough and it will naturally dry out. The roots of a tree must go down into a deep place in the valley so that they can receive protection and nutrients. If the roots are exposed to the air, they get cold. When the wind blows, such a tree can easily topple over. That is why your root should also be planted deeply in a valley. The good things of the world are not only at the summit. They are not only up there but are also at the lowest of places. The root is the most precious part of the tree. It is buried beneath the surface and is unseen. The tree grows from the vertical line of its main root. As the main root moves deeper and deeper into the ground, it will branch out in all directions. The trunk and branches grow in proportion to the root. The root is first. When the root grows, the seeds sprout and the tree buds. The relationship between heaven and humanity is the reverse of this. Humankind's root is heaven. (206-011, 1990/10/03) 27. I am giving you the Blessing so that your offspring will be more outstanding than you. If those who received the 36 and 72 Couples Second-generation Blessing do not follow the Will, a big problem will arise. Because of God's Will, I abandoned my country, my parents, my wife and my children. What does it mean that I abandoned my nation? It was not my doing; it was satan's world that pushed me out. In relation to the work I am doing now, I feel as if I have been swimming across the ocean and just came upon the island to which I am exiled. In order to inherit this tradition, you have to create your own foundation. Just as I have done this work in order to establish a worldwide foundation, so too the members of the second-generation have to build their own foundation. Do not be indebted to your relatives, your colleagues and those associated with you. (206-022, 1990/10/03) 28. You all have to be grateful for the fact that the Unification Church already has entered the blessed land of Canaan after completing the 40-year course to restore Canaan. On the national level, there is no way the Unification Church can be stopped. We are at the stage where the learned people and general public feel that the nation will not survive if it does not follow the ways of the Unification Church. This is the point from which we have to go forward. This is the point from which the second-generation blessed families must march forward, becoming locomotives, cannonballs, and breaking through to a new history. It has to be all of you. Getting married is not simply about being an individual. In the Unificationist family, people are marrying in order to advocate a great revolution. Third parties are not welcome to impose any of their ways, ideas or opinions into this relationship. No matter what, you have to turn to True Parents. No third party intervention is permitted. (144-127, 1986/04/12) 29. Jacob had 12 sons. Among them, Joseph and Benjamin, the 11th and 12th sons, received the most blessing. Their ten older brothers, who did satan's bidding, hated those two. But despite receiving opposition and contemptuous treatment from ten in his family, Joseph showed the example of overcoming a terrible ordeal with an absolutely loving heart. Although Joseph's brothers tried to drown him by throwing him in a well and later sold him, he did not accept the fact that his brothers were trying to put him in a position to be killed. Instead he loved them, putting aside his authority and desire. The love that Joseph had for his brothers became a condition for the whole nation of Israel to live. You second-generation members have to go that path too. I do not give the Blessing to members of the second-generation so that they can live well on their own. It is so that they become representatives who embrace and save people who oppose and hate the Unification Church, who are like those ten brothers, and so that they respond to the call to enter into God's realm of love. In other words, you are sons and daughters of the blessed families who are in the position of Joseph. This is the path that the children of the blessed families have to take. When God and True Parents bless the sons and daughters of the blessed families and create a beautiful living environment for them, it is not for your sake but for the sake of the world. (112-181, 1981/04/12) Section 5. Globalization of the Blessing The 360,000 Couples: The Blessing movement The 360,000 Couples International Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on August 25, 1995, at Seoul Olympic Stadium. This Blessing ceremony was held simultaneously in 553 locations across 160 nations, via live satellite broadcast. Thereafter, the marriage Blessing expanded on a global level, with the number of participants increasing with each ceremony. 1. Human beings were driven from God's presence because the Fall constituted an act of wrongful marriage. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing is the act of proclaiming the realm of liberation for all humankind in the name of the True Parents with the supreme authority of all-immanence, alltranscendence, and omnipotence. These couples represent the perfected realms of Adam, Noah and Jacob. You must understand that only the number 360,000 is appropriate for this Blessing, since this is a number that represents on the horizontal level the perfection of the realms of Adam, Jesus, and Christ at his Second Advent. So the accomplishment of 360,000 couples should not be a problem. We have entered the era in which I can bless 3.6 million couples and 36 million couples. (269-057, 1995/04/07) 2. The Israelites failed to establish a pure national tradition in the seven-year period following the 40 years in the wilderness, and this led to a troubled and ruinous history. We, however, should not fail in establishing a national tradition, a teaching upon which we can build the heavenly nation. We have reached the end of our 40-year course. Within the next seven years we should unite as citizens of the nation filled with its founding ideal of peace and as citizens of a united world. In order to do so, the first generation representing Cain and the second-generation representing Abel should unite. Nonetheless, the first generation has failed and there is danger that they again will fall away in the wilderness. So how can we bind them together? The only way to save the first generation is to bless them as soon as possible, and that is why the 360,000 Couples Blessing will be held. Many already married couples will take part in this Blessing. (269-217, 1995/04/23) 3. The number 36 refers to the 36 Couples representing Adam's, Noah's and Jacob's families and is thus an ancestral number. As such, the 360,000 Couples Blessing is like a world-level spinal cord, like a Blessing of the ancestors. It corresponds to the growth stage on the global level. What will happen once we have conducted this ceremony? Presently the world's families are breaking down. This is a great problem that must be resolved. The whole world has a headache over this issue. That is why all the young Unification Church men and women comprising the 360,000 Couples need to form new families and live well with high ideals. Because of them, broken families will show an interest in the Blessing and it will have a global impact. (269-301, 1995/05/01) 4. Since the 30,000 Couples Blessing, we have conducted global Blessing ceremonies open to the public. Vice presidents and cabinet members took part in that ceremony, and even presidents participated in the 360,000 Couples Blessing. We must cross over the summit on the world level. The fact that we conducted the 360,000 Couples Blessing 3 years after the 30,000 Couples Blessing signifies that we have fulfilled the number 3. This was considered impossible. God and True Parents were the only ones who knew it and had faith. I went ahead with the Blessing because I felt responsible. I gave the direction to accomplish this and now we have succeeded. Now we have completely surpassed satan's world. On a world level, based on the 30,000 Couples as the foundation in the formation stage and the 360,000 Couples in the growth stage, we have gone over the mountains of mistakes that our ancestors committed. The 360,000 Couples have taken the standard of the 36 Couples to the world level. (272-027, 1995/08/30) 5. Although we invested our blood and sweat for the sake of the 360,000 Couples Marriage Blessing, you have no idea how fearful I was as August 25, 1995, approached. It was even more serious than the feeling I had when I held the Washington Monument Rally on September 18, 1976. There was the question of whether our dignity and honor that we had built up before heaven would all come crashing down. It was a gravely serious time, but God had compassion for me, one who has lived a lonely and miserable life, and through His protection and love we achieved it. In fact, we went beyond the goal that no one thought was achievable, exceeding 360,000 couples. (271-215, 1995/08/28) 6. No one thought that the 360,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony could take place three years after the 30,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, but I said that it would. No one believed it. There is no one else in the world who can do this kind of work. There are not even countries that can do it. This is a world record. We were able to rise up and leap over the families in satan's world. Through this victory on the growth stage with the 360,000 Couples, we rose above satan's world and now we stand on top. Now what is left is the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. This is the era of absolute authority. We are entering the era of the absolute authority of marriage. Because we have triumphed over satan's world on the national level, we are expanding the family-level foothold to the world level. Because of this, the era of True Parents is passing and the era of kingship has come. (275-282, 1996/01/01) 7. I began with confidence that the 360,000 Couples Blessing was possible. I never wavered. This is why God is protecting us. But you all felt there was no hope, even during the 30,000 Couples Blessing. To you, the 360,000 Couples was something unimaginable. When we began this work, I received God's affirmation and told you that it was totally possible. Then, day or night and wherever I went, I stayed focused on that point and offered devotions. All the devotions offered all over the world combined will never surpass my devotions. No one knows this; only God and I do. A perfect subject partner creates a perfect object partner. The faith of that perfect object partner is what God has the responsibility to establish through the perfect faith of the subject partner, His substantial embodiment. That faith was thus established. (272-117, 1995/08/30) 8. The Blessing brings the realization of the ideal family, the true family. God's Will is for the realization of the ideal family. Where on this earth is there a mother and father who do not hope for their sons and daughters to have ideal families? But even though parents want this, it is impossible to achieve. They are just dreaming. Ideal families cannot be accomplished through political power, economic power, diplomacy or even through the use of military power. However, True Parents' teachings are now all over the world. They have reached beyond national borders, sects and denominations. The Blessing has gone beyond these boundaries. This too may seem like a dream, but it is reality. (272-197, 1995/10/05) 9. After receiving the Blessing, you should want to be the best couple in the whole world. In order to do this, the wife must seek an ideal nation more than she loves her own husband, and the husband must long to find the ideal nation more than he loves his own wife. If you do not do this, your family will not come to peaceful settlement. I was not able to govern you as the perfect Parent because I had not accomplished the completion level of the growth stage on the global level. So I could not interfere. But now that time has passed. Passing over the 40-year hurdle, a breakthrough was made with the 360,000 Couples Blessing. This means that starting from the 30,000 Couples we accomplished the formation and growth stages. That is why no one in satan's world can block the Unification Church. We have overcome that hurdle. (272-074, 1995/08/30) The 3.6 Million - 40 Million Couples: The open Blessing On November 29, 1997, the International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 40 Million Couples was held at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC, and also broadcast live via satellite worldwide. Originally, 3.6 million couples were scheduled to participate, but the number grew to such an extent that it became the 40 Million Couples Blessing. The Blessing ceremony held on that day was part of the Third World Culture and Sports Festival. Congratulatory messages included those given by representatives of the world's six major religions. During this Blessing Ceremony, a Blessing for people in the spirit world was also conducted. 10. When the 3.6 Million Couples are blessed, there will be a unified world. What is the anchor of this unified world? Around what does it revolve? The anchor is the 3.6 Million Couples who can liquidate the evil that is woven into the habitual and defiled lifestyles of the contaminated earthly world under satan's dominion. You should always hold on to this anchor by means of the rope attached to it. The rope is your family and clan. Because I'm afraid that rope might break, I am binding national messiahs to your clans. (280-263, 1997/01/02) 11. Now you have to take responsibility for the ancestors of your family. True Parents have taken the responsibility for all the providential families from Adam's time until now. Through the 360,000 Couples Blessing, liberation took place that transcends the family, nation and even the world. In this realm there are no longer any boundaries between nations, religions, customs and cultures. This realm ascribes the same value to all people. We have sent families to villages all over the world, and have inaugurated the original family standard that God wanted to establish with Adam before he fell. (284-119, 1997/04/16) 12. Once the 3.6 Million Couples are blessed, heaven's blessing will connect to the world level and every day will be the Sabbath. Touching the creation throughout the world, the Blessing will be a divine day in all four seasons. I am conducting this work right now in order to prepare for that. In the past we have celebrated the sacraments in the presence of God and True Parents only on Sundays. In the era of the Declaration Day of God's Eternal Blessing, and the era of complete transcendence, complete immanence, and complete authority and power, we can move higher than the world level through the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, and come out of the realm of suffering that the creation has been lamenting. We are entering the age of attendance, when we can eat and sleep and do all things in our daily lives while attending God and True Parents. We can do this all week long from Monday to Sunday. (285-297, 1997/06/29) 13. Looking externally, it may appear to people as if the Unification Church is following the path of Christianity, but those people do not know the internal reality, that we have gone through a history of struggle. We have gone through many arduous struggles in order to separate from satan. In doing so, the path of salvation, by which all humanity returns to God's embrace, has expanded through eight successive levels from the individual, to the family, and will surpass the world level based on blessed families, through the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing and the 40-year course. (286-070, 1997/08/06) 14. True Parents have undergone 12 courses. The 3.6 Million Couples was the 12th course. We have to surpass these 12 courses. I interpret the word Arirang with the Chinese characters ae meaning "love," the character ri meaning "distance," from the word "village," and the character ryeong from the word for mountain. Thus it means "looking for the village that we love." In the Korean song "Arirang," there are 12 mountain peaks. Passing over those mountain peaks is hard work. Now that I have passed through those 12 courses, everything has been leveled all at once. That is why we can now freely go anywhere. (289-263, 1998/01/21) 15. Until the completion of the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, which was proclaimed on July 15, 1997, I was consumed with the overwhelming urgency of the providence. But heaven was able to work and bring victory. On August 9, we proclaimed the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth. The time for its settlement will come. The gates of the spirit world will open and spirits will come to earth. Events we cannot even imagine will take place during that time. That is why I proclaimed the achievement of the 3.6 Million Couples on July 15. (289-013, 1997/12/30) 16. Having achieved the 36 Million Couples Blessing, we could also give holy wine to any baby in the womb of one of those newly blessed families. No matter the extent to which you may have neglected your life and allowed it to become stained, you should never forget that the baby in your womb has inherited the absolute pure lineage and is no longer connected to the fallen lineage. You should not fail to set the condition of bequeathing the holy wine to your children. You have to be one with God's nation and pledge loyalty to Him, and as you do so, have them drink the holy wine. Doing this constitutes rebirth. The child in your womb is not satan's child. (289-063, 1997/12/30) The 360 Million - 400 Million Couples: Planting seeds worldwide The International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 360 Million Couples was held at Madison Square Garden in New York on June 13, 1998, and broadcast live to 195 nations. The second phase took place at Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Seoul on February 7, 1999. True Parents had disclosed earlier that this marriage Blessing ceremony should be held in the United States, the elder son nation, and then in Japan, the mother nation. At this time a spirit world Blessing ceremony was also conducted. On February 13, 2000, the first phase of the 400 Million Couples Blessing Ceremony was held at Jamsil Olympic Stadium in Seoul. The second phase was held at the UN Headquarters in New York, on January 27, 2001 and the third phase was held at the Fencing Gymnasium in Seoul Olympic Park on February 16, 2002. In this way, the 400 Million Couples Blessing took place in multiple phases. 17. When the 3.6 Million Couples are blessed, everything will be completely level. It should be as when a river flows into the sea. When the water from a major river enters the sea, it is at its slowest moving point surrendering and being completely absorbed by the ocean, the subject partner. All movement comes and goes based on the logic of heaven and earth. Why is it good to move immediately to the 360 Million Couples Blessing right after the 36 Million Couples Blessing? It is because we have already gone over the hurdle of the mountain, and have come down into the ravine of the mountain valley. We went over the peaks of the formation and growth stages, and now reached the plateau where we can go beyond the completion level of the growth stage. That is why we have reached the stage of the 360 Million Couples Blessing. This is the realm of completion. (288-149, 1997/11/27) 18. The reason True Parents have been working hard is to find the ideal kingdom of heaven based on ideal and absolute love. That is the reason we have come to this point. After finding the ideal of love, we had to bequeath it. To bequeath that ideal, we held the 30,000 Couples Blessing. The standard process was the 30,000 Couples Blessing as the formation stage, the 360,000 Couples Blessing as the growth stage, and the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing as the completion stage. Because the foundation was set, it was possible to hold the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing and the 36 Million Couples Blessing in 1997. We were so busy then; it was as if waterfalls were rushing down from the sky. Now, when the day of the victory of the 360 Million Couples comes, the unified world of the realm of heart will come to this earth and the whole universe. Then the families that are living in this realm of heart will be the same as the perfection of Adam's family. When you enter the spirit world after living in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the gates of the kingdom of heaven in heaven will be opened. (288-329, 1998/01/01) 19. In the Completed Testament Age, we have to complete the ideal of marriage. Through the 360 Million Couples Blessing, we will restore what was lost in Adam's family. After this has been accomplished, the age will come in which you, as original parents who are not connected to the Fall of Adam, are able to bless your children, based on original love, life and lineage. That is the coming of the era of the Fourth Adam after the eras of the First, Second, and Third Adams. After the 360 Million Couples Blessing, we will enter the realm of the Fourth Adam, in which we no longer need to pay indemnity. Thus, we will enter the era in which parents can bless their children in the Garden of Eden on behalf of God. Later, based on the families and relatives you yourselves have blessed, the direct pathway leading to heaven can be established. The reason why indemnity was necessary during the eras and realms of the First and Second Adams is that traces of satan's corrupted blood lineage still remained. By entering into the realm of the Fourth Adam, and cutting off the lineage of satan's world, these traces were eradicated completely. Because of this, all humankind, all the families in the world, can stand on the same level and in the same liberated position as Adam and Eve who would have lived an original life in the Garden of Eden, and receive the Blessing all at once. (290-030, 1998/02/02) 20. After carrying out the 400 Million Couples Blessing, we should hold a pure love pledge ceremony focusing on elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities. We are carrying this out to protect the young people. If we just leave them, eventually they will fall. This is why we conduct the pure love ceremony. Parents, the school and even police officers should join together to make a wholesome environment so that young people will not want to deviate. Young people are in the same position as the unfallen Adam and Eve, so we should create a protective environment to prevent the Fall from ever happening again. In the time of Adam and Eve, they did not have an environment that protected them; their environment allowed them to fall. They fell because there were only the two of them. However, in our time, parents and entire families, teachers and entire schools, mayors and police must create a system that will protect young people from falling. (301-262, 1999/05/02) 21. True Parents can eliminate all national-level persecution and bring about the surrender of satan, based on the flesh and spirit. Together with God, I was able to set up a unified family foundation, and from there we could make a foundation on the national level, as Israel should have done in Jesus' time. When this foundation expands to the world level, everything will be completed. I have expelled satan from the spirit world and the satanic world of hell. Through this I have given rebirth to this world and now, with your support, the authority of Israel has expanded to the global level. Because the people of the world can receive the Blessing as the chosen people, and the authority of Israel has expanded to the global level, the Unification Church could bless the 400 Million Couples. Because I have completed all the courses in the physical world and the spiritual world, you can conquer everything through a heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to True Parents. (360-157, 2001/11/15) Section 6. Ancestor Blessings Ancestor liberation According to True Parents, while we are on earth we should liberate our ancestors in the spirit world. Thus, True Parents instructed on February 12, 1999, that ancestor liberation ceremonies be held at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center, starting with the first seven generations of ancestors. True Parents explained that we are living in the realm of grace in which we can enjoy the benefits of this age through the Blessing bestowed on us as True Parents' prerogative. Now our ancestors can be liberated and blessed and come again to earth and cooperate with their descendants. Thus they can go to the kingdom of heaven, even if they are presently in hell. 1. Your ancestors who have gone to the spirit world are like the angels in the angelic world, and the world you are living in now is like the world of Adam and Eve. It is also the world of your future grandchildren. The spirit world has the responsibility to help Adam and Eve, and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. So your ancestors in the spirit world, in the position of angels, will cooperate with you. If you cooperate with your ancestors, eventually you will be able to liberate them. This is the Principle. (119-045, 1982/07/03) 2. You must liberate your ancestors. Their liberation serves to release your descendants. You have to restore Adam and Eve's sons and daughters. Adam and Eve cannot do it. The principle is that the secondgeneration must become one with Adam and Eve to achieve this restoration. This is an astonishing truth. In 6,000 years of human history, this is the first time the ancestor liberation ceremony could be held. The time is right, so I have directed that these ceremonies be held. (412-119, 2003/07/16) 3. You must liberate all of your ancestors. You absolutely must liberate your first seven generations. Then, after the first seven generations of your ancestors, you need to liberate them up to 120 generations. If you do that for your ancestors, you will be able to bless all 120 generations at once. If you were to do that, would the gates of hell tumble down, yes or no? If you do not do that, however, when I go to the spirit world, the spirit world will be in turmoil. On the other hand, if we can put the spirit world in order, spirits there will help settle problems on earth anytime. (301-206, 1999/04/26) 4. Through True Parents' direction and declaration, saints, sages, people who lived a religious life, and those conscientious young people who died before the age of 16 and are carrying bitter sorrow because of their early death, and all other spirits in the spirit world can now receive the Blessing. I liberated the ancestors of all nations, making it possible for them to go through the borders of the spirit world. Furthermore, I opened the door so that all of those ancestors can now receive the Blessing. Heung-jin and Daemonim at Cheongpyeong, in connection with Daehyungnim (True Father's elder brother) and all Unification Church members, have now made it possible for all good spirits in the spirit world to connect to people on earth. As a result, those spirits are now elevated to the higher standard of True Parents and have an unbreakable connection with True Parents. (346-265, 2001/07/01) 5. True Parents came in this era to find the homeland and nation in which to rectify the corrupted lineage of heaven and earth. We are now undertaking ancestor liberation and Blessing ceremonies at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. Because the spirit world is an eternal world, unlike the case on earth, if you restore something there just one time, that restoration is finished. Because everything in the spirit realm is unidirectional, if the lineage is rectified, it is rectified for eternity. Before a nation could be found, the Blessing of the Unification Church took place within the church, and was not rooted in a nation. Thus there remains the danger of committing sin, so we must surpass the level of the church and move the Blessing to the level of the nation. Therefore it is necessary to find a nation and register there. We also have to go beyond the national level. In doing so, we should not hope for a secular country. Centering on God's Will, we have to go in an absolutely singular direction. We cannot just go this way and that. We cannot make excuses. God does not want merely to hear pleas for perfecting the fallen world. No matter what sacrifice it may require, True Parents have to put the mess of the physical world and the spiritual world in order. (353-165, 2001/09/06) 6. Any spirit who has been liberated and then received education is able to receive the Blessing and become an absolute good spirit. Even if your ancestors are in hell, they can still go to the kingdom of heaven by being liberated and then blessed. Your ancestors who are in hell in this era of True Parents need to know the tremendous value of the grace of receiving the Blessing. They should also know it is not easy to accomplish this. In order to enable them to reach such a position, you must become one in heart and body and offer conditions of devotion with dedication and utmost sincerity. (398-289, 2002/12/15) 7. Up until now, God has appeared in the form of light in the spirit world, like the light from a radiant diamond. God, who is the substantial Being of wonder and heightened awareness, has appeared in the form of light to give instructions, but there was yet no way for God to instruct from the position of the Parent of humankind. God could not freely teach or guide us. From that midpoint position in which He was situated, the things He could solve were the ones He could delegate; He could not solve everything from beginning to end. True Parents, however, have established this beginning and end for both the physical world and the spiritual world. Had they not done so, Heung-jin would not have been able to work in the spirit world. Up until now the saints have been coming back to earth to receive education for 40 days and make a foundation to liberate the spirit realm. Ancestor liberation is the way to open the door for all those ancestors who were not filial children of God, knowing His suffering heart and the bitter sorrow from which He is waiting to be liberated, to finally become those filial children of God. This is why the era has come when, starting from the family, we can finally attend God. Originally ancestors in the spirit world were not able to receive the Blessing. This is because the angelic world has never received the object-partner right of ownership. However, the Returning Lord has cut off and eradicated all the satanic things introduced into the world by Adam after he turned 16. Following that, He is able to give the Blessing. This is why families in the spirit world are able to come to earth, cooperate with families in the position of Adam's blessed family and be blessed. The era in which spirits can receive the Blessing has come. Those who are in the spirit world are in the younger brother position. They are attending through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience the members of the substantial blessed family of Adam, who are on earth in the elder brother position. This means that the angelic world must now offer its support to the earthly world, in order to accomplish the creation of the Adamic culture. (410-048, 2003/06/30) 8. Because the woman, Eve, fell and made this world so wretched, it is women who must liberate and bless the ancestors who are in the realm of the archangel. This work of liberation has expanded the extent to which spirits are able to come down to the world and offer their help. This can bring an immense and indescribably significant outcome. The Principle teaches that if we make effort, it must work this way. Your ancestors can be liberated only with the help of the Cheongpyeong training center. This is because I have entrusted this work to Heungjin. Both the liberation and the Blessing of ancestors are taking place in Korea. Japan, as the Eve nation, should also take the lead in thoroughly setting things straight without leaving a single spirit person unliberated. (422-321, 2003/10/26) 9. We have to liberate and bless our ancestors. All your relatives and ancestors with your surname should be blessed and should make a foundation for the liberation of the angelic world and the physical world. We have to consider this a matter of grave importance. This must be done even if employing great force of character. People in the spirit world do not have an ideal partner because they never received permission to have one. Your own mothers and siblings there surely grieve because of this. But through the authority of True Parents to give the Blessing, you are able to bless all of your ancestors based upon True Parents' permission. (423-180, 2003/10/28) 10. Your ancestors are brought to the Cheongpyeong training center to be liberated; then they receive education and, after that, the Blessing. Liberation cannot be done in a random fashion. You must pay the price to open the way for all the ancestors in your clan to be liberated. Regarding your ancestors' present condition, if we compare them to a tree, their roots are stunted, as well as their stems, branches, leaves, flowers and fruit. You must liberate everything. Liberation is a wonderful thing. We must create a branch with a healthy root, stem and sprout that contains the life of heaven. We should engraft this branch. In this way the true branch will appear, and then proper leaves will unfold, flowers will bloom and fruit will be borne. We should make sure that groves of true olive trees are the only ones standing. This is the mission of the people of Cheon Il Guk, and their responsibility and mission for the settlement of Cheon Il Guk. (437-115, 2004/02/10) 11. When you liberate your ancestors, you should bless them as well. Since you are a family who is here on earth in the Abel position, you need to release them from their sorrow over having gone to the spirit world without having had the chance to change their lineage. Through this, your family in the Abel position becomes the elder brother, and your ancestors become your younger siblings. The liberation will also engraft them to the family standards that True Parents have established. This is the shift that takes place through tribal messiahship. When the elder brother and younger brother become one, the whole family can receive the Blessing, and then your whole town can receive it. This is how, when you take responsibility for doing tribal messiahship in your district, focusing on the members of your family with the same surname, you can give the Blessing to all the people there. (444-297, 2004/04/08) The Blessing in the spirit world After the Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 360,000 Couples on August 25, 1995, on numerous occasions True Parents held spiritual Blessing ceremonies for the liberation of the spirit world. But, before that in the early morning of the day before the 360,000 couples Blessing, True Parents conducted the marriage Blessing Ceremony of True Fathers and True Mothers parents and families (Chungbunim and Chungmonim, Dae-hyungnim and Daemonim's families). Subsequently, during the 40 Million Couple Blessing held on November 29, 1997 they officiated over the first spiritual Blessing ceremony. On December 1, 1997 they declared the Opening of the Gates for the Blessing of the Spirit World. During the time of the 360 Million Couples Blessing on June 13, 1998, they officiated over the Blessing of the greatest saints and most evil sinners. In this way the Blessing for spirits was inaugurated through which hell in the spirit world was liberated and the way for all spirits to enter the kingdom of heaven was opened. 12. The day before the 360,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, I gave the Blessing to my physical parents and my older brother. I joined as a trinity my parents, my older brother and the True Children. Not only that, I gave the Blessing to Daemonim's family. By doing so, I tied them all together in the position of our children. By going through these three generations with True Parents at the center, True Parents' sons and daughters and your families were bonded as Cain and Abel. Giving these three generations the position of being blessed built the foundation for the liberation and Blessing of all the ancestors who had been separated. Starting with these liberated and blessed ancestors, over the course of thousands of years the number will expand and ultimately everyone can be liberated. The ancestors are the fathers. No matter how wicked the children may be, if the father is victorious they can come to inherit his victory. When inheritance takes place through the father-son relationship, we can enter the realm in which all things can be inherited. In this way we establish the liberation of the spiritual world and the physical world. You cannot imagine how complicated this is. We need to weave all this together. (272-313, 1995/10/13) 13. I directed Daemonim and Heung-jin to conduct a Blessing on behalf of True Parents the day after the 3.6 Million Couples are blessed. Heung-jin and Daemonim are the ones to give the Blessing. Through this, all those who received the Singles Blessing will be able to find their spouses and children in the spirit world and restore their families. That time has come. Because I did not know when this time would come, I conducted the Singles Blessings. If we had not been able to overcome the obstacles on the national level, people could not have been blessed as singles to their original spouses. However, from now on your relatives can be blessed as singles, and even if they receive the Blessing alone, they can recreate their families. Even if your relatives are in hell, you will be able to call them out from there and liberate them instantly. This is because True Parents have laid the foundation for a straight paved road from hell to the kingdom of heaven. Now we can just get in a car and cruise fast and effortlessly along that highway. (285-105, 1997/04/21) 14. The 3.6 Million Couples Blessing is the time when heaven and earth will be connected. This Blessing will connect the vertical and horizontal worlds. This is why I have been waiting for the day when Adam's family and all humanity could stand in the position before the Fall and be blessed. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve needed to have a family. This was because they were meant to become the representative family who would inherit everything and thus have a value greater than the value of the universe. In this united era of liberation, you families who have received the Blessing can liberate your ancestors and descendants. Even though Adam and Eve fell and Jesus was not able to complete his mission, the coming of the Returning Lord heralds the completion of everything. Through True Parents' foundation, the era of unification has come wherein even if your ancestors made mistakes they can be liberated, because your family now belongs to the family of the Returning Lord. This is the same as welcoming the Completed Testament Age after having established a family. After this Blessing, the spirit world will be entirely liberated. This is how the era of the Blessing on earth will expand to include the spirit world. (285-206, 1997/05/04) 15. Now that the 360 Million Couples Blessing is being carried out, we are beginning to give the Blessing in the spirit world. satan's bloodline is now cut off. The era in which satan could accuse us has passed. The era of True Parents' absolute authority, all-immanence, all transcendence and omnipotence has come. The era has arrived in which True Parents' authority can be exerted. Just as when God created Adam and Eve, saying, "It is very good," and felt such joy, the era of beneficent authority has come, equivalent to when God brought every living creature to Adam to receive their names. (293-091, 1998/05/24) 16. After the completion of the 360 Million Couples Blessing, satan's lineage has to be cut off. This is the last challenge. Through this, the gates of both heaven and hell will be opened. All the enemies of the past will welcome True Parents and attend them in a huge celebration. Up to now, we were not able to attend True Parents in the family, tribe, clan, nation and world. For the first time we will hold a banquet on earth through which brothers and sisters who have been enemies can come back and follow God's way. Through this, heaven's way will be revealed. This is the way we should go. This way leads toward the kingdom of heaven on earth. (296-300, 1998/11/18) 17. Everything under God's ownership at the time of the creation was lost through the Human Fall. We need to bring it all back to God. Until now God did not have sons and daughters, but through True Parents God was able to regain true sons and true daughters. This is re-creation. But this is not done by God. Only True Parents can do it. True Parents need to have complete ownership and then return everything to God, which is why True Parents searched for a family and returned that family to God. Through the 360 Million Couples Blessing, satan's bloodline can be cut off. In this way God can proclaim, "Now I have a family in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven! Now I am the owner!" This is the beginning of the originally intended ideal. All things that were lost through the Fall are now being recovered. In the process of recreation, the way of suffering we have undergone is finally finished. Now, starting from the family and going all the way to the cosmos, it is the time of liberation. (293-179, 1998/05/26) 18. With the marriage Blessing of 360 Million Couples, we proclaim the liberation of all the spirits in the spirit world, including all those who were enemies of God. Those spirits who are in hell and those in the midway spiritual realm are not yet connected to God's lineage. We have to connect them. When the conditions for Abel to receive the Blessing are established, Cain can be blessed as well. This is according to heavenly law. But to accomplish this, we must establish our position based upon loving our enemies. Through this, we can establish the position of the younger sibling in front of God's direct sons and daughters. It was like this for Cain. Up to now, the saints in the religious sphere worked hard to fulfill such indemnity, and the sinful people on satan's side have been working in the same way in order to separate themselves from destruction. The breakthrough now is that True Parents have restored through indemnity all those historical figures, and so the historical division of good and evil, God and satan, and Cain and Abel will end. Through True Parents' sacrifice we are entering the era when everything that was divided will be united. (294-044, 1998/06/10) 19. If Adam himself cannot establish his full authority on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos, God's purpose of creation cannot be accomplished and God cannot be liberated. Indeed, God cannot do even a single thing. Establishing the full authority of Adam is the responsibility of True Parents. True Parents have to stir up a great revolution in heaven. This is why we blessed the four great saints and the worst of all sinners. We have to surmount the obstacles imposed by our enemies. This is why we are establishing equal rights for both sides. When the ocean flows out and comes back in, the tidal pool is full and level, so circulation can take place. When the dirty water that remained combines with the clean water that went out and comes back in, that is when circulation takes place. The new incoming water flowing back in pushes the old water over the brim, and when the pool is full, equal water level is achieved. In order for God to liberate human beings, He must begin from this realm of clean water. It is in order to establish this standard that He must carry out the Blessing of saints and murderers. (320-239, 2000/04/16) 20. If God were in an enemy relationship with satan, we would never have hope to bring about world peace. If God had not been able to rise above an enemy relationship with satan, and if He had not been able to maintain the ideal heart He had toward the archangel during the time of creation, satan would never have surrendered. What do we mean by this? When two enemies are joined together through marriage, if they do not form a loving relationship that emulates the way God has loved the enemy, the marriage will fail. If you cannot develop such loving, enemy embracing relationships in cross-cultural marriages, then the path to a peaceful world will be blocked. True Parents have known this, which is why the institution of cross-cultural marriage between enemies was inevitable. This is also why we blessed saints and sinners at the same time. (371-098, 2002/02/24) 21. God has always longed for the liberation of all people, including those in hell, and the realization of peace in heaven and on earth. Only True Parents can take the responsibility to accomplish this. We do it through joining enemies from both sides through the Blessing. This is God's heart. Even if a loved one is blessed to an enemy, we should have the heart that is capable of wishing that enemy success and good fortune. This is why I also have to give the Blessing even to satan. This event could only take place because True Parents indemnified the history of sin. They exposed it, disconnected it from satan, elevated themselves beyond it, and came to stand in the position of liberated king. True Parents even created the foundation upon which God could be liberated, and created the final settlement. From now there will be no barriers whatsoever. This is why I have given the Blessing to all humanity. (294-028, 1998/06/05) 22. When the 360 Million Couple Blessing takes place, we will enter an era in which all things that have been divided will be united centering on the name of True Parents and the worlds blessed families. In this era of great transition, we have declared the 360 Million Couple Blessing and the separation from satan's lineage. If Adam had been able to attain perfection, there would never have been hell or the midway spiritual realm. This is why the spiritual world and physical world need to be organized before giving the Blessing. After this, the saints in the spirit world should receive the Singles Blessing with those ladies who have been leading a single life on earth. This is how the religious sphere will settle into unity. After that, the evil people of satan's world should be blessed. (294-045, 1998/06/10) 23. For the first time in history there are True Parents, who are able to love sinners just as they love saints. This solves a big problem. For God, it is time to rectify all things in the evil world and resolve everything. This is why everything has reached an apex. There is nowhere else to go to. Even satan is stymied andcan go no higher. Through True Parents binding the horizontal elements to the vertical, sinners who are on the horizontal plane are now connected to the vertical way. The historic moment when this occurred was the 360 Million Couple Blessing. This was a very significant event. Through its success, the gates of heaven were opened and the way from hell to heaven was paved. It was a momentous event that True Parents were able to set the indemnity conditions and were able to share the Blessing with all humankind. (320-241, 2000/04/16) 24. Families who have received the Blessing can go to the kingdom of heaven. Through the 360 Million Couple Blessing by True Parents, the ancestors were able to enter the kingdom of heaven as well. Before this Blessing on earth, we gave the Blessing in the spirit world. It all started on June 13, 1998. We gave the blessing to saints and murderers, with the saints in the position of the elder son and the murderers in the position of the younger son. The younger siblings should be able to follow the elder son with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, thereby creating a horizontal balance. In the same way, national-level enemies and world-level enemies are able to receive the Blessing. True Parents gave such a Blessing for all humanity to inherit. Through True Parents having created such a foundation, all people are now able to receive the True Parents' standard for the first time. (306-100, 1998/09/20) Chapter 3. The True Family Movement and True Family Tradition Section 1. The Pure Love Movement The necessity for this movement The true family movement comes as the fundamental providential movement for restoring this fallen world to the original world of creation centered on God. The focus of the movement is the international marriage Blessing, transcending race, nation and religion, which seeks to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven through ideal God-centered families. True Parents have implemented the true family movement on a vast scale through the marriage Blessing ceremony as well as the pure love movement for children and teenagers. 