Pres In Pyo Moon's Moscow address was very profound so I thought I would share it with people who hadn't heard it. For I believe that if we can understand and unite with his guidance that it will enable us to be victorious in our outreach and help us to experience miracles in our missions, work, life and help us to realise our dreams. First Pres Moon showed us a video of a recent Conference for all Korean Leaders held on 11th Nov 2023. The three main Leaders - Pres Song (International Pres), Pres Yang (UPF) and Pres Song Gueong Seok(Korean Pres) all spoke about the importance of totally uniting with True Mother and True Father if we want to achieve victory, but first we need to be clear about understanding True Parents' spiritual status and authority for their value is absolute, unique and unchanging. A few points from True Mother's talk. She chose to accept to be blessed with True Father in 1960 because she knew that Heaven couldn't wait and needed her in order to establish True Parents. The mission of True Parents is to attend Heavenly Parents, investing their whole might and mind to establish and expand Heavenly Parents realm and to establish Cheon Il Guk on earth and in heaven. True Father's focus was the Restoration of all history by indemnity. Unfortunately he couldn't complete the substantial realisation of Cheon Il Guk on earth. So True Mother's mission is to lead the Completion of that Providence. She said that she sees us as diamonds (priceless in value and beauty). And she asked us to stand firm before the word of God as Heaven is urgent and doesn't want to wait to establish Cheon Il Guk. We should understand the essence of God - Heavenly Parents' heart and nature. And we should understand True Mother's role and mission from the perspective of the Principles of Creation as being the Only Begotten Daughter and True Mother - The first woman in the whole history of mankind able to receive the full love of God and the one woman who is able to represent and express Mother God's heart and nature . She said that we should go forth with the Holy Spirit and truth to fulfil God's Providence, devoting ourselves for that purpose. And that victory comes by serving Heavenly Parents and True Father and by uniting with True Mother centring on Cheon Shim Won. President In Pyo Moon's Guidance He wanted to explain True Mother's talk as he said it hadn't been fully translated. True Mother has consistently served Heavenly Parents all her life with patience, endurance and determination because she understood Heavenly Parent's heart. And that now she has to take responsibility to Complete the Providence and establish One Family under God (Cheon Il Guk). And so we are now in a new era - we are following a new course. True Mother is totally united with True Father and we should see the development of the Providence from the perspective of the Principles of Creation- understanding True Mother's position. The mission of True Parents is to attend Heavenly Parents on earth and in Heaven. We need to grow and bring people who can help to establish one Family under God. HOW ? We need a substantial foundation. We do it by finding people who are ready and can support One Family under God (God needs people to inhabit the Kingdomof Heaven). True Mother's method is to leap forward with Spirit and Truth. She wants us to work with spirit of the early pioneers of the Unification Church. When we worked with Spirit and truth , we witnessed whenever and wherever we could, teaching the Divine Principle with enthusiasm and urgency because we believed that we would see the Kingdom of Heaven established on the earth in our lifetimes, and we had many spiritual experiences inspiring us. True Mother wants us to inherit the Holy Spirit and has made it possible for us to do that through Cheon shim won. We need to meet Heavenly Parents and can do so through attending Cheon shim won programmes, through workshops, the deep prayers of the Vigil Prayers and praying in the Cheon shim won prayer rooms that True Mother inherited to all UC communities. Not only have True Parents shed many tears for the pain in Heavenly Parents heart but we have made many mistakes and failed to live up to True Parents' hopes and expectations , causing them much pain and suffering and tears as they have had to find ways to forgive us to take the Providence forward, and I for one repent for that. Since Foundation Day True Mother has felt lonely as some people didn't understand her mission, even rejecting her directions. She asked, What does True Father wish for us all ? He couldn't establish the substantial environment for Cheon Il Guk for Heavenly Parents and humanity as he had hoped while he was alive so from now on we have to do that, we have to continue with spirit and truth. True Father is one with Cheong shim won, present in the Prayer room, in the Vigil Prayers and we can meet Him there, share our problems with Him and find strength and answers from him. Through the Cheon shim won programmes True Father can come forward to expand the environment that Heavenly Parent needs. But we need to pray fervently and ask True Father to be with us, and show us the power of Heaven, praying earnestly for the help of the Spirit World, When we pray we need to pray desperately, as if we were fighting in a war, or like orphans searching desperately for their parents. We need to express our whole heart and mind, calling out, shouting where possible. We also need to pray with authority, and name ourselves as having the authority of Tribal Messiahs and Cheonbo Victors appointed by True Mother( I remind the Spirit World that she is also the Queen and Empress of Heaven and the Universe) Then we can give commands to the Spirit World to follow, and we can mobilise the Spirit World. We need to call out the names of people we want to bring and then we will receive the support and help of Heaven. Once True Father told us to call out the name 1,000 times Cheon shim won is the Mother's womb, where we can be reborn. It is where True Father dwells, and is the source of strength and purification for our spirits to develop and grow . The drum is beaten during the Vigil Prayer because it represents the beat of the Mother's heartbeat and is inspiration for our souls. We raise our hands during the Vigil Prayer so that with our right hand we hold True Father's hand and with our left hand we hold True Mother's hand. Heaven is waiting for us to come back to the bosom of God, to be reborn and resurrected. But to inherit the Holy Spirit we need to empty ourselves of our self centred thoughts, motives and actions , and we need to live for the sake of others. Then when we empty ourselves of selfcentredness something new can fill us, the Holy spirit can come down and work through us. Our sincerity, and sincere desires moves Heaven. We need to receive the love of God. For the love of God can melt hearts , the spirit of love is like a fire that can inspire us, heal and can even change our bodies and churches. Spirit world will bring many people to where love is practised - we wouldn't even have to witness for them to come. Also to receive and be able to express the love of Heavenly Parents we must rid ourselves of all negativity - of anger, criticism, resentment, arrogance, ill will and negative gossip. We need to see people with eyes of love, be humble, grateful and respectful towards all. For God created us with so much love, pouring all His energy into making us His children of goodness. So we need to be sure we align ourselves with goodness. We all have spiritual senses given to us by God. So now we don't need to be guided by spiritual people - we have a spirit mind and spirit body so can directly connect to the heart of God. When we concentrate sincerely we will receive answers. And we need to unite our mind and body through Heavenly Parents and True Parents love and through the love we express to others. True Love is an unconditional parental love.(Erich Fromm once said that a truly mature person is one who can love all people with a Parental heart) We worry about the 2nd gen who have distanced themselves but many are beginning to return after experiencing a heartistic understanding of True Parents mission and nature. Pres Moon had a vision of True Father dressed in a long white robe sprinkling golden flakes on members gathered around the Tree of All things. To bring substantial victory and hasten the realisation of Cheon Il Guk that will bring peace and end wars we need to clearly understand the importance of all Providential organisations working in harmony and oneness with the Cheon shim won Providence. We need to live serving Heavenly Parents, True Father, and by uniting with True Mother centring on Cheon shim won. end.