God's Will and the World - Sun Myung Moon

Speeches selected by Sun Myung Moon during his time in Danbury 1984-85.

 Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Restoration and Blessing 

Chapter 2 - The Ideal Spouse

Chapter 3 - What We Should Do in Our Lifetime 

Chapter 4 - Change of Blood Lineage; The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah

Chapter 5 - Victory or Defeat and the Present Time

Chapter 6 - Defense of the Unified Front

Chapter 7 - The Way of Restoration

Chapter 8 - True Parents and Ourselves

Chapter 9 - Why We Have to Go Through Hardships

Chapter 10 - Sermon for God's Day 1973

Chapter 11 - The Significance of July 1, 1973

Chapter 12 - Single Mindedness at the Risk of Your Life

Chapter 13 - God's Hope for Man

Chapter 14 - God's Hope for America

Chapter 15 - The Future of Christianity

Chapter 16 - The Standard Bearer of Tradition

Chapter 17 - The New Future of Christianity

Chapter 18 - Ceremony for the Total Dissolution of Resentment

Chapter 19- Myself

Chapter 20 - The Turning Point of History

Chapter 21 - Message at the Unification Ceremony

Chapter 22 - The New Cosmic Spring Will Prosper Eternally

Chapter 23 - Today in the Light of Dispensational History

Chapter 24 - True Parents' Day from the Historical Point of View

Chapter 25 - God's Preparation for Our Church, and Its Early Days

Chapter 26 - The Heart of Reunion

Chapter 27 - A Stimulating and Adventurous Life

Chapter 28 - The Inheritance of Love

Chapter 29 - A Day When We Welcome the Blessing

Chapter 30 - Address at the Eighth Anniversary of the 777 Couples Blessing

Chapter 31 - Let Us Know Ourselves

Chapter 32 - God's Fatherland

Chapter 33 - The Providence and the Individual, Past and Present

Chapter 34 - The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity

Chapter 35 - Total Indemnity

Chapter 36 - Three Spiritual Children as a Foundation for a Family

Chapter 37 - Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself

Chapter 38 - The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love

God's Will and the World
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
ISBN 0-910 621-47-0

Excerpts from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Copyright 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Counsel of the Church of Christ in the USA. (Used by permission.)