1. Immorality among youth and family breakdown are among the bad fruits reaped from the seeds sown by the first human ancestors. When Adam and Eve fell, they turned the family upside down. The fruits of the Fall have become manifest throughout the world, with the result that we are now in a time of great suffering. The fallen family is the root and is at the heart of all the problems of societies, nations and the world. People do not know which way to turn. It is a time when grandfathers cannot fulfill the role of grandfathers, parents cannot fulfill the role of parents, husbands and wives cannot fulfill the roles of husbands and wives, and children cannot fulfill the role of children. As selfish individualism takes root, God is not present, both the world and its nations are lost, and a good society cannot emerge. (283-013, 1997/04/08) 2. When people talk about the deterioration of values, they are not referring to the values associated with money, knowledge or power. The most important values are those connected with true love. True parents have to establish the values of true love, true couples have to establish the values of true couples, and true children have to establish the values of true children. Actually these values are not different from each other. The values that must be established by parents, couples, and brothers and sisters are absolute and one and the same. Unification comes about on the basis of absolute values. When we take away parents, husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters, all we have left is selfish individualism, and the one, harmonized world cannot be established. (458-138, 2004/07/08) 3. People say that today is an age of globalization. What is the center of this age, as they describe it? They usually speak of it in terms of economics, academics, sports and so on, and they do not realize that globalization should focus on the family. The problems of the world are not primarily rooted in economics or politics, but in the family. Families are breaking down, especially in developed nations. Many families have been destroyed by free sex. People have to understand that the authentic movement for globalization must be based on the family. In other words, people have to know True Parents' teachings about the ideal family. (278-168, 1996/05/05) 4. From the viewpoint of true love, this world as it exists now is like a vacuum; there is no air of true love. If air were to enter, the world would instantly explode with life. In this age, the Blessing movement is like a typhoon that will storm into this empty world and cleanse the land. The owners of that typhooncleansed world are the True Parents. When children, tribes and the nation emerge based on True Parents' lineage, the world of evil will disappear. Whatever obstacles assert themselves will not present a problem, because the power of true love can overcome any problem. The power of true love is like a high-voltage current. Any evil that touches it will be vaporized in an instant. (287-119, 1997/09/01) 5. God's hope, as well as the hope of all people, is for human prosperity and one united world of peace. Ideal peace is established when the subject partner and the object partner practice true love centered on God at the levels of the individual, the nation and the world. Love, of course, cannot be realized by itself. Love can be realized only through a mutual relationship. Parents' love is realized in relation to their child. Children's love is realized in relation to their parents. God's act of creation was to realize the ideal of true love, which cannot occur if God remains alone. That is why He sought to realize the father-son relationship based on true love. God is the True Parent of parents, the True Teacher of teachers, and the True King of kings. God is the eternal True Parent, True Teacher and True Owner who always gives true love. All people are God's children, so, like God, they too have to go the way of the true parent, true teacher and true owner. Through these relationships these paths will lead to the completion of the ideal of love, the love that lives for the good of others. The right path of the law of heaven leads to self-realization through an altruistic life of true love. Through the harmony of the vertical parent-child relationship with the horizontal left and right husbandwife relationship and the horizontal front and back sibling relationship, the ideal family based on true love is realized. The completed family can be expanded to the completed nation, world and cosmos through the same principle and formula. The worldwide foundation that True Parents have achieved in the areas of education, media, art, and relief work comes through the investment of true love following the same formula to realize the ideal world. Ideally, true love education on how to realize the character of a true parent, true teacher and true owner should start in the family. (1999/02/01) 6. Although the Cold War has come to an end, we still face so many problems that challenge us in terms of social morality and love in the family. Corrupt sexual behavior and drug abuse continue to seriously threaten young people. All of the nations of the world have these problems. It has been surprisingly difficult for them to deal with these issues, but we must realize that there is more to these problems than is immediately evident. The world needs righteous young leaders who can understand the true nature of the problems and solve them based on Godism. We have to realize that problems like these arise when we ignore the internal aspect of the mind and spirit. (True Mother, 1994/07/26) 7. Originally, God called for Adam and Eve to perfect themselves as ideal parents. They should have realized God's ideal family as the beloved children of God and as the parents of their own beloved children. Such a family would have been the starting point of the ideal world of love and peace. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve could not create such a family, so the dream to realize the ideal nation and world disappeared. Then how can we restore the ideal family? World peace is not just a spiritual issue. It is a way of life that starts from the individual, expands to the family, and bears fruit at the level of the global family. We will be able to save our young people from materialism, violence and sexual corruption by means of the establishment of strong, God-centered true families. (True Mother, 1994/07/26) 8. If the true family movement does not succeed, then nothing we do will succeed. The true family movement is our only hope. Only True Parents have the authority to deal with the situation in the family. God and satan are fighting each other over humankind, and only True Parents can resolve this struggle. Neither God nor satan can do it. True Parents have to eliminate satan and break the iron chain by which God has been bound. They must liberate God; satan will have to surrender. The world cannot solve the problems of the family and young people through such means as politics, economics and culture. It is only True Parents who can solve these problems. The problems of youth, the problems in the family, and the problem of the struggle between God and satan were all created by a false parent. It is only True Parents who can solve all of these problems and thus realize world peace and the kingdom of heaven on earth. (311-139, 1999/08/29) 9. In this world the corruption of young people and the breakdown of the family are the most difficult problems to solve. No one can deal with these. The ministries of education or defense in each nation cannot deal with them, nor can we if we rely only on the power of politics or economics. Neither the physical world nor the spiritual world nor even God can solve these problems. True Parents alone have the special authority to do it. Adam and Eve fell as teenagers, and the tragedy of Cain killing Abel occurred. What should never have happened did happen in the first family, and we must correct it. We have to completely overturn what happened in the first family and plant the lineage of absolute love and absolute purity. Young people fell, and the family broke down. In the Last Days the whole world will be in turmoil, bearing the fruit of the seed that was planted in the beginning. Phenomena such as free sex, homosexuality and AIDS are widely prevalent, and all of society is becoming corrupt. True Parents are the doctors and specialists who know the prescription and the treatment that can solve the world's family problems and the problems of youth. People everywhere are beginning to realize this. (293-095, 1998/05/24) The pure love movement The pure love movement leads young people toward true love and the understanding of the order of true love. The movement is focused on adolescents and teaches about the removal of the fallen nature that was formed as a result of the Fall. True Parents clearly taught that it is only through the pure love movement that we can solve teenage problems and family breakdown, which are the most serious problems facing humanity. Thus, they initiated the pure love movement for middleschool and high-school students on an extensive scale. Middle-school and high-school students are at about the same age as Adam and Eve just before the Fall. True Parents said that we must give these students pure love education, eradicate the Satanic lineage, and help them grow up under God's protection and love. 10. We advocate the ideals of purity and absolute sexual fidelity. To promote these ideals we have created a pure love movement and a true family movement, based on true love. Without true love there can be neither sexual purity nor true families. Also, a true family cannot be established without absolute fidelity between husband and wife. You must honor relationships to the same degree as Chun-hyang, a chaste wife who remained faithful to her husband Lee Mong-nyong, even while facing threats of death from a corrupt court official. In this way we can realize the true family. (286-115, 1997/08/09) 11. We have to establish the pure love movement and the true family movement on university and college campuses. What can we do to deal with the problems of youth? Where can we establish the true family ideal? We can do so by connecting to the middle schools, high schools and colleges. Today young people are easily influenced and polluted by corrupt thoughts. Students from age 12 through 24 have this affliction. How can we cure them? Respected civic and social leaders must act as a fortress to protect them. Families need to be protected against being destroyed by homosexuality and free sex. Families should be models of true love. Families have to stand tall, based on traditional Christian values, but in reality they are becoming weak. We have to rebuild all these things. We have to restore families and young people. This level of restoration will not emerge from the family alone; support is also needed in the schools. Focusing on elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges, the nation's leaders should unite and establish the tradition of the family. We have to educate people thoroughly about family ethics and advocate absolute family values. (329-090, 2000/08/08) 12. The true family ideal will become the tradition of the 21st century. What True Parents have to do is simply create the tradition of true family, true parents and true lineage. satan's tradition has reached even small towns, so we have to manifest the pure love movement just as widely. If we do so, traditional Christians will join us in taking on the role of tribal messiahs. The pure love movement should be developed focusing on the family. It is not the nation that will take the initiative. This is why I encouraged you to start holding demonstrations right away. If we are not successful with the true love movement, we will lose everything. It is crucial that we establish in people's minds that the true love movement is our movement. It is like being the ones who first apply for a patent. Teams of three should be out actively working and demonstrating around the clock. The key points are true parents, true lineage and true family. (310-247, 1999/06/30) 13. We can prevent the spread of AIDS by maintaining sexual purity. This is absolute. This is the last task that the Unification Church is responsible to accomplish. Once we transform the free sex tradition of the young generation by connecting them to the Blessing of a new lineage, the kingdom of heaven on earth will be established. Now is the time the world is harvesting the fruit of the seeds that the first human ancestors sowed in their youth. In order to clear the field, we have to establish a new tradition focusing on young people. Then we can secure the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. Therefore, we launched the pure love movement in middle and high schools. We spearheaded the movements of true family education and pure love. We did what the nation should have done. (349-011, 2001/07/13) 14. True Parents have developed the true family movement throughout the world. In Korea we made a headquarters for the true love and pure love movements and mobilized 10 million middle and high-school students to arm them with the ideal of pure love. How much opposition did we meet while promoting this movement? Even though we met with strong opposition, we felt that we were the owners who have to protect our hometowns and our homeland. We have reached the era when everything is out in the open and we can take the active initiative. (349-015, 2001/07/13) 15. We need to educate young people in order to prevent them from falling. To do that, we made the pure love movement. In promoting the pure love movement, we should publicly recognize young people who exemplify the pure love ideal in their towns or regions. Such students should be treated with respect in their schools. Teachers and principals should honor those students who keep purity. From now on, only those who practice purity will receive the holy marriage Blessing. To receive the Blessing, they will come from all over the world based on the recommendation of their nations. (272-191, 1995/10/05) 16. Before their eyes lead them to be attracted to the opposite sex, we have to lead young people to overcome the evil way of thinking that resulted from the Fall. We must do this in our families, towns and nations. Therefore, we clearly need to expand the pure love movement to the national level. I directed you to create the pure love movement. None of the teachers in the colleges, high schools and middle schools can carry out the pure love movement; we are the only ones. Nobody can argue with this. It is only we who can do it. We have been ordained by heaven to take this historic responsibility. (295-103, 1998/08/17) 17. We now have passed the age of national-level Blessing and have entered into the age of world-level Blessing. That is why we have people eat pure love candy. When a pregnant mother eats pure love candy, it is a ceremony of rebirth. When a baby eats the pure love candy, it is a ceremony of resurrection. When a couple eats the pure love candy in marriage, it is a ceremony of eternal life. At the marriage ceremony, however, they also have to drink the holy wine. Everyone has to drink it. I have made the way easy. Now satan does not oppose me, whatever I do. There are no conditions for him to accuse me. We can now set up a street fair and give the holy wine to people as they come and go, and if they accept the holy wine, heaven and earth will return to our side. (294-158, 1998/06/14) 18. The Blessing is the realm of the Sabbath in the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age is the age when the promise will be realized worldwide. Families of all the world's people can come into the realm of grace to receive the Blessing. This is realized through True Parents so that satan's lineage will disappear. We allow middle and high-school students to eat pure love candy as a condition. Ideally, people are supposed to cleanse satan's lineage in the womb. This is rebirth. However, those who are already born cannot go back to the womb, so we let them drink the wine of resurrection. We let students from kindergarten through high school eat the pure love candy instead of the wine of resurrection. We can put stickers with True Parents' signature on the candy. This is giving them a sign that they should keep their purity through True Parents and with True Parents. Because True Parents give the stickers to them, they will keep their purity in order to be pure sons and daughters. After keeping their purity, they need to unite in holy matrimony with pure love. This is what their parents want, and it is the core purpose of public education. Living this way is the ideal life. (290-218, 1998/02/27) 19. All young people are like Adams and Eves that God has created once again. This is why I do a matching ceremony for them. They have to keep absolute purity. The matched fiance and fiancée have to protect each other. Adams and Eves need to encourage each other to keep their purity until the time that they receive the Blessing of love from God and True Parents. They also have to receive their parents' permission and approval. God is the Parent of parents, the Teacher of teachers, and the Owner of owners. Therefore, by analogy, if the Blessing was sponsored by a school, the child could not receive the Blessing without obtaining approval from the principal of the school, and the head of the Parent Teacher Association. Children cannot marry without consulting their parents. This is the policy and tradition of the Unification Church. (300-322, 1999/04/15) 20. True Parents finished all preparations for removing satan's lineage. The Fall occurred because there was no protection. We have now completed pure love education in some middle schools and high schools. Nonetheless, the purity of students is being destroyed. The Internet's influence is terrible. How can we remedy this situation? Mothers and fathers everywhere have to protect their children, because parents represent the position of God. Unmarried sons and daughters are in the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall, so they have to grow and become model citizens. As they grew up, Adam and Eve looked forward to their marriage. The periods of infancy, brother and sister, and engagement all have the same purpose: marriage. In the secular world, parents tell their children to find their own partner, but now, True Parents are telling parents to find a partner for their children. Now we have returned to the Garden of Eden. The whole world has come back to the Garden of Eden, so the family has been restored. In the restored family, sons and daughters should be matched before God in their original position without the Fall. During their adolescence, Adam and Eve were supposed to prepare themselves to meet their partner. In spite of their pledge, they fell during their teenage years when they had reached the top of the growth stage. God could not intervene directly under the Principle, so to eliminate the risk that they might fall under satan's sovereignty, He gave them the warning, "Do not eat." (301-174, 1999/04/25) 21. Children are like God's sons and daughters who did not fall, so we have to teach them well, even during their kindergarten years. At all costs, we have to raise them well from kindergarten through high school, until they are at least 16 years old, so that they will not leave the bosom of their parents. When they are 18 they may marry. From now on, if possible, I will give the Blessing as they graduate from high school and become college students. This would be best. We have to match sons and daughters who grew up in the bosom of their parents, as pure children who have not been defiled by the secular world. (365-131, 2002/01/06) Section 2. Blessed Family Traditions Traditions and responsibilities True Parents instructed that blessed parents, spouses and children need to unite to inherit True Parents' tradition and that before they think of and live for their own family, they need to think of and live for their tribe, people, nation and world. True Parents pointed out in particular that the age of the settlement of blessed families is the age of mother-child responsibility. This means that for a blessed family to unite with True Parents' family, the mother and children need to unite, and the Cain and Abel siblings need to unite. 1. The fact that you are blessed in the Unification Church means that your lineage was changed and you were anointed. But this does not mean that you have fully accomplished the standard. You received this anointing conditionally. This means that you received the lineage, life and love conditionally and you must take them seriously. As long as your conditional lineage continues to expand, satan cannot take it away. Upon your maturity, you will be connected with true love so that there will be no relationship with satan, and satan cannot take anything away. When your love, life and lineage mature, satan will no longer be able to take them away. Please grasp the value of the Blessing. It should be so precious that you would not exchange it even if you were offered everything. If, on the other hand, you disregard this conditional anointing, anyone can take it away. That is why you must nurture it and help it to grow. How precious the Blessing is! (216-217, 1991/04/01) 2. The family is the place where parents, spouses and children are united. If any of these three are missing, the family cannot be realized. The family develops into a tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and the kingdom of heaven on earth. Where there is unity between absolute parents, absolute spouses and absolute siblings, God can dwell. The family base is the base of operations which can connect to a tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. This is where God's ideal will be realized. Without True Parents, true children cannot exist, and if you do not become true children, you cannot create a true family. An ideal husband and wife, by creating sons and daughters, can realize the ideal family. The connection of three generations is the foundation for realizing an ideal family. Without it, an ideal family cannot appear. (339-212, 2000/12/16) 3. When God's sons and daughters are blessed and become perfect, God's love can also become perfect. Therefore, God can exist eternally as the Parent on the foundation of perfected love. People cannot find love by themselves alone. The absolute embodiment of true love for a man is a woman. Without a woman, a man cannot find the love of God, who is the substance of absolute truth. He cannot perfect true love without her. If you had not married, you would not have known the realms of love. You would not have known the value of parents, the value of sons and daughters, or the value of a spouse. The husband is the only person who can bring his wife into oneness based on love, and the wife is the only person who can bring her husband into oneness based on love. (352-333, 2001/09/01) 4. The responsibility of a blessed couple begins on the day of their Blessing. Their responsibility is not just that a husband and wife live in unity as a family, but that on the foundation of their unity they form a tribe and nation. The families of ten blessed people can form one tribe through this new worldview. Before forming the new nation, we must first form new tribes. These tribes must not be created through conflict-based division, but through unity-based multiplication. Therefore, those ten people who received the Blessing must have the same purpose. We are a small number of families who have been restored from satan's world, so we are in a position to be easily attacked by satan. Therefore, we always have to be united and bound together in order to defeat the overwhelming forces seeking to invade. In order to defeat those forces, we have to achieve complete oneness among us. If we are united in this way, we will easily overcome satan's invasion, no matter how strong it is. When we are united substantially, we will form a new tribe free from satan's invasion. Through a united tribe, a new people will arise, and through a united people, a new nation can arise. (030-175, 1970/03/22) 5. You did not receive the Blessing for your family's private gain. Your family can reach the place of Sabbath rest only when you first live for the sake of your tribe and only then live for the sake of your family. In the same way, the tribe can reach the place of Sabbath rest when it lives for the sake of the nation, and the nation can reach the place of Sabbath rest when it lives for the sake of the world. In this respect, the Blessing is not just for yourself. Each of you needs to have faith that the Blessing represents the whole. When a husband and wife unite and build their family based on this faith, their family can move toward the world level. If there is only one blessed family that meets that standard, that family has to take absolute responsibility. The greater the number of families that can move forward, the faster the providence of restoration can progress. Now, even though there may be many families who are going this way, do not depend on them. Make sure you fulfill your responsibility. The family desired by the nation and the world is the self-reliant family. The descendants of such an awakened family will live for the sake of the nation and the world. The husband will become a historic husband, and the wife of this family will become a historic wife. Moreover, their descendants will become the tribe that is needed for the restoration of the world in the course of God's providence. If you become the family who can build such a tribe, you will be crowned as the ancestors of the new age. (030-178, 1970/03/22) 6. Blessed couples cannot live merely at their own discretion. They have to live for God's public purpose or the nation's public purpose. Whether your spouse is or is not attractive is not the issue. The issue is the direction in which you are going. In other words, the issue is how to pave the way of righteousness that your descendants will follow. When I see you asking for love from your spouse, I feel it is wrong. I cannot approve such love. Before you ask your spouse to love you, you need to ask him or her to love the nation and the world. After you do that, you can ask for love from your spouse. This is the way for blessed husbands and wives to live. We have to encourage our spouse to love the nation, the world and heaven, before loving us. (030-179, 1970/03/22) 7. Blessed members have to love their tribe and people, and their nation and world more than they love their own family. Furthermore, they have to love their relatives and other blessed families more than their own family. The family in which each member is connected in this way will stand out from other families and be recognized. In that family in which man and woman are united and in harmony with each other, we will have a model for loving the nation, world and heaven. Husband and wife need to be united in that way. Blessed husbands and wives must avoid saying things like "You should love only me" or "You belong to me," which are habitually uttered by worldly husbands and wives. Instead, they should take time each day to offer conditions of devotion, imploring heaven to help their spouses have the kind of heart that can love others more than their own family. Couples have the responsibility to support and encourage one another not to give up, as well as to receive guidance from each other. (030-181, 1970/03/22) 8. Our Unificationist families must avoid becoming stuck in our current position. We must develop and give birth to descendants who can embrace and ensure the fortune of the nation and world. We marry in order to find among our children exceptional people who can help form a new people and a new nation. People in the world marry for their own sake, but in the Unification Church we marry for the sake of the nation and the world. Our families are called by God to save many families in the course of providential history. Our role is to restore all the world's people through paying indemnity, and to model the love that opens the way for spirit persons in the spirit world and our descendants in the future. We must have the mind-set that our position is to live as saviors to the world. (030-185, 1970/03/22) 9. Now the age of the settlement of the children's families has to come. First, the age of the settlement of the children's families is the age of the mother's responsibility. The mother has to take responsibility as the Messiah. Second, it is the age of the children's responsibility, the age when Cain and Abel have to unite. Cain and Abel as brothers have to unite completely. There have been many sacrifices in history resulting from the separation of Cain and Abel, but from now on children must not fight each other anymore. In any village to which we care to go, there are Cains and there are Abels. The person who sacrifices him or herself, and makes compromises for the sake of the whole village, becomes the Abel and the owner. Because we already know this, we cannot fight. The age of the children's responsibility is the age when Cain and Abel have to unite. Third, the mother, Cain and Abel have to unite. The age of the mother's and children's responsibility has to settle in the family and, after uniting with each other, the mother and children have to restore the husband, the father. Restoration of the father will be impossible if the mother and children are not united. The mother is responsible to see that she and the children, both Cain and Abel, are absolutely united. This is still not the end, because finally, we will enter the age to unite with the True Parents' family. At that point we reach the age when the Blessing can expand to the entire world. (248-159, 1993/08/01) Blessed family life True Parents said that blessed families have to love humanity on behalf of God and True Parents. They added that blessed families should be examples of how to think of and love one's spouse as the representative of God. They also emphasized that the kingdom of heaven will be realized when this lifestyle of heart becomes universal. The marriage Blessing empowers us to inherit the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters, so True Parents have asked blessed families to follow this way. 10. The family God is looking for is one whose standard is not limited to living just for their own family. The family God can be proud of ought to live on the world level. Because the way to make the family who can represent the nation, the world and heaven is the way of the Blessing, you must receive the Blessing through the family of the Heavenly Parent. When families go the principled way of offering sincere devotion after receiving the Blessing, their sons and daughters will be born with the heavenly fortune of the Unification Church. Even if the father and mother have no special abilities, the children will still be born with heavenly fortune. How much heavenly fortune can we leave our descendants? It will be decided by how much sincere devotion we as their parents have offered. How much were we loyal to our nation, the world and heaven? How seriously did we offer sincere devotion? That is what determines the fortune of our descendants. When we take action with a selfish mind, heaven will never side with us. When we act in order to satisfy selfish desires, God will never side with us. When we stand for the sake of the world, nation and people, then God will be with us. Therefore, blessed families have to practice higher and wider love. (030-186, 1970/03/22) 11. The wife needs to think of her husband as the representative of God. Also, she has to become like a daughter to her husband. Due to the Fall, God lost the mother, the wife and the daughter, all three. Therefore, the man, as her husband, has to restore God's lost daughter. Thus, it will be a problem if the wife does not trust her husband more than she trusts her father. She has to meet the standard to discover more value in him than in everything she has known before. Without restoring such a heart she cannot recover that which satan destroyed, the original standard of the ideal spouse. At the same time, the husband has to have the heart that he is a son to his wife. He has to have the heartfelt feeling that she is both his mother and daughter. Husband and wife need to say from the heart, "I cannot live a single day without you. I absolutely need you, day and night." As husband and wife, you must achieve this depth of oneness. (022-205, 1969/02/04) 12. In the fallen world, people insist that they are right and that defending themselves is their highest priority. But now is the era of the teaching that tells us we exist to protect the other before ourselves. The direction is opposite to what it was before. The husband says, "If you are not happy as my wife, it is my responsibility," and the wife says, "If you are not happy as my husband, it is my responsibility." The flowers of love bloom when we assume responsibility. The flowers of love do not bloom when each insists on their own right. When two people are living for the sake of each other to the degree of risking their own lives, the flowers will bloom. When the flowers bloom, both the angelic world and God will seek the light and fragrance of that love. (304-075, 1999/09/10) 13. The husband has to be the person whom his wife thinks is greater than God. The wife needs to think, "I could not see God Himself, but I see God through my husband. I did not know pure love, but I came to know what pure love is through my husband. I came to know what an elder brothers love is. I came to understand a brothers love. My husband is the very man who taught me all the realms of love." The husband has to be the living embodiment of that quality of love which can induce in his wife the heart of an ideal mother, bride and elder sister. He also has to receive the same kind of education, to the point that he feels as if he cannot breathe without this education. These lessons have to become his way of life such that when he goes out anywhere in society he sees the elders in the society as his grandfather and grandmother, his father and mother, and his elder brother and sister. When this kind of heart and this kind of family become universal, the world will be the kingdom of heaven. The person who lives in such a way can go everywhere without any opposition. Wherever he or she is, God will be there. He or she will never be alone and will never perish. (051-199, 1971/11/21) 14. Have you loved humanity as God has? When you see children, you have to think of them as your sons and daughters. When you see a child the same age as your younger brother or sister, you have to think, "This is my little brother" or "This is my little sister." When it comes to your husbands and wives, you should hug each other, care for each other and be concerned for each other even more than anyone you have truly cared for up until now. The birth of sons and daughters enables a couple that has become one to stand in the place of God in profoundly experiencing the realm of the heart of re-creation. While the parents hug each other, they gaze at their newborn son or daughter. This is a cosmic event and the object of cosmic love. When a blessed husband and wife give birth to a child, they deeply experience, through their child, the very same heart that God experiences. They feel just the same way when they hold or nurse the baby. This is one way that you are the partners of God's true love. You are told to go such and such a way, and if you take that way, becoming truly good parents, you too can be just like Mother and I. If children are brought up in this manner, when they get married, everything shall be brought to perfection. (246-078, 1993/03/23) 15. After you enter the Unification Church, a record will be kept of what you do. How did you live as a blessed family? What percentage of True Fathers words did you practice? For how many hours did you engage in activities? These will be recorded. The card shows what and how long you invested, or with what kind of grace your couple lived in the Unification Church. In this way it becomes a basis for evaluation. Nothing that takes place lacks meaning, so it is inexcusable to take it easy. This is so not only in the physical world but also in the spiritual world. There is a name list in the spiritual world of all blessed families of the Unification Church. If we input a name, that record comes up. If the record as it was written down on earth is different from what is recorded in spirit world, it is a serious problem. Lying is inexcusable. Life on earth is important. So I tell you, do not live a life of accruing debts; rather, live a life of clearing up debts. It is not good to incur debts. (233-255, 1992/08/01) 16. If you take a wrong step after your marriage, you will lose the path eternally. If you treat your blessed marriage as if it were a secular matter, you will create eternal pain. There may be blessed families who are now captured in a place from which they cannot return, crying out for True Parents, shedding tears through the night, thinking of the golden days, the precious time of happiness. They may say that they would do anything to get back on the path. There are women who say, "Even if the whole world tramples on me on the way, I want to get back to that path," and there are men who say, "I will do anything, even going to the most miserable place in the world, if it means I can get back to that path." However, they have already deviated. True Parents consider such blessed families to be the most serious problem they have to confront. True Parents' heart is to find the way to forgive them, but there is no way. To do it, I would have to remake the Principle of Restoration. But doing that would bring a new condition of bitter sorrow that would be very difficult to restore. (157-310, 1967/10/16) 17. Where do blessed families have to go? Those who focus on their own family will fade away. The purpose of my marriage is not to save my family. Blessed families have to go the way that fulfills the mission to restore the nation and the cosmos. As soon as we wake up, we have to vow to fulfill that work. Whenever we shed tears, we do so in order to take responsibility for the work. Our accomplishments in this work are gifts that, as parents, we must leave for future history. This is our life philosophy related to the family. There has to be such a tradition. If blessed families cannot go this way, it is a matter of eternal regret. They feel ashamed when they see heaven and earth. They feel ashamed when they see me. They have to be ashamed of themselves and shed tears of repentance without limit. Other than to beg God for pity, they cannot come before God. (157-308, 1967/10/16) 18. You, blessed families, have to go the way of divine sons and daughters focusing on heaven and earth. In the secular world, people assert the dutiful way of saints, but we have to stand in a position even higher than that. It is through the Blessing that one can inherit the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters. Horizontally we have to be filial sons and daughters, patriots and saints, and then become divine sons and daughters. This is the ideal of creation that Adam could have achieved. We have to become filial sons and daughters, patriots and saints, and fulfill the dutiful way of divine sons and daughters. Because, until now, in front of heaven there were no filial sons and daughters, no patriots, no saints and no divine sons and daughters, all we had was the belief that if we just went the right way that would give us the ideal basis to establish a nation. Once we become filial sons and daughters in front of heaven, we can actually bring the nation in front of heaven. When we are patriots in front of heaven, we can actually bring the world in front of heaven. When we are saints in front of heaven, we can actually bring heaven and earth in front of heaven. Your families have a value greater than that of heaven and earth. (266-105, 1994/12/18) Section 3. Blessing Community Life The trinity of families True Parents organized blessed families into trinities and asked them to love their trinity more than they love their own brothers and sisters. They said that community life begins based on the trinity. The trinity is the model through which God's ideal of creation is realized. The three couples represent the restored families of Cain, Abel and Seth -- Adam's family in the Garden of Eden. 1. In our church, I made the trinity system with three couples. I made it this way in order to attend the Lord in the future. We have to make a model with a couple representing Adam and Eve, and three couples representing Adams sons and their wives. If the three couples do not unite, this model will be destroyed again. In particular, it is important for the three men to become one. Whether they live or die, they must become one in heart spiritually and be a team that works together physically. They are not to establish simply a temporary foundation, but rather one that transcends time. If they do not accomplish this, they will be ashamed to stand in front of the Returning Lord. The three couples in the trinity must unite, becoming a principled foothold that can represent the Will of God. In other words, if they can become a trinity determined not to change even if heaven were to change, then they will have made a foundation for God's Will to be realized. To provide such a foundation, I organized you into trinities. (003-241, 1958/01/03) 2. The formation of the trinities in our church is the course we take today to restore the number three in Adam's family. Therefore, unless you become one with each other in a trinity, you cannot stand before heaven. When the trinity becomes one, we can fulfill God's Will to restore what was lost in Adam's family. Continuing with that, at the time of Jacob, 2,000 years after Adam, God found and raised up 12 brothers to move the providential will forward. Likewise, based on the number 3, only after you have found 12 disciples and united with them can you attend the Parents and, furthermore, can you enter the tribal realm representing a clan. This is the absolute standard that indemnifies the 2,000 year history from Adam's family to Jacob's family. That is why Moses and Jesus also had to walk this path. (005-119, 1959/01/04) 3. In order to attend the True Parents, you must become a true couple and build a true family. Only on that foundation can you attend True Parents. You trust and follow me, but you also must become a person whom other people can trust and follow. As you become such a person, you have to form the type of family that Jesus sought to create. When you follow True Parents, all human beings become your brothers and sisters. I organized the trinities in order to accomplish this. That is why from now on, when you go out witnessing, you should not do it alone. You are representing True Parents, and you should not let your brothers and sisters witness without you. Instead, you should work together with them. The family is established when you and the brothers and sisters in your trinity are united with True Parents. To take this to the national level, there should be 12 such families. You can only set the condition to represent the nation if the number of families is greater than ten. (005-126, 1959/01/04) 4. You cannot walk the path of faith alone. You need comrades in faith. Three people or more should unite. That's why you need a trinity. God, who is the subject partner of the human character, also desires the standard of three. When we make mistakes, God cannot directly educate us vertically as individuals. But when three people are united, if one person makes a mistake but the other two do not, God can point out that one person's mistake. The same goes for prayer in the mountains; you can receive God's grace faster if three or more people are praying together. After the prayer, you should discuss matters among yourselves. But if you discuss with people outside your trinity, satan can invade. If three people can truly come to lean on each other, people around them will see those beautiful relationships and wish they too could have such relationships. When this happens, God's Will can multiply naturally. If three people are united, then even if God does not help you, a new bud will sprout. When you relate with members, be careful not to hurt them and not to say things that will hinder their life of faith. (018-043, 1967/05/17) 5. From your current place, you have to identify who is the enemy. Once you have done this, you next need to identify whether it is day or night where you are. In other words, you must know whether it is a place where God's grace resides or not. You should not move forward until you prepare the stage where God can help. Therefore, do not move forward alone but rather move forward together with your comrades. In order to do that, you have to know whether your environment is day or night. Without doing that, you cannot express your own abilities. You need comrades. That is why the law of the trinity exists in the world. Therefore, you have to make a trinity and move forward together. God does not like you to move forward alone. This is because there is a greater possibility of failing when you move forward alone. You should plan joint operations to take you forward. (019-148, 1968/01/01) 6. The ideal world of the future will be maintained through trinities of families. The purpose of creation is to realize the four-position foundation. Since human beings first need to perfect the four-position foundation, everyone first is to establish a family. Human beings resemble God, and society should resemble human beings whose center is God. I have been establishing the Unification Church in countries throughout the world. I know the whole world should become this way, and although I have not been able to inform everyone, the world will change through this principle. The ideal world resembles the form of a human being. That world transcends nation and people. (026-190, 1969/10/25) 7. It is only when you feel the value of this God-given trinity that you will understand God's ideal and will feel it enough that you can live your life in God's position here on earth. The purpose of forming trinities is to create a unity of action, lifestyle and thought. Actions rooted in faith are systematic and principled. (150-012, 1986/08/17) Tribal restoration Blessed family trinities need to live together in one house and experience sibling love. Furthermore, by modeling themselves after the trinity formed by the three sons in the family of unfallen Adam, they need to lay down the foundation on which each of them can restore their own tribe and thus walk the path of tribal messiahs. True Parents explained that blessed families can enter the kingdom of heaven once they perfect their trinity on the family level, and go on to establish the four-position foundation with True Parents' family at the center. 