11 Sept 2001 WTC tradegy in light of Gods Providence

The historical tradegy of 11Sept. 2001 kan be providentilly sean in light of True Parents, (Sun Myung Moon & Hak Ja Han Moon), not being accepted on enough broad level. Many were the pictures with the smoke forming as a face of satan or maybe "Bin Ladin" symbolizing hate.


When I was at workshop (training in Divine Principle) in the US 1980, it was strongly emphacised that World Trade Center as two of the tallest buildings in the world were symbolic for a sinless man and women, the Messias and his bride = True Parents. That precisely that symbol was chosen is not coincidense but a strong sign of important failure to accept TP on a broader level in the US:

The lost crewmembers of Columbia

The first Israel and fully international crew!

Why did thay die...an international sacrifice?

A symbol of Israel-Palestine conflict policy urgently needed to be solved?



Also the Iraq war on the very place were tradition place Adam & Eve can be a historical war (not defending war itself which is tragic and a failure for mankind), in the cence of (hopefully?) cleaning the Garden of Eden from evil.

ref: Most important, now April 2003, is the focus on Unification of Korea

Way of Unification 2:2 (of North and South Korea)