8. Blessed families should form trinities. When a child is born into a family, the four-position foundation is realized. Within the trinity families, if there is a family without a child, you should be willing to send your own child to that family as an offering child. If, later on, that family gives birth to a child of their own, you can bring your child back. (020-345, 1968/07/20) 9. A family is the smallest unit that represents the whole, so a family's mistake is in some respects the mistake of the whole. Thus, while an individual's mistake may be pardoned, a family's mistake is more serious. Your heart should be bursting to transform your individual joy into the joy of the whole. You can be part of a bigger purpose when you let go of your own individualistic situation, subjectivity and hope, and you focus on setting up a situation, subjectivity and hope for the whole. The family exists to save the whole. In this sense your family is like a power station. You should reconcile yourself with the whole through your family. That is why all the families of the trinity should live in one house. It is time to reorganize the families. (012-182, 1963/05/01) 10. In the Unification Church, we use the word "family." Revolving around trinities, you are all brothers and sisters. I have taken responsibility to deeply love people who are in the position of servants, brothers and sisters, and children. By doing that, I have gone through the era of the servant, the era of subjugating Cain, and have risen to the era of the Son. You should be able to live this way and attend True Parents. This is what I am worried about now. From now on, your lifestyle must change. The purpose of creation is to establish the law of filial piety before the universe, move forward, and attend the True Parents. This is the principle of the creation of heaven and earth. (012-257, 1963/05/22) 11. The blessed family trinities must become completely one. They should help each other economically. Trinity families should not be concerned about their own individual and family problems. Rather, each family should comfort and assist the other families in the trinity, so that they can all move forward together as one. Through this, when the families in the trinity attain the standard where they can transcend economic problems, unite together in spirit, eat and live together, they will do new works. An enemy may attack them, but if the three families in the trinity stand together completely united, they can repel the attack. Therefore, let us strengthen a system centered on the trinity. This is an important condition in establishing the standard for families and preparing the new beginning for this era. The trinity must live for the sake of 12 families. These 12 families must stand before God in a public position and devote themselves to contributing something. The trinity families should become the center of this, representing the east, west, south and north. They must become absolute in the view of the public, taking a form that can represent the year's four seasons and 12 months. Your family should motivate you to reach that standard, and then in turn you should raise up your family. When your three families motivate and raise each other up, then these three families, as a trinity, can raise up 36 families. This is the principle of development in the Unification Church. We must create this family-centered system. (033-174, 1970/08/11) 12. When your trinity carries out group activities, have a clear concept of subject partner and object partner. In other words, always think about the relationship between subject and object partners when you stand before God. You should always be aware of whether your position is that of the subject partner or the object partner. This awareness is necessary in order for the object partner to be an absolute object partner, and the subject partner to be an absolute subject partner. Without this, you cannot accomplish any group activities. Once three families have formed a trinity, one family should stand in the subject partner position, and the other two families in the object partner position. These families should become one centering on the family in the subject partner position, and should rally other heavenly families. When there is a relationship of subject and object partners, there should be give and receive action. When there is 100 percent giving and receiving, God can dwell there. If not, God cannot dwell there. (033-175, 1970/08/11) 13. It is important that we have a subject partner and object partners among ourselves. The relationship between subject and object partners is a vertical one. The relationship between public and private matters is horizontal. The relationship between the subject partner and object partners, between Cain and Abel in other words, is the problem. Then, who will become the subject partner? The person with the most earnest heart becomes the subject partner. The subject partner is the one who, when one among the three in the trinity is facing death or a most difficult situation, helps take care of them with a warm heart. The subject partner is the one who works more from heart than intellect, more from spirituality than theory. Therefore, in the future, when you choose the subject partner in your trinity, you should choose the person who has worked very hard and shed the most blood, sweat and tears for the sake of the Will and the public standard. In the secular world, people vote for someone who is smart, knowledgeable and efficient, but heavenly law is not like that. It is the broad-minded and warmhearted person who becomes the subject partner. All issues are concluded here. The question is whether we invite God or satan into the relationship between the subject and object partners, and the relationship between public and private affairs. (033-176, 1970/08/11) 14. We have still not been able to stand in the position of true parents in the family. We have to find this position of true parents in the family, but it cannot be found so easily. Because we fell out of it, in order to find our way back, we need to build a bridge of brotherhood. Even if we have to sacrifice everything, we must set the standard of having paid indemnity and accomplished the condition of historical liberation in order to find the true parents or become true parents. If you do not do this, God cannot pardon you. You have to attend True Parents, so you must establish a foundation of siblings which enables you to attend the True Parents. This is the meaning of the trinity. Only when the trinity of brothers unites and attends Heavenly Parent, and the larger group of 12 brothers become one, can they be recognized as a family belonging to the heavenly nation. That family can take on a form that represents the church, race and nation and, based on that, prepare the standard to attend True Parents. After that, you must set a foundation of churches and prepare to attend the True Parents on a worldwide level. (005-124, 1959/01/04) 15. The blessed families should form a four-position foundation centering on my family. The family established by doing this is the family that Adam was originally supposed to realize. If this is not realized, I cannot take on the will of Jesus and make a start as a tribal messiah. Centering on God, if the families that form a trinity face four directions, 12 families will be realized. Centering on Jesus, three disciples should have received the Blessing and realized the four-position foundation. Then they would have numbered eight people and stood in the place of Adams or Noah's eight family members. But Jesus could not fulfill this. If you do not receive the marriage Blessing, you cannot become children of God. If my family and your trinity families become one centered on God, we can cut off all the conditions for satan to accuse us, and we can move toward the world in the position of tribal messiahs. We should realize the four-position foundation in this way, and the eight members must become one. (021-015, 1968/08/13) 16. The physical world became the stage where satan could carry out his activities and the spiritual world became the stage where God could carry out His activities. These two worlds have always been at crosspurposes. There is no doubt that this has remained as a source of bitter pain in the eras of providential restoration, and we cannot leave the situation as it is. The realm of the mind must have God at the center, and the body must be disciplined to be the same. As we develop this in our daily lives, the foundation for unity will be established. Then, when a man and a woman who have oneness in mind and body, unite together, they become the point of oneness in the family. Then three families that have this point of oneness must become one centered on their trinity. After this, if there are 12 families, they should all become one. Through this, they can go beyond the tribal stage and stand on the national stage. In order to establish a unified origin, a new tradition must be formed. (045-213, 1971/07/01) 17. In a similar manner to the 36 Couples in our church, which are centered on me, if your last name is Kim, for example, then you should form 36 couples revolving around the first blessed family in the Kim tribe. If you cannot form 36 couples, you should become the ancestor of at least 12 families. You should do this by forming a trinity based on your sons and daughters. Through forming this new clan that has your family at its center, you can become the ancestor of your tribe, which is the formation of 12 clans. You must have 12 disciples for the formation of those 12 clans and, with those disciples at the center, you must have 70 followers and then 120 followers. This is your immediate, direct tribe. (031-277, 1970/06/04) 18. It is through my special authority that I can bestow the Blessing upon you, and through my special authority that you can receive the Blessing. This Blessing is a conditional Blessing. In order to receive it in reality, you have to establish the internal standard representing that position as an internal and external family. In other words, your family should stand in the position of Cain's family in front of my family, which is the Abel family. There is no other way. This means that, although your family has not reached that standard, it can do so with my family at the center. For this to happen, you need to stand in the position of the Abel family as my family does, and then find and raise a family that can be in the Cain position to yours. As you raise that family, you will restore your tribe. That is what I mean when I tell you to become a tribal messiah. By restoring your tribe, your family becomes the ancestor of the Cain type family as well as that of the firstborn son's family, while my family becomes the Abel type family. Therefore, you have to restore the trinity on the family level and establish a four-position foundation centering on my family. This is the formula. To go to heaven, you must raise three spiritual children, have them completely unite with your family, and attend the True Parents' family. That is how you can enter heaven. (034-209, 1970/09/06) 19. Regardless of who you are, young men and women who want to receive the Blessing from the Unification Church must find three spiritual children and realize a family. You cannot do much just by restoring your own family. We cannot restore the world with families alone. Therefore, we have to form clans. In order to restore a tribe, you need to receive the marriage Blessing representing the family in place of Adam's three sons. That is why, after having received the marriage Blessing, you need to form a trinity on the family level. The three families of your trinity then complete the four-position foundation by centering on me and my family. Your family's trinity should become one by completely uniting with my family. Without doing this, you cannot enter heaven. When this is completed, the trinity on a tribal level will be realized, which goes beyond the individual four-position foundation. Families will be formed and, as a result, clans will be formed. (160-085, 1968/08/11) 20. You have to establish the principled order. You must graduate from the positions of servant and adopted child. When your level of loyalty toward God reaches an apex through your relationship with God based on heart, and when your family and the other families in the trinity are completely loyal, God will recognize such blessed families as the sons and daughters who can represent heaven. God will then regard such sons and daughters as husband and wife. This is the path of restoration. When you cannot love your family, you cannot walk this path wholeheartedly. If we consider this path as the new tradition, the origin of our culture and the seed of our life, and pass it down forever to our nation and the world, the heavenly nation will be established. This is the philosophy of Unification Thought. When this happens, you will become the ancestors who will establish this tradition in the world. The blessed families must become such ancestors. You have to become the tribal messiah for your tribe. This is something everyone must do. Do not think of any other things or do any other actions than this. This is what the Unification Church members have to do. No one who has received the Blessing should object to this. (045-087, 1971/06/13) Trinities and community life True Parents said the world cannot be unified unless we unite as trinities. They emphasized that the three families in each trinity should live together as one family for three years, experience the heart of brothers and sisters in one family, and train themselves to love one another. True Parents added that the tradition of community life wherein trinities go beyond their tribe to unite the nation and world is the direct route to heaven. 21. You must form a trinity. Three families must live together in one house. Until now, since we were all fallen people, we lived separately. However, after passing through the era of restoration, what was separated will be reconciled. Therefore, the era when you were only concerned for your own family centering on yourself has passed. From now on you should not live centered on your own family but live together with two other families. Centering on these three families, at least 12 families should become one. Your lifestyle should be that when you have visitors you should always treat them with a sincere heart. For example, if I were to come and ask for a meal, you should be ready to prepare it at any time. This is the kind of public mind you need to have. (150-297, 1961/04/15) 22. Originally, a trinity of three families should live together for more than three years. Within the trinity you should be able to take turns and live with the children of the other families, treating them the same way you treat your own children. If you think of this as bothersome, you are a failure. Living this way, you do not have to worry if one of the husbands in the trinity dies. In that case, the other two families would shoulder the responsibility together. How far away are we from the Will of God? We must set the standard by which satan can recognize that we have loved Cain just as profoundly as we have loved Abel. Only then will satan fall away. When you are raising the babies of one of the families in your trinity, you should take care of them with twice and even three times the devotion you would give to your own child. How can you unite the world if you cannot unite even your trinity? Three nations have to become one. You must love the world even more than you love Jesus. Your brothers and sisters are your trinity. If these three families can become one, they can represent you. If you forget the trinity and only think of your own family, you will perish. Please represent me not in name only, but with responsibility and heart. (021-177, 1968/11/20) 23. You are indemnifying the three vertical eras horizontally. That is why I have bundled you all into trinities. The trinity has to go through formation, growth and completion. That is the value of the formation, growth and completion stages, and why you cannot reach perfection by yourself. Three families have to become one. A single family alone cannot accomplish that. Your family cannot stand alone. That is why I formed trinities of three families. If there is something good to have, you should not say "Me first!" In order to stand in the perfected position, you have to go through the realm of the benefits of two stages -- formation and growth. If you reach completion, it means that you are standing on the foundation of having gone through the formation and growth stages. If you have something good, you should share more than two-thirds of it with others. You should all treat each other like that. Therefore, in the future, you have to live together. The trinity should live together and be able to say that regarding everything from A to Z, "without a doubt, even satan cannot accuse us." Only then can you separate from satan. (156-337, 1966/12/31) 24. What do you have to do in order to realize a trinity? You did not live in one house, so you must restore that through indemnity by living together in one house. Therefore, I am planning to build apartments where Japanese, Koreans, Americans and Germans live together. This will train them in life. Likewise, in Korea, the trinity families should live together in one house, moving out only after living together. Whether you eat rice or porridge, the three families should eat and live together. You should never receive financial support from above; rather, you should get support horizontally from one another. You have to be financially independent. When the three siblings unite and the six people in the trinity become one, you can do anything. You can even turn heaven and earth upside down. It has been said that when two or three people pray together, God will be with them. When the trinity becomes one, there is nothing you cannot do. This is something the Unification Church can be proud of. From now, I will give direct orders so that starting from the 36 blessed couples, three families will live together in one house. The three families must live together as brothers and sisters and then go out into the world. It is the principle that no family can leave that place unless the three become one. That is why we have to establish restored families that can be closer than secular brothers and sisters. If we ourselves cannot unite, then we cannot unite the world. (136-093, 1985/12/20) 25. You enter heaven as a family. From now on, three families should become one, in a four-position foundation centering on True Parents. You should become one, achieving integration making use of the heavenly rules I teach you. Black, white and yellow people have to train for three years in order to become one as a trinity of faith. Therefore, you cannot lead by an individualistic lifestyle. If the surrounding 12 families or 36 families identify themselves as one group, the family that can gain the recognition of that whole group is the one that can be said to be free and liberated. (287-205, 1997/10/03) 26. When Adam and Eve can unite, then Cain and Abel can also unite and make a new start. When that happens, we will have the beginning of a new ideal, centered on Korea and Japan in the East. Then the integration of East and West can be realized. Furthermore, True Parents will return to the nation of Korea. This is the era of God's return to His nation. In other words, Heavenly Father and the perfected True Parents are returning to their nation for the first time. Both ideologically and in heart, it is possible to have a unified world community. Japanese, Koreans, Germans and Americans should all be trained to live as one family. satan is the false leader of a past which is entangled with different things, such as national sentiments and the details of the tribes, nations and cultures. All of these have to completely digest the authority of satan and create an environment of oneness. In order to do that, we are entering an era of living together as communities. The blessed family does not consist of two people only. It should come to consist of eight people. Families from four nations should train together for the sake of True Parents. If four people find partners and form couples, it will make a community of eight people. Koreans, Japanese, Americans and Germans should live together like twins or quadruplets that are born in the same family. From now on, let us train ourselves in this lifestyle. Japanese people should not live in their own way, nor should Koreans live in their own way. By remodeling our living environment according to the principled tradition, the future world will follow suit and your descendants will be able to enter directly into the completed realm of heaven. (230-300, 1992/05/08) 27. Between four and 12 nations must connect with Korea as the center. If we can connect just 12 nations, then we can form 12 clans. This will lead to a mass migration in the future. Koreans will go abroad and foreigners will come to Korea. Therefore you need to learn Korean. However, not everyone can do that, and therefore you should go abroad and build elementary schools in order to teach Korean. Henceforth, families who have received the Blessing should build elementary schools. You should go out to teach Korean in the churches in every nation. Blessed families should live together practicing the traditional standard of faith, and they should build elementary schools where their children can be nurtured. (194-091, 1989/10/17) 28. If we think of the world as one big tree, your family is like one of its tiny branches. Your family is a branch of a big 1,000-year-old tree. If you form a pure community in which to offer yourselves with all your heart for the sake of that branch, which is the foundation of the community's love, new buds will appear, which will grow naturally into an ideal realm, enjoying the protection of heavenly fortune. Your family does not exist for itself alone. The man and woman representing that family also should live as citizens of the world and cosmos. Each one of those dozens of branches are filled with love. Every one of them participates in love. Therefore, the family that is completely united in true love can be connected to the cosmos. Thus, people who think only of their own family do not last long. People who only think of their own country do not last long either. (227-056, 1992/02/10) Chambumo Gyeong - Book 5. Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes Chapter 1. Registration of the Holy Spirit Association and Expansion of the Internal Foundation 401 Section 1. Legal Recognition and Church Construction 401 Section 2. The Seonghwa Youth Association 405 Section 3. The Students' Association and Collegiate Association 411 Section 4. Expressions of Divine Principle 421 Section 5. The Holy Songs 424 Section 6. The Cheongpyeong Holy Ground 431 Chapter 2. The Seven-Year Courses and the Overseas Foundation 443 Section 1. The Restoration of a People 443 Section 2. The Restoration of the Nation and World 453 Section 3. Witnessing, Education and Revivals 463 Section 4. Mobilization of Blessed Families 472 Section 5. Grassroots Outreach 480 Section 6. Educating Society's Leaders 490 Chapter 3. Proclamation of the Holy Days 501 Section 1. Resurrection of Heart and Resurrection of Substance 501 Section 2. Parents' Day 505 Section 3. Children's Day Significance 509 Section 4. Day of All Things 513 Section 5. God's Day 517 Chapter 4. The Annual Mottoes and Setting Goals for Each Stage of the Providence 522 Section 1. The 1960s 522 Section 2. The 1970s 529 Section 3. The 1980s 537 Section 4. The 1990s 546 Section 5. The 2000s 557 Book 5. Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes The Holy Wedding of True Parents, held on April 11, 1960 (16th day of the 3rd lunar month), is the starting point of the new providential history. On this day, the first seven-year course began. Various activities were carried out in earnest to expand the external foundation. Churches were built throughout Korea and, as membership increased, local church structures were strengthened. Every summer and winter the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), our interdenominational organizations, and the Victory Over Communism (VOC) movement witnessed and carried out educational, religious and social activities. When members first began the educational campaign, True Parents encouraged them to "go forth with the iron rod of life" and speak out to the Korean people, who were wandering in distress because they did not know where to go. Through members' efforts and desperate tears, the Korean people came to perceive the Unification Church in a new light. The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was registered with the government, and thus a stable foundation for our work was laid. The fact that the association was legally registered in 1963, though almost a decade after its inauguration, prepared the foundation upon which to restore the position of Judaism and the blessing of the Third Israel in providential history. The association's registration in Korea in the wake of its previous registration in the United States, a nation in the same position as the Roman Empire, provided an opportunity for God's providence to advance to the next stage. Explanation of the Divine Principle was published in 1957. True Parents next published Exposition of the Divine Principle in 1966. Based on the latter publication, we prepared public presentations, lectures and revivals to disseminate the Divine Principle to the wider society. This was to show clearly that there is no path for Korea and its people to follow other than that of the Unification teachings. CARP became active on college campuses to safeguard against the encroachment of communist ideology and to help professors and students understand the path to be followed by the nation of Korea and its people. True Parents initiated three seven-year courses beginning in 1960 and spurred the expansion of their internal and external foundations. The first seven-year course was a period during which True Parents organized the Unification tribe through the restoration of the individual, family and tribe. This could have been accomplished immediately in 1945 upon the liberation of Korea by laying the foundation for the restoration of the people, but it was not accomplished at that time. Instead, True Parents declared their victory in 1967, after the first seven-year course, and were thus able to step onto the world stage. During this period, they established Parents' Day, Children's Day, and the Day of All Things, after which they founded and established God's Day. In addition, on the first day of every year they announced a motto that set the providential goal for the upcoming year. Chapter 1. Registration of the Holy Spirit Association and Expansion of the Internal Foundation Section 1. Legal Recognition and Church Construction Legal recognition The nationwide structure of the church was first organized on October 14, 1960 and since then the structure has evolved in accordance with the church's development. On May 31, 1963, a decade after its inauguration, it was legally registered as a social organization with the Korean government, and, on October 4 that same year, it obtained corporate authorization as a church. This opened the way for True Parents and the fledgling church to accelerate the work for the salvation of all people. 1. Until 1960, we were severely persecuted. Of course, we received persecution after that, but step by step we have been growing. The providence of restoration is the struggle between Cain and Abel. At that time, we were working on registering our association with the government. The Department of Culture and Education dealt with all registration affairs, and the then-department minister denied our application. We contested his decision, and after one week, it was overruled. That one week corresponded to 70 years, 700 years and also 7,000 years. If his initial decision had not been overruled at that time, we would not have been able to conduct any religious activities. But his decision was overruled, and finally, on May 31, 1963, the government formally registered the Holy Spirit Association. (052-187, 1971/12/29) 2. The Unification Church acceded to the position of a restored Judaism, where it could receive the blessing of the Third Israel and inherit the duties of loyalty and filial piety. Because of that, the government published the registration certificate of the church as an association. We also registered the church in the United States, which corresponds to the Roman Empire. Since we have thus completely prepared the way for the worldwide stage centering on religion, from now on no one will be able to expel us, and even if they wish to kill us, they will not be able to do so. The mission of Judaism was to teach the Israelites the way toward a new heaven and earth. Now the Unification Church has a similar responsibility on its shoulders. (013-051, 1963/10/16) 3. Registering our church with the government could be seen by some as a joyful event, but I did not see it as a time for self-congratulation. This was because there remained other struggles for me to take up. I will rejoice when God rejoices. In four years' time, the first seven-year course will be concluded, and my 21-year course will also come to an end. We need to make preparations for that time. People are gradually falling into confusion. Outside the Unification Church, there is no altar for the atonement of sin. When these four years pass, we will need to mobilize to represent the people, and sacrifice and serve them for the sake of the world. We must restore the world by shedding our tears and blood. Korea is not the issue. We must pray to turn around the entire world and cosmos. (013-084, 1963/10/20) 4. Because I knew what others did not know, I became a man of suffering. Accordingly, in the initial three-year period of the first seven-year course, I could not sleep with my legs stretched out. I needed to make it so that men and women, young and old, would bow their heads before me and ask me to lead them, and I had to make the people and the nation follow. Now that the Unification Church is registered with the government, we have come to stand in a position where no power on earth can block the road we will go. God established democracy so that the Lord who comes again will not be killed. Nonetheless, although we talk about our association being registered, we cannot feel at ease. (013-079, 1963/10/19) 5. In what position is the Unification Church today? What is the nature of the initial three-year period of the first seven-year course? Jesus took up his cross at the end of his three-year public course. Accordingly, the period to prepare the victorious foothold for the people collapsed, and the time necessary to fulfill the Will of God was prolonged. But it cannot be prolonged again and again. In terms of the Divine Principle, Korea's 40 years under Japanese imperialist rule, plus the three-year period of US military administration, correspond to the 430-year period of slavery in Egypt. What is the nature of the first year of our three-year period? Because we had no place to stand, the first year was the year for preparing our foothold by uniting the physical world and the spiritual world. For the Unification Church, it was that year that determined whether we lived or died. Through the Holy Wedding Ceremony held in 1960, the individual position was secured for the first time. We thus established one starting point. What kind of starting point was that? It was similar to the three-day period just before Moses crossed the Red Sea. Everything in the history of restoration is included in this three-year period. Centering on the four-position foundation, which was accomplished by means of completing this period, we came to offer a proclamation ceremony for the registration of our association. This was on the 13th day of the 4th lunar month in 1963. (012-273, 1963/06/20) Building churches To build the world mission headquarters, the church purchased an 11.4 acre site in Yeouido, Seoul, on April 14, 1971. Members contributed toward this purchase, setting the condition in their heart that they each were buying a square meter of that land. Whenever True Parents returned from a world tour, they stopped by the site to offer a prayer. In addition, True Parents instructed that funds be used to build local churches throughout Korea. Starting with the Sintanjin Church in South Chungcheong Province, completed on June 10, 1974, a total of 188 Aframe churches were built in Korea by 1976. 6. When True Mother and I visit one of our churches that is a little shabby, we feel proud even if the church looks pitiable. We think that though the place looks miserable now, when we look back later, we will see that the flag that we raised in these humble surroundings has become a source of pride for us in front of people and all nations. When a person goes to sleep after doing someone a favor, a peaceful feeling comes upon him and the angels sing his praises. Therefore, the Unification Church will continue to rise ever higher. That is why I am never embarrassed, no matter where I go, and I stand tall and proud, no matter whom I meet. (059-212, 1972/07/16) 7. Even though we call it the headquarters, the headquarters in Cheongpa-dong is not the world headquarters. I explained this to the members from abroad. Of course, even though this Cheongpa-dong headquarters is shabby, we should never forget it, because it enshrines the events of our history. Despite that, this place cannot be the world headquarters. The world headquarters should evoke a feeling of preeminence and significance. We need to build the world headquarters in a new location. This is the reason I bought the land in Yeouido. The site for the world headquarters should be a place where we can begin anew. It has to be built in such a place. The world headquarters must exist for the sake of the world. (045-185, 1971/06/27) 8. Since the time of the Unification Church has now come, we need to build a headquarters. This is why I have selected and purchased four sites in Korea. The purpose of this work is to establish the substantial base for the restoration of the four-position foundation. We are beginning to prepare the necessary foundation for the nation and the world. (038-123, 1971/01/03) 9. The world headquarters has to be a temple that leads the world. We need to buy at least 16.5 acres (21,000 pyeong) to build it, but now it is impossible for us to buy that much land. Even so, we should buy at least 11.5 acres. That piece of land should be bought by the Korean members. We, as Parents, are devoting all our energies to this work, so that we can go beyond the nation, and even further. If the people who know about the Will do not take part in this work, they will regret it for generations and generations to come. (038-124, 1971/01/03) 10. When we consider Korea, the time has come for us to step forward. In addition, we must do a good job of building the world headquarters on Yeouido. In the future, Yeouido will become the heart of Seoul. You will see, all my predictions will come true, thanks to God's protection. A plaza will be built in front of the world headquarters. (045-334, 1971/07/11) 11. In the future, we need to build churches throughout Korea. Therefore, we have to prepare the sites. The time has come when you should establish churches no matter what, by cooperating with one another and also with headquarters. In 1975, a mobile team of 1,000 people will visit Japan and then Korea. But we do not have a place in Seoul that accommodates that many people. For this reason, they will have to form eight teams and visit the eight largest cities in Korea, in rotation. That is why we need to build churches. Unless you cooperate with one another and unite, the churches you build will not last long. Build those churches with your sweat, blood and devotion. The more difficulties you go through while building them, the more power these churches will have as symbols of oneness; every time you look at that church, the more difficulty you had, the more it will strengthen your faith. (071-158, 1974/04/30) 12. I am going to start a campaign to build A-frame churches at this time. You need to prepare half of the necessary expenses. I will begin building churches in those places where members have their half of the expenses ready. All that will be required will be to bring the materials and put them together. When you say, "We are ready," at such and such a place, the people from headquarters will appraise the sites suitability. If the place is like a refugee camp, the building will have no life. We will appraise whether the building, once constructed, will fit with the environment and scenic beauty in all directions. If the site does not meet the standard, you will need to choose a new site. If the second site is approved, we will send a team to lay the foundation. This team will level the ground for the foundation. After that, comes the construction of the framework, the skeletal structure. The material will be transported by truck, and the pillars and doors will be put up. After erecting the skeletal structure, it will be okay to lay the roofing tiles. After the tiles are placed so the rain does not leak in, the plasterer will come to plaster the interior. And then the flooring will be laid down. In this way, different people having different responsibilities can move in stages and build the churches all at the same time. (071-165, 1974/04/30) 13. After the 1975 Day of Hope Rally, some people started to support us, even though Christianity still opposed us. It was difficult in the past when we were persecuted, but now we have entered the era when we can be welcomed. Therefore, you have to visit your hometown, find your tribe, and include them when you organize the genealogical tree of the heavenly kingdom. If you do not enroll your clan in that genealogical tree, your ancestors will accuse you and, in the future, your descendants will accuse you. Parents purchased the site for the Headquarters Church and built local churches. After that, we bought sites on which to build a university and a training center in Cheongpyeong, where we can educate the young people of the world. (084-158, 1976/02/22) Section 2. The Seonghwa Youth Association The meaning of Seonghwa The Seonghwa Christian Students Association was launched on December 31, 1954, as the first affiliate of HSA-UWC. The name Seonghwa was bestowed personally by True Father, and since then many organizations have adopted that name. According to his words, "Seonghwa" means completion and harmony, that is, to achieve completion by harmonizing with others. The Seonghwa Christian Students Association changed its name to Seonghwa Youth Association on March 27, 1955, on the day the first issue of the magazine Seonghwa was published. It remained at the center of the Holy Spirit Association activities until 1960. 1. You need to know the meaning of the title, "Seonghwa Youth Association." The word Seonghwa does not mean to harmonize passively by receiving some stimulation. It means to actively harmonize. You who started based on the former meaning tend to like doing something in the morning, but cry and wail in the evening and then do whatever you feel like at night. You cannot be that way. If you are the people who know God's Will, you cry in the morning but are happy at night. You like things in the beginning, but at the end give many excuses and conditions. That is why I make the Seonghwa graduates go through hardships. If the only way to save the people of our nation is to send you to the front line of the battle, where some of you may fall into the pits of death, I will have to do so. (013-119, 1963/11/08) 2. What kind of meaning does Seonghwa have? The character hwa in the word "chemistry" means "to change the original character," but the hwa in "Seonghwa" is different. Seonghwa means achieving harmony -- through absolute objectivity -- with the original character of God. You are to accomplish the Will of God through this meaning of Seonghwa. You yourself have to consolidate your worldview, your view of life, and your heavenly heart. You, as a ripened, perfect seed, need to shed your skin. That way you can become a clean grain. You must make sure you never hear from others, "Your Teacher is amazing, but his disciples are not that good." (025-108, 1969/09/30) 3. The word hwa in Seonghwa means that one's individuality is what it is. There is a term we use for this, which is "individual embodiment of truth." If there are 1,000 people here, each one of you is different. Each of you has your own individual nature. Seonghwa means to become one centering on each individual's own nature. The term "chemical combination" means to combine elements into one compound, thereby changing the elements' differing characteristics, but Seonghwa means uniting as one while keeping each individual's characteristics intact. Seonghwa means all individuals are united into one. The oneness thus achieved is called unity. When all individuals' characteristics have achieved completion and are connected, they unite completely as one. Thus, unity is achieved. (253-129, 1994/01/23) 4. When you look at the word Seonghwa in Seonghwa Youth Association, seong means completion and hwa means harmony. Together, Seonghwa means to achieve completion by harmonizing with one another. To do so, you first have to pass through the stage of the Word. Second, you have to become a person who can respectfully communicate with God. You can communicate with God in heart without having to discuss every detail with Him. Most of all, you must become the central person of harmony. You need to become a person of character who can unite with people front and back, top and bottom, left and right. Thus the standard you can reach is to become the substance of God's blessings. Jesus worked on the front line of the providence when he was a young man. The most important period in one's life is the youthful years around age 30. In your work during that period, you need to add the passion and fervor of your youthful course to Father's youthful course. That is the time of your life when you can be fully part of the great undertaking of re-creation and achieve glory. You have to have the heart that thoroughly says, "I am not the same as you" to the people of the world. You have to have the spirit to declare, "Even though you cannot do it, I can do it!" In any difficult circumstance you need to be able to say, "I am not the same as you are. Historically, temporally, horizontally, from any angle you look at it, I am different." In difficult situations you have to have the determination that "If I do not move, nothing is going to happen." (008-329, 1960/02/21) 5. Among you, is there any young man or woman who has life stirring within? If there is such a person, that person needs to prove the laws of heaven in the presence of the church pastors and elders and thus earn the qualification to criticize their character and judge them based on the values of heaven. Do not countenance any being in heaven or on earth who opposes the heart of God. When you join the Unification Church, you must transcend the concepts of established religions. Go beyond their unconvincing concepts of faith. The concepts of faith that have existed until now have failed to serve as the safe haven where God can dwell and we can attend the substance of Jesus. Therefore, have no mercy on yourself; decide courageously to step over those concepts and go beyond them. (003-274, 1958/01/12) 6. Young people, your youthful days do not last long. Since you have learned about the Will and stepped forward to devote yourself to God, you need to dedicate the precious days of your youth to heaven without any regrets. As you do so, think of how precious these days are. Sometimes you see people who regret that they spent their youth in a way that had no meaning in terms of the Will. Such people complain and groan because they forgot the Will of God and how worthy it is to work for the Will during ones youth. Everyone reaches their peak in their youth, which can be said to be the golden age of their life. The question is, for whom will you spend those days? The days you lived for the nation and the world will go down in history forevermore. This is more worthy than living these days for one's own sake, or for the happiness of one's family. (043-067, 1971/04/18) The role of young people After the establishment of HSA-UWC, young people and students were at the center. Aspiring youths and students were the power and pride of the church. Most of the early members were outstanding individuals who hailed from society's upper class. A rumor even arose that "the Unification Church is frequented only by intellectuals." The young people were the pillars of the church. They played a frontline role to advance the work of restoring people and the world. True Father made strenuous efforts to raise them as leaders. He took them outdoors to train them in challenging their limitations and, at the same time, to give them the opportunity to be close to nature. 7. In general, when university students graduate, they find work. Next they start a family. It is the same for you and me as members of the Unification Church. The form is quite similar. After graduation from school, as citizens of Korea, you naturally find a way to contribute to the nation. You will live within the moral sphere of your society. Whether you are a man or a woman, you will form a family and carry on with life. The direction is the same. But the steps of those who go out to the worldly society stay within the society. Those who go out to the family stay within the family. Given this reality, you will always live in pessimism and disappointment if you cannot go beyond the boundary of your family and the boundary of society and move forward to the nation and world with voluntary and independent conviction to pioneer and to make each day substantially active and fruitful. Many young people today feel this pessimism and disappointment. Our direction is the same as theirs, but our circumstances are different. When we form a family, we become the head of our family, and it does not end there. We go beyond the environment of our family and connect the path of our family to the path of a tribe. From there, we make the form of a core family that can unite people, a family on the world level. As can be seen, our position and the scope of our thinking is different from that of young people in general. We as individuals seek to fulfill these missions. In the position of subject partner, we prepare our external abilities, engage in active practice, and influence others. You must become the kind of person who can influence others. Without such power, we cannot achieve any of our goals. (025-080, 1969/09/30) 8. What is the pride that young people need to maintain within themselves, and who are the youth that God would come looking for? This is the question. It is not the youth who follow the stained course of our fallen ancestors, Adam and Eve. It is not the youth who doubt and complain. God's work cannot be accomplished without pure young people who declare, "Absolute sacrifice, absolute faith, absolute obedience and absolute harmony are the only way to proceed." The place where you are standing as Seonghwa middle and high school students of the Unification Church differs from that of past historical eras. You were born when the critical point in the age of restoration is approaching. You, who are inspired by Unification Thought, will have to appear to the new world on the foundation of the united physical and spiritual worlds and on the foundation of the physical Abel. You in particular, as new flag bearers, are not old grandparents or adults. You have young blood. Only when shining groups of young people can be found in at least one place on earth, can God's sorrowful and painful heart of 6,000 years be comforted. Only those young people can pull out and reverse the root of evil that became the base of Adam's ill will. If we cannot find them, darkness will persist throughout the cosmos. Therefore, God is calling this young generation. (059-275, 1972/07/27) 9. You have to walk the same path your ancestors trod. We are the same as the people of Israel in the wilderness. Moses and the people of Israel were chased and went through suffering in the wilderness. Likewise, Jesus was persecuted by his own people and religion. He was distrusted even by his own family. You have to experience this same kind of sad and mortifying situation. But do not be discouraged. What will you do if you are put in this position of being mistreated? You must experience the heart of our Father, who has suffered historically. Think of your ancestors' pain as your pain, and stand together with a heart that will not change for tens of thousands of years. Move forward while harboring enmity only toward satan. Heaven needs young men and women who can go this way. Heaven has been looking for truthful young people who yearn for heaven's will. Since God gave this mission to us instead of other people in this nation, we have to become elite soldiers who can march forward to face heaven's enemies. We experience deeply to the marrow of our bones the sorrowful heart of our Father. To do this, you need to unite your life and your beliefs. You need to march forward to resolve the sorrows of God, the sorrows of Jesus, the sorrows of your ancestors, and the sorrows of your descendants. (003-296, 1958/01/19) 10. You young people must honor and care for the 30 million people of Korea before caring for yourselves. Before thinking of yourselves, let the mind that thinks of all people on earth well up. The mind that holds one blade of grass and is able to cry for it has to explode within you beyond all understanding. Without this heart, you cannot become perfected sons and daughters of God. Such people are the fruits of God's tears and pain, offerings on God's altar of blood. Who can pioneer the path of this people? It must be those who can truly beat the ground, pound their chests and wail for the people. The ones who can save this world are young people. (005-021, 1958/11/09) 11. Passing through 5,000 years of history, the Korean people have walked a path of suffering. The people of this nation have walked with sadness, sorrow and injustice, without being able to appeal to anyone. What will become of these people? They are like orphans. We must hold their hands and cry with them. Only by doing that can we help the people of this nation survive. No matter what mistakes they may have made, they are our brothers and sisters, created by God with the same blood, bones and flesh. There need to appear those young people who think beyond their individual circumstances, young people who can weep with these people with empathy and a true parental heart, one with the historical lineage of True Parents. Such young people are needed. When young people apply all of their burning passion to fulfill their own desires or make a successful career, that passion will conclude within the limits of their individual lives. (005-080, 1958/12/21) 12. The original ideal for human beings is to cross over limitless barriers and embrace God in joy. We have to pour forth passion to achieve the original ideal. If God's providence engages with such groups of people as they follow a course of history, what kind of people would God want to see as a result of that providence? It would be the group of people who can shed tears to achieve God's Will, who can weep as they become entwined in one purpose, one heart and one action, who volunteer with tears to become the first offerings. God is looking for such a group of people. (005-080, 1958/12/21) 13. Evil stands face-to-face against us and satan opposes us as we search for the conscientious standard. Therefore, we need to form a relationship with heaven at the place where our hearts and heaven's heart bond, where human affection and heaven's affection unite, the place where our thinking and heaven's thinking are indistinguishable, where our lives and heaven's life become one, and where our love and heaven's love interweave. If the hearts, lives, ideas and loves of heaven and human beings are united, this relationship can never be cut. Even fallen people have a hard time cutting off relationships from each other. They cry their eyes out trying to hold on to their relationships. But who can cut off a relationship that became one through heaven's affection? Even all the powers of evil in the world cannot cut off the flow of heart that is connected to God, the origin of our mind and soul. Until humankind finds such a heavenly standard, history will be tormented and humanity will moan. Is there a brave person who can prevent this from happening in this world? I eagerly look forward to finding such a brave person among young men and women, a person to take on this responsibility, a person who will pioneer this mission and walk the path of this mission wholeheartedly, exploding with love over the capital city of satan. God hopes to see many such dauntless, elite soldiers of heaven. (005-158, 1959/01/11) 14. Our hearts compel us to move forward to the place of ultimate truth. In the end, our hearts determine everything about us. People who hold on to their heart and carefully search it can hear the words they are given, understand the visions they are shown, and analyze the reality of life. If there are young men and women who search for a new teaching, while feeling the responsibilities that have been given them, while suppressing an anxious heart and restless mind, and if there exists a movement with a heart that can hear their cries, you too, through that heart, will be able to grasp everything in history and everything you have ever felt. People who feel this and awaken will say, "This is the teaching heaven has been searching for! This is the truth the world has been searching for! This is what God can establish proudly in front of heaven and earth!" Those who have these moments and cry out despite themselves are the owners of history, of the providence and of the heavenly laws. In the present age, you are following a path of life on which you should fulfill your duties and leave behind achievements in the world of relationships and connections. When that comes to pass, you can be proud of yourself, awakened to the fact that, "I am the victor who represents the original, innate human nature!" At such a moment, this world and this universe will become yours and God too will become your God. (006-121, 1959/04/12) 15. Through us arises the starting point of happiness for heaven, earth and humankind. Someone has to take responsibility for this work. If you see some people who cannot walk properly for the tears in their eyes, who throw themselves down and appeal to God on their knees, begging to shoulder this responsibility, then bow down before them and repent deeply. If you encounter people who shed blood and sweat for heaven and the Will with thankful hearts, without thinking of themselves even though they are in a miserable and wretched situation, you must follow these people even at the risk of your life. Such believers, such conscientious people, must arise among the people of Korea. If this does not happen, the Korean people will perish. Imagine a group of people who declare, "I am the stepping-stone of God's eternal and unchanging truth. Even though I am hungry, in ragged clothes and uneducated, other than me, there is no one who can hold Your hand with a sincere heart and devotion. Other than me, there is no one who can adjust Your clothes. Other than me, there is no one who can fix Your shoes. Other than by me, it cannot be done." On the day such a group of people comes together, they can conquer satan's world without a fight. We ourselves are the important factor. (010-180, 1960/09/25) Section 3. The Students' Association and Collegiate Association Student and Alumni Associations Seonghwa graduates led the Unification Church activities in the early days. Organized on October 23, 1955, the middle-school and high-school departments of the Seonghwa Students' Association played a pivotal role in church work. The Korean Seonghwa Alumni Association has full members (graduates of the Seonghwa Student Association) and associate members (who did not graduate). They held their inaugural general assembly, attended by graduates of the 1st through 7th classes of the Seonghwa Association, on November 8 to 15, 1963. Thereafter, the general assembly was held annually. 1. Why did I attach the name Seonghwa to our young people? We need hot-blooded youth, whose pure blood is enflamed in resonance with God's feelings, so I gave the name Seonghwa. Seonghwa means to harmonize by achieving a common purpose. Because they are harmonized, they are many, but still one. They are the yeast in the loaf. In the family, perhaps there is a grandfather, grandmother, father and mother, but there ought to be happy children as well. Only then can the home be filled with laughter. In this regard, Seonghwa youth bear great responsibility. From now on, you Seonghwa students need faith to become the standard-bearers who will liberate God. If there is a person whose faith surpasses that with which God has fought for 6,000 years, God will entrust His work to that person, even if that person cannot accomplish the Will. (047-080, 1971/08/19) 2. Seong in Seonghwa means the completion of the ideal of creation. In other words, it means the completion of the entire cosmos. Originally, the age for establishing the standard of completion was at 16, the age at which the human ancestors fell. Accordingly, God hopes for the Seonghwa youth to accomplish everything while they are still teenagers. Young adulthood is the time to position yourself perfectly for the future. I established my lifetime goal and standard of hope, and resolved to achieve it, during adolescence. You too, as people who have inherited the tradition of God, need to take the direct route. (021-083, 1968/10/27) 3. The descendants of the Fall are living in the realm of lamentation. You need to have faith that you will prepare a foundation of goodness within the realm of such lamentation and then go out and fight. To create a greater goodness, you need to have faith, stamp out the bad environment, and fight on. When you actively create goodness, the good environment will absorb the evil environment. In other words, a second creation will take place. No matter the environment that comes next, no matter the waves that rage, if there are enough people whose faith prevails, this country will not perish. I too continue fighting with this faith. To re-create, you need to maintain the subject partner position. Because it is not pursuing the goal of recreation, the Seonghwa Students Association is not progressing enough. If you weaken on the way of advancement, you will succumb in the end. After establishing the goal of re-creation, you have to keep marching forward. First, I must re-create myself. I, who create goodness and speak on behalf of goodness, must re-create myself. I am the person who can both establish goodness and break it. I am the parent standing at the fork in the road. To satisfy our yearning for that which is better, I stand in the position of object partner in front of God. Let us become people who protect goodness and hate the evil of this world. (012-287, 1963/07/27) 4. The Unification Church has walked forward, but the path on the world stage has yet to be trod. Parents are heading toward the world stage. On my way, I do not yield to anyone and I am not defeated by anyone. My courage to deal with any problem that comes my way is as strong as anyone's, and I have never lost a fight. Unless you go forward with such a heart, you cannot win on the world level. Now, even though we have been victorious on the national level, we have a long way to go to achieve victory on the world level. You need to reflect on how you have spent the days of your youth. We are living within the realm of the Will of God and the ideal of unity but we must know how to criticize our own position for the sake of making progress into the victorious world where Parents and God are heading. Do not be small-minded and feel sorry for yourself when you are criticized. Instead, be of high caliber and develop through it. From now, be the princes and princesses of heaven, whom the heavenly world approves. Prepare well in your youthful days to realize God's glorious kingdom. (024-088, 1969/07/06) 5. Until we have escaped from satan's iron clutches, we need to march forward upholding the Will of God. Knowing that God is truly our Father and we are truly His sons and daughters, we bear the responsibility to alleviate His bitter sorrow. By resolving God's sorrow, we liberate God. When an obstacle offends God in even the smallest way as He rules over all nations as a free God, we are responsible to eliminate it. Then we can attend God as the dignified Absolute Being who can rule over all nations in the heavenly kingdom of freedom and peace. If there are Seonghwa students or young people who have such faith, they are truly great. In the future, the world will advance in a new direction through such young people. If you truly become like this, however wretched your appearance may be, it is not ugly. Infinite hope dwells with you, and your appearance is the basis for God's hope and happiness. (047-080, 1971/08/19) 6. Our young people must not despair, saying that they do not have anything of value. Instead, you must live with the belief that you will create that which has greater value. When we live such a life, we come to cherish a second hope, and we advance toward that hope. You must have the faith that you will go out and re-create young people, who are like rotting tree branches, and that you will put the environment in order. Among Seonghwa students, some may have come here after overcoming opposition from their surroundings. You ended up here after passing through various circumstances, but from now on you need do nothing other than achieve God's ideal of creation, a better and worthier environment. (012-287, 1963/07/27) 7. The trustworthy person who can take responsibility for God's Will and resolve this age is not a passive person, but a prime mover. Because we came out and went through the ages of planning, preparation and practice, the Unification Church set its standard at a certain level. Therefore, the Unification Church family members are not passive; rather, they have the position of prime movers. Nonetheless, even in that case, you cannot lead on the individual level without laying the foundation of victory on the individual level. Furthermore, you cannot lead on the levels of the family, tribe, people, nation and world. Therefore, Seonghwa graduates must understand this age from the providential perspective. In keeping with the age, you have to establish the victorious foundation on the individual level. Now is the age when we need to place people on the victorious tribal level after they connect their tribe with the people. (013-111, 1963/11/08) 8. There are people who have left the church after graduating as Seonghwa students. They are like the congregation in the wilderness with Moses going to Canaan, people who murmured, complained and opposed him. They said they could not go on and drove him away. You need to lay the victorious foundation after fighting a spiritual battle in the internal world of your own thoughts. You have to pledge your life from that position and constantly prepare to embody goodness itself. By doing so, winning a great victory, you fight on the final stage of practice, the world stage, and secure the highest and most glorious position. (013-122, 1963/11/08) 9. The owner of history does not complain and fret. A person who merely complains and frets is disliked by God, friends and even their family. No one likes a person who complains. You ought to change your complaining mind and be grateful, with a heart burning with desire and overflowing with hope for a new tomorrow. You must think that you were born for the sake of the country and the world. Have the mind that wants to share all you have, wants to give all you are wearing and wants to share all you are eating. Even if all you have to eat is boiled millet and gruel, you must want to give more to others. The person who has such a mind-set while feeling sorrow for those who are unable to give, who prays and plans for action, is the owner of that country. Therefore, when you study, you are not studying for your own sake, and when you were born, you were not born for your own sake. You were born for the sake of the world and for the sake of history. (033-289, 1970/08/21) 10. We need to broaden our narrow heart. We need to make it broader and broader. We need to liberate God, liberate Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and liberate all the millions of saints in the spirit world. Also, we need to accomplish the unification of North and South Korea with our own hands. The mission of setting the direction for this confused world, which has been divided into left and right, and changing it into the united kingdom of heaven on earth, lies on the shoulders of you young people. When you go to bed as such a person, and when you wake up in the morning as such a person, you will realize that the important duty you have shouldered is weighing you down. Resolve that you will not become a defeated or a foolish person and collapse on the way. Determine that you will work your way up through it all and contribute something to this task, so that you leave a legacy of something for God and your descendants that has become brighter and worthier through you. This is the mission of the young people of the Unification Church in this age. (059-289, 1972/07/27) 11. Young people try to be victorious under any circumstances. They absolutely dislike being losers. As young people standing on the side of heaven, you must bring about the development of the Republic of Korea. Leave a legacy of historic achievements in each field of society. You must renovate those fields. That is the position you are in. You are all young people. Most young people in today's world, especially college students, behave in a self-centered way regarding how they can establish a successful career in their country and how they can create a happy life for themselves. However, the young people of the Unification Church should not do that. Rather than thinking only about their own happiness, they ought to consider the needs of the people and the needs of the world, based on a higher ethical viewpoint. You must have a higher and broader view of happiness, and you have to practice that view. You need to have such a central sense of mission. (025-079, 1969/09/30) The National Collegiate Association At the Second Special Workshop for College Students and Young People, held on January 9, 1966, True Parents said, "From now on, you must take great interest in college campuses and invest your efforts to enlighten and bring together college students who are wandering around without any idea of where they ought to go." Motivated by these words, the young people attending the workshop all resolved to become standard-bearers in the Divine Principle movement on college campuses. In this manner, the National Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles was inaugurated on January 10, 1966. After being registered as a club in colleges across Korea, CARP took the lead in teaching the Unification Principle and conducting Victory Over Communism activities. 12. Our mission is to unite the two camps, democracy and communism. To do so, we need to deploy at least one person to each of 2,400 townships across the nation. If we are going to deploy people in teams of three, we need more than 7,000 people, and they ought to be college graduates or higher. Originally we were going to do this focusing on Ehwa Woman's University and Yonsei University. But after that broke down we had to change our direction. Accordingly, we focused on middle school and high school students. The first three years of the first seven-year course was the period in which we had to show people that they need to work together with Unification Church members. Under the current circumstances, South Korea has no way to block communist infiltration of the lower classes. Accordingly, we distributed the Divine Principle to people in rural areas and followed this up with practical guidance and education. In each township, trinities had to take charge of leadership guidance, daily-life guidance, and education. If college students who are sent out for one year to these locations take responsibility for providing secondary education, they will experience life in the rural communities and come to love their country. To bring the true teaching of self-sacrifice for the sake of the people to university campuses, we need to have young people who have borne the responsibility of conducting matters for village development. This is the purpose for establishing the National Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles. (016-144, 1966/01/10) 13. The rise or fall of a nation depends on the young people of that nation. We are conducting national university student training for the sake of the spiritual formation of those students. We have to prepare the proper environment for the students to sprout and grow. They must be able to adapt to that environment. Any ancestor who stood on the front line of historical progress was a happy person. What will be done about the future that comes after you and me? If my descendants and I can march forward sharing one coherent goal, we will be on a blessed path. In history, you can advance further when you are facing in the right direction. Today numerous people who have one goal are living in this world. This is the same as many plants facing the light of the sun. God has continued to weave history by establishing the stalk of a sprout and forming the horizontal environment. Even now, God continuously searches for the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world that can become that sprout. Korea needs to be this sprout, but to do so, it has to undergo hardships. The sprout experiences every trial that the different branches experience, and it must overcome them to make progress. Likewise, we must overcome the trials we face in the world. (017-208, 1966/12/21) 14. Unification believers must become gushing springs of water. This is the opposite of a waterfall. Spring water wants to flow to the place where its purity is not defiled. Even wild animals visit the spring to drink. Pure spring water runs through a huge rock. Mountains that have no springs cannot become famous. Everyone desires to drink that water. You college students especially need to become like a spring that can clean up the corruption in the Republic of Korea. For spring water to hold value for the life of human beings, it absolutely must keep its purity. I hope that you will all become springs of water. (017-209, 1966/12/21) 15. The question is, how many core members of CARP are there? In this regard, I decided to establish and manage centers to carry out social activities on college campuses. We need to establish a center in every university. By taking this approach, we will gain results. In this manner, through CARP, we should strengthen the relationships of the Seonghwa students in the centers. By their junior or senior year, college students can be leaders and give Divine Principle lectures. They will enroll in every course of university study and teach others about our principles. If we strengthen our organization like this, we will see rapid development in a short period. I also plan to station college graduates in all parts of Korea. University students need to play a leading role in society and in the church. They must take ownership in the church as they fulfill their responsibilities. You need to understand the atmosphere of the church and create your own atmosphere where young people can become the standard of hope in the church. (022-063, 1969/01/19) 16. In the future, we are going to make CARP our core organization. Accordingly, we will deploy its members who have made the absolute resolution to carry out their work. I believe that if we strengthen our activities in this way, our church will grow and CARP will grow remarkably in a short time. Since I am now thinking of advancing in this direction, you need to know the overall plan and make resolutions in new fields. We need to organize CARP worldwide and host international meetings, not only in Korea but also in other countries including Japan and the United States. I plan to train key members of CARP as global personnel who will work as core members in every country. (022-065, 1969/01/19) 17. We have now reached the stage at which people who were curious about me, arguing my pros and cons and criticizing me in various ways, are now praising us and attending the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). When people at universities studying philosophy or researching religion or ideologies begin to promote us, people studying natural science or social science naturally will follow them. Soon CARP will develop. We will connect with professors who take interest in our church. I also formed and deployed the CARP mobile team to build connections with them. That is why I am saying that our American state and city leaders should form active relationships with these professors through ICUS, as if the professors were their grandfather or grandmother, father, mother or uncle. As a result, those people will recommend students with whom we can organize CARP as a formal campus club. (089-270, 1976/12/04) 18. Full-time CARP members must be able to launch a whirlwind of activities on university campuses. Young, studious men and women, their passion filled with vitality, must explode to excavate deep valleys of love based on the values of heavenly law. By so doing, they will pave the way that can reach the world. Heaven is worried about the power of communism, the collapse of churches and the corruption of youth. We need to take hold of the young men and women who are walking down the path of corruption. We need to take hold of the Christian churches whose faith is breaking down. And we need to stand against the power of communism, which is trying to burrow into the crumbling edifice of Christian theology. (121-180, 1982/10/24) 19. I have high hopes for the work of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles on university campuses. We must connect revivals and Victory Over Communism campaigns with CARP. The question is how CARP can work together on college campuses with organizations such as the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) or Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), rather than smaller interdenominational organizations that are limited to one campus. I also plan to focus CARP activities to connect with the college students who join our church through our revivals. In the future, CARP activities will not be limited to the confines of college campuses. If you are a university student, it means you graduated from middle school and high school, so you must have an alma mater, and there is also the school where you are currently registered. You are not the only one in that school; you have comrades and friends and classmates studying the same subjects. You need to develop a means by which you can connect personally with your fellow alumni, school friends and classmates. (022-054, 1969/01/19) 20. Government authorities of the Republic of Korea have officially authorized the term "Victory Over Communism" that we use for our anti-communist activities. This is analogous to Jacob being named Israel after his victory wrestling with the angel at the ford of the Jabbok River. In this regard, I believe that the victory through which we can accomplish the Will already has been proclaimed. On this foundation of the vertical standard of victory having already been achieved, we need an organization that can bring victory horizontally. Christianity alone cannot do this. We need to restore the world through the principle of unity. To do this, we need to base ourselves on an academic and philosophical foundation. If we examine these activities in detail, our anti-communism movement is the philosophical work connected with academic circles, our external witnessing activity is the work connected with the church, and CARP is the work carried out in connection with students. (017-341, 1967/04/30) 21. I am saying that through our Victory Over Communism campaign, we need to anticipate and block the route of the people who uphold communist ideology and are trying to infiltrate universities. From this perspective, we need to understand the importance of the work that CARP must do. The ultimate victory or defeat of the Unification Principle will be decided based on worldwide academia. Therefore, to present the Unification Principle to the world, we first need to introduce it to professors who are authorities in philosophy or theology. We will spread the Unification Principle by getting these professors to present it to academia around the world. Before this can occur, we have to build our foundation both internally and externally. (022-058, 1969/01/19) 22. Communists carry out their work through laborers, farmers and labor unions. They also manipulate students and professors. Until now, this is the method by which communism has been corroding the world. After rallying professors and students on university campuses and instigating laborers and farmers, they stir up chaos using crowds of demonstrators. As a defense against that, CARP needs to educate professors. For this purpose, I founded the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) long ago, and since then it has continually carried out its work. PWPA and CARP need to unite and march forward. (113-213, 1981/05/05) 23. The Japanese and American CARP chapters are fighting communists on the front line. In Korea we could fight communists, but since they work underground we do not know who they are. We can work only through educational materials, unable to engage in life-and-death confrontations out in the open. However, in Japan we have openly engaged in life-and-death confrontations and posted the news of our victories. In the United States, CARP began this work in 1979, and by late 1980 it had blocked all kinds of communist trends that already were sweeping across American campuses. We achieved the same victory we won in Japan. There was even an instance where five CARP members went to the place where hundreds of communist students were demonstrating and completely subjugated them. The American chapter of CARP has achieved the same result as that achieved in Japan. That is why communist leaders on American campuses are telling students not to associate with CARP members. (113-213, 1981/05/05) 24. In Japan, Christian organizations like YMCA and YWCA carry out little or no activity. Therefore, it took us a long time to get over the hurdles to create an organization to educate people. Do you know how discouraged we were in carrying out this work, when the school authorities and the teachers opposed us? Everyone was deceived by the communists' words. You do not know the extent of those discouraging circumstances. I have heard reports and have seen firsthand how miserable that is. We need to create a circle of political influence and subjugate the communist base in the social sector. I fought for Japan. My fight for Japan began at the important Japanese universities. You do not know how much the Japanese communists fear me. They are saying, "If the Unification Church and CARP did not exist, Japan would certainly have been communized and Bolshevized. But because of the Unification Church we are really struggling." That was the result of our activities. (104-080, 1979/04/01) 25. We need to ignite the spirit of young Americans. I called our members to restore morality on university campuses through the activities of CARP and to carry out door-to-door witnessing through home church. We need to influence the young people of American families to become young people like you. On campuses we need to educate the students to become like you. Then, after we have created the environment in which the United States does not oppose me but supports me, we can deal with communism. I need to pass on the tradition of anti-communism work, which I have carried out until now in Korea, to Japan, the United States and even the Soviet Union. We must understand the campus activities that CARP must conduct and the traditions of home church activities that must be established in the United States. Using these, we must solve the problem of communism and the corruption of young people. Based on the family foundation, we need to educate thoroughly with the Divine Principle. (104-259, 1979/05/27) 26. You need to become the young people who follow the providence of heaven without hesitation, committing silently to this path, just as I did. If this atmosphere spreads to university campuses through you and becomes a trend, it will be a beacon of hope on Korea's university campuses. The Japanese CARP chapters are ahead of the Korean chapters. And now the American chapters are on the move. We will bring the young people of CARP together in Berlin to demonstrate against the Berlin Wall. We will bring together many young people to tear down the Wall with their own hands. If you do not have the courage to do that, you are not the young people who can safeguard the Republic of Korea, and you are not CARP members of the Unification family who can safeguard the world. We have to advance boldly and strongly toward that goal. (121-183, 1982/10/24) 27. If we cannot move the professors and students on university campuses, the Republic of Korea will have no way to survive, nor will the countries of Western Europe. We are holding a CARP world assembly in Berlin, where the communist powers and the citizens are opposing us. After holding three such assemblies, we are going to destroy the Berlin Wall. We are carrying out a movement that motivates university students to expose the problems of communism in order to expel it. If we sit still and do nothing, there is not even a slight chance that this will happen. Someone needs to shed blood and sweat. Someone needs to carry out this work even after being hit by a bullet and shedding blood. Otherwise, South Korea and North Korea cannot be unified. (167-273, 1987/07/21) 28. We need to gather and educate leftists on university campuses. When you look at today's world, many communist governments have disappeared, but democratic governments are also toppling. In fact, the force of communism motivated a counteractive force within democracy, which activated a degree of selfawareness. The belief that the democratic world will flourish because communism is collapsing is mistaken. On the contrary, after communism disappears, the breakdown of the democratic world will take place more rapidly. The left-wing structure is falling into a state of chaos, and the democratic world is also falling into a state of chaos, so the time has come when we need to educate both sides. That being the case, if we were to ask ourselves if university professors are able to provide this education, the answer would be "no." They have no instructive materials to teach how to defend against chaos. We are the ones who must provide this defensive education. That is why I believe this is not the time to curtail the activities of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles on college campuses. (241-054, 1992/12/19) Section 4. Expressions of Divine Principle Divine Principle Explanation and Exposition The writing of Explanation of the Divine Principle, which was based on Original Text of the Divine Principle, was begun in May, 1955 by former church President Eu Hyo-won. From 1957, the manuscripts, written under True Father's supervision, were published in monthly installments in Seonghwa magazine. Finally, after proofreading was completed, the book Explanation of the Divine Principle was published on August 15, 1957. On that day, 212 copies of the book, signed by True Father, were sent out to mission sites across Korea. Explanation of the Divine Principle was later revised into a systematized form more suitable for lectures. This version was published on May 1, 1966, under the title Exposition of the Divine Principle. 1. Seven years after the liberation of Korea, I prepared Original Text of the Divine Principle (Wolli Wonbon), which was a textbook and teaching material for the sake of fulfilling my mission responsibility. The book Explanation of the Divine Principle (Wolli Haeseol) was published in 1957, and in 1966, Exposition of the Divine Principle (Wolli Gangnon) was published. There was an interval of nine years between 1957 and 1966. During those nine years I prepared this version of Divine Principle and we took a step forward. (2010/04/17) 2. We published Explanation of the Divine Principle based on Original Text of the Divine Principle. Because we had nothing with which to educate people, a book was needed. An elementary school graduate can teach with a book, so our members went out to witness on the front line. Eve fell when she was 16. In view of this, some of our young members went out before they were 15 years old, and their pure hearts became impassioned, and this started them witnessing. Only the Unification Church has such a history. Even members who were middle school students went out witnessing. (601-208, 2008/11/07) 3. When leaders of the Unification Church went out to witness, they went in pairs, taking not even enough money to cover travel expenses, food or anything else. They witnessed, centering on Original Text of the Divine Principle, which was then in the form of a rough draft. In those days I gave my Original Text of the Divine Principle manuscript to others to transcribe, and some did so. Kim Won-pil directly transcribed my handwritten Original Text, adding my verbal explanations. As he studied it he came to understand, "Ah, this is what God is like!" After that, we produced Explanation of the Divine Principle, and from that we could teach people properly. One week was enough time. If someone could read it, they could teach others about it. They could catch the essence of the teaching through Explanation of the Divine Principle. They could memorize it and teach it to others. (601-209, 2008/11/07) 4. The first person who followed me before even seeing me was the former president of our church, Eu Hyo-won. He decided to follow me after reading Original Text of the Divine Principle. He wrote me a letter. President Eu was six years older than me. John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus. Therefore, President Eu was in a position like that of John the Baptist, and he had to explain the Principle from that position. When President Eu wrote a book on the Principle, I advised him on how to write it. (052-156, 1971/12/27) 5. I started writing Original Text of the Divine Principle in 1951 during my refugee years in Busan. I wrote it in a very condensed style. No one who reads it can understand it. They can understand it only when I explain it to them. Explanation of the Divine Principle is the book in which Original Text of the Divine Principle is explained so that anyone can understand it. (549-257, 2006/12/28) 6. In writing Exposition of the Divine Principle, every word was evaluated strictly, and when even one word was wrong I had it corrected. Therefore, Exposition of the Divine Principle is spiritually connected to me. A light bulb gives light by being connected to electricity, which comes from a power plant via a transmission station. From the transmission station it reaches electric sockets. You cannot light a bulb by connecting it to just anything. That is why even in the future, even after history has passed and I am gone, no one will ever truly be able to express the Principle in writing. My spoken words are always the issue. How I put issues into words is the point. How others express these ideas is not the issue, for they do not have the spiritual connection. (265-223, 1994/11/23) 7. After Explanation of the Divine Principle came Exposition of the Divine Principle. Since the people who were taught with Explanation of the Divine Principle are now using Exposition of the Divine Principle, their teaching is higher than college level. Everything that enables a nation to function is in Exposition of the Divine Principle. In other words, Exposition of the Divine Principle includes every area related to political, financial, social and historical issues. If someone could truly master the range of content in Exposition of the Divine Principle, that person could work as a college professor in any country of the world. They would even be qualified to train college professors. (601-209, 2008/11/07) The publication of Exposition of the Divine Principle Exposition of the Divine Principle is the book in which the Unification Principle, discovered and revealed through True Parents, was systematized and developed for presenting in lectures. It contains the fundamental truth that reveals the history of God's providence, including the Creation, the Fall and restoration. From the early 1960s, True Parents felt the need for the Unification Principle to be written and delivered in an easier, more logical and more systematic form, better fitting the changes and developments of the times. So they instructed former church President Eu Hyo-won to write such a book. Given the mission to write thoroughly and precisely in the place of True Father, who first delivered the Unification Principle, President Eu dedicated all his efforts to incorporating the heart and truth of True Parents perfectly into every sentence, even every word, of the manuscript of Exposition of the Divine Principle. 8. Parts of the previously published contents of the Unification Principle may be expressed in a new way. However, the fundamental concepts of the revelation are not changed even slightly from beginning to end. For example, the central concepts expressed in such chapters as The Principle of Creation, The Human Fall and The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming, are not changed in any way. The Unification Principle is not something that can be altered after holding discussions about it or just because people do not like it. Such a thing can never happen. (091-124, 1977/02/03) 9. The Unification Principle is neither a philosophy nor a theology. It is the Principle of God. It is the unchanging truth of God. Once you have encountered the Principle, you need to adjust your life to live in accordance with it. At the very least, you need to lay a foundation on which to actualize the Principle. Then satan cannot invade. When someone has achieved complete oneness with the truth, satan cannot tear that person away from God and claim him or her as his own. For instance, if God, Adam and Eve had united completely centering on the truth, there would have been no room for satan to invade. The truth needs to be substantialized. Living human beings need to sustain and embody the truth. Otherwise, satan can steal it and misuse it. This is why I never reveal a new part of the truth until all conditions have been met and the truth has been substantialized to a certain degree. (091-124, 1977/02/03) 10. The Unification Principle is also the record of my life. It is my life experience. This Unification Principle is in me, and I am in the Unification Principle. Many people say that I am only the presenter and transmitter of the truth, but I am also living in accordance with the truth and I embody it. Therefore, the only way for people to truly understand me and my actions is through the Unification Principle. Only by learning the Unification Principle and studying it can you understand me. The more you study the Principle, the more you will come to understand me. (091-125, 1977/02/03) 11. There are so many things that I need to make public, but I have decided to do so only at the right time. Exposition of the Divine Principle is not all I have to say. Before I would be able to say more, first you would need to know what I have already said and where I said it, and put that into practice, but you are not doing even that. Exposition of the Divine Principle does not speak of me. What Exposition of the Divine Principle explains is only things up until Jesus. It focuses on Jesus. And yet you think that the only thing you need to place importance on is Exposition of the Divine Principle. With all their hearts, members of the Unification Church should follow what I say, empathize with me, and be so moved by my life that they fulfill their responsibility as the standard-bearers who create tomorrow's history. If you lack such a heart, you will not develop. (037-263, 1970/12/27) 12. I do not deny all scholarly research. After investigating such research, I deny only that which is not consistent with reality. I face the world with the knowledge I have, although I have been persecuted for it, because I went into the spirit world and examined it in every detail until I arrived at the truth. This is why the Unification Church does not say, "We will see whether it is like that" but, "It is like that." How in the world can it be said of the truth, "We will see whether it is like that"? In physics or chemistry, we do not settle for, "We will see whether it is like that," and it is the same for the truth. We seek for the actual scientific and logical result. The Unification Principle is not, "We will see whether it is like that" but, "It is like that." The heart we talk about is also not some vague idea; it is entirely concrete. The character and Word we speak of are not ambiguous either. They are concrete. These concrete elements, heart, character and Word, should have the capacity to be applied universally. They should be consistent with the real world, and have an established, eternal position in the real world. They should lead everything in the real world toward integration. (014-180, 1964/10/03) Section 5. The Holy Songs Their origins and meaning The holy songs depict the entire history of True Parents' suffering and victory. True Father wrote the lyrics while in meditation and deep prayer, in order that the members could sing songs that return praise and glory to God. True Father was imprisoned in Daedong Detention Center in Pyongyang on August 11, 1946, and after suffering there for 100 days he was released on November 21, on the verge of death. It was at a meeting with his members after that, early in 1947, that he wrote "Song of the Victors," the first holy song. Early in November 1950, about three weeks after his October 14 release from Hungnam Prison made him a free man, he wrote the lyrics of "New Song of Inspiration" and "Blessing of Glory." In "New Song of Inspiration," the word "new" appears no fewer than 13 times, exhibiting Father's overflowing resolution for a new beginning. "Blessing of Glory" stirs enthusiasm and hope for building a new world and beginning a new history. True Father wrote "Suffering Heart" in the mud hut in Beomnaetgol, Busan, in 1951, while he was living as a refugee, and he wrote the words to "Garden of Restoration" and "Grace of the Holy Garden" at his third house, in Sujeong-dong, in 1953. He next wrote "Song of the Divine Principle Warriors" for the participants in the first Korean Missionaries Workshop, held on February 17, 1959, and he went on to write "Unified Soldiers" to encourage the members sent out to all parts of Korea for 40 days of witnessing in 1961. In particular, through "Suffering Heart" he expressed how satan's forces challenged and hunted him during his refugee life in Busan. This song also expresses the heart of followers who have escaped sin and are on the path of salvation. "Garden of Restoration" depicts True Father's determination and resolution for the course of restoration at the time of the Sujeong-dong Church in Busan, and how he could not step away from it despite the hardships he had to undergo. "Grace of the Holy Garden" displays his resolution to praise and return glory to God with a heart of gladness at all times, and to repay Him for the wondrous grace He bestows. The holy song collection also includes songs written by members and songs from other sources that the members enjoyed singing. The songs written and composed by the members are "My Promise," "Suffering and New Life," "Song of the Young People," "My Cross," "Pledge," "Song of the Banquet," "Day of Glory," "Song of the Heavenly Soldiers," "My Offering," "Shining Fatherland," "Heart of the Father," "The Principle Youth March," "Song of Sunday School Children," "March of the New Age," "Light in the East," "Call to Sacrifice," "Unite Into One," "Song of Unification Warriors," "The Father's Dwelling Place," "The Lord Has Come," "Song of the Farm" and "The Lord is My Everything." The songs from other sources are "Song of the Garden," "He Has Called Me," "O My Little Lambs," "Song of the Spring Breeze," "The Lonely Valley," "Restored Flock," "A Desire of My Heart," and "Spring Song of Eden." On October 4, 1956 the songs composed by True Father and the members were compiled and published as the first collection of our holy songs. 1. "Unified Soldiers," which is one of the holy songs of the Unification Church, speaks first of the heart. The song begins with "strong bond of heart is the force bringing the world into life." It is not the strong bond of truth that brings the world into life. Whether a person lives or dies depends on God's love, the source of life. Truth is only a guide. It is like the bridge to a relationship with substance, and it is the mediator that transmits heart. In the phrase, "strong bond of heart is the force bringing the world into life," the heart referred to is the heart of God. It is not God's heart of resentment which He has harbored in His bosom until now over having to restore this fallen world through indemnity; instead, it is a heart of bitter sorrow that needs to be resolved. To resolve His sorrow, we first need to know the nature of that sorrow, which lies in the fact that He has been unable to find an individual whom He could truly love, or find such a family, tribe, people, nation, world or cosmos. (014-181, 1964/10/03) 2. What would be God's first wish? Since individuals whom God is trying to find are bound under conditions of bitter sorrow, they need to be liberated. They need to say, "I will resolve the bitter sorrow that I have caused, so please accept me." In the same way, a family can be liberated, and furthermore, a tribe, people, nation and world can be liberated. This is God's desire. However, we cannot unite without going through the heart of God, which brings us together as one. Human power alone is not enough to achieve this. From the viewpoint of God's heart, this world is one. As the lyric says, "joined in a kinship of love, all shall live as one." God's heart is our original connection. Our connections are not the connections of this fallen world. Our original connection is this heart, through which we join together as one. The next line of the song is, "here in the home of our hearts we'll share evermore." By joining as one through the connection of our original nature, we can give and receive forevermore. At the place where we eternally give and receive, centering on the heart of original nature, our homeland comes into being for the first time. Only after that does the word "happiness" appear. (014-182, 1964/10/03) 3. The Korean people have to go forward with the heart of restoration. When a light shines on the entire world, everyone in the world can become brothers and sisters, attend the parents of goodness eternally, and realize a united world. The first verse of "Unified Soldiers" is about heart. Everyone will dwell in our original homeland, where we can give and receive eternally through the connection of heart. What is good about one's homeland is that one's parents and family members are there. The important thing here is the heart. The path to every kind of happiness, that is, the foundation of happiness, has been laid down in our original homeland. The second verse is about character. We should be "true people of boundless domain (who) magnify their light." Fallen people have lost this. What it means is that when a person's character shines forth, their light is magnified boundlessly. By being true people of boundless domain who magnify their light, we become glorious beacons of truth over all things of creation. By doing so, we assume our original form, bursting with life. Such a person becomes a subjective being of value. That person, in their very own self, flourishes as the hope for all ages and generations. In short, he or she thrives in the context of the universe, as the hope for all ages and generations. The third verse speaks of the world of truth. In the line, "based on the order of God we'll build truthfulness," "order" refers to the world of truth. We need to build truthfulness based on the order of God; that establishes the truthfulness humanity needs. Truthfulness is eternal. Next come the lines, "One constant value that gives pledge of eternity. The highest standard of truth which is raised above." A person who has raised such a standard possesses unchanging value. This standard will "decorate far distant days of radiant goodness." In other words, it will decorate each and every day with goodness, days that last forever and ever. Verse 4 says, "New culture dawns in the East glorious beyond our dreams; Mankind transformed in its light shall be one family. Ever to serve and attend our True Parent's own. Without a doubt the world shall be one world of victory." In light of this, heart makes character, and truth is also necessary. Only after that can there be glory in a world of oneness. To win this glory, you need to march forward. (026-203, 1969/10/25) 4. I wrote the lyrics to "Song of the Victors." The 4th verse speaks of the goodness of everything God has created. The words were written when I first started working for God's Will. I was truly moved when I heard it being sung at this gathering. On this first morning of the first year, in this plaza of Cheon Il Guk, the new kingdom of heaven, the past history is flowering. The dream I had was not a fabrication. I dreamed it on behalf of God. Because of that, it will be realized without fail. (364-096, 2002/01/01) 5. In "Blessing of Glory," the story of suffering comes before the words of glory. This is because I know that suffering serves as the basis that supports everything. In order to unite the physical world and the heavenly world, I repeated the words, "I will attend Him." A person who has lived such a life cannot hear this song without tears. I wrote it after being released from prison. I had gone east all alone, and now I was heading back west, back to Pyongyang, thinking that Blessings would be waiting. Yet instead I was opposed. I tried to accomplish everything I desired and longed to do. It was all futile. I needed to go on by myself. Because I need to walk a path of salvation for the United States and the United Nations, I came here, and I am busy as I labor to conclude that work. (547-251, 2006/12/03) 6. I wrote "Blessing of Glory" with devotion. It was after I was released from Hungnam Prison and was trying to take care of members in Pyongyang. This song clearly describes my situation and position at the time. Only when you have passed through such a process can that song become yours. That is the way you should live. It is not someone else's song. It is your song, and at the same time, it is your family's song. But it is more your clan's song than your family's song, and more your country's song, and even more your world's song. Only by passing through such a process can you become liberated princes and princesses who can go to the eternal world, attend True Parents and live together in joy and happiness. You need to go through such a process. (579-145, 2007/10/29) 7. Many are the times that I miss the days when I became enraptured while singing "Song of the Garden" and wept tears, saying, "Even this piece of furniture is my friend." "Song of the Garden" refers to a garden, or some such environment, where a couple, a husband and wife, live together. It describes the way you should live. Each one should become the Lord and the object partner of the Lord; everyone's favorite flowers are in fragrant blossom, and butterflies and bees come together in harmony. Thousands of beings come together in harmony. If you live in a neighborhood as a married couple and no one there remembers you, you owe a debt to that neighborhood. (569-221, 2007/07/25) 8. Members of the Unification Church, no matter where they are, are delighted when they hear "Song of the Garden." They long to go to the place where the song is being sung. When they go to that place and join in the singing, they experience all at once feelings of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure. We should be grateful for the lyrics and even more grateful for the song. (332-208, 2000/09/22) True Parents' favorite songs In all kinds of meetings, True Parents lightened the atmosphere by singing or calling one or more members to sing. The songs "Sarang Hae" and "Ommaya, Nunaya" are songs that True Parents sang with each other or with members at church holiday celebrations and other gatherings. True Parents also like to sing songs whose lyrics speak of yearning for the hometown, such as "Kagopa"" "Go-hyang Mujeong," and "Hyangsu," that evoke feelings about the salvation of human beings who have lost their original homeland. They also like songs of spring, such as "Bom Cheonyeo" and "Song of April," that stir with new life and hope, like plants that survive the cold winter and sprout forth in spring. As he presided over the ocean providence in Cheong Hae Garden, Yeosu, True Father sang "Sailors' Song" together with Japanese members, and he also sang Japanese songs like "Furusato" and "Akatombo" in chorus with the members. He liked "Hollo Arirang," a song about Dokdo that expresses the lonely path of the providence, and "Thousand-Year Rock," which expresses unchanging loyalty. As he approached his Holy Ascension, True Father would have his grandchildren sit on his lap or at the table, and he would sing "Windflower" with them, smiling broadly. He also sang "Eight Scenes of Korea" and "In Praise of the Fatherland" out of his yearning for the kingdom of God. " 9. "Arirang Alone" is a song about the island Dokdo. Another way to read "Dokdo" is with the Chinese characters Dok meaning loneliness, and Do meaning path. The song relates how this rocky island's small facade fares through a stormy night. The clear waters of Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Seorak flow to the East Sea. They find their way to where the sun rises. Then people take a boat to Dokdo, where they cast anchor and greet the morning sun. All members of the Unification Church should know this song. Dokdo is not actually lonely, but in the song the island refers to Eve. Dokdo is where Eve cultivates herself morally. Women should hold their children close to their hearts and teach them this song about Dokdo. It is a song that cannot be sung without tears, for it is very profound. (399-211, 2002/12/23) 10. The song "Thousand-Year Rock" reminds me of the days I spent in Danbury. I was not lonely in prison; I was not estranged from others. Sunlight maintains its sovereignty with bright light at all places and at all times, night or day. You should think of Danbury when you sing this song. Verse two is about the evening, when night approaches. When night comes, the place where I live and breathe is illuminated. This means that even if you go to a world of darkness you should represent the path of the Will, and even if you are in prison you should cast the light of the kingdom of heaven. This is how I established the name, "saint of the prison." The last part of the song says that there is nothing I miss in this world; now I know everything, I have experienced everything, and I have found everything. But as the days come and go on the path, stand straight or you will fall away. You need to think about that. If you act as you please, you will fall away. I am telling you to find the right way and follow it in order to establish and own the kingdom of heaven desired by God. (515-185, 2006/02/25) 11. The song "Kagopa" is about going over the hill of Arirang and finding the path on which one can love ones hometown and one's country. It means going over the 12 hills of Arirang. That is the path of the Unification Church, the course of restoration. We sing this song because it describes the course of restoration, liberating the fatherland by missing one's hometown and looking for one's original homeland. What matters is not what the song is about, but rather how we can absorb its contents. At night, you miss the day, and after daybreak, the day comes. On the path of God's Principle, we are persecuted so that we can restore everything in the enemy's world. That is why persecution is not a bad thing. For a person who voluntarily endures persecution, a valley awaits after the hill, and the higher the hill, the deeper the valley. In that valley a spring of water flows and grows bigger, until by and by it becomes a great river whose current flows across the country from east to west and brings life to all parts of it. Where that river flows, it creates boundless and open plains. That earnest heart that left and is returning to the hometown is identical with the heart of the Unification Church, as it finds its way with the heart of restoration. (419-248, 2003/10/04) 12. There is a song called "Man of the Wilderness." If you are a man, it can be great to leave everything behind and run across the wilderness. You should try living like that at some time or other. When your wife is out on the frontline witnessing, and you visit her carrying a backpack with food and money in it, you feel splendid. You meet under a shady tree with sorrowful hearts, and speak to one another of what each of you have gone through. You say, "How hard you have worked! Let us sit here!" You thank her for working so hard in such a lonely place. You express how she has overcome difficulties while supporting you. This creates, right then and there, a bond of love that will last 1,000 years. (076-193, 1975/02/09) 13. In the song "Shining Korea" there is a poetic and musical refrain that goes, "Dingdong daengdong. " We could say that the Unification Church is a "ding-dong daengdong church." That actually has a nice meaning; it signifies that the church stays in rhythm whether it goes up or goes down. The Unification Church is quite an interesting church. All kinds of people, young and old, come together, speak with one another and understand and sympathize with each other. They harmonize because the walls are not high. I feel that it is a good place, a place where people can make friends and close acquaintances. A happy environment is one in which you meet someone for the first time and feel no distance, no barrier between you. What if our whole life, in which we build our circle of influence and practice our faith, were like that? Many leaders would come into being, people who can influence others wherever they go and leave behind fond memories. That is the hope based upon which I, too, am continuing this work. (612-293, 2009/05/31) 14. The content of "Eight Scenes of Korea" is excellent, for it contains the philosophy of patriotism. People across the world who believe in the Unification Church can gain knowledge of Korea through this song, and based upon that they will inherit Korea's ideas and traditions. With that in place they can adopt the ideal of benefiting all humankind, an ideal unique to the white-clad people of Korea, and become subjects who uphold the Will of God. Since this song contains the essence of such ideas, I inquired into who had written it. I discovered that it was in fact my great-uncle, who was a pastor. He wrote the lyrics and taught them to my father. (576-280, 2007/10/02) 15. Let us sing "Song of Unification" loudly and with a heart to achieve unification through our devotion, our energy and our effort. We need to follow a path to restore North Korea and South Korea. Communism, however, has built a global structure and is persistently taking root. We need to tread on a thorny path until we can subjugate communism and expel it from the Korean Peninsula. We need to revive this country as quickly as possible. Our families should unite, both internally and externally, and in solidarity unify North and South Korea, forming one self-reliant nation. We are lighting against satan, the enemy of the world. That is why we need to go through an internal revival. An external revival takes place automatically on the basis of an internal revival. When you love God, love True Parents, love your tribe and love your family, you experience a revival. (043-176, 1971/04/29) Section 6. The Cheongpyeong Holy Ground Site selection Beginning in the 1960s, True Parents offered countless conditions focusing on the whole region of Cheongpyeong Lake in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province. They did so in order to establish a model Cheon Il Guk community in which people from all over the world can live together, transcending barriers of race, culture, religion and nationality. They offered conditions particularly through fishing and camping, and finally they were able to purchase land in the Cheongpyeong area that could be used as the providence progressed. Later, on July 10, 1972, True Parents stood on the summit of Mt. Wooleop in front of the Cheongpyeong training center and renamed 21 sites in the area. The guardian hill, originally called Mt. Jangnak and named Mt. Cheonseong by True Father, is in the shape of a folding screen. The flatland just under the summit was chosen as the holy ground for the main temple. This is the very site where the present Cheon Jeong Gung Palace stands. The neighboring hills and fields surrounding the training center are shaped like a peony flower and symbolize the restored Garden of Eden. 1. I have traveled all over Korea. In the 1960s I sent you out to places throughout the country and I explored the noteworthy mountains of the whole nation. As I explored, I asked myself, "Where should I place the anchor of the Unification Church? Where should I lay this foundation?" A good place certainly must run along a lake. The shores of the Eastern Sea are too far from Seoul. The western seashore is also not good, because several cities are concentrated along it. Also, because the tidal variation is extreme, mudflats appear at ebb tide, and at high tide everything is covered with muddy water. Since I was looking to choose a place that was more than 30 minutes away from Seoul, I came to choose Songsan in the village of Seorak. That region is wonderful. I chose a spot in the very best area of the Cheongpyeong region. (037-084, 1970/12/22) 2. When I came here to Cheongpyeong, I saw that it was a good location. Accordingly, I sat down right here and offered prayers. I thus began my lifelong habit of praying here as a way to offer devotion. No matter who the people are, what makes one group superior to others is their foundation of conditions and spiritual devotion. For that reason, I climbed to the peak of Mt. Wooleop to pray alone. It seems like only yesterday. I am a person who may have nothing but the palms of my hands, but I always accomplish what I determine to do. Once I say that I will accomplish something, I will accomplish it without fail. (046-165, 1971/08/13) 3. Money must be used for the sake of national purposes, global purposes and heavenly purposes. I purchased land in Cheongpyeong from this point of view. I bought this property for the sake of the world. I acquired the Cheongpyeong land to be a foundation of my work for the sake of the world. Because we are passing the age of the tribe to stand at the start of the world age, I have to create an international educational institute. Because of this, I can stand tall and proud. I am spending money, yes, but since it is to make this come to pass, my conscience does not scold me. (033-160, 1970/08/11) 4. Our land in Cheongpyeong must become the worldwide fatherland, the hometown of heart for all people. I prayed that it would become a land that could connect heaven and earth, completing the victorious ideal of creation, and be revered by the cosmos, liberating the heart of God. I prayed also that it would become the sacred ground that would be the homeland of the world. We now have reached a point in time when the work to bring this about can begin in earnest. This is why I bought over 6,500 acres in this area. The mountain and the land around it form the grounds for our future hometown. It will become the hometown of all people of faith. We already exist in 185 countries worldwide. It is my hope that Cheongpyeong will become the place where all the historical traditions of each of these countries can be displayed. Moreover, on this foundation we will build a training center and educational institution that will teach people how to renew the traditions of various national cultures, and show how to connect them with heaven. I prayed for this land, and my prayer actually came true; this is historical fact. The fact that the Unification Church has this global territory is an amazing and victorious achievement. (282-046, 1997/03/10) 5. I often go to Cheongpyeong. I do not go there because people are there waiting for me. Nobody is there. I go because I miss the place where I suffered in the past while preparing for my course. I miss the fields and mountains. And I miss the sound of the wind, and the songs of birds that drifted toward me. I go there because I miss that feeling of coming into contact with the inspiring world of heaven through the flowing providence of nature. Until I die, nobody can remove that yearning from me. I miss the time when I made that connection to heaven while enduring and meditating from a position of hardship and hunger. When I feel the wind caressing me, it causes the feelings I had in the past to intrude into my current reality. When these feelings from the past stimulate me in this way, I am moved to live well in my present daily life, so I like it. (049-057, 1971/10/03) 6. Knowing that the arrangement of the natural features at Cheongpyeong was good, I began buying land there. Centering on Cheongpyeong Lake, I prepared a place where we could build our training center. Originally there was not even one plot of land where we could build a house. There was only a grave and a dozen or so mulberry trees. As I crossed the fields and mountains of Cheongpyeong and studied them, I realized that this very place was crucial. Accordingly, I had no choice but to pitch my tent, acquire the land and build a training center. The reason we bought such a large piece of land is so that in the future, we can turn this place into an international training center, a headquarters where young people of the world can come and attend workshops. I am thinking that one valley can serve as an American village, one as an English village, one as a German village, and so forth. Once we have done that, I believe it can become a tourist attraction that people of the world will cherish and revere. (100-234, 1978/10/14) 7. Cheongpyeong is the place where everything can reach a resolution and we can make a completely new beginning. The name itself symbolizes that. In Cheongpyeong, Cheong means "clear" and Pyeong means "level." In other words, Cheongpyeong means "that which is clear and level." Since the ground already has been completely leveled, all we need to do is create a design and raise the pillars. We are ready to begin at any time. (060-155, 1972/08/17) 8. If you cross to the right side in front of the Cheongpyeong training center, you will see our country cottage built on a gently curved plot of land. That country cottage is named Cheon Yu Jang, and if you go behind it and look around, you will see that it is a truly curious place. This whole region looks like a peony blossom. There is even a Peony Hill in Pyongyang, isn't there? Why is that Peony Hill famous? If you look at a peony blossom, the petals grow in a circle, and in the middle there is a yellow stamen that harmonizes with the petals. That is where seeds are made. Peony Hill in Pyongyang is famous because it has that kind of topography. This region looks the same, with Mt. Cheonseong at the center. The places beyond this mountain are not at all beautiful; if you climb to the top and look in that direction, the topography seems haphazard. On the other hand, the fields and mountains in our direction, with Mt. Cheonseong at the back, create the pattern of a folding screen and appear as the petals of a peony blossom. (100-235, 1978/10/14) 9. If you look out over the front garden of the Cheongpyeong training center, you feel as if the river water is not flowing. You cannot tell where it flows from or where it flows to. You cannot even tell the path by which the river water flows in and out. You almost feel as if you are looking at a lake. And when you look down from the training center, the scenery is truly a masterpiece. It is a beautiful place where the lakefront, mountains and fields are harmonized, and we have every right to boast of it to the rest of the world. Therefore, when workshop participants are brought to such a scenic spot, they can be stimulated to have noble thoughts, whether they look at the mountain or the garden. When all these natural elements come together in harmony -- the mountaintop at sunset, the sun surmounting the highest peak or rising over the mountain in the morning, the birds flying in the midst of all that, or the scenes of people working in the heat of it all -- one grows distracted without realizing it and enters into the realm of daydreams and imagination. In this way, the spirit of young people will rise. All these are raw materials that bring associations to mind, and they take you from riding on this water now to crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the future, or climbing over that mountain now to crossing the Himalayas and going on to India in the future. People like scenic places because they can think new thoughts and dream new dreams. When people see a flying crane that fits into the landscape like a part of a painting, or a small boat floating on the blue lake, they become sentimental and recite poetry. They become so happy that they cannot help but stand up and dance in rhythm with it. The Cheongpyeong training center has an environment like that. (100-235, 1978/10/14) 10. When you look at the entire region surrounding the Cheongpyeong training center, you see that it is really beautiful. I named the group of mountains behind the center, Cheonseung Dae, Tower of Heavens Victory). The mountain directly behind it was originally called Mt. Jangnak, but I renamed it Mt. Cheonseong. It presents three peaks whose names sound the same. I named the middle peak Mt. Cheonseong, with the character Seong meaning "to be holy." I called the peak on the right Mt. Cheonseong, but with the character Seong meaning "to accomplish," and I called the peak on the left Mt. Cheonseong, with the character Seong meaning "a castle." The three Seong mountains symbolize holiness, completion and protection. When deciding the names of these three Seong mountains, I thought that there should not be any higher mountains within three miles. In other words, there should be no mountain range within three miles connected to Mt. Jangnak that has a higher peak. Therefore, I went up and observed that Mt. Jangnak rose high in a straight line. It was truly beautiful and it looked like a folding screen. The water of this place changes its appearance hundreds of times a day. This means harmony. Harmony means hope and boundlessness, and the prosperity of all. From that viewpoint, the site of the Cheongpyeong training center can be said to be the very best of places. (060-146, 1972/08/17) 11. I named the lake in front of Cheongpyeong training center Cheonshim Lake Heaven's Heart Lake). And I called the mountain in the front, Seonin Peak (Hermit Peak). Next, the mountain that is on the right side of Mt. Cheonseong, with the character seong meaning "to accomplish," was named Mt. Cheonseon (Heaven's Good Mountain). I went up to the summit of the mountain that is directly in front of the training center and gave it the name Mt. Seonin. And the place that goes up and spreads in a line to Mt. Cheonseong, with the character seong meaning "to be holy," to the right side of the training center here, I called Cheonin Dae (Heavens Guide Tower). That is where we will build our main training center. That place will be off-limits to everyone except those who have reached a certain level in offering devotions and those special people who have come from abroad. We will make a sanctuary zone and build something like a palace. There is a place at the base of that mountain where we can level up to 12 acres of land. I named it Cheonin Dae, which means heaven is guiding, because we are going to pave a road from there. As you can see, the interpretation of all these names brings forth the concept of an ideal garden. (060-155, 1972/08/17) 12. There needs to be a meeting place for the people of the world. Cheongpyeong is that place. We will build an international training center at Cheongpyeong. What are we going to do here? We will prepare a block for each country where we have our mission branches: a Japanese block for Japan, an American block for America, and so on. After buying a vast parcel of land, if a piece of it is designated to become the American block, we will entrust that area to Americans. They will create a village that suits the taste of Americans, so that they can come and attend workshops. We are preparing a cosmopolitan village, a city where the surroundings will bring together the cultures of each country. And in the middle of it we will build our training center. Accordingly, people who worked in other countries will come to this headquarters to attend seminars, and they should feel that it is a glorious thing for them to come to this place, to participate in the workshops, and then return to their own country. To accomplish this, we need a place with beautiful scenery. And we need to make it so impressive that visitors who come to tour Korea will remember it. (045-185, 1971/06/27) Training center construction On July 12, 1971 True Parents established the Cheongpyeong training center in Gyeonggi Province, at mountain lot 75-1, Songsan-ri, Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, as the completion stage holy ground, on the foundation of the Cheongpa-dong church in Seoul and Sutaek-ri Training Center in Gyeonggi Province (now Sutaek-dong, Guri). The training center had a floor space of 300 square meters and the lecture room was 230 square meters. The building itself was constructed of wooden slats and was large enough to lodge more than 200 people. True Parents visited the construction site every day, even in bad weather during the rainy season, to supervise each step. The first meeting held at the training center was the Korean Pastors Summer Workshop, held for five days beginning on July 12, and attended by 28 Protestant pastors. 13. When we were building the training center at Cheongpyeong, we completed within eight days what should have taken as long as two months. I told them on the first day of July to level the ground, and on the second day we started the construction work. In this way, we completed the construction in one week. The Cheongpyeong training center is 530 square meters. The training center lecture hall in itself is 230 square meters, so about 200 people can sleep there. We completed that building in one week. If you include today, it is 10 days. Today is July 11, 1971. We originally planned to finish by yesterday. Accordingly, it should not go beyond today. Counting this way, we finished everything in eight days, and now we will paint it. We will paint and decorate it for three or four days. However, we are not supposed to decorate it well. If you ask why, it is because this building is in the position of a bride who is getting married while fleeing for her life during wartime. Even if she does not adorn herself well when she gets married, if she lives well after marrying the bridegroom, that is enough. (045-326, 1971/07/11) 14. Now we are building a training center at Cheongpyeong, and things would have gone as planned if the weather had not been so bad. The rainy season has started, and it is a problem. By my calculations, the construction work should be finished today or tomorrow, but even if it is not finished tomorrow, after all is said and done, Protestant ministers are scheduled to assemble there. Yesterday, even though the rain poured down, we had to purchase the materials and continue working. And it's not as if we have a phone there to order things, so someone had to go out and buy the materials in person. Having no other choice, I left by boat to get that done, in a heavy downpour. Since the rain was pouring down so much, I looked like a person who was trying to flee by boat. It looked as if I were running away to evade machine-gun fire. There were truly many incidents like that. (045-324, 1971/07/11) 15. At first, we set up a tent where we were going to bring ministers to attend our workshop. But the weather was rainy and gloomy, and they would have had to go in and out of the tent frequently, which would really be too bad for them. Being in such a dilemma, I drew up our overall plan and directed that the training center should be built by July 8, 1971. Somehow we had to gather people who would be willing to work in this kind of situation. At this time I also made personnel changes, sending 30 district staff' members to local missions, so the position of department manager under each district leader was eliminated. I told the people who used to work in those positions to come up here immediately. In the midst of the special Cheongpyeong tent workshops, I told those former managers whom I had called to start digging. (045-181, 1971/06/27) 16. The people who are working at Cheongpyeong have been digging in the ground for many days. And yet they get only four or five hours of sleep. That being the case, they are on the verge of death. Yesterday, when I asked people who had been injured to come forward, eight out of the 26 people stepped forward. In short, a third of these workers were injured. So I examined their injuries and saw that they were not serious. That site is a place for paying indemnity. This time, I reorganized the districts under a new system, and I intentionally assigned the digging work to the people who had performed administrative jobs in the districts. (045-324, 1971/07/11) 17. I am not a carpenter, but even someone who has built houses for decades sometimes needs me to coach them to get the job done right. This shows that there is not actually anything special that sets experts apart. A person can detect in an instant whether something is suitable or not, if he carefully compares it to a definite standard of value. I even had to coach the worker laying down the underfloor heating system (ondol), saying, "You have to place the ondol like this." On one occasion, well-diggers came and asked where they should dig the well. They had seen that the carpenters had to tear their work down and do it again after I reprimanded them because they had made a serious mistake. So the well-diggers were worried that if they made a mistake too, I would scold them, so they came to ask my advice beforehand. Accordingly, I told them that if there is a border area between soft land and hard land, and the border line goes straight and then changes direction, you will hit water if you dig in that very place. Then they asked me, "When did you learn to dig a well?" Do you think I took lessons to learn such things? What I said was based on natural law. As the leader of the Unification Church over the years, I have resolved problems in certain ways, and these have become formulas. I take a glance and know in an instant what must be done. I can sense what the result will look like, even when it is going to be completely different from what the situation looks like now. And when I look at things, I do not look in only one place, but I see the whole. Even in leveling the ground for a house, I take the whole house into consideration. For me, it is like that with everything. (045-325, 1971/07/11) 18. When we were completing the roof of the Cheongpyeong training center, we had made a contract three days beforehand for the delivery of tiles. However, the contractor went somewhere and the tiles had not arrived even on the final day of construction. This was a big problem. Ministers were arriving soon to attend a nationwide summer conference at the lakeside, and if we could not finish by the day of their arrival, everything would collapse. Therefore, I had to rush around and was told they would not deliver the tiles if I did not have the money. So I pleaded until they gave me the slate, and I also hired a motorboat to carry it. I finally brought it to the training center at 11:30 p.m. By the time we had finished unloading the boat, it was already 2:30 a.m. The motorboat had to go back, but it was past the curfew hour, so the owner of the boat spent the night here. When he woke up in the morning, he saw that during the night, not only had the tiles been laid but also the roof had been ridged and capped. At first he thought that, since it was raining, it must be a temporary fix, for he could not see a single person still working. He was wrong. During the night, within a few hours we put all the tiles in place and finished the roof. So he nicknamed it "the ghost house." If you look closely at how we painted it, the name fits. And if you stare at it, it looks as if something is lying on its stomach meditating. This is why I think that, in the future, this region's name will become world-famous. (060-149, 1972/08/17) The Heaven and Earth Training Center On March 10, 1997, True Parents held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center, which was to be built on an international scale at the site of. the old training center to facilitate the education of members from all parts of the world. The new facility's dedication ceremony was held at its completion on November 7, 1999. 19. Today, March 10, 1997, we have prepared a place at the Cheongpyeong holy ground that heaven and earth can never forget. We are conducting this groundbreaking ceremony to begin construction of a building that can be called a palace of oneness, a new Unification family training facility and temple where we will offer devotions. It will also represent the original land where the world of one heart begins, and where heaven and earth will connect as one. This ceremony is truly historic. It will be recorded as a milestone in the history of heaven's providence. This Cheongpyeong holy ground is an unforgettable place for me. Thirty years ago, after I had founded the small, unknown religious group called the Unification Church, I foresaw that this training center, which is now being built, would be not only a center of idealism, where the people of the world would be able to worship together transcending religion, but it would also become the homeland of providential history. Based on those thoughts, I made this declaration 30 years ago. When I remember that day now, I cannot help but be moved. (282-045, 1997/03/10) 20. This land of Cheongpyeong can become the foundation where an individual can be reborn. It is the place of cooperation between heaven, centering on the spirit, and earth, centering on the body. It can also be a place of the heart where a family or even a nation can be born, a place where the world and heaven and earth can be born, and where the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven can be built. If the Unification Church can stand in the position of having overcome hardships, we will be able to make dramatic progress. The work of bringing all this together and educating young people from all over the world will take place here at Cheongpyeong. So will the work of gathering blessed families to attend workshops so that they can step forward to the world. This is something to be proud of. In fact, the people and nation can take pride in this place as representing the entire Republic of Korea. This is true not only for Korea and its people but also for Asia and the people of the world. (282-048, 1997/03/10) 21. Heavenly Father, since today will be a day of celebration when we start work on the palace of God at Cheongpyeong holy ground, please allow this foundation to serve as the Panmunjom connecting heaven and earth. This is the groundbreaking ceremony for building the foundation where the standard of righteousness can be established and good and evil can be distinguished in both the spiritual world and the physical world. Through this foundation, the divided North and South will be unified and a golden heavenly gateway will manifest itself. Therefore, all of heaven and earth are celebrating this day. I pray that God and True Parents will become one on earth, so that this core of heart can settle, and that through this we can transcend all historical ages throughout time and eternity. Please bless this place, that it may become a bridge of historical tradition connecting everything to the realm of one heart. I sincerely ask that You open wide the door of blessing, through which all people can become one in brotherly and sisterly love and all nations can become one. May all of heaven and earth, as one family of nations, enter the age of a new kingship on earth and in heaven, under the governance of God and True Parents. Please permit rapid progress for the ideal of unity, by which all ancestors who have gone to the spirit world can unite with their descendants on earth and advance together toward the world of peace. Please bless us, so that after undergoing restoration of the authority of the elder son and the authority of the parents, we can enter the age of the complete omnipotence of God, who can embrace the whole world as one great realm in the age of restored kingship. Please look with pleasure at this place, where members from every nation are gathered, praying for and celebrating this groundbreaking ceremony I sincerely ask and beseech You to allow this to become a foundation of blessing that can be connected to all nations. (282-117, 1997/03/10) 22. On this day, November 7, 1999, the dedication ceremony of Cheon Seong Wang Rim Palace is close at hand. I sincerely thank You that we are able to hold this consecration ceremony and welcome this day when we will be able to dedicate the structure that carries the name, Palace of Victory. Here, we pledge in spirit and in flesh the manifestation of victorious sovereignty. In this very place we will attend God, as the blessed families of the earthly world and the blessed families of the heavenly world become one, under heavens watchful eye. Dear God, remember this day and recognize this place to be under the ownership of heaven, so that it can become a center of worship for thousands of years and thousands of generations, as well as the starting point of the realm of heart, where flesh and spirit become one through the tradition of love. In all of heaven and earth, please permit this place to become the palace of devotion, the palace of love, and the palace of worship, where we respect the relationship of lineage. I sincerely ask and hope that, with the Parents of Heaven and Earth always at its center, You will permit this place to become the unique memorial point of origin for the vast consecration of our worldwide movement, connected by the sovereign power of eternal love. (312-304, 1999/11/07) 23. Heavenly Father, not only Koreans but also people from many nations throughout the world are forming the realm of one people with one lineage, building a world of the sovereignty of love in freedom, centered on God. To do this, they are transcending the nation and moving to the front line of the age of globalization. We have built this palace as the foundational starting point, to set a visible model before them. Heavenly Father, please rule this place directly, and after the entire spirit world unites, and the ancestors who have received the Blessing become one with their descendants on earth, let us welcome the age of the liberated kingdom of heaven in heaven and the liberated kingdom of heaven on earth. From there, we will advance to the unified heavenly and earthly world of equality and peace. Upholding this Will, we are now dedicating this place in front of You, Heavenly Father, as a training palace where we pledge solidarity of lineage in love through a living relationship with the hearts of all people. Therefore, I sincerely ask and appeal that You receive this palace as a place where we can raise up victorious, liberated people who are able to possess the authority of princes and princesses in Your heavenly country. May it become a base of victorious oneness representing all humankind, on which all the spirits who have gone to the heavenly world and the entire creation focus their attention. (312-307, 1999/11/07) The Cheon Jeong Gung Palace After performing the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God, True Parents held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Cheon Jeong Gung, the main temple holy ground, on July 8, 2001. Five years later, on June 13, 2006, they performed the Cheon Jeong Palace Entrance Ceremony and Coronation for the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and Earth. According to the words of True Parents, this main temple holy ground is also the royal palace, the original home in which God can dwell. Cheon Jeong Gung signifies "a palace built upon truth by two people." It is the "original palace" of the ideal realm of the kingdom of heaven, where God can become the King of kings and Lord of lords and rule over everything with sovereignty, and where every created being in the world can live and exist together in harmony forevermore. 24. We are building the palace of the heavenly kingdom at Cheongpyeong. All member nations of the UN should work together to build it on earth. Other nations, such as Russia, have built amazing palaces. We need to build an eternal palace, constructing it with complete devotion, so that its value exceeds by many times even places such as the Louvre in France. As heirs of God, we need to fulfill this duty. (474-338, 2004/11/04) 25. The Cheon Jeong Gung Palace is God's hometown, God's fatherland, and the homeland of humanity. The Chinese character for cheon meaning "heaven," signifies two people who have set aside and turned away from fighting. The character for gung is made up of the character for "roof' above the character ryeo, meaning "law." This signifies that the just laws of heaven will govern over the palace. That is why no one can come to the Cheon Jeong Gung just as they please. You cannot enter it unless you have received the Blessing of the four-position foundation and three generations of your family have been liberated in their respective positions. (539-119, 2006/09/19) 26. Three generations of True Parents' family, representing the three ages of the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament and working in unity, have completed a speaking tour through 40 nations. This work has made the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony possible. To enter Cheon Jeong Gung Palace, indemnity has to be paid so that we can be freed from all conditions. Thus, what we are doing is in line with providential history. The character for cheon, meaning "heaven," in Cheon Jeong Gung refers to two people. Jeong is made up of ji underneath, meaning "to stay," and il on top, meaning "one," so jeong means "to be set right." It signifies setting all the necessary indemnity conditions and bringing everything to rest. Cheon Jeong Gung is the place we must enter after coming to a leveled place, centering on the unified horizontal foundation of heaven, the foundation of True Parents. In this way we are beginning anew. (538-151, 2006/09/14) 27. Heavenly Father, we completed the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, which offered the kingship to You, centering on the name of Cheon Il Guk. And this is the place where we are about to hold the Coronation Ceremony uniting the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, representing that kingship, so that they can be enthroned together as the king of kings of goodness. As I speak before You, Heavenly Father, I stand before You as a free man with no burdens weighing me down, having completed all my responsibilities, in order to establish Your victorious foundation. I have prepared for You a worldwide domain in the form of a unified family within the realm of one heart, following Your ideal of Cheon Il Guk, in order that You can become the Owner who can recover the heritage that Adam lost in Eden, and so that the chaotic world that resulted from Cain's murder of Abel will accept you as Lord, for the sake of finding Your nation, where there is no fighting between Cain and Abel. (529-257, 2006/06/13) Chapter 2. The Seven-Year Courses and the Overseas Foundation Section 1. The Restoration of a People The first seven-year course The period starting with the Holy Wedding of True Parents in 1960 and going through 1967 was the first seven-year course, the purpose of which was to create the foundation for the restoration of the Korean people. This period was divided into an initial period of three years and a second period of four years. Full-scale activities were carried out accordingly. The seven-year course is a path that everyone needs to follow in accordance with God's providence. True Parents directly led the providence of restoration through indemnity during each stage of this course. When the central figures of the providence fulfill their responsibilities, they move on to the next stage, but when they fail, the course is extended. Knowing this, both True Parents and church members lived through a time of extreme tension as they devoted all their efforts toward fulfilling their providential responsibilities during this course. They established the providential foundation, and so much was achieved during this period that it can be considered the model course for all members to follow. The seven-year course started with the Holy Wedding of True Parents, and in July 1960 all members were sent out witnessing. 1. Because humankind fell at the completion level of the growth stage, the completion stage as a whole still remains. The completion stage is a seven-year period. If you add up the number of years in the formation, growth and completion stages, 7 years each, it comes to 21 years, roughly 20 years. When a person is 20 years old, which is 21 by Korean reckoning, they enter the period of maturity and should be married in God's love. Adam and Eve should have received God's blessing and obtained recognition as the True Parents of humanity, but they failed to accomplish this. They married without permission while still immature and did not begin the completion stage. Due to the unresolved sorrow of these seven remaining years, 1,000 years of the millennial kingdom would be added to the 6,000 years of biblical history, and so 7,000 years of sorrow came to be. In short, one year was prolonged to 1,000 years, and seven years to 7,000 years. We are indemnifying this in seven years. This is the seven-year course. (023-217, 1969/05/25) 2. Human beings, who are born as fallen descendants of Adam and Eve, can never go to heaven unless they walk the seven-year restoration course. It is not spoken of in the Bible, but Jesus also traveled such a course, the seven-year period from when he was 27 to when he was 33. The period from age 34 to 40 would have been his second seven-year course. If Jesus had started at age 20, the period from age 33 to 40 would have been the third seven-year course. In this way, Jesus could have established the worldwide foundation by age 40. However, because the people did not accept him and he died, that period remains in the Bible as seven years of great calamity and disturbance. (021-061, 1968/09/01) 3. The stage at which you receive the Blessing is not the stage at which you already have become perfect. If the Parents have gone over the bridge of the cross, then you need to walk over that bridge just as it stands. You cannot simply fly over it. If the bridge is dangerous, you may be able to reinforce it, but the fact remains that you still need to cross it. Therefore, the seven-year course that I have walked remains eternally. Both the seven-year course on the individual level and the seven-year course on the family level remain eternally. Because human beings fell at the top of the growth stage, they cannot ascend into the completion stage just as they are. Only when they finally rid themselves of original sin can they ascend beyond the place where the first ancestors fell. Since we are not free of original sin at the top level of the growth stage, it is at this position -- not the top level of the completion stage -- that you are to receive the Blessing. (035-233, 1970/10/19) 4. The seven-year course is the period that shapes the sons and daughters of God. This is determined by whether you can resolve Jesus' sorrows and grievances. Therefore, you need to sacrifice for your country, for your church and for your people in order to indemnify fully the unremitting anguish of Jesus. Those who were unable to follow in the footsteps of True Parents and participate in this seven-year course will need to pass through this course someday, regardless of who they are. This is the formula. The seven-year course is unavoidable. People who join the Unification Church in the future need to pass through the seven-year course. The seven-year course is something that everyone needs to undergo. (017-146, 1966/12/11) 5. You absolutely must walk the seven-year course. In the three years that made up the second part of his seven-year course, Jesus was unable to complete his mission. If he had completed this course and had gone on through the next seven-year course, he would have entered his forties. His first seven-year course should have ended at the age of 33. However, Jesus could not go beyond that stage. He could not go beyond the first seven-year course. He started out on his first seven-year course, but he was trapped during its last three years. Therefore, he could not restore the family. However, the Unification Church restored the family during our three-year course. In the future, we should carry out the work of restoration on the world level. (024-346, 1969/09/14) 6. You need to heal the bitter pain of Jesus and the bitter pain of God. Until Jesus' pain is resolved, God's pain cannot be resolved either. Therefore, you first need to resolve the pain of Jesus, and to do that, you need to walk the path of a public mission for three years just as Jesus walked his own three-year course of a public mission. Can you witness to 120 people in three years? You can do so by offering wholehearted devotion. After that, you must build a shrine, prepare an altar, make a sacrificial offering and become a high priest. Only after you have set this condition of having achieved victory can you finally receive the Blessing as the sons and daughters of heaven. You are restoring the model family, from the family of Noah to the family of Jacob. When you do that, you finally can become the ancestors of an individual tribe, similar to the branch tribes of Israel. This is the road that we must go. (011-215, 1961/07/17) 7. The Unification Church has passed through the initial three-year period of the first seven-year course that began in 1960. The number three is the number for finding children, and the number four is the number for restoring material things. We were successful in carrying out this first project. We prevailed during these three years and laid the foundation to advance to the world. Upon this foundation, we need to restore the Second Israel. Therefore, the remaining four years is the period in which we need to work hard for the restoration of the people. Exerting all our energy, we need to work diligently, and victoriously restore people and territory. You are doing in four years what I did in 40 years. In the future, even the matter of taking down the Unification Church signboard will depend on you. Instead of a Unification Church, we need to make a united Korea, and on that foundation we need to make a united world. If you cannot fulfill this responsibility, I will have to get another nation to do it. (013-091, 1963/10/22) 8. For the people of Israel, there was a three-day course prior to the 40-year wilderness course. Only by going through this three-day course could they finally embark on the path of restoring Canaan. And after the people of Israel went into Canaan, they had to restore the number 40 once again. Because the providence of restoration passed through such a course, in the current age I too had to go through a 40-year course, as well as a three-year course and a four-year course. Accordingly, we walked the three-year course, and now we are walking the four-year course. Only after undergoing such a process can we complete the work of restoration and establish the sovereignty of heaven. After passing through the three-year course with True Parents at the center, we need to go through the period of restoring all things of the creation; this is the current four-year course in which we are expanding in all directions. This is the seven-year course. Through this seven-year course, we need to continue working to complete restoration through indemnity. Relative to God's long historical course of searching for True Parents, the three-year course, the four-year course and the 40-year course are short periods of time. However, these are the periods during which we have to carry out restoration through indemnity, resolving all historical sorrows, resentments and the historical cross. (013-287, 1964/04/12) 9. The first three years of the seven-year course are the individual indemnity period, carried out in the smallest possible number of years. It is the condensed form of the corresponding historical indemnity period. Therefore, all Unification Church members need to go through this three-year period. I told you to become one with me in heart, so you all need to understand True Parents' heart. This threeyear period is a period of grace granted to you, in which you can come to stand in the position of True Parents, resemble them, and feel their heart, even wondering what they might be doing at this late hour and worrying that they might be staying up all night. If you were to do educational witnessing work for periods of 40 days during these three years, even twice a year, the total number of days you would work would still be less than a year. It is unacceptable if you cannot even do that. Ideally, you are supposed to do a fast during this period. It is my hope that during this period you will be able to find your position and establish the direction of your faith. If you miss this opportunity, you might lose your position, your direction and your connection with True Parents. (011-275, 1961/12/17) 10. If you go out believing in me alone, you will never be dislodged. Please overcome just these three years. In 1960, I sent you on witnessing missions to live the life of a servant, almost as if you were going to prison for three years -- just as, wearing a blue prison uniform, I set conditions of succeeding in restoration through indemnity. You need to be placed in an environment where you are hunted, because there was a time when I was hunted and forced to move from place to place. Through walking the horizontal path, you need to restore through indemnity the bitter pain in history, which remains unindemnified vertically. (025-214, 1969/10/04) 11. The first seven-year course is the path to restore the position of a child of direct lineage from the position of a servant of servants. Therefore, during this seven-year course you have to take the position of a servant and love Cain. This is why we need to go out and witness. We should try to love others with our heart focused on the Divine Principle. We should try to love others, not as a son or daughter of so-andso's lineage, but as people who have made a covenant with God's heart through heavenly love. We should find a point of accord with God's life and hope, and try our best to love others. Let us try to do this and become one with God in heart, hope and action. God's hope is to recover the world. His action is to carry out confidently the work of the providence of restoration to save the world. His heart provides the character that enables us to love the person who seems unlovable. (034-060, 1970/08/29) 12. We know that it was God's Will to conclude the sinful history of 6,000 years through the first sevenyear course. We also know that, ever since the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago, Christianity has been constructing a bloodstained altar of martyrdom and struggle in order to conclude the still unfulfilled work of the providence. We are keenly aware that not only Jesus and the Holy Spirit but also innumerable martyrs have come to earth for the Will of God and have left behind them nothing but sorrows. These saints followed their hearts and stomped upon satan's world, but they were forced to fulfill their work by sacrificing their bodies and going to their deaths. As we have seen, the demands of each age focused on a single moment in time and necessitated a fight to the death between satan's side and God's side. Then who is responsible to fulfill the mission of ending this fight? The outside world does not know that the members of the Unification Church, hounded and hunted by the people of Korea, are the ones who have shouldered this vital responsibility. God, however, knows it, and this is why He has pioneered this stony path together with us and has worked with us until now. This is a privilege given only to us, and we alone can carry that pride. On the path of history, the first seven-year course is the fertile period when we can eagerly bring these things into reality. (019-128, 1968/01/01) 13. You now stand at the very point where I began my public course 21 years ago. I was persecuted by Christianity, I was hunted by the nation, and I was opposed by religious people. However, the present time is not that kind of age. You live in an age where nations, religions, spiritual groups and gifted individuals around the world will begin to testify to you and welcome you. From this perspective, you are standing in a place more blessed than mine. In the past, if you tried to accomplish a task and made a mistake, you had to reverse your error and completely indemnify it. But now for you, that age has passed. All the conditions have improved. Indeed, a blessed moment has arrived in which the age of indemnity is passing and the age of glory is approaching. This applies particularly to you who are in the position of children. Those in the position of parents made a mistake, and a standard of suffering before humankind was established. However, because I completed my responsibility in the position of parents, you, who are in the position of children, are able to advance beyond the standard of persecution and accusation. This period is the first seven-year course. (021-061, 1968/09/01) The first course for Korea The first seven-year course was the path that the True Parents themselves took, the model course established for blessed couples. After the liberation of Korea in 1945 , True Father triumphed in his 14-year course on the individual level. During the seven-year course that started following the Holy Wedding of the True Parents, the members began to walk in True Parents' footsteps. Specifically, according to Fathers words, the first three years of the seven-year course was the period to recover the lost parents and children, and the four subsequent years was the period to pioneer the national-level foundation in addition to laying the material and environmental foundations. The members were in the position of children participating in True Parents' course. Their primary objective as individuals was to attain maturity and make great strides for the achievement of positive results. 14. What must you do to accomplish this seven-year period? You need to possess the victorious authority of dominion on the level of an individual, a family, a tribe, a people and a nation. However, being a descendant of the Fall, you cannot walk this seven-year course by yourself. This is why God established the True Parents to pave this road in both the spiritual world and the physical world, and you are following in their footsteps. (014-246, 1965/01/01) 15. Due to Adam and Eve's Fall, we lost the True Parents. Moreover, we lost the true children. We also lost all creation. Lastly, we lost God. We need to find these four things that have been lost. Adam and Eve fell at the completion level of the growth stage and gave birth to fallen sons and daughters, thus becoming the ancestors of fallen humanity. In this fallen realm, the creation also came to be filled with bitter sorrow. Because humankind came under the realm of satan's dominion, everything was lost. The Unification Church established the standard for restoring all of this during the period from 1960 to 1967, the first seven-year course. During this period, we rose to meet the criteria necessary to redeem all that had been lost. (023-180, 1969/05/18) 16. Why did I lead you to participate in the first seven-year course from 1960? You need to understand why we started in 1960 and not before then. The work of restoration is supposed to pass through the three stages of formation, growth and completion. Because you are passing through three stages related to the number seven, you must fulfill a period relating to 21. Now, due to the Fall, satan invaded the formation and growth stages. Since those in the position of parents fell, parents are the ones who must restore these two stages. Children are not able to participate in establishing the standard of overcoming trials and suffering. That task belongs to the parents. The children are to walk the path of restoration in the sevenyear period that corresponds to the completion stage. This is the period for the path of restoration at the level that did not suffer satan's invasion. The work you do during this first seven-year period remains as actual results; you are not paying indemnity. (016-065, 1965/12/26) 17. Centered on God, True Parents appeared on earth after the Holy Wedding. Since the beginning of history, many evil parents had been born, but the standard of good, God-centered parents had not been established on earth. On the day when this was established, satan's dominion over human beings, which he had held from the beginning of history until then, started to be taken away from him. This is why the forces of satan had no choice but to raise a banner of opposition and persecute True Parents with all their energy and might. Why were True Parents persecuted even after the Holy Wedding? The reason is that this wedding ceremony took place at the top of the growth stage and the seven-year course representing the completion stage remained unfinished. The problem was how we could go through this seven-year course. Only when we completed this seven-year course could we arrive at the realm of God's direct dominion. To pass through the dominion of the Principle and arrive at the direct dominion, we needed to fulfill what is called the portion of responsibility. Adam and Eve were supposed to uphold the ideal of love, through which they could become absolutely one centered on God, thus advancing to the position where they could never be divided. This would have established a foundation for a family whose first priority was God-centered love. If they had done this, then on that foundation, heaven and earth would have become one, and man and woman would have become one. Based on the foundation of new love, new life and new lineage, they would have then expanded horizontally in every direction. (196-214, 1990/01/01) 18. The Unification Church family members are the ones to participate in the first seven-year course, the Abel course, in which I am able to determine the fate of the people. If I go east, you should follow me to the east, and if I go west, you should follow me to the west. Become a leaf or a branch that must not fall or break off. This seven-year course is the period in which I am establishing you in the position of branches that do not break off and leaves that do not fall off, even if they have withered. Therefore, if it is at all possible, during this seven-year course all of you must be mobilized. During this period, worldwide Satanic powers will attack you in full, concentrated force. This period started in 1960. At that time, all people in the Republic of Korea opposed us. People lined up to file anonymous accusations with the police in order to have me imprisoned. Unless one receives such opposition, restoration through indemnity cannot take place. (017-140, 1966/12/11) 19. The first seven-year course served to bring an end to my own 21-year course. In this course you participated as individuals, but in terms of your significance in world history, you participated on behalf of many people in history. The devotions you offered in this period absolutely will not be in vain. They will remain linked to earth for thousands of years and generations, and when you go to the heavenly world, they will become the basis on which countless good spirits will offer you praise. This period will not come again. We came forward on the Korean Peninsula holding the unification banner in order to heal historical woes, and we have been targets for the arrows of persecution throughout this time. However, we did not ease our pace on the path that we have been traveling. Even while being driven out and pursued, we did not neglect our internal growth or our external preparation. So now there is not one person on the Korean Peninsula who can block the path of the Unification Church. Our determination has been to establish the standard that cannot be negated by any weapon imaginable. From the viewpoint of heaven, this is what brought us such a great victory. Because we established such a standard as our center, we were able to create a new history. (019-130, 1968/01/01) 20. In the first seven-year course True Parents, while establishing the standard for the family and the tribe, set the indemnity condition for the people through the church. This internal standard should have been reached at the time of Jesus, but could not be accomplished and had to be re-indemnified. To piece all this together, we have worked so hard during this seven-year course. (017-316, 1967/04/10) 21. While going through the initial three-year period of the first seven-year course, what must you do representing this pitiable race of people? You need to continue running forward, even if you fall down on the way. On this road of trials, you train yourselves as construction workers who can build an ideal society. You need to establish traditions that satan's world cannot accuse. The traditions you establish in the process of training yourselves should become a legacy that can endure eternally, even in the ideal world of the kingdom of heaven. Otherwise, you will not be able to say that you finished walking your life's path, and it will not be said that you completed your life's responsibility. The more you aspire to be loyal to heaven as a true filial son or daughter, the more suffering and trials you will undergo, so you need to prepare for that. You need to prepare thoroughly to stand in the position in which all humanity can praise your value and the entire cosmos can be grateful to you, in which you create conditions that will make the entire cosmos happy. (013-327, 1964/04/14) 22. We need to march forward toward the day when the sound of laughter rings and resonates throughout the Korean Peninsula and all the world, testifying that we have realized the kingdom of heaven. Since we are in such a position, we have no time to rest. We Unification Church believers should weep bitterly, even while eating. Why must we become like that? It is so that we can realize the kingdom of heaven desired by God, resolve the bitter sorrow of Jesus and the Holy Spirit over their unfulfilled task, and resolve the sorrow of the thousands of saints who endured starvation and became sacrificial offerings, yet could not restore the kingdom of heaven on earth. How can they be liberated from their sorrows? Do you think there is spare time for those of us who know this amazing reality, and who bear this enormous mission, to rest? Even if your legs break, even if you die, there remains the path of restoration for you to follow with all your strength. That is why I commanded you to complete the three-year course. In taking that path, everyone must risk death. To achieve the goal that you set with complete dedication, you should be ready to lose sleep, to go hungry and to face danger. I am responsible for making you carry out this work. This is why I hope that, when you stand in such a position, you will not complain about anyone. Even if you collapse or are asked to sacrifice yourself, you should not lament. We cannot avoid being targeted by the enemy, for we are soldiers laying the cornerstone to construct the kingdom of heaven. How can the enemy not try to besiege us? These things will happen. However, as you work for True Parents and for God, your heart is not for your own sake but for the sake of the people and the world. Therefore, this position is a sacred one. Even if this path is a long one, the footsteps of the unified soldiers should follow it joyfully, finding shortcuts whenever possible. (015-342, 1965/12/07) 23. I fear that the nation of Korea and its people, who are in the position of the people of Israel, may be unable to fulfill their responsibility. I am sending you ahead of me because, if there is any glory to be had, I want to give it to you first. You need to go through the remaining four-year period of the first seven-year course bearing this in mind. Since now is a time when anyone could become exhausted, we need to struggle even harder. Adam and Eve fell, and the fruit of their Fall was Cain and Abel. We need to restore this through indemnity focusing on our church members, namely the blessed families. In each region, there should be a family of filial sons and daughters who work with complete loyalty, regardless of what other people think or do. Such a family is surmounting the sorrows of a people through their tears, sweat and blood in order to achieve the goal True Parents set on their behalf. A person becomes True Parents' object partner if he or she lives with gratitude every day, asking with tears for blessings upon his or her people. Such people carry out heavenly labors. This is why during the four-year period, which is the second half of the first seven-year course, your responsibility is to be victorious leaders of the people. If this is the case, at the same time you welcome the peoples victory, God will welcome it too. You need to understand this and pray with increasing intensity. After this work is finished, you need to become victorious world-level leaders. Once you accomplish this, all the world's peoples will come to dwell in a realm of grace and praise God. Then finally we will be liberated, and we will establish God's Day as a day of complete victory. (013-158, 1964/01/01) 24. On December 31, 1964, and January 1, 1965, True Parents established holy grounds in seven places in Korea. After accomplishing this, I began the work, on the national level, of individual, family and tribal restoration. We need to set the foundations that God can accept for individual victory, family victory, tribal victory and victory of the people. In this context, the tribe means the blessed families of the Unification Church, and the people means the larger community that is formed around such tribes. In the future, we need to organize a united people. This is why, here in Korea, we have to restore the heavenly central position that Cain and Abel should have established. We need to make an all-out advance in this mission in the first seven-year course. (016-071, 1965/12/26) 25. The motto of the first year of the first seven-year course was, "Let this be the year of the best result of our lives." This means that I, in the position of a man, had to find True Mother. The motto of the second year was, "Let us become Heavenly Fathers representatives." Because I finally found Mother, I could work on behalf of our Heavenly Father to advance toward the restored kingdom of heaven. These mottoes refer to my own life. The motto of the third year was, "Let us have something to show and be proud of." Spiritual sons and daughters are those who we can show and be proud of. This refers to your restoration course. Therefore, this is both my motto and yours. Focusing on the first seven-year course, you need to have the greatest year of your life in front of heaven. This best year of your life must be one in which you, as a man who was completely lost, find a woman who was completely lost. Then as a representative of God, you need to find something to show and be proud of. After that you need to become a victorious leader. Once you have completely restored the four-position foundation, you need to govern the realm of victory. In 1960, when I said, "When this seven-year course passes, the complete foundation will be established on which I can work," you thought I was only dreaming. But now you can see that things have turned out just as I said they would. (025-239, 1969/10/04) 26. Though we have prevailed in the first seven-year course, True Parents shed many bloody tears during this period. Night or day, however difficult the situation was, I always rushed forward to achieve one goal. You should not blame others who do not follow this path. Even if you have no friends, you should blame no one. You are walking this path with the mission of harvesting the providential results that God has already prepared. We need to harvest the fruits of goodness that are scattered throughout this world. By harvesting these fruits with the sickle of the heart you can unite your divided self and even unite the separated feelings of heaven and humankind. Though our bodies are like dull sickles, they should still be used as tools for the harvest. In this way we base ourselves on the heart of God and guide the world toward a new center. This is the mission of Unification Church believers. (020-192, 1968/06/09) 27. In 1960 we prepared a new foundation for victory, the providential foundation to restore on earth the standard that Jesus hoped for 2,000 years ago. From such an astounding and epochal starting point, we entered a new era of history. During the period of this first seven-year course, if democracy cannot control the world and communism comes to dominate, the whole world will perish. So this seven-year period is the time when that which is perishing can be brought to thrive. We need to restore the people and organize them into the form of a nation, and then we need to create one united world. Everything needs to be restored during this sevenyear period. When Jesus came to this earth he wanted to establish Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things. Through this, he would have assumed absolute authority without satan's accusation and finally would have established God's Day, through which he could have returned glory to God. In accordance with Jesus' desire, we established Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things to achieve his goal. Then, after completing the first seven-year course, we finally established God's Day on the first day of the first month in 1968. (019-215, 1968/01/07) Section 2. The Restoration of the Nation and World Our duty in the second course True Parents said that the first seven-year course, which was completed at the end of 1967, was the parents' course, and the second seven-year course, which ended in 1974, was the children's course. During the first seven-year course, they devoted all their energy toward laying the foundation for national restoration, as can be seen in the annual mottoes during this period, "Let us make an all-out advance," "The victorious unified front," "Securing the foundation for unity," and "Safeguarding the front line of unity." The second seven-year course was the period in which blessed families needed to fulfill their duties as tribal messiahs to restore their position as the ancestors. Father said that during this period they needed to first restore their tribes as a foundation to restore a people and a nation. 1. In the first seven-year course, from 1960 to 1967, Parents directly prevailed, focusing on the vertical standard. The second seven-year course is your era. During this era, it is you who must fight, horizontally. The second seven-year course is the growth period. In history, decisive battles often were won in the second round. In the same way, the question of what will happen to Korea depends on the second sevenyear course. Before this second seven-year course ends in 1974, Korea must cooperate with God's Will and support the Unification Church. If this fundamental rule is violated, and Korea blocks our way, God will not forgive Korea. We need to march forward centering on this kind of foundation. By the time the second seven-year course ends, we should have surpassed the national standard, and then, by the time we complete the third seven-year course in 1981, we should have surpassed the world standard. This is because, in restoring through indemnity the orbit of the Principle, we must recreate history horizontally. (025-235, 1969/10/04) 2. Through the first seven-year course, we established God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and the Day of All Things. In so doing, we set the standard based on which we can fulfill our responsibility in the role of parents, something Jesus was unable to accomplish. After that, on the victorious foundation of having fulfilled our responsibility as True Parents, the children also need to unite as one, both internally and externally, until God's nation can be established. Only then can we complete the original Will that Jesus wanted to realize when he lived on earth. Following the victorious model of True Parents, children need to pave the way to the point where they too are able to surpass the national level. This is the second seven-year course. So the seven-year period from 1968 to 1974 is the time when the entire nation can go beyond the level of opposition that Jesus faced from his religion and nation. (065-268, 1973/01/01) 3. The period from 1968 is the time when we have to carry the family-level cross. During the 6,000 years of history, each of us had to carry his or her cross as individuals. The period to bear the family-level cross still remains. Until now, no one tried to carry that cross. Jesus too had to bear the cross on behalf of his people and his nation and then form a family, after which he would have gone out into the broader world. He died while he was still bearing the cross of the people and the nation, and we need to indemnify this. Both the path of the individual cross and the path of the family cross remain, and because the 6,000 years of history have progressed along such a thorny path, we need to establish indemnity conditions of both types. To do so, I walked the path of the individual cross from 1946 until 1960. This 14-year course was the same length as the 14-year course that Jacob walked. We can form a family, take hold of our position on earth centering on the four-position foundation of that family, and expand in all directions only after we have passed through such a period. (030-333, 1970/04/06) 4. The first seven-year course is the period in which we need to carry out the work of connecting a perfected man to a perfected woman, that is, Mother. This is the period of setting up the family standard of Parents. So, during this time Parents formed a family centering on God. Only then was I able to construct a family base on this earth, which is the restored form of the four-position foundation. Centering on the Parents' family, the blessed families need to unite completely. The period in which they need to do this is the second seven-year course. The second seven-year course is the period during which, centering on the Parents' family, the families that have received the Blessing need to unite completely as one, thus forming the unified realm of Abel. They then need to establish the standard that the people can recognize. (075-010, 1975/01/01) 5. During the second seven-year course, which lasts until 1974, we need to restore the Republic of Korea and build the foundation for the heavenly kingdom. Restoration needs to be done centering on both spirit and body. Accordingly, we must inspire people spiritually, centering on the Word in the church, and physically, centering on ideology in the world. That is why the Unification movement expresses an ideology of victory over communism, which the democratic world lacks. These correspond to the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud that led the Israelites when they departed with Moses from Egypt. Centering on these symbolic pillars, externally we are leading the communist realm to surrender, and internally we are establishing the law of the family. When this expands and connects to the world stage, we will complete the kingdom of heaven on earth. (025-240, 1969/10/04) 6. When a man and a woman are restored, they need to marry. When they have thus established their position as true parents, they need to form a true tribe and a true people centering on true parents, and continue the work of restoration. To do so, we walked the first seven-year course. After accomplishing this, we are to set indemnity conditions on the national standard and thereby enter the age in which we cross over national barriers. Since Korea has come to stand in the position of Abel, heavenly fortune has arrived, enabling us to move from the national level to the world level. We now need to carry out a unifying movement through which the external world of Cain and the spiritual world of God can be united as one country. Humankind is now entering a new age where people can cooperate to fulfill this responsibility. Therefore, from this time forward, the sorrowful, miserable historical course traveled by Unification Church members will no longer continue. In the second sevenyear course, we must get beyond the critical point of worldwide restoration. I am telling you that you yourselves must carry out your responsibility and go beyond the critical point in restoring the people. All who have received the Blessing need to complete their responsibility as family-level messiahs. (019-224, 1968/01/07) 7. The first seven-year course you walked until now was used as the condition of restoration through indemnity to liberate Jesus from his sorrows. We are now entering an era in which you can restore through indemnity your own self, in order to fulfill your own hopes. Therefore, each and every one of you needs to become a tribal messiah and go into the world. In this current situation, as you follow your mission path into the world, instead of being opposed as you teach the Will of God, you will be welcomed. We have progressed into such an era. While this was the critical point of worldwide restoration centering on True Parents, on the foundation of this seven-year period we have gone beyond that standard. (019-224, 1968/01/07) 8. The second seven-year course began in 1968. The children's course also began at that time. Children need to follow the course walked by their parents. They need to restore lost spiritual children, and receive the blessing of their parents. After this, they even need to receive the blessing of all creation. Then they can pass their mission on and take a sabbatical year. If you cannot do this during the seven years beginning from 1968, it will be extended to 21 years. Since God's Day is the day on which True Parents appear as the substantial manifestation of God, it is also the day when satan, who did not surrender to humankind, surrenders to True Parents as the substantial form of God. Through the establishment of God's Day, the condition was established and the angel surrendered to Adam, and Cain surrendered to Abel. The second seven-year course is the period in which we start from the position of restored elder son. In the past, we had to claim the place of the elder son from the position of the second son, so we were persecuted. But now we can distribute blessings from the position of the elder son, and therefore no one will hate or persecute us. Such a time has come. Now, if people refuse, we as the elder son have the mission to correct them in order to restore them as children of heaven. Just as True Parents carried out the mission of the Messiah in the first seven-year course, in the second seven-year course you need to fulfill the mission of the messiah for tribal restoration. (023-190, 1969/05/19) 9. The second seven-year course is the path on which we must find the people whom heaven did not choose, the group that was expelled from heaven, and save them. This is the foundation that Jesus would have established if he had not been cast out. Today God's sons and daughters in the Unification Church have mobilized to walk this path through the second seven-year course. Now is the time to restore tribes. True Parents ordered you to move forward boldly and strongly. That is because now is the time parallel to the time when Jesus found the fishermen and made them his disciples. At the time, he had to move forward boldly and strongly himself after establishing a church and forming a family. I issued such an order because now is such a time when the preparation has been made on earth. Also, the spirit world can cooperate, enabling us to carry out a perfect operation. By performing Blessing ceremonies in the period from 1960 to 1963, I established the standard of family restoration. Therefore, church members also need to establish this standard for the second seven-year course for three years from 1968 until 1970. (020-344, 1968/07/20) 10. In the second seven-year course you must restore your parents, siblings and relatives with a loyalty that is greater than the loyalty you showed for your nation. That is to say, you have to restore your whole tribe and bring them before God. Until now, your ancestors have had no way to have a relationship with the providence of restoration. However, when you restore your tribe, you can complete the mission of tribal true parents, and special grace will be given by which the saints in the spirit world can participate in returning resurrection through you. In this way, countless numbers of your good ancestors can come to earth again. Because such an age is approaching, satan's world is gradually disappearing and the fortune of unification is gradually being transferred to a new world. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the Principle, depending on how we act until 1974, I anticipate that we will see rapid development. (019-166, 1968/01/01) 11. After achieving victory on the national level, I put blessed families on the front line during the second seven-year course. I had to teach those families how they should establish themselves for their nation, how they should dedicate themselves in the eyes of the people and walk the path of public life. Since the second seven-year course is a family-level course, all blessed families were mobilized. As we entered the 1970s, the blessed wives had to leave their children and husbands to go into action for three years. This was because they had to walk the same road as Mother. If a wife leaves her home where she lives with her husband and children, her husband and the children become her enemies. That is why the wives had to consider their family members in advance as their enemies. However, because they already had made this determination, their family members did not enter satan's side even when the family members became enemies. They were not caught by satan's trap. That was love. The words recorded in the Bible, "Ones enemies will be members of one's own household" (Matt. 10:36), literally came true in the Unification Church. These are not mere words. That is how history works. (106-269, 1980/01/01) 12. In 1974, the last year of the second seven-year course, we have been connecting the second sevenyear course, which is external, to the first seven-year course, which is internal. This remains until 1974. When all is said and done, it is the time when blessed families of the Unification Church have to go out to the front line and confront satan with full force. That is why, during the three years of 1970, 1971 and 1972, all blessed wives have left their children, their husbands and their homes, and have gone out. On that foundation, True Parents prepared the spiritual starting point, where parents and children can finally unite as one on the world level. On that foundation, we have been able to carry out our activities in the United States. The fact that True Parents were able to come to the United States and do this work is analogous to Jesus having entered Rome victoriously, not dying but conducting major evangelical activities on the foundation of the nation of Israel and the religion of Judaism having united with him. (069-302, 1974/01/01) 13. The two seven-year courses until 1974 are the periods that correspond to the 14-year course of Jacob. Through this 14-year period, Jacob formed his family, setting his anchor in heaven and on earth. Similarly, by going through the second seven-year course, the Unification Church can set its anchor firmly on earth, centering on the family. The time is coming when it will be recognized officially that blessed families of the Unification Church are happier than other families, that they love their families and country more than anyone else, that they uphold the Will of God, and that they are a group of people who love the world and love humanity. When that time comes, our families will finally have the authority of Israel, and will settle in this world. On the day when we successfully complete the second seven-year course, the blessings of God will be concentrated decisively on the Unification Church and the Republic of Korea. Then the Unification Church will come to stand on an equal footing with the Republic of Korea and Christianity, even though they opposed us in the past, just as the nation of Israel and the religion of Judaism opposed Jesus. In fact, the Unification Church will go beyond merely being equal to them; it will come to stand above them. If the Christian churches and the nation do not follow us, they are doomed. (056-323, 1972/05/18) 14. The three-year period before the end of the second seven-year course is the preparation period to advance toward the third seven-year course, the world-level course. In other words, the period before the second seven-year course draws to a close is the time to prepare for the world-level seven-year course. Spiritually and providentially, this is parallel with the moment when the living Jesus could have unified Judea and Rome. Then what is the difference between Jesus' time and now? The time of Jesus was a national-level age, and today is a world-level age. That is the difference. America represents the democratic world, and by traveling there and establishing a foundation through a three-year course, I proved that I can be victorious. This is the historical significance of this time. (071-012, 1974/03/24) 15. If we call the democratic world the Abel world, the world of God, then the communist world would be the world of satan, Cain's world. When we prevail in the United States and complete this second sevenyear course, we will reach the spiritual level where satan's world will have to retreat. Communism possesses a substantial worldwide foundation, and we have not been able to attain a foundation of those proportions. Nonetheless, without your realizing it, even as the Cain-like communist world opposes our movement, True Parents are seizing the offensive. The democratic world is confronting the communist world from the position of Abel. The relationship of these two camps is analogous to the divided spirit and body. We need to occupy them first spiritually, so that we can form a relationship with them, and then engage them physically. In that way we can achieve victory. (071-012, 1974/03/24) Our responsibility in the third course True Parents established the third seven-year course, which ran from 1975 to 1981, saying it was the period to lay the foundation for world restoration. The three seven-year courses were periods of sacrifice to create the providential foundation on the family level, national level and world level. Thus, True Parents emphasized that everyone should be living offerings for the providence. They explained also that, on the foundation of spiritual victory, in the third seven-year course we are moving toward the unified world by creating a substantial standard. Since the spiritual victory was achieved through True Parents, the Unification family in the position of children need to achieve substantial victory. They need to do so by uniting in heart and soul to meet the external standard, centering on the internal standard that True Parents govern. They emphasized that we will need to sacrifice in order to transcend the democratic and communist worlds, and that this is the condition necessary to establish the victorious realm of heaven. 16. The beginning of the age when you can attend Mother in 1960 marked the completion of the Old Testament Age and the realm of the Bride in Jesus' age. After this, going beyond the standard of the Fall at the top of the growth stage, we must cross over the third seven-year course to achieve the world-level standard of completion. That is why the 21-year period of formation, growth and completion in Adam's family, the three seven-year courses from 1960 until 1981 centering on True Parents' family, was necessary on earth. That course of 21 years was the condition to transcend the 6,000 years of history from the age of Adam through the age of Jesus to the age of the Lord at the Second Coming. All vertical conditions need to be settled horizontally. (266-063, 1994/12/11) 17. The first seven-year course is the time when we take responsibility as True Parents. It is the period when the True Parents' family completely secures its place. The second seven-year course is the period when the families of the children complete their foundations. And the third seven-year course is the time when the tribe and the people take root and settle down. For the nation of Korea to take root and establish itself, the world needs to cooperate with it and become a wall of protection for its security. (068-020, 1973/07/23) 18. Our mission is to restore the nation and the world while I am here on earth. The 21-year course is carried out through three stages, and by the third seven-year course we must be known to the world. Just as Jacob brought about the surrender of the spiritual angel and then subdued his physical brother Esau, who represented Cain's side, today we must bring about the surrender of the spiritual satan on a worldwide scale and then accomplish the submission of the communist world. Just as Jacob was victorious after he had risked his life wrestling all night with the angel, so we too have to fight at the risk of our lives. Just as Jacob suffered many hardships, the Unification Church also must endure sacrifices. If we do not have that determination, we will not be able to save the world. The path of the providence should have begun with glory in my lifetime. However, due to Christianity's disbelief, we had to indemnify the suffering path walked for the last 2,000 years by the people of Israel. We are doing this through the 21-year course, which can also be described as three seven-year courses. (054-227, 1972/03/24) 19. The third seven-year course remains, during which you must go forward, on the foundation of True Parents' victory, which they won when they took responsibility for everything and fought directly to gain success. Now we have the foundation on which we can work freely centering on the United States for the next seven years. As you restore humanity from its fallen position in the world, you can become citizens of God's country and sons and daughters of God. You can do this representing the world, as you set the condition to restore the United States to the side of heaven and establish the one global nation. I set up the third seven-year course on the world level with the intention of granting you this privilege. You need to become the founding patriots of the heavenly country. The world turns on the axis of this fundamental principle. (071-018, 1974/03/24) 20. Starting in 1975, we enter the time when the Unification Church can advance to the world stage, focusing on both body and spirit. Gates are opening through which we can march all the way into the communist world. True Parents have set the conditions that enable us to go beyond even the world level. In 1975, we begin the third seven-year course. During the first three-year period of this course, Unification Church believers have to generate controversy, just as I did at Madison Square Garden in the United States. You need to walk this three-year course in actuality. (073-254, 1974/09/22) 21. Until 1981, when the third seven-year course ends, we bear the historic duty to become completely one with the center. We have to advance on this path with gratitude in our hearts, even if we have to sacrifice ourselves in the process. We need to push forward against every obstacle to accomplish this work. We do not know if this will happen in the nation of America, some other nation, or even the world. Will you be able to build such a foundation by 1981? This is a serious and difficult path. However, because God exists and because of the Principle, this is bound to happen. The question is how completely you can unite and move forward with True Parents. This will determine whether or not you can do it. You may collapse on the way, but True Parents cannot. (065-274, 1973/01/01) 22. No matter what sacrifices we have to make, by the end of the third seven-year course we need to stand higher than both the democratic and the communist worlds. If we do not rise to this level, we cannot establish the victorious realm of heaven. In short, we cannot win. To put it another way, if the communist realm invades, even if they say it is temporary, it is satan's invasion, so we need a foundation superior to worldwide communism. In this regard, through the third seven-year course True Parents are preparing the United States to attain complete victory. We have to substantiate the internal foundation with both houses of Congress so that they will strengthen the system of education about the reality of communism throughout the nation. How are we to lead the nation? This is the mission we need to fulfill through the third seven-year course. (083-020, 1976/02/05) 23. I believe that during the third seven-year course we need to strengthen our organization and activity centering on the United States. If we have not established our worldwide foundation by 1981, Korea will have no future. By 1981, because it completes the 21-year period of the three seven-year courses, we have to have built a base to go beyond the nation and expand into the world. If we do not go through such a worldwide indemnity course, our movement will not be able to manifest itself as a global religion. For God to carry out the providence through the Unification Church, we must follow this formula course and fulfill our responsibility to meet His conditions. If we do not keep up our momentum in fulfilling our responsibility, and invest with all our devotion, we will not become citizens of the ideal nation or world. That is why we are now engaged in this fight. (063-200, 1972/10/14) 24. It is truly a great thing to gain recognition as participants in the third seven-year course. When you succeed in home church as tribal messiahs in this period, you will become ancestors that your descendants can be proud of for generations to come. If you successfully conclude the third seven-year course and accomplish registration in the new nation, you are following the True Parents. You will have the privilege of succeeding with them automatically and going beyond the boundaries between nations, tribes and peoples. If you are victorious in the third seven-year course, you can stand before the world. This is not an opportunity that comes at just any time. Knowing that you are facing this incredible age, you have to fully devote yourselves to this third seven-year course. (103-070, 1979/02/02) 25. During the third seven-year course, you need to head toward the world level, no matter what it takes. Not only God but also Jesus and the numerous saints in the spirit world are saying, "You have come this far, so please take one more step. You can go on to the next level with just this one more step." To this end, just as we pray in support of the spiritual world, the spiritual world is praying for the physical world. That is the reason unification will be realized. Until now, we have worked to help the spirit world, but now the spirit world is helping us. (081-116, 1975/12/01) 26. You need to have the same feeling as I had in my heart on December 18, 1971 when I came to America. Before the third seven-year course ends, you need to influence others with the same determination I had when I made a solemn pledge as I stepped onto American soil. That is why I told the young people who went out into the world as missionaries that they should not return to their own country if they failed to fulfill their missions and responsibilities. You too should work with the conviction that you will significantly influence the state for which you are responsible, even if True Parents do not support you financially. You are doing this work for America, for the Unification Church and True Parents, and for your own self. You should never retreat, no matter what. (089-285, 1976/12/04) 27. You are walking the third seven-year course, and this course will last until 1981. I go in advance of you. I have not been shouldering my own individual responsibility but the responsibility of the world. You want to call us your True Parents, but you can do so only after you have completed this seven-year course. What must you do during this period? During the 7,000 years of history, God carried out the restoration of creation, people and, finally, heart. So during this seven-year course, you need to restore finances and people, and after that you need to find your love. (093-279, 1977/06/11) 28. What did True Parents do after deciding on the third seven-year course? We resolved to advance toward the completion of the purpose of restoration. We determined to bequeath to history a starting point of love that can serve eternally, even if it meant we had to deny the family, deny the nation, deny Asia and deny the world. Are those things going to remain? Will we be able to return with dignity? In what capacity would we return, and by what means? We would not come back as powerful officials, but instead as victors of love. In the end, this is the only standard for which I have striven, true love. You need to love your parents more than you love your children. You need to love your tribe more than you love your parents. You need to love your people more than you love your tribe. You need to love your nation more than you love your people. And you need to love the world more than you love your nation. (112-140, 1981/04/12) Section 3. Witnessing, Education and Revivals Witnessing conditions The 40-day summer witnessing and education, which began on July 20, 1960 after True Parents' Holy Wedding, ignited our membership nationwide for the cause of restoring the Korean people. A total of 659 members were sent out to 413 areas in Korea. In Seoul, door-to-door visits and Divine Principle lectures were organized, and witnessing took place in the major parks, including Pagoda Park. During this period, the Unificationist family united as one in heart with True Parents. They ate meager meals together with True Parents for 40 days and overcame all kinds of hardships and persecutions. 1. The 40-day witnessing period was established as a condition to indemnify the 4,000 years of history from Adam to Jesus and the 4,000 years of history from Abraham until now. In crossing over this summit, no matter how wide or long the road is, there is only one road. It is the fastest road, the road of indemnity. There is the journey of 4,000 years and the journey of 40 years. Both center on the number 40. To go over this summit, we must create a shortcut. This representative period is none other than the 40-day witnessing period. (024-115, 1969/07/13) 2. The 40-day witnessing periods, which were carried out both in summer and winter, will go down in history. In these periods, we had to pass over a summit that no one had been able to conquer before. We had to travel a stretch of road that has been impassable until now. This is the issue. You must walk that road, if not during your lifetime, then after your death. People who seek the heavenly path are always lonely, and people who bear heavenly responsibility are always serious. As Unificationist family members, you may find it easy to be a follower, but those who have to lead can never sleep deeply. Victory or defeat depends on the actions of the one who is responsible. (024-158, 1969/07/27) 3. The Unification Church began carrying out 40-day witnessing conditions in earnest from 1960. The reason for this is that, instead of living our lives bound by our daily circumstances, we needed to push outward, expanding into the future. In order to do this we needed to connect with every sphere of life in the world. All human beings symbolize not only the era in which they live, but also the future and their environment, as well as the past -- all these together. What this means is that you are a living representative of the past, of your own historical age, of this world and of the future. People who live such a life are worthy indeed. (167-207, 1987/07/19) 4. You should eat barley rice during the 40-day summertime witnessing period. You need to be a sacrificial offering. A sacrificial offering has no self-awareness or concept of ownership. After passing through the position of servant and the position of adopted son, we need to advance to the position of sons and daughters. Jesus was a sacrificial offering. He tried to become the high priest, but because of the disbelief of the people, he died as a sacrificial offering. The Lord at the Second Advent comes in the capacity of the high priest. Thus, we can advance to the position of children. On the morning of January 1, 1960, I said to you, "For three years, you must stand in the position to serve. Carry the heart of parents in your mind, and stand in the position of a servant. You should become a sacrificial offering by shedding blood, sweat, and tears. By doing so, you advance to the position of high priest to bear the responsibility of atonement, and you advance to the position of sons and daughters to represent Father and judge satan!" This is our motto and the main principle of our practice. As sons and daughters who think like Father, your blood, sweat and tears must saturate the road as they connect village with village. (011-175, 1961/07/09) 5. To become sons and daughters of True Parents, you need to establish the condition, by the principle of indemnity, for rebirth through the bone marrow of the Parents. Only then can you be in the position of sons and daughters. The 40-day witnessing periods spanning the three years from 1960 through 1962 were indemnity conditions for this. During these periods we ate barley rice. Why did we have to eat barley rice? It was because those three years were a time of paying indemnity. These were the periods to restore and go beyond the four-position foundation, centering on True Parents' direct children. It was the period for you to establish the Cain-Abel relationship centering on Parents, and in this way to unite Cain and Abel. (026-310, 1969/11/10) 6. There is a path by which we take responsibility for the sorrowful history following the liberation of Korea, and for the hope our people have held. That is the path of unification. And if there were such people, they were none other than the members of the Unification Church. This is the reason the Unification Church has come forth and cannot perish. When we went out to witness, everyone of all ages cornered and attacked us. We were filled with grief when we were ridiculed. Our hearts filled with sorrow. Tears gathered and fell like dewdrops. As we gazed at the morning sunrise, we pinned our hopes on tomorrow, when we would greet the bright sunlight of a new day. With that hope, we endured today as a day of sorrow and perseverance. The approaching night was, for us, a time to bear the cross. Living each day in this manner, many years have passed. Our Unificationist group, which was hounded in the past, has somehow come to be recognized for loving the nation and loving the people. It is now acknowledged that we are fighting and endeavoring for this country. Therefore, today when people speak of religious groups, they cannot exclude the Unification Church. We have laid a foundation such that the people who persecuted us are now on bended knees, welcoming us with tears. (028-296, 1970/02/11) True Parents' regional tours During the 40-day summer witnessing campaign of 1960, True Parents traveled around Korea for 21 days, from July 30 to August 19, visiting the witnessing locations and giving encouragement to the education team members. The witnessing teams who were pioneering received True Parents' party with tears of gratitude. True Parents spent time with the members, listening attentively to their reports, sometimes staying up all night because they were so absorbed, speaking to them, and sharing their meals of boiled barley. True Parents continued to make regional tours during a three-year period. 7. I vividly remember the time in 1960 when I sent you out to witness and toured around to visit you. Today, when I go on a tour and people hear I am coming, numerous members line up on the path to greet me. But more than with them, God makes the connection of heaven and earth in the mind of the person whom He sees standing anxiously alone in a place where the cold wind blows. When the people I sent out, looking like sentinels in the world of death, still raise the flag of heaven, pledging their life and bowing their heads to pray with devotion -- God is with them. In light of this, we can see that a connection of heart with God is formed when we are in a difficult situation. When people hunted and pursued Elijah, and he appealed to God, saying, "I am the only one left" (1 Kings 19:10), God was with him in heart. Since God was with him, the decisive power of victory was newly given to Elijah. (017-083, 1966/11/12) 8. At the time I toured the districts in Korea for 21 days, I prayed, "This road is now a rough mountainous road, but in the future, the Unification Church family members will make a road here that many motorists will call the best road there is." This road is not just the road of an individual. It is the road that continues for all. Among you, there may be some who strut down it, thinking it is a temporary road. But I am not like that. It is not a temporary road. This is the road that peoples, all of humankind, those in the spirit world and even Heavenly Father must walk. When the individual, family, society, people, citizens of the nation, those in the spirit world and even God travel on this road, they will say, "My sons and daughters will find this road very smooth!" (012-162, 1963/03/16) 9. When I toured the local districts I often slept outside. In the time of pioneer witnessing, everyone did so. I would ride in a jeep 24 hours, night and day. There was no place to sleep, so we slept in the jeep. I had that kind of training. If I slept out in the open, I would be wet with dew by morning, so I slept in the jeep. The time I spent in it was a time for resting. If my destination was even 30 minutes away, I would close my eyes and fall asleep immediately. (227-191, 1992/02/11) 10. When I tour the district churches, I see that the Unification Church members are living in very miserable places. Every time I see that, I pray to God, "Heavenly Father, please be with them! When I lived in such circumstances, You were there with me, and when I stood in such a position on Your behalf, didn't You encourage me, saying that there is still a way I can go? Please form such a connection with them, too." Do not use the word "miserable" to describe the place you are in now. Even in a miserable place, you need to appear as a person who can sing a triumphant song of goodness. To do so, you need to become princes and princesses of God who can judge the evil world. You need clearly to understand my position as the Teacher, the one who had no choice but to drive you out to the place where sharp winds blow and stormy waves crash. When you know that you love God, and that He loves you, you will leave the precious and comfortable position that fulfills your hope in this world and go out to the place where you can hold on to God's heart and appeal to Him. (016-255, 1966/06/19) 11. When I go on a regional tour, many times I face the members with tears. When I see how they endure in the most difficult situations, I am filled with sorrow. But, the more miserable you are, the more you can become one in heart with God. God is deeply moved when He meets you in the place where you declare that you will suffer for Father's sake, the place where you call out His name even while you are starving. In the place where you are confined behind bars and beaten while working for God's Will, where you shed tears as you are tortured, that's where the heart of God bursts. While you are in such a place, you need to pledge that you will win the titles of filial child and loyal patriot in front of Father. Since no one in history has been like that, you should comfort God, saying you will liberate history's sorrowful martyrs. Once you understand God's historical heart, you promise the martyrs, "This is the road you walked. I too will walk this road to comfort you and resolve your sorrow. I promise to do so now, without fail." (156-322, 1966/12/25) 12. I toured around Korea often. I thought as I drove over the rough roads of Gangwon Province, "If only this road were a little wider, even by a foot!" This was something that the driver felt as well. Therefore, when we pave our road, it should not be a narrow one that can be traveled only by an individual or a family. When we are building a road, we should make it wide, even if it means we have to work much harder and sacrifice more. Then what kind of a road should be paved by the family members of the Unification Church, who are pioneering the road of historic destiny? You are the pioneers who work for our people and for all humanity. You hold invisible pick-axes and rakes in your hands. You do not want to receive criticism from your descendants, such as "If only they had made this a little better!" Instead, you should construct a road that will make them look back and wonder, "How on earth did our ancestors build a road such as this?" You are the pioneers who are meant to make such a road. (012-161, 1963/03/16) 13. Once, in 1960, I went on a 21-day tour. I want Japanese members to explore these roads I traveled. I will tell them, "I took a 21-day tour on narrow bumpy dirt roads riding a shaky jeep. This was during the period of pioneer witnessing, a time of persecution. Now these roads are have become holy ground, so you should walk on them with your shoes off." When I tell them this, they will walk down those roads barefoot. When they do that, the people who are waiting for them to pass by will fill the roads in the small and narrow places of the Korean Peninsula. After the Japanese members have done that, and have returned to their country, I will have the American members come and do the same. It will be a competition between them. When that happens, those with a sense of urgency will fly here in advance and wait for the others. There will come a time when I will have people walk barefoot along the course I have toured. You should be grateful that you do not have to take your shoes off when you walk that road, because such a time will come. Christian pilgrims touring Jerusalem walk the roads with care and look as if they have come into an entirely different world, the kingdom of heaven. When you see that, can't you picture how wonderful a country this nation of Korea will become? Even Mecca of the Muslims, a place in the desert, is constantly visited by pilgrims. Korea will become so much greater than this in the future. Therefore, we need to make Korea a prosperous country. (046-184, 1971/08/13) Workshops The first witnessing workshop was held from January 10 to February 20, 1959. After that, witnessing workshops were held on numerous occasions to educate core witnessing members. In the case of those who had day jobs, they obtained the same qualification by attending a 10-week evening program. Particularly at the 9th National Witnessing Workshop held from November 5 to December 14, 1961, True Parents emphasized that the most important thing was for them to know about God and His Will and, for that, they had to know history, the present time and the future. True Parents also asked the workshop attendees to remain eternally as members of the Unification Church and to become leaders in word, action, ideology, life, and heart. 14. The purpose for learning the Word is to train our character and prepare our heart. We must become people who, understanding the heart of God, are able to defeat satan and bring those on satan's side over to ours. Only then can we triumph over satan and enjoy the glory of that victory. I am trying to make you into heavenly soldiers who can embrace feeling shame, sorrow or bitter grief; who can pledge to win without fail, unite perfectly, and fight until our enemy completely surrenders. (010-300, 1960/11/11) 15. Even if you are in a difficult environment, you should not criticize your situation. You should be able to digest every circumstance and condition. Since you have set out pledging that you will do so, you should not complain. You need to stand in the public position and not think only of yourself. You are in a historic position in the universe, in which you represent heaven and earth and the will of the whole. Therefore, as you stand in this position of responsibility, you need to make a resolution and pledge. After being trained for outreach activities, you need to go out as leaders. (010-296, 1960/11/11) 16. You workshop participants who are in a position of extreme sorrow need to discover yourselves. You need to feel this keenly. You are the sorrowful ones who are the focal point in solving the problem. Since you are the descendants of a sorrowful history, you need to take responsibility for resolving God's sorrow on His behalf. When judgment is taking place, you should comfort God in His bitter sorrow and say, "Don't judge these people who have become evil!" You should be able to say, "We are Your loyal patriots and filial children, so, in looking at us, please find it within Yourself to forgive those who are with us!" This alone allows you to remain in the new age. To comfort God in His pain, you too need to be in a position of pain. To comfort God in His sorrow, you too need to be in a position of sorrow. Sinful history will end only when His sons and daughters say, "Let us go forth to attend God, who is infinitely sorrowful. Let us go forth to console God, who is infinitely sad. Let us go forth to resolve the vexation of God, who has infinite bitter grief." You must know how to harbor a heart that burns with indignation toward satan while praying for the world and humanity. (010-299, 1960/11/11) 17. God searches for His children on the front line. He searches from the lowest point and comes up from there. God needs followers who believe in the concept of the chosen people of heaven. You need to set out from the position of being at the bottom of society. Look clearly at this world. Since the affairs of the world turn in accord with the movement of heaven, you need to have faith. I am pioneering this path and training you in this period of three years to make you the final victors. (011-043, 1960/12/20) 18. Even though we harbor sorrows, we should not lament over them, for we know the sorrows of God. If there is a group that stands up before society, saying, "Tell us your sorrow so that we can take responsibility for it and banish your grief through our perseverance, sacrifice and even death," that group will be living, substantial embodiments of God's Will, owners who can judge good and evil on this earth. God has been waiting for 6,000 years, wondering what people or what religious denomination will emerge to do this. He has suffered more than us, hovered on the verge of death more times than us, and gone through more trials and sorrows in His heart than us. He has struggled and endeavored, and yet failed to find a place of rest. We need to know our Heavenly Father as He really is. Knowing Him as He really is, we should also understand the fact that Heavenly Father has worked throughout the course of history because of us, that He is working for the Will of the providence in this age because of us, and that He is endeavoring with hope for the future because of us. It is our destiny to become filial children in front of a Father who works hard for our sake. Only the people who can set out, saying that they will take responsibility for this on behalf of all people, can become the workers of the new age, those who can lead and manage heaven's work in the new age. (010-242, 1960/10/16) 19. Now that the witnessing workshop has come to an end, you participants need to depart to places throughout South Korea. People who feel concern for their country are patriots, and people who feel concern for God are His sons and daughters. People who work for their country give birth to children who also worry about the future of their country. If you study the world, you will see that a country that possesses such people and such citizens does not perish. Only such people can set right the old, wrongful history. You need to become people who are in accord with the heart, hope and circumstances of God. Do not worry about the survival of your body and mind. Be concerned first about the village you are going to. You can find the hope, circumstances and heart of God in that place. Your main concern should be to transform the sons and daughters of sin into the sons and daughters of God. You should never forget that God is worried about today's individuals, societies, peoples, nations and the world. I have not once forgotten these during the 40 years of my life. (012-100, 1962/12/10) Lecturing throughout Korea For four weeks from September 16 to October 13, 1963, Autumn Special Revival Meetings were held in 1,420 places to harvest the results achieved on the foundation of the three-year witnessing campaign and to prepare the basis for a fresh new start. The eight districts in Korea were divided into two regions, north and south, with four districts in each. The revival meetings were concentrated on the district level, with the first series held September 16 to 22 in 300 locations in Gyeonggi Province in the northern region and in 250 locations in North Gyeongsang Province in the southern region, with a final series ending on October 13. True Parents clarified that Korea needs to be born anew through the Unification Principle and encouraged the members, telling them to hold on to the 30 million people of Korea and run forward. If they stumbled, they should quickly stand up and keep moving forward again so that Korea can become the central nation in the global providence, recognized as such by the rest of the world. In addition, Divine Principle lecture meetings were held frequently in places of True Parents' special interest, including a series of Divine Principle lectures held over seven days, December 5 to 11, in Daegu. 20. For 28 days in September and October, 1963, we divided Korea into northern and southern regions, and held special revival meetings across the nation. When will this nation take root and establish itself? It will happen only after the teachings that heaven is working to establish have taken root. It cannot happen before then. Heavenly law is like that. This country cannot secure its position until God secures His position. God's Will is with this people, but if the many religions that lead the spirit of this people cannot stand before the Will of God, then this people will not be able to secure their position either. (013-042, 1963/10/16) 21. In April 1964, a Divine Principle lecture meeting was successfully held in Daegu. Since God is with us, we need to gather up our courage and fight. We need to have the conviction that, even if heaven and earth change, we will not change. In order to create the history of heaven, we must burn with the conviction that we will indemnify with our painful bodies the bitter sorrow of Abel that pierces history, heaven and earth. We must be filled with the conviction that we will resolve the bitter sorrow of God, and that we will accomplish His Will in Jesus' stead. All of heaven and earth belong to God, and simultaneously to us as well. The general tendency has now changed. Nobody can persecute us anymore. The misery of the people living in the mountainous districts, suffering and going hungry, is akin to that of God in the past. When we look at the miserable people, we should grab their hands and weep bitterly. Since those people, who should have become the children of God, are being oppressed by the enemy, when we see that misery we should weep bitterly. Even if you go hungry, you should not despair; instead become loyal patriots who weep bitterly for them. The children who know how to weep bitterly on behalf of the heart of God and Parents are true children. Today's hunger and misery will change into the glory and joy of the future. You need to love the nation and the people. You need to resemble the unchanging mind toward heaven that Parents have harbored their entire lives. You should not become exhausted or lament during this springtime of your life. Instead you should shed tears, blood and sweat with an unchanging heart. (014-038, 1964/04/28) 22. During the 40-day summer witnessing period, everyone, or at least as many people as possible, should be mobilized. I hope you will not miss this opportunity to participate, so that you can achieve the goal as heaven's elite troops who have been entrusted with positions of responsibility. Now that we are in the year 1964, we are anxious to tour around the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, last April I reassigned the district leaders after the Divine Principle lecture meeting. These days, True Parents worry over how we can prepare to fight during the coming year, 1965. At that time we also will mobilize more than 2,000 to revive the Korean people. (014-130, 1964/07/17) 23. We need to become examples of loyalty and filial piety in front of heaven for the sake of the people and for all humanity. To do so, the lives we lead must conform with the goal and view of heaven and resolve historical sorrows. Though the Divine Principle lecture meetings were held for only a short period, we were victorious. We need to win over Christianity just as Abel wins over the Cain-type world, so that we can make God the God of cosmic historical victory. If Cain surrenders to Abel, the archangel returns to his original position and the original Will for creation is accomplished. Unification Church believers must accomplish the Will and win the heart of the Christian faithful. (014-037, 1964/04/28) 24. The place where we are with God is the most difficult place. We should offer our youth with loyalty in front of God. When becoming filial children, it is better to do so while we are young. With the heart with which I held on to God and prayed, you also should practice loyalty and filial piety for your people. The people who join our church from now will be different from you, who were loyal while enduring difficult circumstances. I dedicated everything during the springtime of my life, and you also should do so in front of God during your youth. In Daegu, I was unable to hold a Divine Principle lecture meeting like this one until now, because the time was not right. Now that we have spiritually tied things up in Daegu through this Divine Principle lecture meeting, you should return to your districts and win over Christianity by suffering hardships on its behalf. Christianity is Cain both in spirit and flesh. Christianity has a foundation that has been laid over thousands of years. You need to have the wisdom with which Jacob won over Esau in order to win it over. (014-038, 1964/04/28) 25. All Unification Church members should unite to fulfill the responsibility of True Parents in their stead, by protecting the family and embracing this people and nation in their heart. Establish your position through practicing the Unification teachings. I have instructed that every one of you mobilize and take responsibility in front of heaven to extend and continue the standard with which Parents have lived for God. These Divine Principle lecture meetings, which will begin throughout Korea on October 1, 1964, are the one time during which you can fulfill your responsibility. You can establish conditions that make up for what you, as a people, have left unfinished in front of heaven. I have a strong mind to shout out in front of the people and the leaders of Korea, to teach the multitudes, move the Korean Peninsula and resolve its destiny. But I have only one body, and am unable to do so. This has been a reason for the sorrows in my heart. Therefore, those of you who are in your 40s, just as I am, should represent me and relieve me from this sorrowful heart by taking the heavenly burden onto your shoulders. During the six months of the Divine Principle lecture meetings, you should set the indemnity conditions and dedicate yourselves to fulfill them. (154-240, 1964/09/18) 26. On the one hand, we can say that the work I have done in the 21-year period before 1967 was that of enduring hardships in order to prepare the stage on which we can carry out our activities in the wider society. There was no other way to achieve this. When the work I have thus accomplished receives public recognition, that is, when the people of Korea become aware of it, they will intuit that there is enormous content in the background. From that point, God actually will be able to move history. Therefore, I am calling the Unification Church members to undergo hardships. The results achieved through my guiding them will be reaped in society. To do this work, you should not be everyday people, but rather the core workers. God prepared that human resource pool from early on. Through such preparation, we need to achieve the external standard and complete the internal standard. Henceforth, no matter how much other churches oppose us, things will not go as they plan. From now on we will continue holding revival meetings, until we make them realize that they misunderstand the Unification Church. Thus, we will expand the environment in which heaven connects to society. (017-332, 1967/04/30) Section 4. Mobilization of Blessed Families Three-year mobilization All blessed wives from the 36 Couples to the 777 Couples were mobilized for three years from December 1, 1970. A total of 1,200 women, divided into teams of 10, worked in 120 locations across Korea. True Parents said that women were being sent out to the front lines because it was Eve originally who broke up the family. He said that while the wives were undergoing hardships for their country, the husbands and children should also focus on loving their country, and that only then could they be made whole as restored families. In particular, True Parents asked blessed wives to offer special prayers and conditions in their mission places so that the Irnjin River would not freeze over. Were it to freeze over, there would have been an opportunity for North Korea to attack the South again. Later, this tradition of offering devotions and prayer was passed on to all other blessed wives in the 1,800 Couples, 6,000 Couples, 6,500 Couples, 30,000 Couples and so on. 1. When I set out on the road of my indemnity course, I did so leaving my family behind. I set out for North Korea, but you, in contrast, from the position of women, had to leave your homes for the sake of South Korea. What this means is that to deal with satan's world, North Korea, a man left his home behind, and similarly, to deal with the Cain world, South Korea, women left their homes behind. The hope of Jesus was to prepare the family-level foundation during his three-year course of public life. As Jesus was the Second Adam, the foundation for the Second Eve should have been built in his presence. Had this happened, the Second Eve would have fulfilled God's Will by attending the historic Jesus. But that did not happen. The three years of full-time witnessing by blessed wives indemnifies that three-year period. Herein lies the reason for sending the blessed wives out for three years. (038-033, 1971/01/01) 2. What is the reason for the December 1, 1970 mobilization of the blessed wives? It was because of women that Jesus could not accomplish the Will while walking his three-year course, and so he lost the people and the nation. Therefore, the blessed wives have to walk this three-year course to prepare the foundation to recover the people and nation that Jesus had lost, and also recover the world. This course resolves the sorrows of Jesus' three-year course of public life. Then they can achieve the standard of the Bride for whom Jesus had so long awaited. Only when this comes to pass can we see new families spread out horizontally, centered on heaven, and sing of liberation, while free and unconstrained. This is the Principle. This is why you have to walk the pioneering path for these three years until 1972. This period is parallel to the three years of my imprisonment in North Korea. While you are not being imprisoned and are in the free land of South Korea, you are walking a road similar to my life in the North Korean prison. This period is important in that, through it, you can resolve the fact that I had to follow a course of suffering because Christianity and Christian women, whom God was ready to bless, did not support me. Knowing this, you should offer all your sincere devotion for this nation, centering upon God's Will. (036-154, 1970/11/25) 3. To restore the world, you need to love your tribe more than your family, love your people more than your tribe, and love the world more than your people. We need to make haste to restore the world. After the 777 Couples Blessing, all blessed wives should mobilize for three years until 1972. Why should they mobilize? As of now you have passed through the age of individual indemnity. While you were passing through the age of individual indemnity, True Parents had already passed through the age of family-level indemnity. Because we passed through the age of family-level indemnity, we were able to establish God's Day, Day of All Things, Children's Day and Parents' Day. However, you have not reached that level, and so you need to mobilize. (035-247, 1970/10/19) 4. The 1960s was a time when the individual pledged victory, but the 1970s and onward is the time when families need to carry the cross. From 1960 until 1967, specifically until the time when I established God's Day, I myself carried the cross of the family. I had to indemnify and go beyond everything that causes problems in the family. Three years later, we ushered in the year 1970, and since it marked the third year of the second seven-year course, you should have completed the foundation for victory on the family level. However, you were unable to complete this, so there is no other way but for you as blessed families to walk the path of the cross again. That is why I am announcing to the 777 Couple blessed wives that, from the first day of December 1970, you must fully mobilize. Not only you; I will mobilize all blessed families centering on you. (035-302, 1970/10/30) 5. In every historical age, the Will of the providence of restoration prepares a family base as the most important providential foundation. The family is the center, not the individual. The individual is necessary to find the family and to pass through the course of vertical indemnity. That is why we need to start out vertically, centering on the family. Based on the viewpoint of the Principle, since Eve, a woman, destroyed this vertical starting point, it is only appropriate that women stand at the forefront. That is why I said that, for three years from December 1, 1970, all blessed wives should fully mobilize. After doing so, provided that the sons and daughters visit their mothers, and the husbands visit their wives, restoration comes about. Only when families, in the course of indemnity, establish the condition that the husband loves his wife because she is suffering for their country, and that the sons and daughters love their mother for the same reason, can they settle anew as restored families. (036-033, 1970/11/08) 6. An individual needs to seek the path of life for the sake of the country and the world. After that, a family needs to do the same. That is why I told the blessed families to go out. The family needs to walk the path of loving the country. It is not enough for the husband alone to love the country. The wife and children also need to establish the condition that they love the country. This is the condition to be fulfilled by the entire four-position foundation. When has an entire family ever really loved God and their country? This has never been accomplished, so the Unification Church has no choice but to mobilize all the blessed wives. Therefore, we prepare the one origin of love that encompasses the four-position foundation at this time, as the age of the reunification of Korea is approaching. (036-080, 1970/11/15) 7. If you, the blessed wives, go out to the districts, what do you think will happen? By you mothers going out and leaving your husband and children behind, the four-position foundation of your family is divided. The father will educate the sons and daughters about the work their mother is carrying out, and the children will come to adore their mother. The father can educate his children in a new direction to respect their mother, telling them, "Your mother is out there fighting for the country and the will of heaven." Indeed it is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill the standard of mother-child unity. In addition, it is a good opportunity for couples to cooperate with each other and be perfected. In other words, this is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for the four-position foundation of the family to cooperate and achieve the goal for everyone at the same time. God has worked for 6,000 years to lay the foundation for mother-child cooperation. Now we have the opportunity to conclude the foundation of cooperation and complete the four-position foundation, not only between mother and child, but also through the complete cooperation between husband and wife. (036-146, 1970/11/25) 8. From December 1, 1970, the blessed wives need to fully mobilize. The men who think, "Since only the wives are mobilizing at this time, it has nothing to do with me," will become people who have no connection with their wives. The wife and mother are mobilizing as representatives of their family, and not only for their family, but also as representatives of the church. Furthermore, since the Republic of Korea is not fulfilling its responsibility, those women are mobilizing as representatives of Korea. And not just for Korea; they are also mobilizing as representatives of the world. Finally, they are mobilizing as representatives of their ancestors and of the spirit world. Therefore, you must feel the benefit of being part of this mobilization. (036-027, 1970/11/08) 9. When sending families out to the front line, the wife rather than the husband should go out. The origin of the Fall was not Adam, but Eve. Because Eve became one with the archangel in an unprincipled way, she completely destroyed the way of becoming one with God, the way of becoming God's child, and the way of becoming an eternal, ideal couple with Adam. She completely destroyed God's country and world. Eve was the one who caused all this. Because Eve brought about this result, today the Unification Church blessed wives have to go to the front line to restore the families of satan's world. This is the reappearance of the family's position at the stage before Eve fell with the archangel. I dispatched 1,200 blessed wives to 120 locations, which represents all numbers. These 120 places are in the Republic of Korea, but they symbolize all the countries of the world. (038-023, 1971/01/01) 10. The course of the three stages of formation, growth and completion exists even in the pioneering course of women. Why is this so? God has carried out the 6,000-year providence of restoration in three parallel time periods, centering on men. This was to liberate women. Because men have indemnified the vertical aspects, women need to stand in front and indemnify the horizontal aspects. In other words, they need to carry out vertical conditions of indemnity horizontally. God had to restore the individual, the family, the tribe, the people and the nation through these three courses in the providence. That is why women need to go through three pioneering courses leading up to national restoration. Without this, the course of the fundamental principle of indemnity cannot be concluded. (036-153, 1970/11/25) 11. No matter how difficult the path is, the blessed wives should always be united as they go through this three-year mobilization period. Our hoped-for foundation can be laid in the period of three years from 1970 until 1972. By establishing that foundation, when we get into the decade of the 70s, Korea will have no cause to worry. Today, God is the only one who can support Korea and the only one in whom Korea can trust. North Korea is completing preparations to invade the Republic of Korea by force. Moreover, China and the Soviet Union are behind North Korea. The Republic of Korea faces this northeast Asian communist realm. In addition, Japan is hand in hand with China at present. In light of this, the way for Korea is blocked front and back. When the people of Korea realize that they are surrounded by hostile nations, it goes without saying that they will not want to live a life of ease. (040-191, 1971/02/01) 12. Jesus walked a three-year course of public life. What was the purpose of that course? What was Jesus seeking through this? He was seeking to restore Eve and then a family. He sought to restore a family in order to restore a tribe, to restore a tribe in order to raise up a church, and to create the church in order to restore a nation. For his three-year public life course, this was Jesus' highest hope and anticipation. Now we have entered the age when the realization of this hidden hope, the uppermost limit of that hope, is no longer hidden. The time for this to happen is now, 1971. The issue is whether blessed families have become completely one centered on True Parents' family. The issue is not whether they are beyond satan's accusation, but whether they are completely united with each other and one with True Parents' family. By uniting completely, they go beyond national borders. They need to fight against satan and break through the final boundary line. (040-207, 1971/02/01) The blessed wives The blessed families' mission locations were determined by drawing lots. Wives began their work under the leadership of the wives of elder couples, 36 and 72 Couples, who were team leaders. True Parents said that the wives were supposed to go to their mission places alone, but because the environment in the world is perilous, they were sent out in teams of ten members each. True Parents also emphasized that, in order to indemnify the disunity of Jesus' 12 disciples, and to complete the foundation of their organization as clan leaders on behalf of the disciples, all team members should leave their old lifestyle behind and unite. On the victorious foundation of the official recognition that Korea cannot survive unless the Korean people work together with the Unification Church members, True Parents have branched out to the rest of the world through the United States. 13. The families whose wives are willing to follow the path of God's Will for the nation and the world while leaving their beloved husbands and children behind, will come to dwell in the presence of God. God certainly is with those who, as delicate women, leave their husbands and children to stand on the front line and march forward for the sake of the country and the world. When we resolutely called blessed wives to mobilize, we did not have even the smallest pangs of conscience. We did not do it so that we could live comfortably. If there is profit, the profit is not ours, but is the profit of the country, the world, history and humankind, and the joy of God. That is our hope and that is the summit we need to reach. Therefore, that joy should not stay inside the Unification Church. It should remain as the joy of the people, the country and the world, an object of reverence and remembrance. Because there is no other way, True Parents resolutely moved this task forward. (037-201, 1970/12/27) 14. When the blessed wives mobilized to the front line, I especially commanded that they should not take their children with them. I told them that if they had no mother or father to entrust their children to, they should go out after entrusting them to relatives. I knew that the Unification Church would be criticized for doing this. The parents and relatives of some wives were bound to speak ill of them, asking how they could think of going out for three years as soon as they were married. I told the mothers who had children to entrust their children to their own mothers and fathers, and if they did not have mothers or fathers, to leave the children in the homes of their uncles, and if they did not have uncles either, to entrust the children to their husband's parents and then to go to their mission places. If they did that, like it or not, the relatives would take care of their children. They would not leave the children to die. By raising those children, they would receive grace. Because those families otherwise are destined to perish, in order for them to receive blessings, you should entrust your children to them, even if they are unwilling. You should be ready to listen to all their harsh words about you. If you do that, even while speaking ill of you, they will come to have concern for the child. Even after abusing you, they will grow fond of the young child and come to realize that they have been too harsh. After that, the near and distant relatives will show interest in you, and the nation will become interested. Even the world will come to be interested in how women can set out to save the world. Furthermore, the cosmos, all created things and the angelic world will take an interest. The Unification Church is doing something that has never before been seen in history. (039-216, 1971/01/10) 15. When I went to the Sutaek-ri workshop for mobilizing blessed wives from November 1, 1970, someone asked me, "We have been told that we should leave our children behind in our homes when we are mobilized. What should we do?" I answered, "You know very well what you need to do." You know better than I what you need to do. That path is not the path for me to go. I have already passed through all the paths that I needed to walk. On the path I walked, I met with calamities, troubles and storms, but I passed through them all. As the seeds, you should now be sown in the spring season. To become the fruit, you need to adjust your circumstances completely. A fruit that is attached to a sparse tree is not insignificant. No fruit is insignificant. You need to plant something pure. A family should plant its most worthy person. The most worthy person in a family is neither the father nor the sons and daughters, but the mother. That is why the mothers were mobilized. (036-031, 1970/11/08) 16. In 1970, all blessed wives of the Unification Church mobilized across Korea. I said to the blessed wives, "Since the fate of this country has met with misfortune and we are at a state of emergency, you must walk the path to enable the Korean people to live and by which this country can be protected, even if it means sacrificing your family and children." With this assertion, I asked them to entrust their children to others, and I sent them out for three years, looking like beggars. They left behind tragic stories, such as receiving insults from relatives with whom they had left their children. "This boy is my son, and I am leaving for three years, so please take care of him until I come back." With this they set out on the path of their mission and fought their way through. Even with people who curse the Unification Church, we have to implant an idea that will cause them to think to themselves, "Even though the Unification Church seems bad, if all Korean people came to be like the Unification Church members, this country and its people would not perish." In the midst of the flow of history, and heaven and earth having no certain destination, I stand unwelcomed and persecuted as I give commands with the hope that they will result in something that will be remembered in history. I am a miserable man. (085-123, 1976/03/02) 17. In the 1970s, we need to carry out our work in society, and this should not be restricted to a small number of people. All members need to mobilize and participate in this work, so that we can fully cross the finish line. Blessed wives are mobilizing for three years, beginning December 1, 1970. Moreover, we regard this as a period that will determine our victory or defeat as we strive to realize and complete everything we invested into this work until now. That is why the wives have formed groups of ten, and have gone out to 120 witnessing posts. They need to be dispatched to every district headquarters, regional headquarters, and even provincial headquarters, so that by 1972, we will have welcomed more than 120,000 top-notch internal church family members. If the existing family members witness to at least one person a month, we will more than double our numbers. (036-205, 1970/12/01) 18. You are mobilizing as blessed wives, but you are not going out alone. Originally this is a path one should walk alone, but since society is rather dangerous, you are going out to the locations with your church sisters. Therefore, there are no conditions by which your situation can be invaded. The foundation of mutuality where you can cooperate for God's Will is in place. Problems will arise if you act in a selfcentered way and begin to fight or complain. The team leader needs to take responsibility for any trouble on the team. The team leader must work at the forefront. The first thing you need to do as a team leader is unite all the members. You need to indemnify the divisions that occurred among the 12 disciples of Jesus in the present day. Women should accomplish what men failed to do, on their behalf. Therefore, you need to be completely one centering on the Will, with 10 wives corresponding to Jesus' 12 disciples. Originally I was going to organize groups of 12 so that you could create unity and become one in front of heaven representing Jesus' disciples who divided. It was also to represent the foundation of the patriarchs of Israel, who were unable to unite, and instead divided. Understanding that you have these dual missions, the first thing you need to do is make unity. (036-155, 1970/11/25) 19. Because the blessed wives who mobilized in 1970 succeeded, True Parents could stand on the national level. In three years the climate changed. Public opinion spread throughout the nation saying, "The Unification Church is a truly patriotic organization, and unless we become like their members, our country will perish." We sacrificed more than the citizens of the Republic of Korea, and more than those of the Christian faith did. Those who sacrifice more receive blessings and come to own the road of tradition. The people who only seek comfort, the people who only think of their own good, fall behind. We established the standard of national indemnity within three years, and fought Christian opposition by establishing a national standard greater than that of Christianity. On that foundation, we were able to advance to the world stage and connect to America. (161-076, 1987/01/02) Section 5. Grassroots Outreach Tribal messiahship At the US state leaders meeting held on March 15, 1978, True Parents placed emphasis on home church work and stressed that from April 1 the state leaders should begin to work in earnest to recruit 30,000 members through activities such as handing out books, cassettes and videotapes of Divine Principle. When True Parents returned to Korea on September 25, 1978, they said, "For fallen people, building a church of 360 families is the indemnity condition for restoration." They instructed all members there to begin their home church work from October 1. True Father said that all members 18 and older were to take part, that each blessed couple should work to restore 360 families, and that single members also should restore 360 families. In this way True Parents asked them to become tribal messiahs and inherit the victorious foundation that True Parents laid on the world level. Moreover, they emphasized these purposes through yearly mottoes declared on successive God's Day celebrations, "Building the kingdom of heaven through home church" (1979), "Home church is the base of the kingdom of heaven" (1980) and "Home church is my kingdom of heaven" (1981). 1. As of today, November 12, 1978, I am calling you to go out to your home church area in the capacity of the messiah. From now you are going out, and it is with the understanding that you cannot come back until you establish your home church. You cannot come back for your entire lifetime. You cannot come back even in spirit. (101-341, 1978/11/12) 2. While being opposed globally, Parents set indemnity conditions on the world level, and on September 18, 1976, in the second year of the first three years of the third seven-year course, we paved the foundation with the victory of the Washington Monument rally. Then we finally returned home in triumph and glory. We came back to our Korean homeland and bequeathed to you the gift that you can become tribal messiahs. What is the work the Unification Church must do now? On the day you finish witnessing to 360 families in this tribal messiah realm and build the foundation whereupon you can be welcomed by them all, you can return to your hometown. What happens when all these realms welcome the Unification Church on the worldwide level? You need to build that foundation in this three-year period. Jesus should have become a tribal messiah in his threeyear public life course, but he could not. This is the best road by which we can save the world. We are now in an era where all of humanity can inherit this valuable position and the Parents' sacrificial achievements. Our parent-child relationship is the condition for receiving that inheritance. (099-265, 1978/09/25) 3. The Unification Church needs to complete the work of home church. Home church is the final destination of the providence of restoration. The fact that we were able to proclaim the home church movement only 25 years after the founding of the Holy Spirit Association in 1954 is in itself a great achievement honored by all of heaven and earth. True Parents have suffered to bring this about, Jesus died to bring this about, and even God worked His providence of 6,000 years to bring this about. Only through home church can the kingdom of heaven emerge. This is when the gates to the kingdom of heaven are opening. This is why Jesus, through Peter, left the keys to the kingdom of heaven on this earth when he departed. (104-185, 1979/05/01) 4. Your home church is a condensed form of the world and the cosmos. In it we can find England, America, the Soviet Union and even the spirit world. Everything is included in it. It also incorporates the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age and the Completed Testament Age. Included in it are nonbelievers, conscientious people, and people from all religions including Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. Home church is a symbol and condensed body of the entire universe. Who made it like that? This did not come about naturally. True Parents designed home church to be the place you deal with the essence of satan's world in all its intensity. When you live for the sake of others in your home church area, you set the condition of living for the sake of your family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. When you perform sacrificial service there, you set the condition of having performed sacrificial service for the whole world during your entire life. As married couples you need to pass through this. (119-042, 1982/07/03) 5. Home church is the place where the conditional foundation of complete unity centering on True Parents is passed on to you. Home church is an indemnity condition, but you do not understand this indemnity condition. satan invaded at the level of the individual's portion of responsibility and expanded to the level of the family portion of responsibility. The fallen realm created by the failure of the individual became the individual's portion of responsibility, and it expanded to become the family's responsibility and, further, to become the tribe's responsibility. Then, it expanded to the people's responsibility, on to the nation, world and cosmic responsibility. It even expanded to the world of hell. These realms of unrealized responsibility remain. The road that goes beyond these did not exist. But in the last 40 years, I established the condition to go beyond all this. As for you, your five percent portion of responsibility remains to be fulfilled. You need to go this path. To complete this path, you need to become one with the 360 families of your home church. You need to stand in the position where you do not receive accusation and are welcomed in their homes. When this happens, I will bequeath to you all historical victorious indemnity conditions that True Parents have achieved until now. (135-325, 1985/12/15) 6. Home church is an altar of oneness that condenses the worldwide victory into the smallest territorial unit. The 360 families can also be seen as the 360 clans of the world. The number 360 refers to vertical time and horizontal space, and 360 also is the Cain realm representing the world. The Cain world, in the position of the elder son representing the world, remains before you. To build the kingdom of heaven, we as the younger brother, Abel, need to make the elder brother surrender. Therefore, if you do not restore the elder son position, you cannot attend True Parents. After the Fall of Adam and Eve, Cain was born in the position of the elder son. To resolve this, we need to stand in the position of the second son and subjugate the elder son realm that represents the world. This needs to happen all at once. Since I stand on the foundation of the victory I won as a worldwide condition, you need to inherit my heart. Home church is the altar on which you can indemnify all at once the global history of the restoration of the elder son. (100-318, 1978/10/22) 7. The 360 families in your home church area are the central structure that represents the world. It has been engrafted to the established worldwide indemnity condition. When you succeed in this task, your tribe appears in the world-level realm of tribes and carries out indemnification from a position of equal value with them. Through your unity, you set the indemnity condition. Only then can you appear in the position of parents, in the capacity of the Messiah, and become a tribal messiah. In other words, you will stand in the position of the bridegroom and attend your bride, and thus become the tribal true parents. (099-264, 1978/09/25) 8. Home church is the foundation of the tribe. At the time of Jesus, the family of Joseph and the family of Zechariah could not become one. We need to restore this through indemnity. This remains to be done. Jesus could not have a family. Therefore, you need to have a family, and to do so you need to have a tribal foundation. Without a tribal foundation you cannot have a family. Your family should stand as the center of your tribe. Only when there is a tribal foundation can there be family salvation. To form a family, you need home church. When you carry out home church activities, you will be able to indemnify what Jesus could not do. The same was true with John the Baptists family and Josephs family. Jesus could not have a family because John the Baptists and Joseph's families failed to become one. This is the reason he was nailed to the cross. We must all indemnify that. To have a family, you must begin with setting indemnity conditions. You must understand the importance of home church. Once home church is achieved, the world automatically will become one great nation. We will enter one united world. (117-264, 1982/03/28) 9. Now we are on the world level. In 1970, blessed wives in Korea mobilized to witness to 120 people. That was the national level. But now we are on the world level. Since we restored through indemnity the national level centered on Jesus, and became liberated, we now can be free from persecution and can become world-level tribal messiahs. What is a tribal messiah? If you create a home church and have done all that is necessary, you become a tribal messiah. Therefore, you need to bring and educate spiritual sons and daughters. They are your relatives. By becoming one with your spiritual sons and daughters, and restoring the realm of the tribal messiah, you also can help your ancestors in the spirit world. When you achieve this, an alliance between heaven and earth will form. (198-366, 1990/02/11) 10. Why do we need home churches consisting of 360 families? The number 36 is 3 times the number 12. The number 12 is the number symbolizing heavenly law. It refers to the 12 pearly gates in the spirit world. It is the same as the number of the 36 Blessed Couples. It also connects the fortune of the three ages: the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Therefore, home church exists to disentangle the heavenly path. Each day out of the 360 days represents eternity. From that viewpoint, visiting your home church each and every day establishes the many days of the ages of history as victorious days in front of God. You must have 360 families to remedy the fact that humanity failed to establish the heavenly kingdom and the day of victory. In other words, 360 families are necessary to establish 360 days in front of God and to possess the heavenly kingdom together with all people. This is why 360 families are necessary. (105-339, 1979/10/28) 11. By falling, Adam and Eve banished God completely from earth. So you can manifest God to the 360 families you witness to. Adam and Eve also banished the angelic world due to the Fall. This too can be manifested on earth through your home church activities. We also lost all created things due to the Fall. The 360 families are equivalent to the planet Earth. They symbolize the lost universe; so, the entire creation is included as well. All the people of the world also were completely lost. The 360 families represent the number by which all 360 tribes in the world are symbolically united. They represent all people who need to be resurrected. By resurrecting them and returning them to God, you can restore the failures of your ancestors who fell at the very beginning. Through the manifestation of God, the manifestation of the angelic world, the restoration of all things, and the restoration of humankind, the kingdom of heaven on earth will come about. (100-218, 1978/10/14) 12. Why do you need to do home church? It is because you need to restore the elder son. Only when the eldest son is restored can the parents also be restored. The history of restoration is the path where the second son, Abel, walks the course of restoring the elder son. Home church is the foundation on which the world-level Cain, the elder son, can be subjugated and restored. That is why your mission within the tribal messiah realm concludes on the day when the foundation to restore the elder son in the Cain realm becomes one with the foundation to restore the elder son in the Abel realm. When that happens, you can appear in the position of tribal true parents. Your tribe, centered on you as true parents, then can enter the kingdom of heaven all together. Those among you who are absolutely obedient in this realm of 360 families during the three years until 1981 will enter the kingdom of heaven by grace, even if you have no other merit. This is a happy reality. Now we are finally in the age of the Unification Church. We no longer stand in the historical age when the elder son Cain strikes the second son Abel. Rather, now is the time when Abel can win over Cain and stand in the position of the elder son. From now on, those who oppose the Unification Church are only harming themselves. They will judge themselves immediately. This will unfold throughout the world. (100-221, 1978/10/14) 13. God has been working to save humankind by sending the Messiah. How much do you think God wanted to save humankind? The fact that we have come to the age of Parents and created home church is heaven's victory. It is the conclusion of the providence, the conclusion of all history, the end of satan's world and the starting point of the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, you need to inherit the tradition of Parents. (111-327, 1981/03/09) 14. What the Unification Church has asserted until now is that you need to inherit the tradition. You need to inherit the tradition of God's heart in the providence of restoration. After that you need to inherit the heart of True Parents' entire life course, which they walked in order to establish this tradition. Home church is the one place you inherit this. This is the home church movement. If you do not make a home church, when you go to the heavenly kingdom in the future, you will not be able to follow True Parents. In the future, if 240,000 home churches are made throughout the world, they can relate directly with all people, and our church can disappear completely. The Korean people are in a realm of grace such that they can organize as home churches readily in the future. Because various parts of the world need to form home churches, we will need to migrate in large numbers. In short, we are entering an age in which we will have to move to all parts of the world to establish home churches. (114-163, 1981/10/18) 15. From now on, you will storm satan's world with family love. In other words, you will confront the corrupted world of satan through your families. satan's world needs to be broken down completely. Such a time has come. That is why I told you to carry out the home church movement through which you can move the family, move the tribe, and move the people all at once. Once you have accomplished this work, you will be able to pull the world to you. The time has come when, if you accomplish only this, you will be able to say that you have realized the kingdom of heaven. (099-189, 1978/09/18) 16. Home church is where we finalize everything for which I have fought over the last 40 years. This is the age in which home church comes first. What should home church become in the future? Your home church needs to become a tribal church. It should no longer be a home church, but should develop into a tribal church. Once you have consolidated your tribal church with the surname Kim or Pak, a people naturally will come into existence. Once the foundation of tribal restoration is laid, the nation will come into being. Your home church expands into your tribal church, the church of your people, of your nation, of the world, and of heaven and earth. (141-222, 1986/02/22) Home church True Parents said that 360 families are a central form of oneness that, having been engrafted to the world-level foundation of indemnity, represent the world. When a person is successful in this, their tribe will appear in the global tribal realm and will set indemnity conditions of global value. True Parents also stressed that we should never think that no one among our 360 families loves us. Instead, we should feel sorry that we could not love those families. True Parents added that we should become victors who can go among the 360 families without encountering any obstacles, and that we should do so with the same heart as God who laments that He could not love us. True Parents also clarified that the 360 families are the training ground through which we are brought to love all people more than we love our own parents and siblings. This can elevate the path of love to its true orbit. 17. You should hear the bell-like sound of love in your mind. If you do that, you will come to say, "My lips are meant to speak only words of love; they cannot speak unkind words." You should feel that your ears are no longer able to hear words that are not loving, and that your eyes cannot see anything that is not about love. If you live like that, in no time you will be intoxicated in the love of God. You will become a leading figure who, by communicating directly with the spirit world, will be able to solve skillfully and easily any problem concerning your home church. You will become the owner on behalf of God, who will be able to solve any problems among the 360 families. Once you are in such a position of love, words will come out even when you do not intend to say anything. Many truly mysterious incidents will take place. All kinds of things will occur. You will come to feel that you are a formidable person. As you can see, everything is determined through love. (103-037, 1979/01/28) 18. If you are born as a woman and get married, you leave your home and go live with your husband. Similarly, after you join the Unification Church, you must go to home church. Only if you do so, can you enter the kingdom of heaven. It is the same as getting married. Without going through it, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven; no matter how much you try to follow True Parents, you will be unable to do so. If you cannot do this, your sons and daughters must do it. That is why you need to love your home church more than a husband loves his wife, more than a wife loves her husband, and more than parents love their children. By so doing, the people in your home church will say, "You have loved us like this and we have learned this love from you, so we return this love to you." When everyone within your home church utters these words, that place can be said to be God's domain, the kingdom of heaven on earth. After we unite under a new culture, as a new movement, a new revival will take place. (104-292, 1979/06/01) 19. Home church should begin with married couples. Home church is where the husband finds love and where the wife finds love. You need to be in charge of love. Therefore, the husband needs to love home church more than he loves his wife. If he cannot love it more than he loves his wife, that love cannot become true love. You need to be able to love home church more than you love your sons and daughters. Why should you do so? It is because you need to break through the boundary line from the evil world to enter the original world. Because home church is bigger than even the family or the country, you need to establish the standard that you love it more than you love your wife or children. Otherwise, no matter how much you invest in your home church, it will be fruitless. You have to do more than that. If you go to home church with true love, God follows you there. The universe follows you. No one can block you. At that place, the environment naturally will melt and everything will come flooding in. You and the trees, roads and houses will miss each other so much that you will be drawn to go there. You will go there without even meaning to. You will not be going there because you have consciously thought to yourself that you should go. Instead, you will find you have gone there without even realizing it. True love will expand only when we create such a movement. (163-060, 1987/04/01) 20. Without home church, you cannot proceed to your hometown; and if you cannot proceed to your hometown, you cannot proceed to your homeland; and if you cannot proceed to your homeland, you cannot proceed to the kingdom of heaven. When you successfully establish your home church, your hometown will be successful, your homeland will be successful, the world will be successful, and finally, the kingdom of heaven will be achieved. You must make oneness by loving more than anyone else. You must bring all beings, whether people in the spirit world or on earth, to make unity. They need to unite through love. When this comes to pass, something like a little sun and little stars will come out in your home church. After one of them comes out and then two come out, the gates to the brilliant kingdom of heaven will open in this world of darkness. Then, God, who is like the sun, will dwell there. (102-267, 1979/01/14) 21. When you go to home church, you should not go because you feel obligated. You should go because your heart is filled with love. If your son or daughter is in prison or the person you love is in prison, you go there to visit them, not because you consciously thought you should go there, but because your feet carry you there even without your thinking about it. You need to go to home church with such a heart. It is the place where you go with a heart of love while hearing the bell-like sound of love. You go there, not because you intended to go there, but because even without thinking about it you cannot help but go there. Home church does not lead to destruction. It is the place that makes you the inheritor of the love of the kingdom of heaven, the love of God. To make this happen, God guides you there, and for this you should be grateful. (103-030, 1979/01/28) Community outreach True Parents instructed that from January 1, 1988, grassroots outreach should begin in earnest, to break through in communities and neighborhoods in preparation for the unification of North and South Korea and a general election encompassing the North and South. Accordingly, education of local activist leaders proceeded in order to raise the awareness of people down to the deepest roots of the social structure. True Parents also emphasized that another reason for grassroots outreach was to re-activate home church work. They added that home church work is the foundation for grassroots outreach because it brings entire families to participate in these activities. Breakthroughs taking place in the smallest units of society are necessary because Korea cannot be saved unless every Korean citizen takes on a life of faith. 22. A new spring wind has started to blow in the world centered on True Parents' teaching. Something is sprouting in your hearts. We started to educate block and neighborhood leaders in Korea. Flowers bloom on newly grown stems. The family, centered on the block leader under the neighborhood branch leader, corresponds to the stem. There will be hope for Korea once those flowers bloom. When a sprout germinates from the neighborhood branch leader through the block leader, you need to nurture it to grow into a sapling and then transplant it. The family that has set down its roots and has been born anew can represent the Republic of Korea. That family is able to grow into a tree. The flower that blooms based on that family can become a similar flower and bear a similar fruit, because its value is that of a treasure of humanity and the universe. When that happens, others will beg for a seed from that flower and will not accept being deprived of it. With this in mind, True Parents have stood at the forefront. Now the organization of neighborhood branch leaders has been completed. However, the problem is how to organize and settle the remaining blocks. On the day the organization is completed in Seoul, the organization of the whole country will be completed in an instant. Now you need to bring the flowers into bloom. Those flowers need to bloom in your families. Only when your sons and daughters inherit a patriotic worldview can they properly put down roots. Only then can they strengthen the foundation whereupon they can become new native fruit. (142-255, 1986/03/12) 23. In doing home church work, the neighborhood and block branch leaders are the most important. The village branch leader comes next. On the day all three, the village, neighborhood and block branch leaders, unite as one, everything is completed. To do so, they need to settle in their areas. True Parents are the branches, and you need to put down your roots. Only then can you grow worldwide. The first place the kingdom of heaven will take root, in all of history, is Korea. Centering on the block branch leader, you need to hold block meetings to become one body as 10 or 20 families. You need to nourish your community to make the roots spread and grow. The tree grows only when all branches, stems and leaves are nourished. Led by the block branch leader, the block is the root of the Unification Church organization. The blocks need to be made into Cain and Abel realms where all families of that city attend True Parents. Centering on the block branch leader, who is Cain, you become Abel. Then, through the block meetings, more than 10 families, who are like Jesus' 12 disciples, need to come together as one. When this comes to pass, satan has no more foundation on this earth. This is our goal. When that root gradually grows deeper, our branches, which are True Parents' branches, will spread out into the world. (145-031, 1986/04/30) 24. It took me 40 years to create neighborhood and block branch leaders. After investing for 40 years, I finally achieved this. I can make any number of county leaders and village leaders, but the problem is how to connect them with neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders so they all come alive. They all need to be active, and since one is the vertical representative and one is the horizontal representative, when those two work together effectively, they will revive their city. This is our base. When we complete that, if Christianity opposes us, the neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders will defend us. When the neighborhood branch leaders and block branch leaders work with the active Christians, this will resolve Christian opposition and all its negative side effects. This is the focus of the movement of grassroots outreach. (148-196, 1986/10/09) 25. Presidents, ministers and everyone else are included in local neighborhoods and blocks. Therefore, the cell organizations of the Unification Church must break through at the most basic level. Because everything was reversed and overturned in the family, it must be righted in the family. This is not the national level, and therefore, after solidifying your individual faith, you need to become the subject partner who can expand centering on the family, with your locality as your object partner. Through success at this, you can stand in the position of the subject partner on a greater foundation and can serve a greater sphere. In this way, you can expand to wider and wider foundations until you connect with the country and the world. This is the movement of Abel winning over Cain. If you cannot win over Cain, you cannot become Abel. You become Abel after you win over Cain. It is not a relative position. The Abel realm is established after you have won over and made unity with Cain. Otherwise you can never establish the Abel realm, and the providence of salvation will never be concluded on this earth. You need to settle down with a family where the focus is mind-body unity. You must put down your roots. You cannot conceive of how great it is to do grassroots outreach. (313-152, 1999/11/19) 26. True Parents cannot simply drift along. We came as the Parents of all people, and now we have repaired what was satan's world and have ascended to the highest summit where, through head-wing thought, we can gather the left and right in the realms of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. Who can possibly know about all the sorrowful circumstances we had to go through to get here? I did not just drift along. Piercing through this history of adverse fortune, I have come up and laid this foundation. You should not trample upon it, or leave yourself indebted to that which was woven at the cost of blood. Instead, you should engraft to it at the cost of blood as well. That is how you repay this grace and appear properly in front of True Parents. This is what grassroots outreach is all about. You need to put down your roots in the family. What is the goal we have pursued until now? What is our ideal? New families of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters centered on God's love need to take firm root. The deeper the root, the more likely the tree will bud. On that tree, we need to cut off the devils buds and roots. Where should they be cut off? They should be cut off at the block branch level. Without this, the unification of North and South Korea is impossible. (172-296, 1988/01/24) 27. Centering on True Parents, you need to carry out nationwide activities. To do this, you should return to your hometowns across this nation, influence them and put down your roots. When you put down your roots, you will become a tree bearing new fruit that God can harvest. Where should you plant that seed? You should not plant it in a field. You should plant it in your home. You need to plant it in your mother, father, brothers and sisters. That is the four-position foundation. The ideal of creation is the completion of the four-position foundation, which represents the completion of the ideal of love. Therefore, you should plant it in the family, which is the center of the ideal of love. Just as a seed comes into being through the mother and father, you should plant the seeds in the family and then come back and harvest the fruit. This is the law of the cycle of life. Based on the logic of this cycle, you should pick the fruit and plant it under the love of your mother and father. If you put down deep roots of love to please your mother, father and siblings, you will live. This is the goal of grassroots outreach. (173-201, 1988/02/18) 28. Grassroots outreach is the shortcut to liberating South and North Korea. If your mother, father, cousins, or other relatives were in North Korea, you would cry and hold on to them when you met them. Similarly, you must visit family after family and be ready to pour out heartfelt tears. When an environment that is accompanied by God and by such a connection of heart is accomplished through you, that family will be born as a loving family that God will wish to find. I am doing this work because I can see that the day of liberation and shouts of tremendous joy are approaching. Therefore, you need to connect to your true siblings and teach them about God's heart, so that you can form the family of love that God has been seeking. (209-113, 1990/11/27) Section 6. Educating Society's Leaders Victory Over Communism After the 1970s, True Parents carried out extensive education in Unification Principle, Unification Thought and Victory Over Communism for leaders of society, including Christian leaders, college professors and government officials. True Parents' purpose in doing this was in part to inform these leaders accurately about the Unification Church, but more importantly it was to prepare for the reunification of North and South Korea, and in this way to secure the foundation for world peace. 1. We have the responsibility in the 1970s to change this nation. We must overcome this environment. As we entered 1970, we held public Divine Principle discussions and invited Christian ministers to attend them. We also held Unification Principle seminars for professors. I believe this will help connect the environment of this nation to us in the 1970s. We need a new general direction to facilitate this. That is why True Parents implemented this strategy. We need to carry out and strengthen this strategy primarily on college campuses. I also foresee a time in the near future when we will need to educate our movement in Japan about Marxism. We need to realize how important our responsibility is. Just because you no longer face the difficulties of the past, you should not idle away your time. If you become relaxed, it will be that much more difficult for us to break through and overcome on a wider scale. The greater the hardships that approach us, the more we should empower ourselves with the conviction that we will overcome even that which we failed to overcome in the past. There remains a course of sacrifice, suffering and adversity in front of us. When we can break through and prevail in this environment, that achievement in the Republic of Korea will expand to Asia. (042-146, 1971/03/01) 2. Communists say that religion is the opiate of the people, and they try to eradicate religion. They even deny God. There has never before been an ideology that opposed God by claiming systematically that He does not exist. Though some thought that God does not exist, in the end they admitted that He does. The fact that there has appeared an ideology that openly says there is no God shows that we truly have reached the final episode. We have the Principle, with which we can prevail over both the Christian and communist worlds. In Korea, we have textbooks elaborating our new philosophy. They explain in full and in detail the true nature of conventional theories of education, logic, and so forth. We use these textbooks to educate people from leading social classes. We teach Christian leaders and professors about the Unification Principle. Korean scholars presently believe that Korea can become the mother nation with an ideology that can guide the world. From this standpoint, many professors proudly support the Unification Church from behind. The number of scholars who assert that only the Unification Principle will work is increasing. Christian churches are recognizing that nothing other than the Unification Church will suffice. No one will be able to defeat us when we thoroughly, in heart and mind, empower academic and religious circles with our teaching. (054-164, 1972/03/23) 3. As we enter 1971, True Parents are concentrating on three goals: the matter of how to connect college campuses to our work, the matter of how we can open the way to educate the military in the future, and the matter of how we can inform the National Assembly, which represents this nation and its people. As you know, we are now working on college campuses and educating the military from the lowest to the highest levels. In fact, nowadays we are even lecturing at the National Defense University. I believe that we can definitely continue on this path. God has invested a great deal to help us rise to this level. Once everyone recognizes our standard, both the administration and the National Assembly will be interested and we can connect the government itself to this standard. As we look centering on the wider religious world, how the Unification Church forms collegial relations with Christians is the issue. (052-027, 1971/12/01) 4. The year 1972 is approaching and the world situation is becoming complicated. The more complicated it becomes, the more evident it is that our time is at hand. Even North Korea is responding favorably to the movement to reunite families separated between the two Koreas. They will coordinate through the Red Cross, but they will do so only after they have established their own policy. In this situation, we easily could end up playing their game by their rules. If we do not strengthen our ideological stance, when families start reuniting, we will be driven into a corner. What should happen when separated family members travel back and forth between North and South Korea? Just as North Korea will deliver communist ideological education on their side, we in South Korea also must be able to counter with ideological education on our side. There should be an organization that can provide this education, and no organization other than the Unification Church can do this. Yet we need to provide it in a way that harmonizes the two sides with each other. (046-237, 1971/08/15) 5. Since joint North-South Korean general elections will surely come, we must secure 10 million people who can prepare the country for them. The Unification Church has spawned the International Federation for Victory Over Communism and articulated the teachings of Victory Over Communism. Our challenge is to get our nation to inspire a large number of people to join this federation. I have expected this, and now this time is almost upon us. It is true that a five-year plan to revive and develop the economy is necessary, but the more urgent issue at hand is that of how to educate our people. With this in mind, the Unification Church is dialoguing with Christianity, but we and they are not yet united on the fundamentals. The question is how we can move in the same direction so that together we can lead the Korean people. I am responsible for everything and have to resolve such problems as quickly as possible, so I have long pondered how to motivate Christians regarding this matter. How can I help Christians feel care and concern over the misfortunes of this nation? How can I establish a joint front line and instill in them the spirit to gain victory over communism? (046-126, 1971/08/13) 6. To triumph over satan's world, you must understand the Divine Principle. To win over the communist world, you must understand Victory Over Communism ideology. To end the conflict between the communist and democratic worlds, you must come to understand Unification Thought. Therefore, you need a passing grade in these subjects: Divine Principle, Victory Over Communism theory and Unification Thought. Our work, to banish satan's world, to abolish the communist world and unite it with the democratic world, remains. When we do these three things, everything will be completed. Communism claims that there is no God. As long as communist ideology remains in existence, it will block individual perfection, cause big problems for the family, and destroy any hope for the kingdom of heaven. If there is no God, everything goes to pieces. Communism has now reached the level where it can influence people as individuals, influence families, and influence the world. We therefore need to overcome it and empower the world with the Unification Principle, Victory Over Communism ideology, and Unification Thought. (102-129, 1978/11/27) 7. The movement to reunite separated families is being carried out in Korea. When the families are reunited, this nation can be restored as one. satan and God are fighting to claim these families. The place called Panmunjom in Korea is the only place on earth where God and satan fight face-to-face. We are now standing at a most crucial turning point. This is why I invited Christian leaders to attend Divine Principle workshops this year. If, during this period, True Parents and the Unification Church were to ask God to bring all Christians and nations that persecute us to ruin, this providence could never be accomplished. Persecution is a good thing. Communist persecution has brought us rather good results. It has helped us to separate from evil and make unity. However, in the end we need to save even the communists. We need to restore Adam and Eve through love. And since the archangel compelled Eve to fall through words, we also need to restore the archangel through the Word. We must save the people of the free world through love and save the communists through the truth. That is why you should not be defeated in dialogue with communists. We are battling with the democratic world using the Divine Principle and with the communist world using Victory Over Communism ideology. The Divine Principle and Victory Over Communism theory are the two pillars of restoration. (052-073, 1971/12/22) 8. We need to carry out education in Unification Thought, Victory Over Communism theory and the Unification Principle in neighborhoods and blocks (tong and ban). All it takes is for the Citizens' Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea to take charge of teaching Unification Thought to professors, for the International Federation for Victory Over Communism to take charge of teaching VOC ideology, and for the Unification Church to take charge of teaching the Unification Principle. Even if it is not possible to teach the other subjects, we need to teach the Unification Principle, because the sooner people learn it, the sooner they can be liberated. We need to teach the Unification Principle as soon as possible and make new family members who realize that they need to walk the path of indemnity to liberate Cain. In the position of Abel, they must restore Cain. Therefore, regardless of whether you are a branch leader under the International Federation for Victory over Communism or a church leader under the Unification Church, educate all citizens of Korea in the neighborhoods and blocks. Do this first. In summary, you should build your base by educating people in neighborhoods and blocks. (167-034, 1987/06/14) Principle for clergy and professors Twenty-eight ministers from the Christian churches participated in the first seminar of the Principle for religious leaders hosted by the Unification Church headquarters from November 26 to 28, 1970. Headquarters introduced the Unification Principle to Christian pastors on many subsequent occasions. In 1971 alone, a total of 915 ministers attended 12 seminars, and most of the participants said, through their written reflections, that the Unification Principle touched them deeply. At the same time, the church also hosted the first Professors Invitational Unification Principle Seminar, held from January 10 to 11, 1971. That seminar, attended by college professors, served as the cornerstone for hosting many public presentations thereafter. In this manner, we conducted Unification Principle seminars for leaders from academic and religious circles. 9. Traditional Christianity has continued to oppose me for decades. I have to say that their narrow-minded opposition damages no one but themselves. We need to make those who opposed me welcome me, saying, "The Unification Church is not what we thought." Since this is what we need to do, I am holding seminars for Christian believers who have opposed us. But local churches seem to consider these events a serious problem. They are causing an uproar, claiming that the Unification Church is taking away their ministers and witnessing to them. (062-153, 1972/09/17) 10. Hosting Unification Principle seminars for members of the Christian clergy is quite expensive. Some may suggest it would be better to use that money to build regional headquarters, but I do not think so. Leaves eventually fall, so I believe that the trunk and the branches are more important than the leaves. Scholars stand in the highest position in the Republic of Korea, and ministers stand in the highest position in Christianity, so devotions and sacrifices must be made for the sake of fulfilling my responsibility for the Christian leaders. If they hear our Principle just once, it surely will become an issue for them. That is why holding a seminar once is great, and it has greater impact the second time, and every time it happens. Some people say that it is a 20th century miracle, but it is not. The question is how thoroughly we can follow the Principle to the letter as we carry out our work. Unless you stand in that position, you all will eventually drift away. That is why you need to offer devotions and make sacrifices. When you offer devotions, you should not do so carelessly. Care for the unfortunate people as you offer devotions. On many occasions, as I offered devotions I would think to myself that someone was poorly clothed and I would remove my coat and pray for that person in cold weather. Because I had such a standard, I could set the foundation to the extent it exists today. (042-168, 1971/03/04) 11. Though Christians marginalized the Unification Church in the past, now they are beginning to welcome us. We began this course toward acceptance in 1971. Through Unification Principle seminars, I brought together and educated more than 1,000 ministers. Quite a few of them were deeply moved and said, "I will devote my life to fight for the religious freedom of the Unification Church." In fact, there are many ministers who are actually using the Unification Principle in their sermons. You will find these Christian leaders spread throughout Korea. When they give sermons based on the Word, their congregations are fired up with inspiration. After giving Principled sermons just a few times, these preachers come to realize that the Unification Principle indeed is the Word of God. (058-268, 1972/06/13) 12. Today we need to unite Judaism and the nation of Israel, which were not able to unite in the time of Jesus. What I am thankful for in this age is that the Unification Church and Christian leaders have begun to associate with one another. Though in the beginning Christians persecuted the Unification Church, we now have reached the level where we can freely associate with Christian leaders. This means that now we are finally in a position to indemnify thousands of years of history. Actually, three rounds of Principle seminars for invited Christian leaders would have fulfilled the necessary condition, but by June we will have held seven rounds. This year, 1971, is the year of good fortune for horizontally indemnifying 7,000 years of history. That is why I plan to spare no expense and finish the 7th round of Unification Principle seminars by June 1971. When the number of Christian leaders who have attended these events surpasses 600, even by one, we will have fulfilled the condition. However, my plan is to exceed 700. When that comes to pass, I will have fulfilled my responsibility. You have no idea what a difficult time I have had in fulfilling this condition. I have done most of this work without your being aware of it. The number of Unification Church followers does not matter. What does matter is whether and how we can continue to carry out the necessary indemnification. (044-293, 1971/05/24) 13. When the perfect plus unites with the perfect minus, the universe protects them both eternally. When we say that we are trying to become one with Christianity, it means we are trying to save them. Standing in the position of the perfect plus, we are trying to save Christianity, bringing it into the position of the perfect minus. If those in the minus position choose not to unite with us, this will impact the country and drive it to ruin. A person who acts with truthfulness will have truthful results. Therefore, we should never forget that our path is within the realm of absolute protection, in which all of heaven and earth has the right to protect us. One leg by itself cannot achieve unity. We need to keep pace, and to do so we need to form a diagonal line and connect with our object partners. That is why the Unification Church needs to achieve unity with Christianity and with the nation. That is the shortest path. When Christian believers are taught the Unification Principle for as little as two weeks, they will surpass the level at which you are now. This is only too obvious. You need to put this into action, no matter what difficulties you face. (207-304, 1990/11/11) 14. In the course of restoration, Abel appears only after Cain has been restored. Restoration cannot be achieved by boasting. It needs to take place naturally. I do not participate in the Unification Principle seminars for Christian leaders. Though I do not make an appearance, since they opposed me they need to come to see me and bow their heads. I will not appear until Korea is restored. I need to uphold the dignity of God. It is not that I cannot speak well, but that I have to follow the Will and the laws of heaven. Your mission is to save Cain. As an individual, you are an individual-level Abel, so you should save Cain on the individual level. If you are Abel on the family level, you should save Cain on the family level, and if you become Abel on the tribal level, you should save Cain on the tribal level. As for the Unification Church, which is Abel on the national level, we need to save the Cain denominations on the national level. Only then can we become eligible to deal with the nation. So, the most urgent matter at hand is how we are to become Abel. When this is achieved, all the hopes of the Unification Church will be realized simultaneously. (046-147, 1971/08/13) 15. From January 1971 to early December, we hosted Unification Principle seminars for Christian leaders, and more than 800 ministers attended. In addition, we held Unification Principle seminars four times for professors on college campuses. Were it not for us, these colleges could not present students with a new path. The educational authorities definitely are viewing us from such a standpoint. Also, many people are coming to hold the view that without the Victory Over Communism movement, communism cannot be defeated. Since this is the prevailing situation, we can safely say that we have ascended to the highest point centering on the Will of God. Now that we have arrived at this point, Unification Church family members must reveal their value as individuals who represent the whole. Bearing this in mind, we have started working with a new national structure. Blessed wives have gone out to all parts of the nation to carry out activities. While the wives are away, members close to their families are working in support of their activities. (052-028, 1971/12/01) 16. If the Republic of Korea continues this way, it will come to ruin. This country will perish if it cannot clean up and clear out its weak and corrupt ideologies. In other words, this country needs our Principle. Korea most certainly needs it. At first, when the Unification Church proposed to host Unification Principle seminars for members of the clergy, people laughed at us and asked us whether we seriously believed that the Christian leaders would come. They reacted this way because they had no idea how the laws of heaven work. In any case, at this point it is really not that necessary to have more Christian leaders attend these events. Once three or four leaders in a group come to cooperate with us, the rest will naturally follow along. (055-329, 1972/05/09) 17. Where is the path by which the Unification Church can sustain its life? We cannot do this by ourselves. For the Unification Church to survive, we certainly need to move the religious world, which has Christianity at the center. After that, we need to impress many policy makers in the background of the Republic of Korea. In preparation for this, we are educating professors. More than 50 professors attended the third Unification Principle seminar, which just took place and was quite effective. We are going to enormous expense to motivate college professors to research the Principle of the Unification Church. We are doing this so that we can quickly publish a book of critiques and impressions of the Unification Principle coming from experts in all academic fields. Others cannot credibly oppose reading a book authorized by prominent professors. Therefore, we need to make haste to finish this work. The testimonies are from the first three rounds of seminars for professors, and most likely no one will disagree with a book that has such legitimacy. (046-128, 1971/08/13) 18. Through the Professors World Peace Academy, we will make a global professors' association for the research of principles. We are working on this project in Korea and Japan. As a result, professors are researching the Unification Principle and are frequently publishing their findings. Up until the present, we have connected with scholars primarily through the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, which we have hosted numerous times. Now we need to consider how we can hold Unification Principle seminars for the leaders of the nations where these scholars live. The discussions should bring together the leaders with these scholars. Members of the clergy who oppose Unificationism should dialogue with these professors. Those Christian leaders will bow their heads when they do so. After that, these leaders will need to contact large numbers of people, working closely with the other major faiths. When churches flood to our side, large groups of people will also come over to our side. By carrying out such multilateral activities, we should expect to secure and educate at least 30,000 people in groups of 600. When we move on to the national level, young people will come flocking in. (089-051, 1976/10/03) Workshops and international seminars True Parents founded the International Federation for Victory Over Communism on January 13, 1968, and they regularly held workshops on Victory Over Communism theory and Unification Thought for leaders from all fields and social classes, specifically to prepare for the reunification of North and South Korea. The International Federation for Victory Over Communism also arranged for leaders of society to go to the United States and Japan, where they were introduced to the Unification Principle and True Parents' worldwide activities. These leaders were greatly impressed. 19. We need to implement an organizational structure to prepare for the unification of North and South Korea. By empowering ambassadors for peace with Victory Over Communism theory, Unification Thought and the Unification Principle, we can gather this world together. Without fail, we must station ambassadors for peace in 120 locations. They need to be stationed in all administrative units: hamlets, villages and towns in rural areas, and neighborhoods and precincts in urban areas. Once this is done, we will have an integrated organization. As we shape this organization, we need to empower the people ideologically day after day. (405-011, 2003/02/08) 20. We need first to educate those people whom I have acknowledged as patriots. We need to teach the members of the National Assembly the Principle, Victory Over Communism theory, and even Unification Thought. If you do not have anything with which to surpass me,